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Not for long though. This would have put Jon in a particularly arduous position, as the couples only excelling child, and as author Gitta Sereny observed from her time spent with the Venables in 1994, forcing this middle child, Jon, for a long time, perhaps unconsciously, to compensate his mother for her two problem children, put an enormous weight of responsibility on this child virtually from the time he was born., As Susan struggled to manage her two disadvantaged children day to day, Neil was the familys breadwinner, working as a forklift driver. He has never really been what you would call a sagger off school (a truant). Nicola had to exchange some clothes at TJ Hughes, Denise waited nearby, watching the children. The documentary on the James Bulger murder case sparked anger after viewers criticised the Channel 4 show for "sympathising" with the toddler's killers. We feel so sorry for him because he must be going through so much torment. I wish we could turn the clocks back," Mrs Venablessaid. Neil Venables, 40, said he felt "just devastated, thinking of that little boy'. Neither gave evidence to the court, but were found guilty after an officer told how Venables admitted the murder, saying, "We did it. WALTON, where they both lived, is, in the jargon of planning, an inner-city urban priority area; neither the best nor the worst the city has to offer. It set the tone for the years ahead in which there was to be no respite from the hatred. Ann was a heavy drinker, separated from her husband, also called Robert, who had deserted the family several years earlier and did not attend court. Thompson & Venebales. Thompson did what he often did, looked around, grabbing clumsily at his tongue. The old wood panelled courtroom is small. The details of Jamess death were sickening. The pattern of bullying among the brothers, which had been noted by the Head mistress of the boys school, appeared to descend down the line, with the eldest Thompson brother beating the one just below him in age, and that brother beating the brother below him, in turn. During that time, Susan felt as if she was trapped and overburdened, often taking her frustrations out on her husband, who believed it was her responsibility to take care of the children, and offered her little support in the way of childrearing. I said no. The breaking point came when Jon was suspended from Broad Square after attempting to choke a classmate with a twelve-inch wooden ruler. After a while the 10-year-olds began to charge - a tenner an interview. Heck, we don't even have murderers that young in New York.'. Mrs Venables has also said that she felt heartbreak for James and his parents and shame for her son. "The report of the Prison Service into an incident at Red Bank secure unit has not been published. I know how I feel as a mother. By now the Venables were reunited as a result of the court case. He is an old-fashioned crime and punishment man. Recently, I dug out my old notebooks of the trial and my handwriting during the verdicts says it all. Or they would mess around in shops, playing on computer games if Robert had his way, sliding on the polished floors if Jon had his. The parents of James Bulgers killers have also come to learn that the consequences of that terrible day will stay with them for ever too. I would get him something like a cartoon.". "Throughout the conduct of the case there have been a number of issues that have been swept under the carpet. From a distance Robert looked a sweet child. Parents who stand by James's killers - Express.co.uk Just four years earlier, we had all covered the Hillsborough disaster and come together in grief. I didnt, did I? she said to Neil during their interview with Gitta Sereny. She was paranoid about being discovered. She got her drinking under control and began giving her murderer son the attention he. The couples first child, a son, had been born with a cleft pallet, and when Jon was born, much of the Venables focus was on getting their eldest son into speech therapy. He's quite bright and clever. David James Smith, who wrote a book about the Bulger case, The Sleep Of Reason, and stayed in touch with Ann Thompson afterwards. Birds. Drivers have been warned to leave extra time for their Monday morning commute due to icy roads during rush hour, following a weekend of wintry weather. and things like that is that he was frightened. What's the least amount of exercise we can get away with? She visited regularly and they would hold family anniversaries in the, place where he was held. "An awful mistake for 10 year olds is shoplifting not murdering a 2 year old FFS," another angry viewer tweeted. . Neil explained to him that the school they attended was special, and that Jon wouldnt be accepted. Jon was slim in build and taller than Robert, just over five feet. At the end of the street a mesh wire frame coverered the window of the money lenders. "He fell over," was the response. He liked to spend the weekend on the streets. He caused me such anxiety, the teacher later recalled of Jon in a statement given to the Merseyside police. On countless occasions, Bobby battered his wife, once causing her to miscarry, and his temper didnt stop at his wife. Get the biggest TV headlines, recaps and insider knowledge straight to your inbox. Profile: Jon Venables - BBC News Not their punishmentand exclusion from society for the rest of their childhood. The Radio Merseyside newsroom, where I was working at the time, was full and everyone was on this story one way or another. Robert was number five of seven. But his progress took a nose dive in September 1991 when he was transferred into another class. Wiping away tears, he went on: 'I feel for that family. 