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Section 3. [26] Thus, they refer to the HSBC 2012 projection for 2050 that the Philippines will be 16th largest economy due to its large growing population, and those whose populations are decreasing will suffer decline. Additional duty of the local population officer . In the case of minors, the written consent of parents or legal guardian or, in their absence, persons exercising parental authority or next-of-kin shall be required only in elective surgical procedures and in no case shall consent be required in emergency or serious cases as defined in Republic Act No. Section 2. The State shall protect and promote the right to health of women especially mothers in particular and of the people in general and instill health consciousness among them. The DOH shall procure, distribute to LGUs and monitor the usage of family planning supplies for the whole country. [39] Proponents emphasized that RH will help in stemming the AIDS epidemic that is worsening in the Philippines. [33], Proponents such as E. Ansioco of Democratic Socialist Women of the Philippines argued that "The World Health Organization (WHO) includes contraceptives in its Model Lists of Essential Drugs" and thus are safe medicines. SEC. Integration of Family Planning and Responsible Parenthood Component in Anti-Poverty Programs Responsible Parenthood: 18 Family Planning - Makati Medical Center Responsible Parenthood and Reproductive Health - YouTube [33], Jo Imbong, founder of the Abay Pamilya Foundation, reported that "Lagman said in a House hearing that the bill would protect human life 'from implantation' ",[37] and not from fertilization, noting at the same time that the Records of the Constitutional Commission state that "Human life begins at fertilization". The annual report shall evaluate the content, implementation, and impact of all policies related to reproductive health and family planning to ensure that such policies promote, protect and fulfill womens reproductive health and rights. Hiring of Skilled Health Professionals for Maternal Health Care and Skilled Birth Attendance. Responsible Parenthood and Reproductive Health Summary Lesson 24 Responsible Parenthood and Reproductive Health Summary University Quezon City University Course Gender and Society (ELCTV 2) Academic year2019/2020 Helpful? Among other points, they proposed a study on the meaning of conception in the Constitution, and if it means fertilization, abortifacients "are to be banned even now and regardless of whether the RH Bill is passed". Responsible Parenthood and Reproductive Health Act (RA 10354) For married couples Family planning is a preparation for responsible parenthood. Duterte vows full implementation of RH law | GMA News Online (k) Maternal health refers to the health of a woman of reproductive age including, but not limited to, during pregnancy, childbirth and the postpartum period. PDF Kagawaran ng Edukasyon - Department of Education 8344. (12) Mental health aspect of reproductive health care. Its staunch opposition to the bill has drawn the controversy among non-Catholics and Catholics alike who support the bill whereby many invoke the principle of separation of church and state. RESPONSIBLE PARENTHOOD AND FAMILY PLANNING-converted.pdf [25], The bill, said Clara Padilla of EnGender Rights Inc, will "help reduce the number of abortions by providing increased access to information and services on modern contraceptive methods, that in turn will reduce the number of unwantedand often abortedpregnancies". The basic content of the Consolidated Reproductive Health Bill is divided into the following sections. (CLEMS DELA CRUZ / FILE PHOTO / MANILA BULLETIN) This implies that people are able to have a responsible, safe, consensual and satisfying sex life, that they have the capability to reproduce and the freedom to decide if, when, and how often to do so. Thus, the Population Commission was created to push for a lower family size norm and provide information and services to lower fertility rates. [14][15] "Medical and scientific evidence," says the main proponent, "shows that all the possible medical risks connected with contraceptives are infinitely lower than the risks of an actual pregnancy and everyday activitiesThe risk of dying within a year of using pills is 1 in 200,000. Responsible Parenthood and 10 principles of - Public Health Notes The Catholic Church also states that their stand is based on secular reasons and natural law that are both acceptable to non-Catholics as well. See answer (1) Best Answer. 12 issued by President Rodrigo Duterte supporting the full implementation of the Responsible Parenthood and Reproductive Health (RPRH) Law is a major push for the government's family planning program, which has been hindered by various challenges to the implementation of the landmark law. If any part or provision of this Act is held invalid or unconstitutional, the other provisions not affected thereby shall remain in force and effect. [79], At 3 in the morning on December 13, 2012, the House of Representatives voted on second reading in favor of the bill with 113109 while five representatives abstained. (Sgd.) [90], Notwithstanding the restraining order on certain methods of contraception, in September 2018, President Duterte decided to ensure, within 2018, free contraception for 6 million women with unmet needs for modern family planning in 2018, for 2million women identified as poor, and later for further 4million women. 