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Hes been picking up Korean phrases from Heeseung and the rest of their friend group, and Heeseung lovingly calls him Chulsoo, sometimes. Maybe both. You guys do know you have to keep this up for the next four months?. But I knew I was trying to be you.. Hes also a dancer, an artist, a skater, someone whos good with computers, but Riki was all of that even before he met Heeseung. Jongseong has taken Logic before. He doesnt lie to himself like Jongseong does, or to others like Riki does. Still, Riki knew he didnt belong. We ended things, Jongseong admits. Just to confirm We make a fortune.. Nope. If you still care about him, then why are you ignoring him? He sighed in relief at the new warmth. Riki frowned, and something clawed at his throat. Heeseung rolls his eyes, grabs Rikis wrist, and drags him outside. slack: heyy bestie you have a notification! Every time I asked you why you were breaking up with me, you said, Thank you for the past two months. You never actually told me why.. Its no problem. i took his phone away How? Jongseong wheezes. Sunoo is very serious about confidentiality. I know, and Im really sorry, but even soI dont think youd get it.. He doesnt like telling people hes an art history majornot because hes embarrassed, but because he genuinely doesnt actually know much about art and doesnt want people to talk to him about it. Hey, Im sorry aboutthe way things ended up, after theyou know, Sunghoon confesses. And then Jungwon sucks in a sharp breath. For a long moment, they just look at each other, unmoving. And as much as you want to be there for your friends, sometimes you have to let them fight their own battles. Heeseung and Jake manage to swindle five-percent shares each; Sunoos share is cut down to forty-five, Jongseongs back to five. Bestie Vibes Only Mousepad, Bestie Gift, Gift For Bestie, Good Vibes, Positive Vibes Only, Best Friend, Bestie Mousepad, Best Friend Gift. Its the last time that all seven of us will be together until the fall.. You, reading this, are my bestie, too. Sitting at the backyard patio, smoking a joint, was a person Riki had never seen before. Riki still hadnt taken his shoes off. I have five-hundred dollars riding on this. Dude, I thought we agreed we were never bringing that up. Riki makes a noise. Anyways, I want him to raise the stakes himself. The older doesnt stir at all when Riki crawls under the covers and tucks himself by his side. I cant explain it. Then theres Jongseong; Jake knocks on his door first because his room is the closest to the entrance. When Sunoo notices that he and Jungwon have made it, he elbows Sunghoon and gestures his head in their direction. Jungwon knows that theyre going to see each other and go over their summer plans at dinner, and he knows that Heeseung would much rather be looking at Rikis painting rather than making small talk with Jungwon, but Jungwon and Heeseung are rarely alone together, so he wants to milk this for what its worth. Hes a good guy, even though he has a tendency to glare at people. But mostly, it comes during a time when individual support systems and relationships are pretty much the only thing propping us up through a worldwide crisis. Hes unduly self-sacrificing to the point that his selflessness errs on the side of selfishness. Jongseong doesnt think theyve ever hung out one-on-one since their breakup. I didnt do anything, Riki says as he types out, every single level is the same. Um if you lose do we all have to pay, sunoo Hes probably just shy. Heeseung and Riki, howevertheir love feels like watching something in motion. You still care about him.. Thank you, though, I appreciate it., Sunoo doesnt look surprised. We should hang out more, said Heeseung. Youre free until next Saturday, right? Five-hundred dollars.. In chaos theory, the Butterfly Effect is the sensitive dependence on initial conditions in which a small change in one state of a deterministic nonlinear system can result in large differences in a later state. He looks up from his stats textbook. Um. If he and Jungwon should kiss, Jongseong would fall deeper in love, because hes that easy, and then they would start dating, then they would lose The Bet, then it would all, inevitably, go to shit because Jongseong is also in love with Heeseung. riki came over but im not losing Heeseung invited Jongseong; Jongseong invited Jungwon; Jungwon invited Sunoo; Riki and Sunoo were madly in love back then, and they went everywhere together, so Riki was invited too. slack: you have a notification :) Are you in?. Jongseong swallows thickly, looks at the boy who holds his beating heart in his bare hands. Riki pulls back from his neck to see the look on his face. From the things you guys said Jake cuts off, blushing. Jongseong hisses, Well you clearly didnt do a good enough job! and kicks Heeseung under the table. And, of course Heeseung would think that. Hey, sorry, I forgot I had lunch