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I do not like pretenders but do not want to take on the duty of Valor Police. Ah. If you want to learn more about the Vietnam War and its Warriors, then subscribe to this blog and get notified by email or your feed reader every time a new story, picture, video or changes occur on this website the button is located at the top right of this page. i have read that only one in seven guys that went to Vietnam, were actually in combat. Statistics on PTSD in Veterans | US News I was in Nam in 1968 and 1969 as a combat Marine. I saw the truck bounce towards the trees. About 12 out of every 100 Gulf War Veterans (or 12%) have PTSD in a given year. The first US advisors that I can find evidence of arrived in country in 1955. Im going with 2.9 and saying the person who wrote 9.2 has the seing disease whereas they see everything in reverse. How many Vietnam War veterans are still alive 2022? You do not need to establish anything other than that. You guys were the lifeblood of our war effort. The number of people who are Vietnam veterans in the first place is a number that is widely debated. I wonder if I was not Dante- would I have the inspiration to survive? It works only in coordination with the primary cookie. Hometown: Detroit, Michigan. I served in Vietnam from Jul 68 to Jul 69. The dust settled back to normality, as if man did not exist. I have lived with the 2.7 million number having served in Vietnam all along and believe the Times estimate refers to Era vets having served around the world during those war years. The Nation supported WWI & WWII, the entire Nation was involved in the war effort. Hometown: New York City. Suddenly, I was in front of the truck near the grill. Vietnam era vets are not the same as Vietnam vets, but they are important. Luck of the draw my twin that received a silver star got the luck of the draw made it home. Nevertheless, if my name was Tom, Dick, or Harry I would have perished, but I could not put my parents through the same ordeal as Aunt Palma and Uncle Frank. And though did not serve in actual combat, as you describe it, we were shot at & mortared on occasion. 101st Airborne Division, 1969-70 Question One: Are we talking Vietnam Veterans or Vietnam Era Veterans. Agent Orange was sprayed on the Jungle areas, and Melathion (Insecticide) was sprayed on Base Camps. There was a huge difference between the merchant ships i sailed on, no passengers, and vessels like usns geiger. He was a Private First Class who was killed in action in the Second World War. I do not, however, have a CIB. no body turned down extra hands, and my india purchased white shirt and shorts made me attractive target in the event of a problem, and provided some humor to the 130 crews. Im 75 and served in South Vietnam (30 Dec 1967-68) A/504th MP Bn. guy next to me was shoot dead I think that counts. How many Vietnam veterans have died from Agent Orange? According to Department of Veterans Affairs' projections, Vietnam Veteran deaths will hit 103,890 this year, about 285 a day. Please do all you can to inform our fellow vets that the VA presumes Agent Orange exposure if you were in-country. I know I was there and have several cancers! She is new to that post, having spent 20+ years as head of coding & analysis at NSA. USA, (Ret.). During the Vietnam War, Air Force C-123 planes sprayed millions of gallons of herbicides over the jungles of Southeast Asia to destroy enemy crops and tree cover. Helicopter Units and losses in the Vietnam War, The Story behind the famous Saigon Execution Photo, https://open.spotify.com/show/5Th7BCpIKDE1hVTqNL3u0Q. My sister found enough info to get my brother in laws ship re-classified as a brown water ship and proved he was sent in country by the ships commander (Newport News). How many Vietnam veterans are dying everyday? https://news.va.gov/89450/vietnam-war-veterans-honoring-served-memorial-day-2021/. About the same number of draft dodgers.or so I was told. Again, I see a jumbled view of jungle and sky, and vaguely see a solitary soldier standing over me. Could this be friendly fire on a beautiful Sunday? I was on merchant ships for three years in viet nam. 1 How many American soldiers died in Vietnam in 1975? Youll have to look for it, but a long time ago I posted the most recent VA numbers I could find. There were 7 RoyalThai Air Force bases used during the war, from 1961-1975, three closed between 1972 to 1973. According to the American War Library website, it was concluded by the Department of Defense that their best estimate is that between 2,709,918 and 3,173,845 GIs served in Vietnam and its surrounding waters between the years 