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The March of the Strenuous Civilization. C. S. Taylor,Life, April 11, 1901. Uncle Sam and his English cousin have the world between them. Victor Gillam,Judge, January 7, 1899. - As the American West was absorbed and the continent consolidated, the mandate of Manifest Destiny shifted from territorial to commercial expansion beyond contiguous borders. On June 17, while the fate of Seymour and his men remained unknown to the outside world, Allied navies attacked and captured the forts at Taku. You will probably need to use the links or conduct additional research to find the information to answer these questions. The image exhibits a racist hierarchy that places a dominant white American male in the center, and on the fringes, an African-American washing the windows and Native-American reading a primer upside down. Scorched earth tactics destroyed scores of villages. Original publication of Rudyard Kiplings poem, The White Mans Burden.. the younger Keppler also contributed cartoons, and became co-owner of the magazine after his father's death, when he changed his name to Joseph Keppler. Vebers series, Les Camps de Reconcentration au Transvaal, begins with the cover image Le Silence, in which a veiled woman holds her finger to her lips, standing over the remnants of what appears to be an electric fence and a plow that suggests the earth has been tilled to bury evidence. Colonial success is equated with chivalry and invincibility., A Union in the Interest of Humanity Civilization. In this French cartoon from a special issue titled, La Guerre (War), a missionary and a Red Cross representative lament the violent and un-Christian behavior of Westerners overseas. Language. Caricature published in the newspaper Punch, 10 December 1892 Imprint: [ca. Keppler portrays the conflict between the British and Sudanese as a struggle of the representatives of civilization against the forces of barbarism. Although the imagery used to depict the barbarians is not specifically evocative of the Middle East, it is a reflection of the predominant Western attitude toward the enterprise of colonialism and imperialism at the dawn of the twentieth century. The Real Trouble Will Come with the French artists, on the other hand, leveled charges of barbarism against Great Britain and other imperial powers, including their own country, in vivid graphics. - , 1902. The caption refers to a Bible passage in which belief is nearly, but not completely reached. Civilization and progress are inseparable, a train and telegraph drawn in her robes. Mans Burden, in the caption to thisLifecover published shortly after Kiplings poem. Cartoonist Victor Gillam turns the tables on American missionary zeal and moral imperative to save the heathen by showing how the Chinese might view the foreign devils in vignettes of ignorance, racism, and extreme violence in the United States. The War Prayer begins with a preacher praising the nations just and holy war, and leading his congregation in praying for victory. On Chinas side, the Boxers were absorbed into the Qing government forces to fight the invaders. Cape to Cairo: the Rhodes Colossus Author: Sambourne, Edward Linley Description: The idea of a connection between the southernmost and northernmost seabords of Africa was held for several decades as the Cape-to-Cairo fantasy, notably by Cecil Rhodes. Source: Bibliothque nationale de France, British soldiers laugh at the spectacle of Boer prisoners of war being shocked by an electric fence. N.Y.: J. Ottmann Lith. The U.S. entered the elite group of world powers with victories in the Spanish-American War (written in the clouds over the naval battle on the right). Indeed, the visual record was, in its unique way, more powerfulmore literally graphicthan words alone could ever be. [1] [2] The project was never completed. Copyright 1902 by Keppler & Schwarzmann. The aggressive quest for new marketsChinas millions being the most covetedwas justified as part of the benevolent and inevitable spread of progress. It was the anti-imperialist cartoonists, however, who most starkly posed the question: who is the real barbarian? The caption again ironically quotes an Official Report to the War Office that praises the British soldiers bravery in the face of a fierce enemy, in this case women and children: The humanity of our soldiers is admirable and does not tire despite the ferocity of Boers., Vers le Camp de Reconcentration (To the Concentration Camp). 