plans with Jongseong, he lies, pulling out his phone and sending Jongseong a text, are u free rn? Do we not do that already?, Jongseong laughs. Go ahead, he said, placing his elbow on the table and gesturing to the empty seat. And theyll probably just, like, have sex on Jakes familys yacht everyday.. He understands the words that Riki isnt able to say. Usually seen wearing skirts that barely fit, too much makeup and/or fake-tan, clutch purse in one hand, and a bottle of vodka in the other. I justdont get it., I dunno, Heeseung said, and he was drunk enough that Jongseong knew that he was telling the truth. Is that a problem?, Of course not, Jongseong hurried to say. He vaguely, very vaguely, was aware that something was going on between the two of themespecially because Sunoo has been coming over at an alarming frequency ever since Beomgyus house party, and Sunghoon has started locking his door whenever Sunoo came overbut he didnt want to be the one to bring up this particular elephant in the room. Sunoo didnt realize it when they first met in the fall, at Heeseungs birthday party, and even in their interactions afterward. Pour en savoir plus sur la faon dont nous utilisons vos donnes personnelles, veuillez consulter notre politique relative la vie prive et notre politique en matire de cookies. He sees it, accepts it for what it is, comes up with a tenable solution, even if it entails asking for help, and tries his hardest, but also takes his time. They were happy together, and they were all of each others firsts. Jungwon wants me to talk to him again, Riki says, grabbing Heeseungs foot and shoving it away from his face. Perhaps the one good thing that came out of it is that it roped Heeseung into their trio. Drinks? Jongseong asks the other three remaining. I dont know., Jongseong furrows his brows. Riki, he shouldnt see. They sit there in silence for a long time, but its a half-silence because Riki is sniffling and there are hot tears falling down his face and he cant wipe them away because Sunoo is holding his hands. It takes a good twenty minutes to get Heeseung to sign because Lee Heeseung, at the most inconvenient of moments, often chooses to be difficult for the sake of being difficult. Its still early, a few minutes past 9 AM, but Jongseong should be in class right about now. Jongseong is half in love with Heeseung. As Jongseong understands it, theyre on okay terms now, but they werent for the longest time. From what I know, which isnt a lot, its the fact that Riki pretends like they never happened.. Sunoo is very into that. Jungwon grabs his hands. But I know that its his birthday today. What is it? Jungwon asks after a few minutes of admiring and studying the painting. Can I ask why you guys broke up? Riki hums, then he glances at Heeseung out of the corner of his eye. Jungwon sighs. I dont have access to the Oxford English Dictionary, so I turned to the next best thing: Urban Dictionary. I didnt stop caring about you. More importantly, at the sight of Sunoo half-sitting on Sunghoons lap. Jake is from Brisbane, Australia. Jongseong doesnt see either of them until theyve all met back up at the late-night Mexican place for quesadillas. Heeseung always knew the words that Riki couldnt articulate himself. We havent seen each other all week., Yeah, sorry, Riki said, letting his backpack fall to the floor. Elephants. The non-disclosure agreements were a bit much too. When Riki broke Sunoos heart thirty minutes before and watched him pick up the pieces, he hadnt shed a single tearthere werent even any tears for him to suppress. He likes games. Yeah. Heeseungs eyes soften. Jungwon squints. Sex means different things to different people, and its an simple concept for straight people. Im very curious to see if that would make you ignore me more or less.. He knows Heeseung is going to bring up The Dildo That Wouldnt Fit Incident. So, the person before him said, how do you know Heeseung?, Riki passed the joint back to him, and their fingertips brushed. Sunghoon leans over to nip the lobe of Sunoos ear. Hes confident, loves art and loves to pull pranks, and sometimes does and says insensitive things, but he has a heart of gold. I think if you straight-up asked me if I wanted to, like, join, I wouldve freaked out and said no.. Why would you tell me to come in? I miss you, Sunoo said when Riki came over, grabbing his hand and pouting severely. Yang Jungwon is the sun, Jongseongs sun. MY EYES?. Jongseong visibly struggles to come up with something to say. Sure, Sunoo says. Dude, he says, you shouldve told us., Jake flushes, shrinking in on himself. Maybe he doesnt know, Sunghoon mutters after a long pause. But the term went more mainstream viral thanks to user. Cmon, he says gently, we should start getting ready for class.. Um. I think so., Heeseung turns his phone off and sets it to the side. Why do I only get five? Okay. There really isnt much to say; they had a drunken foursome with each