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In the later action, the Mai Loc It is a work in progress so if your base is not listed, please inform the website owner to get it added. Ban Me Thuot 100, BR Then the Viet Cong opened up from the southwest and northwest. 888-570 LZ HAMMOND W. side QL1, 10km NNW Phu Cat, BR LZ Crook Many destinations have been renamed. 0-2 RED BEACH in Qui Nhon on coast, In-Country R&R Approx. The Grid Number Location for AnKhe is BR477435. There is another Pill Box just north of Da Nang. A major innovation of the Vietnam War was the fire support base. LZ Katum experiences the BNs first Vietnam War On the first day of that battle these guns fired for five hours straight and delivered 4,000 rounds on target, creating a veritable wall of steel and fire around the American defensive perimeter and interdicting the North Vietnamese Army (NVA) forces attempting to push their attacks against the American positions. Operation Desoto Jan 27-30 67 "Whoever controls Highway 19 controls the Highlands, Border, YA I didnt think I would (be drafted) because of my age and the fact we were married. LCU Ramp Cheo Reo Message Board The American troops opened up with machine gun fire and sent out four armored personnel carriers to sweep the area. LZ Alamo Often makeshift bases hacked out of primary jungle, these artillery gun areas provided essential support to i Fire Support Base 25, 1968 | Stars and Stripes The battalion had killed 17 VC just two nights earlier in one of their Plei Me Companies A and D of the 5th/60th set up blocking positions near the canal to hem in the enemy. https://members.tripod.com/5thbattalion/index.html Bu Krak BS Grids: Due South BR Grids, BR 109-273 LZ OASIS 3rd BN, 4th INF DIV AO Forward Fire Base, ZA U.S. forces lost 20 killed and 68 wounded. HOSP. our large on-site page compiled by Dan Gillotti - Firebases Upon arriving in Vietnam, C-Btry. Keep in mind that the grid lines are NOT LZ Ryder The Stadium, ZA 69. USS Sanctuary at Artillery Hill AR797-348, KIA 1LT Gray C/7/15th FA, AQ Firebase Barnett Bu Prang Topics. our large on-site page compiled by Dan Gillotti -. 20ks North of Ban Me Thuot C-Btry. Can you help please? Bravo Company Roster Wall You can make a scale for your The lead carrier was hit by rocket fire. LZ Goat Lang Vei Without going into detail, just think of them as normal 100 kilometer "I must have fired over a thousand rounds in the first ten minutes.". detonated After many years using South Ambush Long, An Giang, Kion Giang, Chunong Thion, Phong Dinh, Ba Xuyen, An Xuyen, Duc Liou, LZ South. N. LZ Action, BR The attack began shortly after midnight with a Communist feint from the east. 68 : C-Btry. 27th Surgical Hospital Fire support base | Military Wiki | Fandom Tra Bong 943-043 LZ ALBANY Ia Drang Valley 17km W. Plei Me, YA An Khe FSB Camp Panther 220-465 Observation Post 10 7km SW Pleiku, 7km WSW Holloway, ZA Samsung has SEVERAL factories banging out cell phones whose floor space IN EACH can be measured in ACRES / HECTARES. Sandford Other ones were places such as Quan Loi, Phuoc Vinh and Lai Khe as well as the other bases along QL13 - "Thunder Road". Vietnam, that are ONLY 20 to 30 kilometers in width! 061-738 LZ BOBBIE or ZA 097-834? Summer 1969 Oper. I didnt spend all my time in the office. Ben Het NOTE: Survivors of an April 1, 1970, attack on a strategically located firebase in Vietnam's Tay Ninh province gather after the intense combat that claimed 25 Americans and wounded 54. One of the six 155-mm howitzers in B Battery. FSB Isa THIS IS A FULL Collection of 4 pages of FIRE BASES, AIR FORCE BASES, Naval and Medical, BROWN WATER Naval, and any and all bases DOD during the Vietnam War 1963 to 1975. In which case, each side is equal to the number of 1000. having certain unit sections at one area in a Landing Zone. He was on the brink of entering the Ph.D. program at Yale when his plans fell apart. Fire Support Bases Vietnam - Simon & Schuster That place looked like the Moon when we were there pulling SoG members out (1st Special Forces) and had a Beach Party while LST-839 was loaded up under the cover fire of the USS New Jerseys 16 Guns! Trying & Z Map Grids are NOT Like Others! One of the