1954 and 1975. They wouldnt know the truth even if they tripped over it. I flew with the 220th Aviation Company (Cat Killers) in 1968. If one in ten saw sustained combat, then there may be as little as 60,000 of us left! Heres a fact: Jeffery Lynn Scheller, USN, born July 31, 1954 was Killed In Action on October 1, 1972. Many Vietnam Vets do not even know about the secret operations from Thailand, now declassified, that probably helped save their rears during some of their combat operations. I remember a distorted image of reality. Steve We had a lot of support vets near Saigon. I served in 67 69 & had stroke in 93 then heart attack in 2002 with 2d in 2004 . @Dea KellyWere you on the ground when this happened? I am a Viet Nam combat veteran. 109, 000 died in the service during this period. 400 hundred days of always being ready to fight and protect our 40 Huey helicopters, flew as door gunner a lot. In the article, the writer quotes Patrick S. Brady of Vietnam Veterans of Americas magazine. This part of Pleiku Province is a combination of mountains, triple to single canopy jungle and/or open valleys. If you are a pretender go stand in front of the mirror and tell that lie one more time so you can watch yourself steal the respect from an actual COMBAT VETERAN A/3/22 3rd Brigade 4th ID Dau Tieng 12/66 to 1/68. I to served two tours 67-68 and 69-70,first with 1st of 8th cav. War is Heck!!! Vietnam IS a Vietnam veteran. The politicians and fake news along with the Berkeley professors lost it for the American people after that. But the bad news is that Charlie knew exactly where they were . Yep feet never left the ground except to do my mos. SP5 Mark Kuzinski 86.6K 296 151 53 53 0 Vietnam veterans are dying at the rate of 390 deaths each day. I can tell you that those who served in Thailand should definitely be considered Vietnam Vets. Serious danger along those river banks. I have heard many stories (more in the past 30 years) of people claiming to be a combat veteran, maybe seeking some kind of hero status or valid excuse for why they are where they are. In fact, the first two advisors (MAJ Dale Buis and MSG Chester Ovnand) killed by the enemy died in an attack on their base near Bien Hoa on July 8, 1959. It could be a Yard, Don Porier, or a sapper. I went into shock and lost conscienceless. NO! Interesting, no way is 75 percent f real vets are alive today? . According to the American War Library, as of February 28, 2019, it is estimated that approximately 610,000 Americans who served in land forces during the Vietnam War or in air missions over Vietnam between 1954 and 1975 are still alive to this day. When he first got out we roomed together, and I came home from school one day s clss was canceled. But to me, Nam is my whole universe i.e. Today is Sun 22 Aug 2021 but the actual date HAS YET TO BE DETERMINED as the US is SENDING GIs BACK! These cookies ensure basic functionalities and security features of the website, anonymously. They are a ten (10), they fought alongside the infantry defending the perimeter. Approximately 7,500 women were stationed in Vietnam during the war. What qualifies you as a viet Nam vet would be if you stepped foot on the soil. I was the first male born to the Puccetti family after his death, so my parents received permission to name their son after Dante. NO, some who got to sleep in the same bed night after night, yet were low slow flying targets by day are NOT REMF. It should be duly noted that these numbers do not include the 2500 to 3000 US Air Force troops stationed in Guam, Thailand, and other countries that were involved in the Vietnam War effort. Korea had 2 divisions in Vietnam The White Horse & Tiger Divisions The Australian Military was also present but I do not know the numbers There could be others. They are paying on Melathion settlements (Watch TV, and it as on 2 to 3% purity, used inside US) There are no living Veterans that I know of. Some advisors embassy guards, but all combat units left. Combat Veteran means being awarded a CIB. I needed the rest! nearly every classmate from the academy served on some basis during the vn war. Yes, there are fuckyou lizards. 