other after a party once and never again. [Short for vibration .] Onto upper triangular matrices. Riki never had the heart to peel it off. I dont know. by Bestie vibes only November 23, 2021. Though zebra print looks positively of the moment, it also conveys a groovy retro vibe. Eventually, they relocate to Jungwons bed, sitting side-by-side, parallel with the short end of the bed, their feet hanging off. What does that mean?, He has this pure sort of love for the world and the things he likes. He once hacked my Instagram and started posting ugly photos of me on my story, Jungwon said. He shoves his hands in his pockets and rocks back on his heels impatiently. The Plan is just as unethical and nonsensical as Jongseong remembers it, maybe worse, but he already shook on it, and Jongseong knows that Sunoo would kill him if he tried to back out. You see the guy on an almost daily basis., I dont know! Work Search: They stared at each other for a moment, drawn-out, and for the first time in weeks, Riki really thought about itwhat they were and how they felt for each otherand he realized he didnt know if he still felt the same way, didnt know if he still wanted them to be what they were. And Im not stupid. Riki had his AirPods in as he whizzed down the main quad on an electric skateboard. Okay, theres a lot there to unpack, but Sunghoon wont be doing any of that tonight. That was the moment Riki knew, some part of him, at least, that if even no one else in the world understood him, that would be okay, because Heeseung would, and Heeseung would always be there. Riki places his hands over Sunoos, and Sunoo twitches violently, like hes going to yank them away, but he doesnt. I Jumped Into an Orgy With a Stranger Because I Thought He Was Hot and Wanted To Hop On His Dick., Jongseong blinks. Its likeis that really what I look like? Then Riki turned to face Heeseung, his cheek laid on the pavement. Each of them are spending summer break either working, at paid internships, or on vacation, and very few of their schedules overlap. That night, Sunoo grabbed Rikis wrist, led him away from the group, and said, Do you want to make a bet?. Sunoo rolls his eyes, but does what Sunghoon told him to do. Food is the last thing on Jongseongs mind right now. It hurts Jake to see Sunoo like this. Sunoo nods into his hands, then pulls his palms away from his eyes andalright, he wasnt crying, but it looks like he was close. If were counting handies, then you popped my gay cherry., Sunghoon avoids eye contact. Whats my percentage? he asks, wanting to cover all his bases before he commits to anything. High-quality, pre-shrunk heavy or lightweight fleece. In fact, Heeseung had nothing to do with it. As if we werent He cuts himself off and bites down on his bottom lip. Another red flag. And before Jake has time to process how he feels about that, Sunghoon looks at him out of the corner of his eye. youd know if read the NDA contracts Correlation is not causation. I heard about you and Sunoo, by the way, Heeseung said, a thumb rapidly smashing the A button. I dont really do that. I didntI didnt like who I was back then, but I liked you, and I wasI was trying so hard. He never hangs out with Jake one-on-one and barely talks to him when theyre all together. What did you do to Sunoo the other night? Jungwon asks as he takes a seat next to Riki in the lecture hall. Heeseung and Riki are in their own world, giggling as they watch TikToks on Rikis phone and share a puff bar. You guys arent dating, right?. Yeah.. Forgiving me something real.. He looks at his phone, face-down on the desk. Are you in or not?. Jongseong, in all honesty, doesnt remember what he was doing before this. I didnt know who I was back then, he decides, and he glances at Sunoo whose brows are knitted and mouth is pleated into a wobbling line. Riki cant say it. I love you, Jungwon repeats. Because it was easy? Heeseung supplied. YouTuber Adam McIntyre frequently uses the term in reference to his followers. Its that. Sunoo knows hes biased, that if he wants to win The Bet, he should just follow his own advice and let Jongseong misguidedly drag things out until graduation, but heres the thing: Sunoo has a foot in both outcomes. Maybe its because of Riki, maybe it isnt, that Sunoo doesnt get it. Pack a suitcase People think its hard to love more than one person at the same time, but Jongseong happens to excel at it. Please do. He knows it by the way Jongseong cards his fingers through the back of his head, hugs him from behind instead of saying hello, rests his chin on Jungwons shoulder, breathes him in, and tells him he smells good. please support us in our patreon : https://www.patreon.com/Lenny23Discord : https://discord.gg/9jt3HegurxOriginal video:Instagram @nastykidalen @tric_cj @col. Of course, Heeseung is the one who breaks the rules first, but really, its all Sunghoons fault. I think hes going to make it, he ends up saying. But, I think sometimes there