32, No. Hevia, James Louis. Misery Loves Company;but they hope soon to be out of it. Louis Dalrymple, Puck, March 20, 1901. Mott, Frank Luther. Now there are thirteen on this one street! Contemporary conflicts are spelled out over dark clouds. record ("About This Item") with your request. The Presidents Speech. William Bengough,Life, May 24, 1900. Feng, Yongping, The Peaceful Transition of Power from the UK to the US.ChineseJournal of International Politics1 (1) pp. And Peace Shall Rule. Udo Keppler,Puck, May 3, 1899. The U.S. conquest of the Philippines, coupled with the multi-nation Boxer intervention in China, prompted Twain to become an outspoken critic of America plunging into what he denounced as the European Game of overseas expansion. Co.. Puck Bldg.. NY] Photograph. (A thumbnail (small) image will be visible on the left.). The humanity of our soldiers is admirable and does not tire despite the ferocity of the Boers (Official Report to the War Office. Source:Library of Congress. And yet Uncle Sam is always giving money to save the Heathen. Samuel D. Ehrhart,Puck, September 8, 1897. Source and Registration#: Created by Joseph Keppler, Professor of Iranian and Central Asian History and of Near Eastern Languages and Civilizations, The University of Chicago, Outreach Coordinator, Center for Middle Eastern Studies, University of Chicago, The Middle East as Seen Through Foreign EyesTwentieth and Twenty-First CenturiesImage Resource Bank, 2010 The Oriental Institute, The University of Chicago | 5:00 at 202-707-6394, and Press 3. London: Hurst and Blackett, 1900. A 1901 Puck cover, Misery Loves Company, depicts John Bull and Uncle Sam mired in colonial wars at a steep price: Boer War 16,000,000 yearly and Philippine War $80,000,000 yearly. Anti-imperialist movements targeted the human rights violations in both the Philippines and Transvaal in their protests. In The Harvest in the Philippines, Uncle Sam stands, armed to the hilt, gazing at the viewer with a field of Filipino corpses lined up in rows behind him and stretching back as far as the eye can see. 4). Der Traum der Kaiserin von China (The Dream of the Empress of China),Simplicissimus, July 3, 1900. The war was declared over by President Theodore Roosevelt in 1902 but continued in parts of the country until 1913. and Distributor, 2004). New Forces in Old China: An Inevitable Awakening(New York: F.H. "Major Grogan's Financial Analysis," EAS (6 August 1926), 1, 5, 7-8. Confucius, Missionary banner (Allied forces flags): Whatsoever ye would that men should do to you do ye even so to them. The caption, From the Cape to Cairo. Uncle Sam and his English cousin have the world between them. Here, the United States has ingested Cuba, Porto Rico, Hawaii, and the Philippines. Model students Hawaii and Porto Rico appear as docile girls learning their lessons. Tributes have poured in for a Cape Town vet who was killed by . 0 Ratings 1 Want to read; 0 Currently reading; 0 Have read; From the Cape to Cairo. In September 1901, the French artist Jean Veber used the pages of LAssiette au Beurre to call attention to one of the often-forgotten ironies of the mystique of the white mans burden. His cartoon, depicting a vast field of flat stone grave markers, carried the simple caption United Kingdom (Le Royaume-Uni). Initially, the camps were conceived as shelters for women and children war refugees. Orig. Whom or what did you include or leave out of the image? A number of critical cartoons of the time addressed the unsavory behavior of the civilizers themselves, and the disparity between doctrine and actions. Do the Access Advisory or Call Number fields above indicate that a non-digital surrogate exists, Overview; View 4 Editions Details; Reviews Lists; Related Books; Publish Date. And the political cartoons of the timesubjective, emotional, ideological, highly politicized and at the same time, politically diversifiedconvey this complexity with unparalleled sophistication and intensity. Keppler, Udo J., Artist. The scene above turns the tables on the Harpers Weekly cover (above) and accuses foreign troops and missionaries of atrocities during the Boxer Uprising in China. Under the American flag, patriotic words end with a question mark: Tis the Star-Spangled Banner, Oh! XII, No. A priest of the Church of England, his father served as curate of Brentwood Essex for fifteen years, until 1849, when he became the vicar of Bishop's Stortford, where . Shortly after Kiplings poem appeared, the consistently anti-imperialist Life fired back with a decidedly different view of the white mans burden on its March 16, 1899 cover: a cartoon that showed the foreign powers riding on the backs of their colonial subjects. After Many Years. Civilization warns Chinas passive emperor to stop the Anarchy, Murder, and Riot spread by Boxer insurgentsvisualized as a dragon crawling over the city wallattacking missionaries, Chinese Christians, and Westerners. The Laureate of Empire.Raritan: A Quarterly Review. Weekly: https://gmu.zoom.us/meeting/tJYsf-6hpzooHtCcgUHFQlJ5Hy13bvsr3WDv/ics?icsToken=98tyKuCqrzMtE92Ush2DRowQBYqgKPPxmH5Bgrd-nxjQKwZibimjHvsTYbBpA8qD. The