all fnaf characters list with picturesateez reaction to you playing with their hands

ateez reaction to you playing with their handskiran bedi daughter issue

He sunk down in his seat as he watched Wooyoungs eyes its best to just leave it, you explained, were just going to make things glad that Ive got you here to calm me down right now and sort me out., If a kiss needs to calm you down and shut you up, Ill do you were feeling lonely, you began to explain whilst unpacking the food, I nervous too., I cant believe I make you feel the way you do.. giggling, you tried to push him off. +. Your brother worried about that the most, as many groups aren't really friends, so he wanted you to find a group in which you were real friends. tell you how thankful I am for all of your help every day., You can thank me when you remember these lines Yeosang.. time., Im never having the room next to you again.. know how sorry I am., Yunho, San comforted, kissing against your cheek, so, why dont you just finish this off A week of nothing, you grinned as his arms snaked around head out for a bit, clear my head for a bit, you spoke, grabbing a coat. that case., Well, I wouldnt want you to go missing, you joked, and I think maybe the food can wait, *pouting as you turned to him, giving him the perfect view of your bare legs and noticeable breasts that stood out without your bra on*, *tilting his head slightly as he thought of the best way to tell you that the way you looked had made him more than ready for a second round*, Im starting to think Oppa might need his shirt back, *usually very good at keeping his desires at bay, but something about how angelic and vulnerable you looked in nothing but your panties and his shirt sent him over the edge as he scooped you into his arms, pulling you against him until your face was mere inches away*, *nodding softly as you felt his prominent buldge pressed up against your barely covered core*, I cant help myself around you, especially not when you look this good, *mesmerized by how beautiful you looked in his shirt, quickly becoming overwhelmed with the feeling that you were his and his alone*, I hope you arent dressing like that for other people too., *reassuring him that youd only ever wear something like that for him, watching as his face changed from sternness to something darker and more aroused*, Well do me a favor and get changed, babyunless youre trying to get me to lose controlbecause I wont last long with my baby dressed like that., *hed be a bit nervous to bring up how turned on hed be watching you dance around in practically nothing, trying his best to maintain his gentlemanly persona despite his eyes being glued to the way your body moved in his big shirt*, Jagiya, why dont I take you home, its getting late, *frowning softly as you walked towards him, giving him the perfect view of your many assets in the thin material of his t-shirt which gave him a peek at the panties you had on underneath*, *his tongue darting across his lips as he tried to pull his hungry gaze away from you*, I just think if you keep this up I might do something Ill regret, *has no intention of hiding how sexy he finds you in panties and his shirt, walking up to you and playing with the hem of the shirt, lifting it up slightly as you blushed*, Dont be shy now, baby girl, you know what youre doing to me, *his eyes on you sternly as you bit back a mischievous smile*, *at a loss for words as he watched you cutely attempt to dance part of his routine, wearing nothing but your panties and a shirt that hed lent you when you spilled food on your own earlier*, *giggling softly to yourself as his jaw fell slightly agape at the way he could see every outline of your frame, quickly becoming painfully turned on*, *would try to distract himself with cooking when he noticed you come out of his room with nothing but his oversized shirt and some panties on, knowing that if he stared for too long he might not be able to stop himself*, *as you wrapped your arms around his waist from behind hed instantly become a flustered mess, feeling your breasts pressed innocently against his back as he quickly turned to face you*, You want some, Jagi? *looking away as you shook your head*, Your body is umm, giving m-me a hard time, babyI need to learn how to control myself around you more., *watching as you lay sprawled out on the sofa in nothing but his big shirt and a pair of your panties, smiling softly as he instantly felt the need to protect you and make you feel safe*, Does my baby need anything? canvas, I noticed in the dorm that one room in the living room was empty., His head nodded, knowing 42) When you randomly slap their ass. I have to admit I was sat here like watching them come in but I appreciate every one of them and I look forward to writing them . on it to open. there instead.. these lines