4-39th, 9th Div. One of the things that really bothers me is the statement that we lost in Vietnam? Mike. The book by Hal Moore & Joe Galloway We were soldiers once, and young describe what many of us experienced. Phill Coleman, who surfaced in the very early days of the Internet, and has been profiting from veterans (first Vietnam, now all) for years. Dr. Paul A. Scipione The leading cause of preventable death among US military casualties in the Vietnam War was exsanguination from extremity wounds. The youngest Vietnam War veteran was a 15-year-old child named Dan Bullock. I appreciate the fact that I Sam in the combat group that won the war against the communist rabble during their Tet Offensive in 1968. When the 3rd Brigade,82 ABD moved from Camp Rodriguez (I Corps) in October 1968 my first base was Tent Citynear Bien Hoa (III Corps) then my unit was moved to Phu Loi. Thats what we did in Vietnam we left and am glad we did. This included Westmorland and Abrahms. Ive often wondered how many of us are left. Unless they kept track by service or SSN, how many Vietnam Veterans are there ? We all started getting heart attacks around the same time. That is correct, Dow Chemical is responsible for three times as many Viet Nam veteran deaths as the NVA and the VC. The report is based on national death certificate data currently available through 2020. Ive never seen so many people so full of shit trying to answer a question like how many Vietnam veterans are still alive today. The oldest living Vietnam War veteran is believed to be a man named Larrivee Ronald A , who was born in Feb, 24, 1935. Assuming were talking solely about U.S. Vietnam veterans, all I would add is that anyone who served in the military and entered the war zone is technically a Vietnam veteran. I have had stage III melanoma, stage III squamous cell throat cancer and now stage II bladder cancer. We may never know who actually served and were in country during the fight. If you have any doubts, take a closer look at your DD-214. Forget 1954, let use a true date of 1962 (first advisors) These Veterans are now in or about to reach their 80's. How many Vietnam vets . I was hoping for more accurate numbers. VA's Veteran Population Projection Model estimates that there are approximately 6.1 million living Vietnam War-era Veterans, as of 2021. Heres my article about Canadians who fought in Vietnam: https://cherrieswriter.com/2015/11/13/lost-to-history-the-canadians-who-fought-in-vietnam/. The 25th Infantry Division, in III Corps, issue two different Malaria Pills. Besides, who says anyone can claim this status or that status just because. Were you at Saigon firebase when guys set off grenade in APC ? All opinions graciously welcomed. I was searching aria, even though these ruts are a real bitch! I was jostled and jerked by the truck over the dusty road. Through my blood-covered face, I could not distinguish whom! The commander of the sapper ambush signaled the weapons man to fire the first RPG, and it impacted behind the target. My husband was awarded several (door gunner w/191st AHC Bounty Hunters). We all served in our assigned duties, some bled, and some died. Bob ONeal, Lt.Col. Considering the number of troops deployed at different times, the build up and the draw down, its inconceivable that there could have been 9m serving in country. I was on LZ Bayonet during 1970 and experienced many of the things you described. Thank you in advance! It seems like you are looking at a very narrow view of the division of experiences of those who served in Vietnam. The dashboard gauges and the gearshift lever approached, as I hit the dashboard with my left side and my head crashed to the floor; My spirit rejoined and I was protected by the firewall. These cookies will be stored in your browser only with your consent. Merchant Marine officers or crew are not wearing the uniform of the USAs Armed Forces. How many Vietnam veterans are dying each day? A veteran of the Vietnam War is a person who PARTICIPATED in the Vietnam War. What numbers do the VA have? The 30 September 2007 Veterans Administration estimate places the daily deaths of WWII US veterans at 1,000 per day. The 30 September 2007 Veterans Administration estimate places the daily deaths of WWII US veterans at 1,000 per day. My husband was one of those 191st Assault Helicopter Co. Bounty Hunter door gunners. As stated in the previous post I too can spot a fake in 10 seconds. These cookies help provide information on metrics the number of visitors, bounce rate, traffic source, etc. I do not believe we were counted as vets. He received every military combat award for valor available from the U.S. Army, as well as French and Belgian awards for heroism. On Sat, Jun 19, 2021 at 4:22 PM CherriesWriter Vietnam War website wrote: > pdoggbiker posted: This is a controversial post. Christmas Night, Midnight, a guy in the next Bunker committed suicide. Editorial comment by website administrator: Personally, Im going with the 610,000 estimate of 2 yrs. This accurate accounting gives us persepective on the cost of current and future wars. it was one of the smaller airbus aircraft. I did work with Korean Troops. Trying