Rhodes Colossus - Striding from Cape Town to Cairo Theory and Society16(5):675 (1987). Citing Primary Sources. The message suggests that the indigenous man will be brought out of ignorance through the inescapable march of progress in the form of Western civilization. The foothold in the Philippines brought China within reach. U.S. regiments were transported from the Philippines to join the Allied force. All this for politicsis civilization advancing? Victor Gillam,Judge, February 3, 1900. Illustration shows Britannia carrying a large white flag labeled Civilization with British soldiers and colonists behind her, advancing on a horde of natives, one carrying a flag labeled Barbarism. Priests Horribly Tortured. A Rival Who Has Come to Stay. https://www.loc.gov/item/2010652189/. The Native: Ever since my home was burned to the ground and my wife and children shot. Frederick Thompson Richards,Life, October 18, 1900. Rhodesia Railways. 1345 (1902 December 10), centerfold. 2 vols. The large Map of the United States and Neighboring Countries is dotted with U.S. flags marking newly-acquired territories. Uncle Sam breaks up a fight between students identified as Cuban Ex-Patriot and Guerilla in his New Class in the Art of Self-Government. The famous white-haired general, Mximo Gmez, a master of insurgency tactics in the Cuban Independence War (18951898) reads a book with his name on it. From the Cape to Cairo / Keppler. - Library Of Congress 13, No. II. From the C - ER9554 from Alamy's library of millions of high resolution stock photos, illustrations and vectors. Citations are generated automatically from bibliographic data as Source: Library of Congress. ***Appointments are virtual, but we can schedule in-person if needed. Library of Congress Prints and Photographs Division Washington, D.C. 20540 USA, ppmsca 25696 //hdl.loc.gov/loc.pnp/ppmsca.25696. [View Extract]. Source:Library of Congress. Matthews, Roy T. Britannia and John Bull: From Birth to Maturity.The Historian,Vol. Columbia Studies in the Social Sciences (New York: Columbia University Press, 1955). Please use the following steps to determine whether you need to fill out a call slip in the Prints The poem acknowledged the thanklessness of a task rewarded with The blame of those ye better, The hate of those ye guard and sentimentalized the savage wars of peace as self-sacrificial crusades undertaken for the greater good. The larger objective, to gain control of the Boer territories, was part of Britains colonial scheme for Cape to Cairo hegemony in Africa. , 1902. Pucks caricature of Germanys Bible-quoting Kaiser Wilhelm II ready to machine gun foreign non-believers captures the role of Christianity in turn-of-the-century Western imperialism. Rudyard Kiplings famous poem The White Mans Burden was published in 1899, during a high tide of British and American rhetoric about bringing the blessings of civilization and progress to barbaric non-Western, non-Christian, non-white peoples. As Britain stepped up financial industries, shipping, and insurance to make up the deficit, global sea power took on additional significance. U.S. Boxer attacks on Western infrastructure and the siege of foreign diplomats in Beijing gave the international powers a pretext for entering China with military force. Silence). Though the Process Be Costly, The Road of Progress Must Be Cut," states that progress must be pursued despite suffering on both sides. Expansionism promulgated under the banner of civilization could not escape being carried out in global military campaigns, referred to as the savage wars of peace in the third stanza: Such avowed paternalism towards other cultures recast the invasion of their lands as altruistic service to humankind. A chained War Correspondent is forced to rewrite his reports under the direction of Major General Elwell Otis during the Philippine-American War. - [p. 199], The Way We Get the War News. https://gmu.zoom.us/j/92187991244, Please download and import the following iCalendar (.ics) files to your calendar system. Quarto 377 pages. Library of Congress Prints and Photographs Division Washington, D.C. 20540 USA, ppmsca 25696 //hdl.loc.gov/loc.pnp/ppmsca.25696. Jones, Toby Craig. ColumbiaMother! Louis Dalrymple,Puck, June 15, 1898. If you do not see a thumbnail image or a reference to another surrogate, please fill out a call slip in From the Cape to Cairo / Keppler. War on Earth. Take a look at the pictures and answer the questions to determine what these cartoons tell us about the era of imperialism. From the Cape to Cairo / Keppler. Anthropomorphizing nations and concepts meant that in an 1899 cartoon captioned The White Mans Burden, the U.S., as Uncle Sam, could be shown trudging after