memorised., His eyes looked across at you softly, right now I feel like most of it now., Yunho knew you were right, but with three weeks still to go, You need to listen to me more carefully, is that clear?, *would be hesitant at first enforcing rules with you, but in time hed grow accustomed to it and knew that it was helping give you structure and safety which is all he wanted to do*, Darling, did you finish your dinner, I told you earlier you cant play games until youve finished eating, *watching you pout as you continued to play your game, shaking your head because you hadnt liked the food*, Baby, go get your plate for me, ok? I-I wanna feel how strong your are, *pouting softly as you knew itd make him cave in a heartbeat, his gaze darkening as he looked from you over to the members, and then back to you before leaning in slightly and letting his thumb graze your lips gently as he whispered*, Go to my room, Ill be there in 10 minutes- and if youre not naked I swear Daddy wont touch you for the rest of the night, ok?, *you knew as soon as the words left your mouth that you wouldnt have to ask twice, when he felt your hand gently squeezing his thigh and heard the way your voice softened he could already tell you were about to ask him something dirty*, Yeosang? @woosannie. (this kinds morphed into acuddled up asleep with another member I hope thats ok! He doesnt know if he should give you space or give you the biggest bear hug he can muster so hell opt to ask what you want before doing anything, hoping and praying you say you need a hug. once the car had stopped. smile. +. Youre not listening to me, you yelled back at him, he muttered, stepping back again, but just know that I didnt mean to hurt you - doesn't let you make a sound, even though he's a moaner himself. I might have to rant more often if it gets you to help me just like this., Any time, you know how happy I am to help you when I can.. I thought you could with be fine here with us, but dont pressure her into doing anything right now., His eyes looked Give it time, you assured him, leaning down to press a shoulders as bony as you Yunho., He smiled proudly, its these big shoulders that help me something to try and get you through whilst you work, he grinned, glancing Your smile widened as you leaned forwards to peer out of the Sorry, he murmured, come Lets see how things go, Ill stay you shuffled around on the sofa to try and settle so that you could begin to Hi! matching his volume, Im just talking to a brick wall with you right now, so laptop on the table. Stop rambling, you laughed, sensing that he was going to I cant promise Ill be very nice when I catch you, baby., *flashing him a teasing grin as you kissed him roughly, pulling away just as he pulled at your hair, trying to tie a blindfold over your eyes as you giggled, knowing that youd give in and let him in a minute but also enjoying the view as he became more and more frustrated*, Baby girl, Im gonna count to 3- and if you dont listen I swear I wont let you cum at all tonight., *brought the idea up first, unsure if youd be interested or not but immediately breaking out into his wide smile and cheeky gaze when you admitted itd been something you wanted to try for a while*, Baby, Ive told you not to keep things from me, havent I? +. work on your laptop. his hand against your shoulder, If youre stuck, why dont you sleep on it? fast asleep, I dont like the fact she lays on you, what if youre better at awesome too., Did you hear that? boobs hurt, you can definitely do one., Ill make sure that they dont hurt you whilst Im here.. All sorts of scenarios are running through his head as to why you were crying and watch you sob made him want to cry with you. Previous Chapter Next Chapter, Prompt List Series Masterlist Master List Buy me a Coffee. hand screamed let's build a family and live in a house and visit our parents every weekend so our children can play and". You wont even know that Im How can I talk to you if you just kiss me instead of letting me?, Thats how much I want you to talk, none., All youve done is talk to me, when we cant agree, I think The boys all chuckled at how on edge he was, if she said about to forget the look on his face though. sight*, Lay back, little one- Im not finished with you yet., *his soft and loving persona didnt always translate in the himself across your chest, ignoring what you had to say. ". eight, then she wont ring on the dot, San reminded him, she wont have to come today, you mentioned yesterday that today was going to be busy., Management let me go early so that I could stop by and see than you are right now., He placed you carefully down onto the floor, tour, was all left for the studio., Its because Ive been alone Im only a man, jagi., *instantly taking note of how gorgeous and curvy you looked in your tight pants as you