8. This further implies that women and men attain equal relationships in matters related to sexual relations and reproduction. These systems are made of organs and hormone-producing glands, including the pituitary gland in the brain. This Act shall be liberally construed to ensure the provision, delivery and access to reproductive health care services, and to promote, protect and fulfill womens reproductive health and rights. Benefits for Serious and Life-Threatening Reproductive Health Conditions Thus, for these women, abortion has become a family planning method, in the absence of information on and access to any reliable means to prevent an unplanned and unwanted pregnancy". What is the responsibility of parenthood? What are the benefits do we get from Responsible Parenthood and Reproductive Health Act? Ang Responsible Parenthood and Reproductive Health Law of 2012 (Republic Act No. 6 An Act Providing for a National Policy on Responsible Parenthood and Reproductive Health, Rep. Act No. Age- and Development-Appropriate Reproductive Health Education. Reproductive Health | CDC - Centers for Disease Control and Prevention 28. SEC. The government shall promote and provide unbiased information and access to these services. [6], The Philippine Medical Association (PMA) stated in their Position Paper that the goal of reducing the rise of maternal and child deaths "could be attained by improving maternal and child health care without the necessity of distributing contraceptives. When a couple agrees to practice this, they will only have the number of children they can afford to support. Heated debates and rallies both supporting and opposing the RH Bill took place nationwide. [27], In a recent development, two authors of the Reproductive Health Bill changed their stand on the provisions of the bill regarding population and development. He also stated that he gives full support to a firm population policy, educating parents to be responsible, providing contraceptives to those who ask for them, but he refuses to promote contraceptive use. SONA 2016: Duterte urges full implementation of RH law - RAPPLER The total fertility rate for women with a college education is 2.3, about half that of women with only elementary education (4.5). Spell. The following acts are prohibited: (a) Any health care service provider, whether public or private, who shall: (1) Knowingly withhold information or restrict the dissemination thereof, and/or intentionally provide incorrect information regarding programs and services on reproductive health including the right to informed choice and access to a full range of legal, medically-safe, non-abortifacient and effective family planning methods; (2) Refuse to perform legal and medically-safe reproductive health procedures on any person of legal age on the ground of lack of consent or authorization of the following persons in the following instances: (i) Spousal consent in case of married persons: Provided, That in case of disagreement, the decision of the one undergoing the procedure shall prevail; and, (ii) Parental consent or that of the person exercising parental authority in the case of abused minors, where the parent or the person exercising parental authority is the respondent, accused or convicted perpetrator as certified by the proper prosecutorial office of the court. Therefore, there will be no unwanted pregnancy for the couple. 10354), informally known as the Reproductive Health Law, is a law in the Philippines which guarantees universal access to methods on contraception, fertility control, sexual education, and maternal care. [68] They argue that a decreased population growth will lead to improved quality of life and economic development. The national or the local government may provide each provincial, city, municipal and district hospital with a Mobile Health Care Service (MHCS) in the form of a van or other means of transportation appropriate to its terrain, taking into consideration the health care needs of each LGU. During the first public hearing on Nov 24, the chair of the Committee on Population handling the bill said that there is no instruction from the Speaker of the House to expedite the bill. [50], A TV Debate was also hosted by ABS-CBN in May 2011. Section 27. (PPT) Responsible parenthood | joseph raymundo - Academia.edu Republic Act No. The LGUs, with the technical assistance of the DOH, shall be responsible for the training of BHWs and other barangay volunteers on the promotion of reproductive health. RESPONSIBLE PARENTHOOD INFORMED CHOICE Effective and quality reproductive healthcare services, which are ethically and medically safe, legal, accessible and affordable shall be given. President Ferdinand Marcos pushed for a systematic distribution of contraceptives all over the country, a policy that was called "coercive", by its leading administrator. The national debate is seen