'I couldn't hear anything,' she said. Then between 1990 and 1991, Jons teachers recognized a dramatic change in the boys behavior, which was alarming enough for one of his teachers to begin keeping a daily log. The most startling moment of the trial came when, in lieu of giving evidence in person, the boys' taped interviews with police - recorded just after their arrest - were played in court. By now the two boys from Walton were part of an international freak show. When the fisticuffs ended, impressed by each other's performance, they made friends. It has already been reported that Jon Venables real identity has been exposed in prison, where he is said to be receiving 24-hour protection. 'He always seemed perfectly well behaved and I think he looked on me as some kind of grandma. Why Alex Murdaugh was spared the death penalty, Why Trudeau is facing calls for a public inquiry, The shocking legacy of the Dutch 'Hunger Winter', Why half of India's urban women stay at home. Neil had been laid off in the months prior, so the couple sold their home, and Neil moved back in with his father, before finally relocating to an apartment in Kirkdale. The reaction prompted James' mum Denise Fergus to let supporters know she had nothing to do with the programme. An Egret looking for his dinner! - Aswan, Egypt | Bird pictures, Aswan More press conferences, terrible details beginning to emerge about the state James was found in, and the chilling prospect, soon confirmed, that indeed it was children who had done this. Jon was afraid of her. Usually, they were slung out. That seems the very least they could face for what they did. Robert had eaten too many and felt sick. It is time to examine all this.". susan venables pictures The week after he walked out the family's home burned down in an accidental fire. What they did was exceptionally unpleasant and the fact that a little boy ended up dead is not something the nation can easily forget. That was in September 1991, 17 months before they killed James Bulger. Ultimately, wanting to escape the havoc, most of the boys opted to leave home, and some were placed into voluntary care at Dysons Hall, a childrens home just outside of Liverpool. He wore his dark hair short, almost a crew cut, which accentuated his ample forehead and blunt nose. He was in great distress' And what about the little, innocent boy he killed??! After they became friends he initiated Jon into the delights of climbing into people's back gardens and the consequent thrill of being chased out by the owners. David Sharrock, Maggie O'Kane, and Edward Pilkington look at the lives of the rebels who turned to killing, Original reporting and incisive analysis, direct from the Guardian every morning. Venables, who was released on licence in 2001 after serving eight years for the murder of two-year-old James, was returned to prison last November after he was caught with the pictures. And there were rewards for breaking rules. Eventually, Bobby walked out on his family, but not before beating his wife one final time. Susan opted to remove him from the school then, and some months later, she reenrolled him in St. Marys in Walton. He used to be bullied by other children for being so behind, and would return home at night visibly upset. However, you will find some great articles which you can comment on right now in our Comment section. And now The Bulger Killers: Was Justice Done? Jon Venables now: How old is James Bulger's killer? What happened to Less thanfive hours laterthe verdicts were in. Little Bobby went to visit his brothers every so often, eager to show them the latest playthings he had robbed from the assorted shops nearby. Like Ann Thompson, however, both parents of Jon Venables rallied round their son and in preparationfor his release Mr Venables accom-panied him on trips to football matches. portrayed him as the leader and evil one, says James Smith. Still, despite being clearly intimidated by him, Roberts brother appeared to share a strangely intimate bond with him. Susan Venables, mother of Jon, blamed her son's "weakness" for the killing and said he was "fearful" and "provoked" by his accomplice Robert Thompson. Susan Venables Facebook: susan.venables.9 Lives in Mellor, Blackburn With Darwen, . The Bulger Murder: Mother cannot believe that 'devious' child killed: For she added: 'But he's not a murderer.'. The two had an aberrant relationship with one another, in the sense that it was almost as though they had never divorced. Everyone called him Chubby, because of his round, cherub's face. Their age was hard to gauge from the CCTV images, so just when you imagined you couldnt be more shocked by this story, it emerged the two accused were just 10-years-old. Susan was known as the town " whore". While, on the face of it, there doesnt appear to be as much external devastation present in Jons family history as in Roberts, his outlandish behavior suggested that internally, Jon was in a state of extreme emotional upset. In 2010, Meggie Atkinson, then children's commissioner for England, called for the age of criminal responsibility to be raised to 12 in light of the trial. Moments later, we were told, Jon Venables uttered the words, We did it. . It emerged that the Venables family had suffered the same fate in another area. The abduction and brutal murder of this two-year-old by Robert Thompson and Jon Venables, who were just 10 at the time, prompted a conversation in Britain that we are still having today. At 2:30 they went to the two-story shopping centre. Robert's feelings towards his half-brother also appear to have been ambivalent - he told police he would not have murdered James Bulger because 'if I wanted to kill a baby, I'd kill my own, wouldn't I?'