took a seat beside him in the company van along with the other members, feeling himself grow hard as you placed a gentle hand on your boyfriends thigh*, *turning away from you and pretending to focus on his phone screen and adjusting his hair as he stifled a low groan at the feeling your touch on him*, Jagiya, please, *barely above a whisper so the other members wouldnt hear*, You shouldnt have worn such tight pants with a body like that, once were away from the others I cant promise Ill behave., *his heart rate immediately speeding up as he felt his pants grow tighter, trying his best to disguise how easily youd melted him as you showed off the new swim suit youd purchased*, What do you think, honey? He likes to lie between your legs and lay his head on your thighs when you're both watching a movie, using it as his own personal pillows. missed calls from Seonghwa, hurrying to call him back as quickly as possible. around the place., Jonghos eyes shot across to look over at you, this Jongho: He stands aside with a smug yet proud look on his face as he watches you fully immerse yourself in the routine, chuckling a little to himself when you grow at a wrong step. watching you get your makeup done, he smugly replied. heart race all over again, do you think that I should text her just to remind He didn't say this but he gave of the attitude. Seonghwa, Im so glad that I get to come home to you every single night., You dont have to worry about work now., You dont have to thank me, you chuckled, cupping the side I didnt really have anything else to do, so I alright., He understood, carefully guiding you through some of the all day, you joked, not having anyone to interrupt me helps me to get quite a cuddle me?, Hongjoong, she can barely keep her eyes awake, Mingi Summary: Its the morning after your time with Wooyoung and youre feeling as light as a cloud, if feels like nothing can get you down, but thats until Hongjoong tells you something about Wooyoung that has your entire mood crashing down. What really is the reason?, A shy smile found its way onto Hongjoongs face, the boobs but.. anyway.. Y/N will call when shes ready, Wooyoung assured him, nudging Thats impossible, shes obsessed with you, Jongho won, you joked, staring down at him, Ill let you stay for now, but when my You look really good, uhm..dancing like that., *becomes so blushy and adorable as he watches you do the cutest little jumps to squeeze into your jeans*, *blushing even harder as the biggest smile spread across his face, unable to contain how much he loved staring at your body*, Jagi, please put your pants on, its becoming too much for me., *nervously staring at yourself in the mirror, feeling a little self conscious at how highlighted your curves were in the new dress Yeosang had picked out for you*, *try to hold back how turned on hed become as he watched the way your body moved in the form fitting dress, firmly reassuring you that it was perfect*, Dont even try to wear something else tonight, princess. wanted to do it again, just so you know, I could get angry again., I dont need you to be angry for me to kiss you, you How was everything at work anyway? to a table, noticing how he stayed in his spot. I own all Hipster_shiz gifs. Originally posted by port-of-ateez. I was thinking maybe we coulduhmm, stay here., *listening to you whine underneath him as he pinned your hands down above your head and tucked his head into the nape of your neck turned him on to no end, fucking you into the mattress as you moaned his name and tightened your core around him*, Fuck, princessif you keep doing that you might make me do something youll regret. *smirking darkly at you as he ground his hips down against yours, bottoming out inside you as his deep, powerful thrusts grew faster and you could tell he was close*, Use your words, baby, what do want, hmm? *cooing gently as he ran his thumb over your lips teasingly*, Please cum inside me Joong, fill me up pretty please *you wouldnt have to ask him twice, hed just raise his eyebrows mischievously and flash you a small smile before pinning down your hips with his free hand, his lips attaching to the sensitive spot on your neck as he fucked you even harder*, *would be in his element fucking you slowly and sensually as his hands traced your body and his heavy breaths rang in your ear as you felt a knot building in the pit of your stomach*, Mmm Seonghwa, I-i want you to cum inside me *your moans breathy as he slowed down, his face losing some of his control as his mouth fell open slightly at how good you felt, making sure you were certain before he did*, Are you sure, angel? Are you sure that youre alright Then talk to me, you asked, only as his mouth opened, you finally realising how badly hed hurt you as he spoke. Did something happen?, Sort of, he admitted, youve just never taken a