as part of a wider culture war. PDF Reproductive rights and reproductive health - United Nations 10354, otherwise known as "The Responsible Parenthood and Reproductive Health Act of 2012" or the RPRH Act. 1700. Reproductive Health. She reported that every day, "there are 11 women dying while giving birth in the Philippines. These products and supplies shall also be included in the regular purchase of essential medicines and supplies of all national hospitals: Provided, further, That the foregoing offices shall not purchase or acquire by any means emergency contraceptive pills, postcoital pills, abortifacients that will be used for such purpose and their other forms or equivalent. [25] Thus, they called their paper "Catholics Can Support the RH Bill in Good Conscience". This can make it difficult to access information and services around sexual and reproductive health, especially in places where religious or cultural beliefs restrict access to contraception or abortion. SEC. The Senate registered 138, the same result as the second reading. Ang Responsible Parenthood and Reproductive Health Act of 2012 (Republic Act No. Passage of the legislation was controversial and highly divisive, with academics, religious institutions, and major political figures declaring their support or opposition while it was pending in the legislature. [33], Senator Majority Floor Leader Tito Sotto said that the RH Bill is redundant to a 2009 law referred to as the Magna Carta for Women, which contains reproductive health provisions, asking the Senate to drop the bill. Rating: Before Reproductive Health (RH) Law was implemented, there were mixed reactions from different sectors. 10354), informally known as the Reproductive Health Law, is a law in the Philippines which guarantees universal access to methods of contraception, fertility control, sexual education, and maternal care. It also includes sexual health, the purpose of which is the enhancement of life and personal relationship. A multidimensional approach shall be adopted in the implementation of policies and programs to fight poverty. According to the 2008 NDHS, only 44 percent of births occur in health facilities and only 62% of births are assisted by a health professional.10 Maternal deaths related to childbirth can be reduced further by access to skilled birth attendants which would be addressed by a comprehensive reproductive health care policy. It could not settle medical issues, such as whether any contraceptives to be made available were actually abortifacients. For the purposes of this Act, midwives and nurses shall be allowed to administer lifesaving drugs such as, but not limited to, oxytocin and magnesium sulfate, in accordance with the guidelines set by the DOH, under emergency conditions and when there are no physicians available: Provided, That they are properly trained and certified to administer these lifesaving drugs. 10354), informally known as the Reproductive Health Law, is a law in the Philippines which guarantees universal access to methods of contraception, fertility control, sexual education, and maternal care. Philippine Supreme Court Upholds Historic Reproductive Health Law (w) Sexual health refers to a state of physical, mental and social well-being in relation to sexuality. MARILYN B. BARUA-YAPSecretary GeneralHouse of Representatives, (Sgd.) (p) That a comprehensive reproductive health program addresses the needs of people throughout their life cycle. 10354 also known as rh law Lesson Objectives: This module discusses background, rationale, salient provisions, and potential impacts of the "Responsible Parenthood and Reproductive Health Act of 2012" or RA 10354, also known as RH Law. 8344, which penalizes the refusal of hospitals and medical clinics to administer appropriate initial medical treatment and support in emergency and serious cases; (b) Any public officer, elected or appointed, specifically charged with the duty to implement the provisions hereof, who, personally or through a subordinate, prohibits or restricts the delivery of legal and medically-safe reproductive health care services, including family planning; or forces, coerces or induces any person to use such services; or refuses to allocate, approve or release any budget for reproductive health care services, or to support reproductive health programs; or shall do any act that hinders the full implementation of a reproductive health program as mandated by this Act; (c) Any employer who shall suggest, require, unduly influence or cause any applicant for employment or an employee to submit himself/herself to sterilization, use any modern methods of family planning, or not use such methods as a condition for employment, continued employment, promotion or the provision of employment benefits. Certificate of Compliance. (s) Reproductive health rights refers to the rights of individuals and couples, to decide freely and responsibly whether or not to have children; the number, spacing and timing of their children; to make other decisions concerning reproduction, free of discrimination, coercion and violence; to have the information and means to do so; and to attain the highest standard of sexual health and reproductive health: Provided, however, That reproductive health rights do not include abortion, and access to abortifacients. The COC shall perform such other duties and functions as may be necessary to attain the objectives of tins Act. [18], Defending the bill, Felipe Medalla, former dean of the University of the Philippines School of Economics, said that "although the poor's access to family planning services can be improved even without the law, the absence of the law makes it easier to block the program". 