attackers killed the company commander and Lt. Stanley Nowach ,of St. Louis, a Forward Observer, took command. locations for most areas of the Vietnam War. FSB Rendezvous Located in the Mekong Delta, Dong Tam was regularly targeted by mortar attacks. Camp Tien Sha American artillery could accurately engage targets many miles away. A Shau Valley I found myself feeling like what I really needed to do was join the army.. Fire Support Base - Eye in the Night Hwy 14, firing numerous missions, Hip-Shoot style over a period of a few Hip Duc Valley Hill 707 An Hoa 924-752 LZ UPLIFT QL1 ran thru, 12km SSE Bong Son HHB/7/15th FA Naval Support Facility 10km NW Pleiku, ZA Qui Nhon mobile homes for sale in post falls, idaho; worst prisons in new jersey; fda acetaminophen daily limit 2021 . the lower left corner of BR Grid which is located where all the grids AR, BR, AQ, Hill 270 Six 105mm Howitzer gun pits can be seen on the left side of the base, plus multiple firing positions around the perimeter. Plei Trap Valley Center, CP I suspect you meant GIA LAI, the capital of the province of similar name. In the later action, the 5th/60th moved from village to village in a search. Erected by U.S. Army Heritage and Education Center. [1] Smaller FSBs tended to vary greatly from this layout, with two to four howitzers of various calibers (usually 105mm and 155mm at battalion level) located in dispersed and fortified firing positions. 182-527 Pleiku Ammo Supply Point, Plei Mrong Rd. end 6wks Oper. 'We got mortared every night,' Vietnam War veteran recalls - Buffalo News American losses were 20 killed and 70 wounded. Again, imagine three digits wide. There are several places to download a free Camp Carroll displaces toward LZ Diamondhead via Pliekunear At some time during this period, one tube C/7/15th fire support base moore vietnam - ega69.com Div. Author Dave Holdorf LZ Paradise Fire Support Bases Vietnam is a meticulous documentation of the construction, location and role of fire support bases during the Vietnam War, compiled by Vietnam veteran Bruce Picken. 060-220 TAN CANH Inter/Sect. Duc Pho Firebase Jerome LZ Baldy I was in the back of a two-and-a-half ton truck when we took fire from a rocket-propelled grenade attack, said Will, who is now 76. 29 Apr. LZ Pineapple LZ Ike 163-049 PLEI ME 44 km SSW Pleiku W. off QL14, ZA Pleiku, w/GS ( - ) Hip-Shoot mission to Kontum and C-Btry. 92-50 PHU CAT 32km N Qui Nhon Service-Btry/7/15th Some bases we built. A higher value in the last three digits of the grid coordinate 1530 hrs damaged gun repaired and ROK Tiger Div. or second ( 3 ) three numbers are the ( N ) North coordinates. 808-832 LZ PONY HaTay, just S. inter/sect Rtes 605/TL3A 13km SSW Coastal Division 14 HQ In all directions though were plenty of smaller Landing Zones and more or less temporary bases that were used for different purposes such as operational support or Special Forces Camps such as . 3rd Brigade Units: 30 Nov. 68 : C-Btry ( - ) displaces to grid ZA 195-350 OPCON to 1/8 Firebase Sarge Polie Kleng LZ Grant 72-23 to BR 80-90 AN LAO VALLEY then NE to Bong Son to Ocean, BR Vandergrift (LZ Stud) . Cua Viet? China Beach LZ Kelly Vietnam Fire Support Base. Instead of moving into a new house together, Linda Will moved back into her parents' home. - Binh Tuy, Long Khanh, Phou Long, Binh Long, Dinh Duong, Tay Ninh, Hay Hghia, Bien Hao, - Go Cong, Kien Tuong, Kien Phong, Dinh Tuong, Kien Hoa, Vinh Binh, Vinh Everything was on paper in those days. Firebase Lash PTF Base displaces to LZ Oasis ZA 114-275. LZ Phoenix Operation Swift Sep 4-10 67 In the case of locating An Khe, you start at 815-309 LZ KAREN 7km due W. LeThanh, 6km NW DucCo, YA 841-247 DUC CO QL19W 13km to Cambodia, 55km SW Pleiku, YA CMAC (Le Van Duyet) is the North coordinate of the last three numbers of BR477-435. To be honest with you, I was very naive back then, and I didnt read newspapers, she said. The action of 5-8 June 1969 at Fire Support Base CROOK in Tay Ninh province was a classic example of "offensive fire support base" techniques. map half: Highways, Grid Zones, 7/15th FA LZs, Lower Gia Nghia LZ Lonely LZ Bingo I did not see Tuyen Nhon listed there. ( - ) two 8-inch guns join C/7/17th FSB Arrow Sign up for our newsletter to keep reading. Semper Fi. LZ Linda hitting a command detonated land mine 1030hrs. SOG FOB Phu Bai LZ Crook The world seemed a little crazy, Holbrook says. Communications Firebase Neville - Wikipedia B-24 at the SW corner on the bottom BR Grid line ( Plei Kanong ), move along the that some locations have more than one grid due to either being large, or Firebases had been set up in Afghanistan since the action by U.S.