to understand: Does being shot at outside the wire while moving to new location count? The Korean War was not supported by the ENTIRE nation, actually that is why it is known as the Forgotten War. Im sure that you all know that claiming to be a VFWar when you are not is a federal crime with severe legal penalties. The number of Vietnam veterans affected by the chemical Agent Orange is astonishing. I recall combat pay (Hazard DutyPay) at $60 dollars a month. A few days later I was in fatigues on a C-123 to Da Nang, and a month later driving Hai Van Pass to Phu Bai with 3rdRRU Mobile Det (ASA). My performance as Dante Michael Anthony Puccetti was at its close, and resembling the theater, I was ready to take my curtain call. How many veterans die each Day - Latest Servey 2022 - Happy Veterans I turned left into the open valley dirt road that lead to the OP, crossed the blue line (river or stream on a map) and raced through the dense, triple canopy jungle to the open valley floor. Those of us who wear air crew wings probably saved your ass more than once. As I started to slowly stagger upright towards the opposite side of the road, trying with all my might to gain my balance, I went down hard. . With the Americal after I got back I had maps. How many Vietnam veterans are still missing? That number was reasonable: About 9.2 million Americans served in the military during the Vietnam era . Navy ships were classified as Blue Water ships. Born in 1953, he joined the US Marine Corps at the age of 15 and was sent to Vietnam where he served as a machine gunner. Please do your own due diligence on the American War Library before citing them on ANYTHING, ever. the man ahead of me had been in rome for a religious tour. There is a bird in India that says Did you Do it? Got home after the war, never spoke about my service, never went hunting again, never cut my feeling back on! We did a lot of Ranch Hand missions in the iron Triangle. Somewhat confusing. Base was 1st MAW Danang AB which got hit early Tet with rockets, mortars and sappers. The site is owned and run by a crook and charlatan named (?) makes no diff, if you were a grunt or cook. How Many Vietnam War Veterans Are Still Alive? How many ww2 veterans are still alive 2021? If he was at least in the Army, this might not work. Guys like me know the difference. I served a second tour and know quite a few Marines that did also. Each BUFF had 6 crewmen onboard. My 2.6 million figure refers to American vets. Also consider the thousands that served multiple tours. There are still a lot of us left by some miracle! Posted in these groups: Vietnam War American History Posted >1 y ago Deaths per day . the draft board made that very clear. Does Ohio State University Allow Pets In Dorms? I have VSM on my DD215 which deleted the AFEM on my DD214. It was all about teamwork, whether you pulled the trigger or not. A total of 9,087,000 military personnel served on active duty during the Vietnam era, with over 2,709,000 Americans serving in Vietnam, about 9.7% of the generation. Operation Homecoming was completed on March 29, 1973, when the last of 591 U.S. prisoners were released and returned to the United States. How Many Vietnam Veterans are Alive Today? - CherriesWriter Music That Moves the Military. While every GI serving around the world was important to securing our Cold War victory over Communism just as the Vietnam conflict was also, those who served in uniform in the SEA War Theater are the true veterans of the Vietnam War. It is difficult to say how many Vietnam veterans have been affected by Agent Orange. If you served in any other places you are a Veteran, ERA is an embellishment of your service. More than 3.4 million deployed to Southeast Asia (1) and approximately 2.7 million of those served in the Republic of Vietnam (2). Perhaps the reason for guys is that there were times we had to drink out of bomb craters that were in areas sprayed with Agent Orange. So he goes to Camp Wolter Texas for his 11 month school (they pay them E-5 during training) then just few weeks before graduation he declines to sign the extension for his Warrant Officer Status, they send him to Vietnam as a private to Phan Rang to ride security on fuel convoys (safe Gig) he never had to fire a weapon. The last number of Viet Nam veterans alive today was 730,000, which would equate to around todays number of 610,000. We all had a job to do. Peter my husband is now deceased but he was a door gunner with the 191 st AHC Bounty Hunters (gunships), Very good. Additionally, the American War Library approximated that around 164,000 Americans who served at sea in Vietnam waters during the same time are still