. He says 'I know, Mum'. They would sneak out during the morning break, hiding behind a wall before the coast was clear. We will never be able to do the fun things any more . Teachers later reported that whereas the boys were manageable when separated, together their behavior worsened dramatically. Regrettably, yet perhaps not entirely unforeseen, the cycle of abuse continued. But he liked collecting trolls, little doll-like creatures with ugly faces and spiky fluorescent hair. this weekend for breaching the terms of his early release, the parents of both the Bulger killers continue to stand by them. I just heard an almighty screech. At Preston Crown Court a few months later, I was one of a handful of journalists given full access to the small courtroom for the trial of Jon Venables and Robert Thompson, both now 11-years-old. release. S. Susan venables. We still think the same of him as we always have. His body, defiled and broken in two by a train, two miles from where hed been taken, was foundtwo days later. Susan Venables, mother of Jon - referred to throughout the trial as Boy B - blamed her son's 'weakness' for the murder of James Bulger, and said he was going through torment. Jon's parents, who sat in court for most of the trial, said they grieved for the Bulgers. Celestial. Both had a need to attract attention, which they achieved through a host of petty rebellions. "My heart really goes out to them. football, snooker, things like that. It is here, of course, that Jon met and made friends with fellow eccentric, Robert Thompson. "In order that justice can be done, no further details are being released at this stage and the proceedings are subject to reporting restrictions.". The distress of one woman who had come agonisingly close to taking James by the hand herself to a police station, only to be hoodwinked by Thompson and Venables that they were doing just that. "I think about little James and what he must have gone through, how they must feel. When Jon's parents gave a recent press interview, it was Mrs Venables who did most of the talking; the father just sat and cried. While Robert was described as a wily child, known to tell lies, most of the St. Marys school staff agreed that the boy posed little trouble, and, if and when he attended, was generally well-mannered during class. But Robert was stuck in Walton with his older brothers and the baby. It was high- lighted by the trial judge Mr Justice Morland who said they must take moral responsibility for the terrible actions of the young killers. On November 24, 1993, Robert Thompson and Jon Venables became the youngest persons to be convicted of murder in Britain in almost 250 years, when the pair, both eleven, was found guilty of the abduction and murder of two-year-old James Patrick Bulger. Everton was his team. They fled the city, never to return. The most agonising thing about the whole case was that so many people had stopped them and questioned them. James Bulger was weeks away from his third birthday, Jon Venables and Robert Thompson behaved very differently in court, Mother who killed her five children euthanised, AOC under investigation for Met Gala dress, The children left behind in Cuba's exodus, Alex Murdaugh jailed for life for double murder, US sues Exxon over nooses found at Louisiana plant, Zoom boss Greg Tomb fired without cause. The sunrises through the sea mist over the sculpture The Couple by Sean Henry at Newbiggin-by-the-Sea on the Northumberland coast. Once Robert shared with him a tin of Roses chocolates which he had poured surreptitiously into his coat pocket. It was their sons picked up by detectives. I used to get them for myself at night time. Such a childish voice. Her warnings arent being heeded, but 25 years on, I think she is probably right. According to the teacher, Jon would rock back and forth in his desk, making strange noises (this behavior was later speculated to be Jons jealous attempt to emulate his elder brother, in order to receive the same special attention), bang his head on the desk or walls repeatedly, glue bits of paper all over his face, wedge himself in between desks, throw himself on the ground, throw chairs across the corridor, rip projects off the classroom walls, cut holes in his socks, and intentionally cut himself with scissors. . They did. ANN THOMPSON, the mother of Robert Thompson, child A, says her son is a thief, a liar, is devious and plays truant. In contrast he has had no contact with his father despite an approach soon after sentencing. On many occasions, Susan was observed physically and verbally assaulting Jon. View the profiles of people named Susan Venables. THE first time the boys set eyes on each other after they were arrested was in Preston crown court 3 1/2 weeks ago. In court, he hid his face again. It was this empowering chemistry between them that some argued set into motion the life-altering events that would devastate a family, challenge a community, and rock a nations core in the disquieting months that followed. I got on with my job, but months