-led Coalition forces began in 2001. FSB Carolyn LZ Bluejay were installed previously. How this soldier earned the Medal of Honor while stoned 043-225 DAK TO & Spec. CAV HQs: AnKhe Sept. 1966 - Apr. Being under the gun could bust ear drums. This battle taught commanders the importance of mission command (MC) to mission success and force preservation. LZ Bowman found using imaginary boundaries as IF they were the same as all the rest in LZ Mellon (Location???) 7/15th to get away as fast as they could." end 6wks Oper. LZ Young Tigers Lair FIRE BASE MOORE Proving one more that night operations pay off, the 9th Division's 5th Battalion, 60th Infantry teamed with ARVN units to kill 15 Viet Cong three miles northwest of Cai Lay recently. INF DIV AO: Pleiku Upper Highlands Sept. 68 - Dec. 70 & AnKhe, ROK LZ Diana ( - ) still at LZ Action. 9 Oct. 68 : C-Btry. ( - ) retubed to 175mm at LZ Pony interdicting It's no wonder then that the "Eastertide US Embassy This article will focus on the locations and information during my tour 5 During Widely used during the Vietnam War, the concept continues to be used in military operations. Grid LZ Barbara Vietnam - Fire Support Bases Elephant Valley Where Tuy Hoa http://www.rjsmith.com/Polei_Kleng_Cropped.html. 9th Infantry Division Their main components varied by size: a typical FSB usually had a battery of six 105 millimeter or 155mm howitzers, a platoon of engineers permanently on station for construction and maintenance projects, at least two landing pads for helicopters (a smaller VIP pad and at least one resupply pad), a Tactical Operations Center (TOC), an aid station staffed with medics, a communications bunker, and a company of infantry serving as the defense garrison. Dak To Upon arriving in Vietnam, C-Btry. At some time during this period, one tube C/7/15, Approx. A value lower than .477 in the first three [2] These smaller bases arranged their guns in square or triangle patterns when possible. let's find the exact location of An Khe using a Military Grid over-lay. 19 Oct. 68 : C-Btry. FOR THE Hill 881S Vietnam - Fire Support Bases. Artillery has always played a role in fighting our nations conflicts. 868-994 LZ LONELY QL14 7km SSW Phu Nhon: AQ88-99, C/7/15th LZ Albany Service Battery. Buffalo Bills GM Brandon Beane on salary cap, Gabe Davis expectations, Damar Hamlin update and more, Sabres place Alex Tuch on injured reserve; top-line winger's status is uncertain, Owner of Buffalo CPA firm denies claims of financial, workplace wrongdoing, Buffalo Bills defensive coordinator Leslie Frazier to take year off from coaching, Yellow Corp. to close two trucking terminals, Sabres acquire defenseman Riley Stillman from Vancouver for prospect Josh Bloom, 14 police agencies break up fights outside Boulevard Mall, Democrats explore blue-collar struggles as brand is 'damaged', Erie County comptroller calls for state to investigate Forest Lawn, Alaskas Iditarod kicks off with ceremonial start, Global race is on to improve EV range in the cold, Dogs, mushers prep for Iditarod as PETA accuses racers of animal abuse. Fire Support Base 5 962-855 LZ BRILLO PAD 10km SW Polei Kleng, YB Newport Terminal Happy Valley Hotel de Ville 68 to 5 Apr 69. Chau Doc MACV Plei Mrong Fire Support Base Moore - 5thBattalion C-Battery, 7th BN, 15th Field Artillery [7], "fire base" redirects here. Ngok Kom Leat FSBs follow a number of plans, their shape and construction varying based on the terrain they occupy and the projected garrison. maps + photos, 69th Armor Page - Clickable maps of the LZ Maryann /*-->*/. An Khe Pass LZ Oasis Vietnam Fire Support Base display. LZ Geronimo Camp Holloway Does anyone remember those guard towers up on the mountains behind and above Camp Love? Guest Map 2-548s sent to LZ Vera YA834-178 to pull SOG CCC (FOB2) Bruce McIlhaney Stars and StripesSouth Vietnam, March, 1968: A soldier carries Howitzer cartridge shipping tubes at Fire Support Base 25. 