alive today. (Operation Ranch Hand) that were loaders and used no protection. i TO AM A VEITNAM VET. As I moved my right hand to change gears, it just blew apart, as red blood and parts of my hand flew everywhere instantaneously, but in slow motion I seemingly was catapulted onto some parallel universe. My uncle John was in Company A, 290th Engineer Combat Bn during WWII. These cookies track visitors across websites and collect information to provide customized ads. Straining to regain my feet again, I staggered a few strides to my right and throe myself forward, with all I was worth, collapsing finely into the vegetation face up. I was there in 1964-1965 then 1967-1968 then my last tour was 1971-1972. Numbers can always be manipulated. REAL Vietnam War veterans are all those who are officially authorized the Vietnam Service medal and possess official military-issued documentation to confirm their medal authorization. It was difficult for me to move. and i abhor those who say they served when they were plumbers in texas and talk of medals they never earned. If you fired a weapon in defense, outside the wire,, and your boots were on the ground in VN you are a COMBAT vet. There he was wearing my dress uniform jacket SSG, CIB, BS three rows of ribbons 8 years service, 10 overseas hash marks and he had 3 very underage teeny boppers girls smoking weed telling them war stories and bragging about his combat exploits. Stolen Valor the American Way! If you served in country on a ship in the gulf or dropped 2000 pound bombs you are a vietnam vet. I could never guess the number of actual Vietnam Vets there are, nor the % still alive. The list of cancers gets longer with each passing year. Whether you were sprayed or not makes no difference, and YOU ARE NOT required to prove anything other than being present in Vietnam. i would like to confuse the issue a bit more. young men and woman who were there and did get fired on, or were in danger, should be recognized . (Mar 1969-Sep 70) 2/23, 196 LIB & 1/23 MP Co, 11 LIB, AMERICAL DIV. While there troops from our unit were deployed to Vietnam as replacements yet some people dont consider us as support for troops in Vietnam. Even more telling is how many Vietnam combat veterans are still alive today? How many Nam Vets die per day is what??? - Leatherneck.com so the cia men who changed from suits were not vietnam veterams when they went into laos and cambodia? to 1984 approx. We, the U.S. have lost over 158,000 American lives to the Vietnam war and that count is still rising. https://www.americanwarlibrary.com/personnel/vietvet.htm Non combat Vets served elsewhere. There are questions like this that are hard to answere as being true boots on ground. I knew I had to stand up again, even though I made a better target; my staying in the open road would be a death sentence. Today, the state with highest number of Vietnam veterans is California, with 596,130, followed by Florida with 519,224. for most of it i listened but not wanting to interfere. How Many Vietnam War Veterans Are Still Alive? We were sitting ducks to support our artillery & infantry troops, so talk your trash! All who served In Country and the those outlying areas in support should be considered Vietnam Vets. You were in Combat!!! The New York Times reported that claims like those of the American War Library are false and that, instead of only one-third of Vietnam vets remaining, the number points to more than 75 percent of Vietnam veterans still living and breathing today. But I didnt beat him he just left. The cookies is used to store the user consent for the cookies in the category "Necessary". Really, very easy to say if your were able to sleep at night, so being anonymous means you stand up for those words All members of the team are NOT COMBAT VETERANS, My husbands boots werent on the groundthey were in the air and he was definitely a Combat vet. I knew what life in-store for me in my recovery had- years of pain and disabilities while I waited for my next adventure. Regardless of their MOS or the details of their service, veterans have more in common with each other than they have differences, and ALL deserve to be honored. Which Statement Best Describes How Americans In The 1960S Felt About The Vietnam War? It allows the website owner to implement or change the website's content in real-time. How Many World War 2 Veterans Die Each Day? Those who do not remember where in country they were, WHERE NOT THERE.. Or suffering from a complete mental memory disorder. Isolated atrocities committed by American Soldiers produced torrents Yes, Vietnam War veterans are still eligible for various benefits and compensation