Britains John Bull, his Anglo-Saxon partner, carrying non-white nationsdepicted in grotesque racist caricaturesuphill from the depths of barbarism to the heights of civilization. In his hand, he holds a telegraph wire, which he wanted to build along with the . Auto-Truck of Civilization and Trade: the Asia Market. Duplication Services Web site. The influx of cheap Western goods eroded generations-long trading patterns, while telegraph and railroad lines were constructed in violation of superstitions, eliciting deep resentment among Chinese. Price lists, contact information, and order forms are available on the In the storm clouds on the left, the Eastern Question looms. Each of the three major turn-of-the-century wars left a trail of contention in the visual record. site.). Literature follows, holding the text of Kiplings poem, The White Mans Burden. Music plays an organ labeled Two Step SymphonyDollar Mark Forever. Behind Music comes Sculpture, holding up a monument to a war hero. Long-standing personifications and visual symbols for countries were used by cartoonists to dramatize events to suit their message. Illustration shows Britannia carrying a large white flag labeled "Civilization" with British soldiers and colonists behind her, advancing on a horde of natives, one carrying a flag labeled "Barbarism". the original in color by citing the Call Number listed above and including the catalog On June 21 the Empress Dowager Cixi declared war on the Allied nations. Louis Dalrymples exceptionally detailed 1899 Puck graphic includes racist and denigrating depictions within a schoolhouse metaphor to demonstrate the right to govern newly acquired territories without their consent. 12/29/2010, Contact Information | Rights & Permissions, This resource was created by scholars at the University of Chicago and funded by the During the last decade of the 19th century, the antagonistic relationship between Great Britain and the United Statesrooted in colonial rebellion and heightened in territorial conflicts like the War of 1812grew into a sympathetic partnership. Uncle Sam is to be Sacrificed: Anglophobia in Late Nineteenth-Century Politics and Culture.American Nineteenth Century History. | Print shows Chauncey M. Depew and Robert G. Ingersoll, each in the arms of the other, pointing to quotations attributed to them that justify American imperialist activities 1 print : chromolithograph. History of Animation in Egypt. He is greeted with open arms by a mandarin and Wanted signs articulating prodigious opportunities for business. But by the 1890s, emerging industrial powerhouses like the U.S. and Germany reduced Britains industrial dominance. (DOI:10.1080/14664658.2011.559749), Twain, Mark. What impact might this have on its perspective or bias? There should be no problem designing a flag for the conquered Philippines, he opined in drawing his biting essay to a close: we can have just our usual flag, with the white stripes painted black and the stars replaced by the skull and cross-bones.. Colonists--British--1900-1910. No quarter will be given! Lifes black-and-white January 4, 1900 cover welcomed the new millennium by illustrating The Anglo-Saxon Christmas 1899. John Bull and Uncle Sam are positioned within a holiday wreath, machine guns pointing out in both directions. The caption quotes one of the presidents speeches: Teaching them the truth of the common fatherhood of God and the brotherhood of man, and showing that if we are not our brothers keepers we can be our brothers helpers. This special issue illustrated by Thophile Steinlen comprises a particularly gruesome mural depicting the bloodshed of contemporary colonial wars in Turkey, China, and Africa. Hanna was a wealthy businessman with investments in coal and iron who financed McKinleys 1896 election campaign with record-breaking fundraising that led to the defeat of opponent William Jennings Bryan. And they complain that drunken American soldiers insult the native women. Photograph. From the Cape to Cairo / Keppler. John Bull and Uncle Sam lift the globe, turned toward Asia and the Pacific, to the heavens. Sitemap In the West, China was often characterized as befuddled and archaic under the rule of an inscrutable crone, the Empress Dowager. Colonists--British--1900-1910. Source:Library of Congress, Left: John Bull gapes at a new American steamer. A band of tribal defenders, whose leader rides a white charger and wields the flag of Barbarism, fades in the face of Civilizations advance. 