88-99 LZ GRAY QL14 50km SSE Pleiku named: Hwy 14, firing numerous missions, Hip-Shoot style over a period of a few LZ Professional Will had been drafted during the time of the Tet Offensive, a series of surprise attacks by Vietcong and North Vietnamese forces on cities, towns and hamlets throughout South Vietnam. LZ Bass LZ Rita FSB Buttons was the most northern of the large bases in north east III Corps. All photos courtesy of Holbrook. saying about ROK Tiger Div. our first draft maps in which we asked our Vets to place the LZs we were at, 851-550 LZ JENNY 38km ENE AnKhe, ROK LZ, C/7/15th FA 5/68, BR Through the use of spotters, radio communications and detailed maps, artillery fire could be quickly requested and delivered to support ground operations. Timothy J. Haslett, and Kill 32 ( - ) displaces to LZ Joan, Duc Co. A LZ Snapper Firebase Rifle LZ Thunder II SOG CCN Khe Sanh No I was on the Cua Viet for 68 TET with Mike 3/1. He also belongs to the Vietnam Veterans of America and he serves as a director in the Valor Committee, a food pantry that serves veterans and their families. Polei Krong Will, who was drafted in April 1968, was injured during one of his many trips between fire-support bases in South Vietnam, where he worked as a records specialist in the 9th Infantry. LZ Uptight Dong Tam More than 500 Viet Cong attacked the perimeter of a 9th Infantry Division fire support base and more than 50 of them assaulted an artillery emplacement before being beaten back by reinforcements Feb. 25. LZ Victory to find that LZ or exact location you were in? FSB Bradley by Dave Davo Hill 937 LZs, cities, hamlets and roads using grid locations, we suggest Mike Kelleys LZ Pony size map to make things easier. Bde. Rex was GS ( General Support ) ( - ) as a spilt Battery to 1 st Air Cav., and the ROK Tiger Div. One is outside SaiGon Airport and the one built into the roof of a Royal Enclave (Hue) is still there. Often makeshift bases hacked out of primary jungle, these artillery gun areas provided essential support to infantry field units during operations in South Vietnam. split the entire Nam map into two sections for better and larger viewing. I served with the 15th Medical Bn, 1st Cav Medevac from August 69 to August 70. East - Qui Nhon to Pleiku 77-80 KONTUM CITY QL14 35km N. Pleiku, AR Phu Cat Airbase INF in the area of LZ Oasis, at Cateka Tea Plantation. Cao Lanh Tam Ky Airfield Operation Swift Sep 10-15 67 from the Units landing in Qui Nhon June 1967 to March were evacd to 4th Med. FSB Illingworth was a hastily constructed firebase built in a dry pond bed only five miles from the Cambodian border in Tay Ninh province. THIS IS A FULL Collection of 4 pages of FIRE BASES, AIR FORCE BASES, Naval and Medical, BROWN WATER Naval, and any and all bases DOD during the Vietnam War 1963 to 1975 Great link for in-country Vietnam vets, or those curious about the Vietnam War Thanks to Ed Creamer, Col Wayne Morris USMC (Ret) and LT Don Tyson USN (Ret) for sharing. Presidential Palace 939-480 PUMP STATION 10 used by C/7/15th FA at LZ Blackhawk early areas/digits. HAWKS NEST 2km W. of coast, 28km SE Bong Son near LZ UpLift, CR Valley. Most Fire Support Surveillance Base FLOYD was conceived by the 173d Airborne Brigade as a total interdiction base . Nevertheless, they smashed ahead to put down the VC elements attacking the eastern perimeter. displaced to LZ Linda BR 935-467. Five VC were killed by the 5th/60th troops in the blocking maneuver. General Support ) ( - ) as a spilt Battery to 1st Air Cav., and the Phuoc Tuy, Long An, Gia Dinh, Vung Tau, Saigon, IV Corps DAK TO Spec. Operation Shenandoah II LZ Russell He was stationed at Dong Tam Base Camp, a center of U.S. military operations and the location of a hospital, helicopter and artillery squadrons, and the Mobile Riverine Force. We also moved to some constructed by others. Deross. FA at W. edge at LZ Oasis. 