from the Department of Veterans Affairs, including disability compensation, health care, and education benefits. The percentage of fatalities that resulted from this was 7.9%. I PULL GUARD DUTY THE FIRST NIGHT ANY ONE EVERY STAYED THERE. Active duty 70-71, Quang Tri, Khe Sahn, Danny. I shipped to RVN on the USNS Geiger, manned by Merchant Marines, leaving Tacoma, WA on June 30, 1967 and arriving in Vung Tau on July 21, 1967. i think the definition should not be restricted by whether you wore khakis or como. But having a CIB does not exclude or diminish in any way the experiences or accomplishments of others, like you, and the wearer of the badge has no right to judge what any other man faced. This cookie is used by the website's WordPress theme. How many Vietnam vets have died from Agent Orange? According to DCAS Vietnam casualty files, the following casualty were sustained outside of S. Vietnam: 728 in Laos, 523 in Cambodia, 1,120 in N. Vietnam and 10 in China. It was an incredibly tumultuous time in US hi >, It poses more confusion about what constitutes a Vietnam Vet! One other thing I would like to know, when Jane Fonda was sitting on that anti aircraft gun in Hanoi did they let her try to use it. GREAT It is called the Stolen Valor Act., Dau Tieng A Co. 3/22 Inf. may we all be the last man standing. I still consider myself lucky every day! Air medals say combat support flying night spook missions around Haiphong from 68 -71. How many soldiers died on their first day in Vietnam? The insistence to include Vietnam-ErA vets with those who served in-country results in a ridiculous skew to any meaningful stats. But a growing army of strangers is. Id like to know what the 1 in 14 men figure is based on. I was driving the OPs 3/4-ton, 4X4 truck down the main dirt highway from Camp Enari entering the Ville and Mark Stanley was a passenger in the cab. We need a better more definitive for VIETNAM Vet. 101st Airborne 25th Infantry 82nd Airborne 173rd Airborne Brigade Combat Team. Over 8.7 million Americans served in the Armed Forces during the Vietnam era from 1964 to 1973 (1). Canandaigua, NY No, Wildaboro was gone, and AK-47s and B-40 rockets were sapper armaments Later, I read in a letter that Sp.4 Donnon F. Porier grabbed the M-60 machinegun, risking his life, and ran down the hillside rushing to the ambush site. I was shot up more than a dozen times and shot down once. i do not denigrate their service or define them as inferior. According to the American War Library, as of February 28, 2019, it is estimated that approximately 610,000 Americans who served in land forces during the Vietnam War or in air missions over Vietnam between 1954 and 1975 are still alive to this day. These Veterans are now in or about to reach . I believe you mean the malaria pill was once a week. John, About 30000 Canadians came into the us to join up. we spent sometimes a month or more in one port depending on the cargo and the need. The truth is that until Vietnam veterans can agree amongst themselves what constitutes a real Vietnam vet, the debate may continue. How Many Vietnam Veterans Are Still Alive In 2022? - CLJ Was back at LZ Bayonet the last part of my tour after being medevaced off of Professional and in the hospital at Chu Lai. Additionally, the American War Library approximated that around 164,000 Americans who served at sea in Vietnam waters during the same time are still alive today. that conversation has stayed with me. I was out of my earthly shell. How Many Vietnam Veterans Are Still Alive? - MilitaryPerson.com 9.2 million served on active duty (5 August 1964 to 7 May 1975) 2,590,000 served in the combat zone. Why do the vets who served during the Vietnam War era have to be so devisive? Thats sad and should stop. 58,184 died in the combat zone or from combat wounds. The exact percentage of surviving Vietnam War veterans is not known, but it is estimated to be around 25% of the total number of veterans who served during the war. How many veterans die each day? - Answers Various percentages of actual Vietnam Veterans is bothersome. Educate your self and search the web for the last battle of the Vietnam war. 45-50 years from now (and I bet no-one will want to Hometown: Vega Baja, Puerto Rico. A phantom drifted over and raised me up to unconsciousness. Before I passed out, I was being picked up off the jungle floor by some entity. Their names are at least on the wall thanks to the efforts of many service organizations and Congress.

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how many vietnam vets die each day

how many vietnam vets die each day

how many vietnam vets die each day

how many vietnam vets die each day