later the impact of that trial had sunk in and a difficult, tearful, confusing year followed for me. The couple, who are living together again after a partial separation, said their feelings towards Jon had not changed despite the terrible crime. Were they to blame? They didnt kill him in an accident it was premeditated and they tortured that poor baby. The phone-in programme, as ever, was a place to turn to try to find reasons - evil, poverty, neglect, possessed anything to explain what felt inexplicable. He stayed away from school so often the local police called him a professional truant. The police have uncovered no evidence of any abuse within either family. There was a pattern of bullying, with the older boys picking on their younger brothers down the line. He disliked Thunderbirds because of the puppets' 'stringy thingies'. She found it hard bringing the kids up in the neighbourhood. We also may change the frequency you receive our emails from us in order to keep you up to date and give you the best relevant information possible. Ann and Bobby fought regularly in front of the children, with virtually all of the fights leading to physical violence. Any anxiety or animosity he might have felt was manifested largely through his school-aged thumb-sucking, a habit which elicited titters and taunts from the neighborhood children. Mr Venables said: "He wouldn't watch horror. Sometimes Robert would sag off on his own, but it was more fun with a friend. On November 24, 1993, the two boys, by then aged 11, became the youngest defendants to be sentenced for murder in a British court. The statement said: "The man formerly known as Jon Venables has been charged with offences relating to indecent images of children and will appear in the Crown Court. The four who drove Suzanne to Romiley - Jean Powell (now Jean Gillespie), Bernadette McNeilly, Glyn Powell, and Anthony Dudson - were all found guilty of murder. Natural Landmarks. He did like to be liked, and loved to have friends, and he has got involved with the wrong person.". We still dont know why. When the court was played Jon's taped descriptions of how they had truanted they simultaneously smiled. His mother, Susan, attributed this behavior with peer pressure and hyperactivity, and put him on a special diet, though it did nothing to quell his frequent emotional outbursts. susan and neil venables There is, like, a little paint factory. "We are committed to driving sustainability in the leather industry, through the commitment of. They occasionally exchanged furtive glances. 'I don't know,' he replied. Hope. They saw it with their eyes. He didn't want to hurt James. Following the arrest of their sons it was reported that the mothers of the boys had been attacked and vilified in. Ultimately, however, the couples indifferences led to separation, and they were eventually divorced in 1986. The left will make play of social deprivation, unemployment, bad housing and general inner-city rot. Whatever problems she had in her own life, she was always there. She initially enrolled the two younger children in Broad Square Elementary, but it soon became clear that her daughter was struggling to keep up with the schools curriculum. Shed never been back but she clearly missed Liverpool and had tried to recreate the city in her new home, he recalls. Susan Venables - People Directory - 192.com Lock him in it.'. . Robert said 'If you tell anybody I'll get my big brother to batter you up'. The fathers of both Robert and Jon were without work. At Preston Crown Court Thompsons mother Ann and Venables parents Neil and Sue sat side by side. I'm bringing up on my own but if I went round and screwed every warehouse my children would have everything too.'. I suspect she still feels that., In 2001 there was a renewed uproar over the case when it emerged that the killers were to be freed, despite a. recommendation by the trial judge that they should remain behind bars for a very long time. They pair was ordered to be detained at her majesty's pleasure - meaning indefinitely - but in 2001, a six-month review by the parole board found they were no longer a threat to public safety and they were released on life licence after serving just eight years. He appears to be a normal human, but inside the soft flesh there is indestructable metal. What upsets me is I've no way of bringing him up for the rest of his young years so he's going to lose all his childhood. His father, thin and balding, had a much gentler edge. His mates called him a girl because whenever there was something on his mind he sucked his thumb. The couple, who also have a 13- year-old son, who has learning difficulties, and a 9-year-old daughter, denied that Jon was bullied by his brother or that he watched violent horror films at home. 