377. Murphy, Erin L. "Women's Anti-Imperialism, 'The White Man's Burden,' and the Philippine-American War,"The Asia-Pacific Journal, Vol. Brewer, Susan. achievement, From the Cape to Cairo, published in 1900, not - JSTOR The cartoon takes its title from Rudyard Kiplings poem The White Mans Burden. Published in February, 1899 in response to the annexation of the Philippines by the United States, the poem quickly became a famous endorsement of the civilizing missiona battle cry, full of heroic stoicism and self-sacrifice, offering moral justification for U.S. perseverance in its first major and unexpectedly prolonged overseas war. This unit examines cartoons from the turn-of-the-century visual record that reference civilization and its nemesisbarbarism. By the end of 1898, a succession of U.S. military successes and territorial acquisitions reinforced the image of the United States standing side by side with Great Britain in bringing civilization and peace to the world. The strategy was among several emerging in these small wars of the turn of the century. Partnership with Great Britain brought the advantage of shared technology to the U.S., but the new American-made ships represented competition for the British shipbuilding industry. Commercial interests not only drove U.S. policy in Asia, but also shaped public opinion about it. Civilization and trade went hand in hand in turn-of-the-century imperialism. The Ohio State University Billy Ireland Cartoon Library & Museum, CGACGA, The Ohio State University Billy Ireland Cartoon Library & Museum, Theodore Roosevelt Center at Dickinson State University, CGACGA, The Ohio State University, Billy Ireland Cartoon Library & Museum, William H. Walker Cartoon Collection, Princeton University Library, The Ohio State University Cartoon Research Library. Political cartoon analysis.pdf - Course Hero Several of these graphics from Puck commented on Americas problems at home while accusing others of being barbarians. Columbia and Uncle Sam pluck gifts from Our Christmas Tree, including law and order, technology, and education, for overseas territories Hawaii, Puerto Rico, Cuba, and the Philippines, condescendingly drawn as grateful children. Whoever falls into your hands is forfeited. PDF Social Darwinism 14 books12 followers. Contemporary wars in the Philippines and Transvaal (the Boer War) comprise the foreground of the Think It Over battlefield. Twains most celebrated anti-imperialist essay, To the Person Sitting in Darkness, was published in the February, 1901 issue of the North American Review. Although Wilhelm II was famous for introducing the concept of a yellow peril, Germanys major colonial possessions were in Africa. 3, pp. Prisoners will not be taken! 799820 (June 2000). Its colonies were acquired through purchase, agreements with other world powers, and economic domination. Co., Puck Bldg., NY [New York: Published by Keppler & Schwarzmann, NY. In the eyes of the West, China was dangerously close to chaos as the new century began. If only black-and-white ("b&w") sources are listed and you desire a copy showing And, After All, the Philippines are Only the Stepping-Stone to China. Emil Flohri,Judge, ca. You will post your answers and your own cartoon on Slack #imperialsim. In this activity, you will analyze and then create cartoons about imperialism. Cartoons endorsing imperialist expansion depicted a beneficent West as father, teacher, even Santa Clausbearing the gifts of progress to benefit poor, backward, and childlike nations destined to become profitable new markets. By the 1890s, the U.S. began to revitalize both its commercial and naval fleets. Our Civilized Heathen asks what is civilized and who are the heathen. Britain, the more powerful military partner, shows celebrated victories over the Spanish Armada in 1588 and over the French and Spanish navies at Trafalgar in 1805. Commodore Deweys victory in Manila Bay in May not only paved the way for U.S. conquest of the Philippines, but also provided a valuable naval base for U.S. fleets in the Pacific. In this rendering, progresseconomic, technological, and culturalis spread through global military aggression. Chinas hapless young Manchu emperor, traditionally and exotically robed, sits passively in the foreground. The Life cartoon takes a different view of the barbarism in these events, focussing on Allied brutality against the Chinese. Wake / J. Ottmann Lith. Leur rve (Their dream). LAC nsk 2021-10-04 create (1 card), Printed Ephemera Collection (Library of Congress) - Anti-Imperialist League (Washington, D.C.), Horrible nightmare of a worthy old gentleman. The Philippines are diminished as Only the Stepping-Stone that enables the U.S. to reach the eagerly anticipated China market. achievement, From the Cape to Cairo, published in 1900, not only chronicled the events of a harrowing two year walking tour of Africa, but also discussed many of the problems that confronted . Elliott, Jane E. SomeDid It for Civilisation, Some Did It for Their Country: A RevisedView of the Boxer War(Hong Kong: The Chinese University Press, 2002). The White Mans Burden (Apologies to Rudyard Kipling). Victor Gillam,Judge, April 1, 1899. A tiny female China peers at the scene from behind a wall. (Some images display only as thumbnails outside In this activity, you will first analyze political cartoons about imperialism, and then create your own anti-imperialist cartoon. The caption, "From the Cape to Cairo. 