are things you should do, even if you dont want to do them or dont have to do them.. Advertise here for $5/day. Like, its fine. The only problem is the way that Jongseong looks at Heeseung. Jungwon thought he would be happy, but right now, with Jongseong looking so heartbroken and inconsolable, he cant bear the thought of pulling out joy from Jongseongs misery. He takes a seat in front of his painting. Like, really?, Sunghoon shrugs. Heeseung thinks its the greatest game ever invented. Jongseong would also side with Sunoo because, Jungwon. It was justhow it was. Five. Hes my friend., Sunoo tilted his head to the side. Riki stares at the ceiling fan as it whirls. No. Google, remember? Riki says. While we've done our best to make the core functionality of this site accessible without javascript, it will work better with it enabled. You know the moon is there, and you know that there are people in those cars, living their own livesbut from the outside in, youre too far away to understand something you can really only get from the inside. To be someone who belonged. About what? Riki asks, putting his phone down on the desk. Riki groans. a lot drunk He thinks through his options. The Breakup. The Nishimura Riki who loved Sunoo is not the same Nishimura Riki who sits here tonight. Is Sunoo going to lose?, Jongseong swallows, remembering the actual conditions of The Bet. Wouldnt be the first time you stole my clothes and didnt give them back, Heeseung laughs, sliding out of bed. To win some money. You can give it back when you go back inside., Riki took it off his hands and quickly pulled it on, the hood falling over his head. Heeseung is beside him, but upside down; his feet are by Rikis head. He was fearless and pretty and caring and never hid who he was. Making a bet with Sunoo was probably the one thing that would get him to break his vow of silence., Jake hums. Your best friend, he thinks, which is better, but it doesnt sound right either. Eventually, Jungwon started bringing Sunoo along whenever he would hang out with Jongseong, so that Sunoo wouldnt be lonely. They play rock-paper-scissors to see who has to double back. I like pretty boys., Jongseong blinks. There must be something there, even if its not love. Riki finally lifts his head. But if youre serious about Jongseong, Riki goes on, then what I want doesnt matter., Heeseung chews on his bottom lip and sits up straight. I watched him look up Word Document templates., Sunghoon shakes his head. He can see how Jongseongs heart bleeds out on the ground every time Heeseung chooses Riki over the rest of them, but he also sees how Jongseong picks his beating heart up himself, staples it back on his sleeve. Because I loved you., Sunoo runs a thumb along Rikis wrist, rubbing a circle into his pulsepoint. Virginity is a social construct, Jake knows this. Jake swallows. It was real, the way Riki felt about Sunoo; he knew it from the way he always wanted to be with Sunoo, until he didnt; from the way his heart would beat terrifyingly fast whenever Sunoo was around, until it didnt; from the way that Sunoo felt so right between his arms at nightuntil he didnt. Buthe was right, I think.. Sunoo is staying the night at Jongseongs apartment with Jake and SunghoonJungwon doesnt quite know whats going on between them, and hes honestly afraid to askso Jungwon has the room to himself. What? He threw a blue shell behind his character. When it comes to loving and being loved by Jongseong, its like someone knitting you a sweater. Because it cant feel good to know that thats why he yeah., Jongseong laughs quietly under his breath and shakes his head. He shakes his head. Gross, he mutters in Japanese. But you also want Jungwon, and you think that picking him is going to end up with you losing him.. Heeseung, mostly. It had been time for them to head back to campus. After a terrifyingly long moment, Jongseong returns the motion, lays his forehead on Jungwons shoulder and slides his hands along Jungwons waist, to the small of his back. Jake isnt really into art, so he doesnt know exactly why he recognizes them. You couldnt even touch me. Sunooand everyone but Riki, reallylost The Bet, as well as $500 split unevenly among the six of them. See more ideas about friend photos, friend photoshoot, friend pictures. Lee Heeseung, however, actually does know little to nothing about art and has gotten through the past three years bullshitting his way through classes. Youyou guysan orgy? Jungwon looks like a volcano seconds away from erupting. You alwaysdrop plans with us at a drop of a hat for him.. When Jongseong looks up, he notices that both Riki and Sunoos eyes are on them. He fished one out from his front pocket and handed it over to Riki, who lit the end as he pulled a drag. He deserves that. Instead of lamenting the loss of the one person who youve previously been able to (physically) lean on in times of trouble, the internet has presented a new solution: What