'His mum was more strict. Once they went into a home decoration shop and hid under a pile of carpets. Look at mine. His response couldn't have been more different as he sank into the oversized blazer he was wearing. Egypt. Just seeing the size of them that first time, the childish figures they naturally were, caught my breath. has prompted a public outcry for an investigation into issues surrounding the case. His parents, Susan and Neil, accompanied him during the interview process. The government will be required to respond within 14 days if as the petition achieves more than 100,000 signatures. They would hang around the video shop in Walton Village where the shop girl was pleased to have their company. He was jailed for two years before being granted parole again in July 2013. James Bulger would now be weeks away from his 23rd birthday. Resentful of her husbands lack of involvement with the children, Susan conceded that the couple fought constantly, especially throughout 1983, but maintained that Neil had never been aggressive towards her, nor had she hit him. Then there were the separated parents, the poverty, the truanting, the videos. From the moment Robert Thompson and Jon Venables were convicted of the murder of James Bulger, their, families have been condemned to lives spent looking over their shoulders. Jon had to be pulled off the boy, who had gone red in the face, by a teacher who described the incident as the worst case of school violence she had witnessed. Unemployment levels were more than twice the national average in Walton. His former wife would send their boys up the street to give their father the fingers through the bay windows of his mother's house. They deal with drugs, they deal with everything. ROBERT THOMPSON - angelfire.com Join Facebook to connect with Susan Venables and others you may know. James' mother Denise believes they should have remained in jail for life and has tirelessly campaigned against their rights to anonymity. But his outbursts of anger grew worse and he was suspended for trying to throttle a boy with a ruler. March 10, 2021 - 20:29 GMT Eve Crosbie. Jon Venables said the class teacher tried to entice Robert by offering him a prize for a week's continual attendance - he did, but the prize never came. A video still of James Bulger, aged 2 years old, being led away in the 'New Strand' shopping centre. Bird Pictures. Spidery and messy. They played a double act towards the children: his mother, Susan, aged 36, a sharp woman with a hawkish look, was the hard one. He was always getting prizes for maths at school. But after a year they let Ian out again. Why would I want to kill him? he said, referring to the slain toddler. It was to be an adult trial, both boys appearing every day in the full gaze of whoever was in that room, but neither giving evidence directly to the court. Jon, who had the most trouble sleeping, appeared fearful of Susan, and was terrified, above all, of her condemnation. 'When the fisticuffs ended, they made friends.' Will you tell his Mum Im sorry?. Members of the Up Helly Aa 'Jarl Squad' parade through the streets in Lerwick, Shetland Islands, First Minister Nicola Sturgeon using a camera during her visit to BBC Studioworks in Glasgow, Passersby chat with the police as they arrive to see King Charles III and the Princess Royal attend a church service at St Mary Magdalene Church in Sandringham, Norfolk, People at a vigil at Lurgan Park in Lurgan, Co Armagh in memory of murder victim Natalie McNally and opposing violence against women, Firefighters use hoses to dampen down at the scene of a fire at St Marks Church in Hamilton Terrace, St Johns Wood, London, which has been destroyed by the blaze which began in the early hours of the morning, Huskies pull their musher during a training run before this weekends annual Aviemore Sled Dog Rally, in Feshiebridge, A knitted topper celebrating Burns Night placed on a post box in Alloway, Ayrshire, Deer graze during sunrise at Ashton Court Estate, Bristol, where clear misty skies and a cold morning brings frost across parts of the south west UK, Ambulance workers on the picket line outside the Donnington Ambulance Hub, at Donnington, near Telford, Shropshire. Denise Fergus is the same age as me, a fact I only registered when I met her for the first time two weeks ago. .". While both boys may have felt helpless and inferior in their own settings, together they were fearless, a portrait of machismo, each playing on the others strong points. Meanwhile, A petition demanding a public inquiry into James Bulger's murder case has got nearly 15,000 signatures in one day. Instead, she was involved in an ITV documentary with Sir Trevor McDonald that will air on Thursday. They have never come out of hiding. They were in the Strand shopping centre in Bootle when the brother wandered off. The questioning was calm, steady, even playful at the beginning to try to get a sense the two boys really did know the difference between right and wrong. gl. 'I think it has something to do with a hatred of vulnerability and babyness in themselves which they projected on to this toddler.'. sp. On the days he was at school he had a knack for stirring things up. He is far from it. She said an educational psychologist had diagnosed hyperactivity in her son, who was bullied at his previous school. Or by navigating to the user icon in the top right. King Charles III shakes hands with Ukraines President Volodymyr Zelensky as he welcomes at Buckingham Palace, in London, ahead of an audience during his first visit to the UK since the Russian invasion of Ukraine. One police officer described how Jon Venables was so small, his legs were swinging. As their sweet voices rang around the courtroom, Venables hid his face in his oversized blazer and cried. Robert had asked once before but Jon, who had rarely truanted in his previous school, was scared and said no. I couldnt make any sense of it, Robert later recalled, desolately, when asked about his fathers unexpected departure. Money, or his family's lack of it, preyed on his mind. Join Facebook to connect with Susan Venables and others you may know. His body was found two days later on a railway line.

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