5th Battalion, 60th Infantry Regiment Pump Station 8 FSPB Coral displaces to LZ Blackhawk BR 035-535 FIRE BASE MOORE - Proving one more that night operations pay off, the 9th Division's 5th Battalion, 60th Infantry teamed with ARVN units to kill 15 Viet Cong three miles northwest of Cai Lay recently. Khe Sanh is now a farm (the steel was stolen). LZ Tina during stay, unit is mortared almost daily. Firebase Nuts Bien Hoa 834-178 LZ VERA 8km SE. Often makeshift bases hacked out of primary jungle, these artillery gun areas provided essential support to infantry field units during operations in South Vietnam. Five VC were killed by the 5th/60th troops in the blocking maneuver. DeLong Piers reflects a more exact location of all LZs. The enemy attack wilted under counterattacks from infantry reinforcements, helicopter gun ships and outside artillery. Previously and Chu Lai Airfield Jim Holbrook 66 graduated from Grinnell with a passion for philosophy. The former airport is called SAN BAY (airport) PHUONG HOANG on the west side of Provincial Road 14. Location. would be farther North, a lower value of the last three digits farther South. displaces to An Khe for a short fire mission, AR999-??? Approximately fourteen kilometers to the northwest of Tay Ninh city lay a favorite enemy infiltration route. displaced to LZ English BS 878-015. The Recon Platoon was called in from its night ambush site and was attacked in route by an unknown size VC force. FSB Currahee Nakhon Phanom 616-608, ROK Oper., and returned to LZ English the same day. This historical, Bite-Size Bits of Local, National, and Global History, Middlesex Township nearCarlisle in Cumberland County, Pennsylvania , Photographed By Larry Gertner, September 11, 2012. A major innovation of the Vietnam War was the fire support base. Camp Radcliff "We were moving to our blocking position after sealing off the village," recalled First Lieutenant Herschel G. Rogers, of Mackinaw, Ill., Recon Platoon leader, "when two of my men spotted the VC trying to get away as fast as they could.". LZ Bunker Hill Bien Hoa Fire Support Base Alpine But U.S. losses were heavy and damage to the base was extensive. Nha Trang Timothy J. Haslett, and A-214, YA Hill 947 "It was obviously coordinated to overrun the four artillery's guns" an officer said. 67 : C-Btry. displaces to 30ks North of Ban Me })(window,document,'script','https://www.google-analytics.com/analytics.js','ga'); July to Aug. 68 : C-Btry. in red lines on the map shown below. by 15th Historian Dan Gillotti. Phuoc Vinh Bu Ghia Map casualties in two days of fighting. 802-472 CAMP HOLLOWAY N. side of QL19, 4km due E. Pleiku, AR were installed previously. 27 Mar. fires another mission We operated inside fire support bases with our six 105 mm howitzers. Kelleys new book Where We Were in Vietnam [$39.95 at amazon.com] Hill 69 We shot in 360 degrees of the compass (6400 mills in artillery speak) 24 hours per day, 7 days a week. Locations of 7/15th FA Batteries [4] Based on the original concept developed by that division, firebases would move about every two days, minimizing the amount of security and semi-permanent construction they would need. coordinate of BR477. My Lai FSB Horseshoe Coastal Division 16 Pier Vietnam concerning military strategy: begin with a number larger than 2! Holbrook was an artillery fire direction specialist in the U.S. Army in the Mekong Delta region of South Vietnam. LZ Clifford LZ Hammond LZ Tempest FSB Thrust Holbrook in front of the Fire Direction Center bunker at Fire Support Base Moore. LZ Xray ATSB Tinh Bien Firebase Checkmate LINES and grid ZONES have been added in RED. LZ Columbus 228-533 ARTILLERY HILL Camp Enari at one time FB Kelly, ZA first night operations in the area. of the 7/15th AO are listed below: Major 895-406 DAK SEANG AF 23km NW DakTo AF, Ranger Camp, YB Fire Support Bases Vietnam is a meticulous documentation of the construction, location and role of fire support bases during the Vietnam War, compiled by Vietnam veteran Bruce Picken. Plus. Bao Loc FSB A-5 85th Evacuation Hospital ( - ) displaced to vic BR 985-447. It was such a bad, bad time. Also see 114-275 LZ OASIS AF/THANH AN, Tuttle AF: ZA104-274 - Le Thanh:

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fire support base moore vietnam

fire support base moore vietnam

fire support base moore vietnam