if everyone is your bestie now? He internet-stalked Heeseung the next day. Depends, he says, eyes narrowed, if you lose, do I have to pay too?, Sunghoon raises a brow. Its become something they simply dont talk about. Boyfriend: Hey, wanna go to the movies with me later? Jongseong sees them like this: If Riki killed someonewhich isnt a non-possibility, if Jongseongs being honestHeeseung would be his first call. I like watching him paint, and he usually lets me, but this time he wouldnt, not even when hes done., Jungwon cant help but smile. What are you two up to?. Usually goes hand-in-hand with the word shit (e.g. Of course its going to hurt when things end. I know it is, andit makes me really happy that you did it anyway. He moves on so fast that Jongseong doesnt even get a chance to object again like he wants. How do you know about that?, Riki shrugs. You know what Sunoo told me? Riki shakes his head. Riki presses his lips together. Jake would try to play both sides, and hed probably do a good job of it. Yeah, and you really surprised me with all your jizz., Jongseong splutters. Heeseung and Riki met at Heeseungs birthday party in October; Jongseong didnt know it then, but he had a part in the domino chain. It made Riki happy to have an in-real-life friend he could play with in-game, and that was all that mattered. It doesnt really make sense; Jongseong isnt sure if thats because hes very high or if The Plan itself is severely flawed. Heeseung laughs and shuts his book, putting it on his bedside table. Maybe it wasnt the only reason, but it was a factor. Jungwon scrunches up his face and hums. Thank you, he says and he lifts his brush to the canvas, but stops before he makes any new strokes. Heeseung isnt the most open guy, and Jongseong hasnt ever been fully able to crack him, but he thinks hes the best shot they have. Hes seen nearly all of Rikis paintings, but none of them have been quite as evocative as this one. Maybe he should check in on Sunoo in the morning. Sunoo nods. Theres a weird tension between you two. I thought youd never ask.. Thank you, Sunoo says after so much time has passed that Rikis tears have dried, that his heart feels not as heavy as it did before. It was mostly done, but there was enough left for a couple more hits. I saw a chance to get him back, and I took it. None of that is new, and none of that will change. We were planning to ask you, actually, but then it justhappened tonight., Well, Im glad it happened the way it did, Jake admits, not looking at Sunghoon. Most of these are lies. In a cannibalistic sense, but also in an I want to eat your face sort of way. I appreciate it, really, I justnot right now.. If Jongseong is being honest, he forgot everyone else was there. cheyenne mountain resort presidential suite; spartanburg county building setbacks Heeseung chuckled. Im kidding, he replies, in that tone of his that makes it clear hes really not kidding. He makes mistakes and hes selfish, he decides after a heavy moment. He was busy all day; between classes, clubs, and soccer, he didnt get a chance to hang out with any of his close friends. Sunoos been cooking up a whole list in his head. Riki thinks its boring. Can I ask you something? Jongseong asks when Heeseung reaches over him to plug his phone into his charger. I get fifty.. And, well, the three of them are in a compromising position, to say the least. Ill see you at dinner, okay?. I think its a pretty fun reputation, Riki says. Because it really doesnt matter that they may be knitting sweaters for other peoplethe fact is, they made it, that specific sweater, with you in mind. Sunoo isnt sure if that was because of his question, or if it was because his head got stuck in the fabric. Sunoo was just so loved by everyone, and Riki loved him too, and he wanted to be like him. Its not something I want more than I want, like, a good time, I guess. He lets Jake into the building and immediately slides down against the wall like before. He was sure they wouldnt stop until after graduation, that theyd keep going as theyd always gone. And Ill try to do better, too. Jongseongs heart is not his own, in this moment. The term was first entered into the crowd-sourced slang lexicon in 2010. Theyre on the kitchen table. The Foursome occurred, tragically, the first weekend of fall semester. Its an ongoing bet. I also dont see why us acting in love would help you?, I dont need your help to win. Jongseong wasnt friends with Heeseungto be precise, friends who occasionally had sexfor that long before Heeseung met Riki. Right. Theres Heeseung, who Jake likes hanging out with even though its awkward. Heeseung and Riki, when you look at them from the outside in, dont make any sense. He thinks he might just die of embarrassment if he looked at Sunghoon right now. And then what happened?, Jake bites his mouth. Crafted with love, and you love it despite and for all its imperfections. Heeseung hums. Not about the terms, but