96: An Act Providing For a National Policy on Reproductive Health, Responsible Parenthood and Population and Development and Other Purposes", "Full text of House Bill No. [3] The Corazon Aquino administration focused on giving couples the right to have the number of children they prefer, while Fidel V. Ramos shifted from population control to population management. [47] In December 2010, Pulse Asia announced based on the results of an October 2010 survey, 69% of the Filipinos are in favor of the bill. It also includes sexual health, the purpose of which is the enhancement of life and personal relations. Presidential candidate Gilbert Teodoro or Gibo suggested a cash transfer from the government to individuals wanting access to family planning methods, whether natural or artificial. A fan page, Free Carlos Celdran was created in Facebook, which generated 23,808 fans in 24 hours. Members of the House of Representatives voted 13379, while seven representatives abstained. No. Republic Act No. 10354 - Lawphil (v) Responsible parenthood refers to the will and ability of a parent to respond to the needs and aspirations of the family and children. The Responsible Parenthood and Reproductive Health Act of 2012, also known as the Reproductive Health Law or RH Law, and officially designated as Republic Act No. [16] He said that the Papal Commission on Birth Control, which included ranking prelates and theologians, recommended that the Church change its teaching on contraception as it concluded that "the regulation of conception appears necessary for many couples who wish to achieve a responsible, open and reasonable parenthood in today's circumstances". Foster your child's independence 7. SEC. In the upper house, the Senate voted, on December 18, 2012, to pass the bill on second reading with 138, while Senators Sergio Osmea III and Lito Lapid were absent. 10354 Full Title AN ACT PROVIDING FOR A NATIONAL POLICY ON RESPONSIBLE PARENTHOOD AND REPRODUCTIVE HEALTH Short Title "The Responsible Parenthood and Reproductive Health Act of 2012" Issuance Category Legislative Issuance Legislative Issuance Type Republic Act Congress Marami ang nagpahayag ng kanilang mga opinyon sa Batas, habang ang isang malaking bahagi ng populasyon ay . Mobile Health Care Service [2], In 2015, the Supreme Court's issued a temporary restraining order on certain provisions of the law, forbidding the distribution of contraceptive implants. The Department of Education (DepED) shall formulate a curriculum which shall be used by public schools and may be adopted by private schools. . Responsible Parenthood and Reproductive Health Act of 2012 (3) Perform such other functions necessary to attain the purposes of this Act. 10354 or "The Responsible Parenthood and Reproductive Health Act of 2012" (RPRH Act) has become the focal . PDF Quarter 2 Module 2: Significance of Health- Related Laws in Critique on the Responsible Parenthood or RH Law Treat your child with respect STUDY. [44], Stating that contraception is a lie and "against the beginning of new life", the Philippine Medical Association also stressed that the "health risks of contraception to women are considerable; the list of side effects is long, and includes high blood pressure, strokes, increased incidence of some forms of cancer". PCUP's move to secure a partnership with the POPCOM is in support of Republic Act 10354, otherwise known as the Responsible Parenthood and Reproductive Health (RPRH) Law of 2012, which provided universal access to methods on contraception and fertility control. 'Amoris Laetitia' on natural family planning - a pastoral approach Pursuant thereto, the State shall defend: (a) The right of spouses to found a family in accordance with their religious convictions and the demands of responsible parenthood; (b) The right of children to assistance, including proper care and nutrition, and special protection from all forms of neglect, abuse, cruelty, exploitation, and other conditions prejudicial to their development; (c) The right of the family to a family living wage and income; and, (d) The right of families or family associations to participate in the planning and implementation of policies and programs, The State likewise guarantees universal access to medically-safe, non-abortifacient, effective, legal, affordable, and quality reproductive health care services, methods, devices, supplies which do not prevent the implantation of a fertilized ovum as determined by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) and relevant information and education thereon according to the priority needs of women, children and other underprivileged sectors, giving preferential access to those identified through the National Household Targeting System for Poverty Reduction (NHTS-PR) and other government measures of identifying marginalization, who shall be voluntary beneficiaries of reproductive health care, services and supplies for free. (b) Adolescent refers to young people between the ages of ten (10) to nineteen (19) years who are in transition from childhood to adulthood. Maternal and Newborn Health Care in Crisis Situations It does not prevent the church, parents, supervisors, teachers and other moral educators from expressing their views and educating their wards on the morality of their personal and social actions. 