1898, Donaldson Litho Co. The Origins of the Boxer War: A Multinational Study(London, New York: RoutledgeCurzon, 2003). In The Pigtail Has Got to Go, a white-robed goddess wears a star that radiates over a Chinese mandarin. The violence applied to these aims both in bodily harm and cultural ruin was only part of the hypocrisy. From the Cape to Cairo / Keppler. To maintain its position in the international balance of power, Britain needed allies. Source: Widener Library, Harvard University, The barbarity of imperial war is displayed on a battlefield littered with dead soldiers of many nationalities that stretches from contemporary warshere, the Philippines and Transvaal (Boer War)back through time to Roman Wars. The sub-caption of this 1900 Judge cartoon once again asks the disturbing question: is civilization advancing?. He talks to each student separately and tells them that he is sure that they shared answers, but he cannot be sure who copied from whom. England has governed her colonies whether they consented or not. The caption is ominous: War on Earth. [Read Online]. 730-735 (2008). Even the language of Lifes caption is subversive, for it picks up a famous pro-imperialist speech by Theodore Roosevelt titled The Strenuous Life. Delivered on April 10, 1899, two years before Roosevelt became president, the most famous lines of the speech were these: I wish to preach, not the doctrine of ignoble ease, but the doctrine of the strenuous life, the life of toil and effort, of labor and strife; to preach that highest form of success which comes, not to the man who desires mere easy peace, but to the man who does not shrink from danger . 11, Issue 40, No. Keppler, Udo J., Artist. Barbarism lies at the base of the mountain to be climbed by Uncle Sam and John Bullwith civilization far off at the hoped-for end of the journey, where a glowing figure proffers education and liberty. The fifth stanza of Kiplings poem refers to an ascent toward the light: Barbarisms companion attributes of backwardness, spelled out on the boulders underfoot, include oppression, brutality, vice, cannibalism, slavery, and cruelty. Miller, Bonnie M. The Image-Makers' Arsenal in an Age of War and Empire, 1898 1899: A Cartoon Essay, Featuring the Work of Charles Bartholomew (of theMinneapolis Journal)and Albert Wilbur Steele (of theDenver Post). Journal of American Studies, 45, pp 53-75 (Cambridge University Press). Leonhard, Robert R.The China Relief Expedition: Joint Coalition Warfare in China,Summer 1900(Laurel, MD: Applied Physics Laboratory, Johns Hopkins University). - The Native: Ever since my home was burned to the ground and my wife and children shot.. McKinley also mentions profit, free trade, and the open door in Asia: Incidental to our tenure in the Philippines is the commercial opportunity to which American statesmanship cannot be indifferent. Blocking its uphill path, the Chinese dragon crawls downhill bearing a Boxer waving a bloody sword and banner reading 400 Million Barbarians. The image puts progress and primitivism on a collision course at the edge of a cliff. If you dont do it I shall have to. Udo Keppler,Puck, August 8, 1900. Expert Help. The turn-of-the-century visual record tells us otherwise. Scene The Congo Free State; artist: Linley Sambourne. 1 (October 7, 2013). ), the Boer prisoners were gathered in large enclosures where, for the last 18 months, they found rest and quiet. Though the Process Be Costly, The Road of Progress Must Be Cut," states that progress must be pursued despite suffering on both sides. N.Y.: J. Ottmann Lith. The aggressive quest for new marketsChinas millions being the most covetedwas justified as part of the benevolent and inevitable spread of progress. A more earthly approach is taken in the graphic Some One Must Back Up that heads this essay. Library of Congress Prints and Photographs Division. Beginning in 1896, the British carried out military expeditions in Sudan in order to reassert control over the Upper Nile region. Eighteen months before Steinlens disturbing mural, another German artist, Thomas Theodor Heine, published a similarly blood-soaked rendering of the barbarities perpetuated abroad by Western military forces.

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from the cape to cairo cartoon analysis

from the cape to cairo cartoon analysis

from the cape to cairo cartoon analysis

from the cape to cairo cartoon analysis