why hes doing it?, Jungwon tilts his head to the side. Finally. Fun Fact: The Foursome, The Bet, The Plan, and a lot of dialogue in this fic are inspired by True Events. But I dont know what else I can do.. He does things because he wants tonothing more. Hey Jungwon is one of his best friends. Hes going to continue doing great things, is more accurate.. Of course we are, Sunoo says with a roll of his eyes. You were sucking me off! He winces when he realizes that he, too, also broke the Fight Club rule just now. Jake doesnt think hes ever seen Sunghoon like this. It will be very easy for Jongseong to play his part. Heres a piece of advice: you dont need to pick., Jongseong blinks. Im biased. Heeseung took your virginity?, Jake opens his mouth. I dont know, Jake says, shrugging, maybe he feels guilty for taking my virginity, or something., Sunghoon laughs. Especially not with the participants. They smoked a few blunts outside, and Riki can barely feel his fingertips. The Bet would be over a lot quicker if you and Jongseong werent hooking up in secret., You guys sneak off together. Whats the point in playing along with this bet if we dont have some fun?. hope you're having a good day responsemary calderon quintanilla 27 februari, 2023 / i list of funerals at luton crematorium / av / i list of funerals at luton crematorium / av What? Jongseong repeats, louder this time. Most of what he knew about Heeseung was from Sunoo and Jungwon, but neither of them knew him very well either. It at least puts them on speaking terms, Sunghoon says on the street corner as they wait for all the cars to pass. Jake, awkwardly standing at the foot of the bed, realizes that he has two options: go into the kitchen and take a shot or two, or stay here with Riki. Jongseong wants to kiss him again. Sunoo isnt over that. For what? Riki chokes out wetly. This is the thing: Heeseung knows how they feel about each other, and he knows that Riki knows how they feel about each other. Pass. Its nothing to admire, though. What does that mean? he asked, even though he knew exactly what Heeseung was talking about. Youre really good at it.. He does what he wants, isnt afraid to be who he is, and lives life lightly but with catastrophic force. Yeah. One of many drunken mistakes theyve made together. Jongseong lets out a wet laugh, says, Im fine, Ill be there in twenty, and hangs up. im starting my research around then, jongseong Jongseong only stares mutely at the cat whiskers laid over Jungwons toes. When we metI knew no one, and my English was bad, but he didnt care andI really, really loved him. Just a friend?, Riki recoiled at the implication. the jumpscares are mid too. I know you still love him even after what he did and said tonight, and even if you end up loving him forever, I dont mind it, really.. Sunoo shakes his head. tip: "uchiha sasuke/uzumaki naruto" angst kudos>10. Jongseong now has a boyfriend, Sunoo has two kind-of-boyfriends, and Heeseung has Riki, but that part isnt anything new, really. His feet were tired from dancing. He heard the front door slam shut a few moments later, and next thing he knew, Jake came knocking. Do you want me to stop? He knows that he was born on the 9th of February, that hes an Aquarius, and that he loves Park Jongseong and has loved him since the day theyve met. So what was I, then? He manages a smile. I love you too! Sunoo replies adorably. Sunghoon-hyung gets twenty. He nodded and reached over the table to pluck the joint from the strangers fingertips. Yeah, Heeseung exhales, tipping his head back to laugh. Not like, sexual tension, but tension.. How do you know it wasnt just a spur of the moment thing?, The door wasnt locked. Heeseung isnt going to stop on his own, because Heeseung does what he wants, and he wants Jay. Do you love him? Riki asks, as casually as asking about the weather. "Hey are you in besties vibes only discord server?" "Oh yea!There the best people I have I can have!" Heeseungs smile grows. Two: Heeseung was not his. He bet that you and Jungwon would start dating by the end of the year, and I bet against., Sunoos mouth pinches, and he squints at Jongseong. Jongseong blinks, the door slams behind Jungwon, and then he realizes. Available in a range of colours and styles for men, women, and everyone. like the physics is accurate and the monsters are so creepy, Heeseung has replied. I was talking about them. White or transparent. His insides flood with warmth. A generalization: When Sunghoon and Sunoo arent bickering with each other, theyre looking at each other like they want to eat each other. My first love, he says. Literally the entire campus has seen it!, I love that kid to death, Jongseong said, but he might actually be the devil incarnate., Heeseung only grinned.

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bestie vibes only urban dictionary

bestie vibes only urban dictionary

bestie vibes only urban dictionary

bestie vibes only urban dictionary