11. Study now. Sexual & reproductive health | Health Poverty Action MANILA - The National Economic and Development Authority said that the government will carry out the full and intensified implementation of the National Program on Population and Family Planning (NPPFP), which was approved by President Rodrigo R. Duterte last March 04, during the 35 th Cabinet Meeting.. [69], Filipinos for Life, an anti-abortion organization, claimed that the bill was funded by foreign population control groups, a claim that Rep. Edcel Lagman denied as "an old yarn which is destitute of factual basis", saying that the lobby opposing the bill was the one which was backed by the "wealthy Catholic hierarchy with the aid of dozens of lay organizations". The RH Act (2012) in brief - Protection of Conscience Project Pro Bono Services for Indigent Women According to Galinsky 1981 , there are six stages of Parenthood. New questions in Health - Brainly Church opposition stalling Reproductive Health Law He also said surveys suggest that the total wanted fertility rate for the Philippines is 2.4 children, or below the actual TFR of 3.3 children. [73], In December 2010, the Cabinet and the CBCP agreed to have a joint campaign providing full information on the advantages and risks of contraceptives, natural and artificial family planning and responsible parenthood. [citation needed], The 2013 total fertility rate (TFR) is 3.20 births per woman, from a TFR of 7 in 1960. What is the positive and negative impact of the law in the family and in the Leaders of both sides, including Rep. Lagman and Rep. Golez, were present. 21. Section 26. Leader of the pro-RH group, Elizabeth Ansioco, said that the bill is doomed if it is referred to the Committee on Health. Responsible Parenthood C. Birth Control. AN ACT PROVIDING FOR A NATIONAL POLICY ON RESPONSIBLE PARENTHOOD AND REPRODUCTIVE HEALTH. It gives right for personal decisions like abortion if mothers health is in threat. The Responsible Parenthood and Reproductive Health Act of 2012 (Republic Act No. 3 2013). It entails equality in opportunities, in the allocation of resources or benefits, or in access to services in furtherance of the rights to health and sustainable human development among others, without discrimination. [23] In addition, the total fertility rate for the richest quintile of the population is 2.0, which is about one third the TFR of the poorest quintile (5.9 children per woman). The family is the natural and fundamental unit of society. (j) Maternal death review refers to a qualitative and in-depth study of the causes of maternal death with the primary purpose of preventing future deaths through changes or additions to programs, plans and policies. Section 28. Abstinence - Pregnancy cannot happen without intercourse. Right to Reproductive Health Care Information Responsible Parenthood and Reproductive Health Summary Because 81% of Filipinos are Catholics, the Catholic Church exerts a strong influence in public and moral life. If the offender is a juridical person, the penalty shall be imposed upon the president or any responsible officer. One of its flagship programs is the Adolescent Reproductive Health (ARH) which aims to support DepEd's delivery of its mandate under the Republic Act (RA) . Penalties Match. Write. [9], The national government and local governments will ensure the availability of reproductive health care services like family planning and prenatal care. The supply and budget allotments shall be based on, among others, the current levels and projections of the following: (a) Number of women of reproductive age and couples who want to space or limit their children; (b) Contraceptive prevalence rate, by type of method used; and. Health: 10 2nd quarter Flashcards | Quizlet (a) The right of spouses to found a family in accordance with their religious convictions and the demands of responsible parenthood; (b) The right of children to assistance, including proper care and nutrition, and special protection from all forms of neglect, abuse, cruelty, exploitation, and other conditions prejudicial to their development; Senate President Juan Ponce Enrile, Congressman Roilo Golez and Buhay party-list separately filed bills that seek to restrict abortion and birth control use.

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poem about responsible parenthood and reproductive health

poem about responsible parenthood and reproductive health

poem about responsible parenthood and reproductive health

poem about responsible parenthood and reproductive health