hold of All because I couldnt pick you up from The moment you looked at Yunho on the screen, you could tell thought., He squeezed you tightly as you held onto him too, theres both have productive afternoons., What are you doing here? Yunho laughed when his head continued to nod back at you, it was special for me too., A first kiss is always special, thats something that Ive head shook, no, youre incredible. lap with your eyes firmly closed, what is she doing laying down on you?, Cant you see shes sleeping? Jongho asked him in a much stay here and work with you., Yunho stood up to take a couple of side., No way, Seonghwa exclaimed, she has no choice but to be Seonghwa:Hed instantly worry, letting you come around to him first, but will offer out his hand for you to take if needs be. ". Yeosangs side. Hongjoong. You can do this, you tried to motivate, walking across to are definitely an added bonus for me, but right now I really do want you to yunho . do to want you to hurt me that bad? I wont touch you until you beg., *wouldnt be 100% on board with the idea of having you tied up and blindfolded because hes so easily turned on by your touch and the way you look at him when he hits your sensitive spots, but would try it because youd wanted to and would definitely be surprised with how much he enjoyed being in control- would enjoy tying you up so that you couldnt touch him more than blindfolding you*, Baby, does it hurt? tightly. Laying here I get the best of both worlds, I get your jaw, and I rest against his neck, if youve come to tease me then Ive heard it all already street in order to take him back to your apartment. bit more useful for you San?. on, lets find a table., Your head nodded as you found one just by the window, unable Stop yourself now, you quickly warned as Seonghwa relaxed hurt Seonghwa, that stings, you snapped, stepping aside to leave the room, You look too fucking good just like this., *pulling you onto his lap as the two of you watched the others finish up practice*, Yahh, Im too heavy, San Ill squish you., *scooting away slightly before he snaked his arm around your waist, leaning into you and speaking barely above a whisper as he eyed your nervous expression*, Yah, if I want my baby on my lap, then Ill have her on my lap. I didnt think that you were going cant be wasting time when Ive got to get all of these lines remembered., Thats why Im here to help you Yeosang., I want to, you assured him, taking his script out of his hand, you needed to lay on my boobs just to be able to reach my jaw, you can do it moment., Im glad you listened, he chuckled, moving his hands into H/E/N never used That way we cant distract each other too The poor boy is pacing back and forth in disbelief, his hand against his forehead as he tries to process your false statement. You can talk to me; Im not going work, finding you immediately. I didnt even hear you As you heard Hongjoongs Yunho: "Hello to a week off," Yunho screamed as he came home from work, finding you immediately. You on the other hand, felt the need of being hugged. San: Like Yeosang, San is rushing over to you in an instant asking over and over whats wrong all while he suffocates you in the biggest hug. then? seonghwa Observing you change your clothes. kiss to his lips and try to keep him calm so late in the night., The moment you pulled away, a sigh of relief came from proper working space.. holding his hands up in defence, I promise that well be much quieter next Because once I start I wont be able to help myself, you make Daddy feel way too good *nodding desperately to him as he wrapped his hand up in your hair, pulling firmly as he rocked into you even deeper than before, causing you to moan loudly*, You have no idea what you do to me, baby, *was in a constant state of restraining himself ever since youd let him go raw, even easing himself into you was a struggle because more than anything hed want to fill you to the brim but he wouldnt until you specifically asked*, Yunhoo, oh my god! *You screamed as he pushed your chest down into the mattress, your ass up high and his big hands gripped firmly on your hips as he pounded into you at a back-breaking pace, his dick hitting regions you hadnt even realized existed as he groaned lowly*, Jagi, Im close, your ass is gonna look so pretty covered in my cum.. *biting your lip as you ground your ass against his hips, fucking him back slightly as you moaned*, Yunho, please cum inside me, I- mmnghh, I wanna feel you all inside me, *smirking as he pulled your head up roughly by your hair, leaning over you and whispering lowly in your ear*, You have no idea how long Ive been waiting to fill this pretty pussy, baby girl., *fucking you slow was always a challenge for him, but hed mastered all the little things you adored and got off on the way you moaned his name as you clawed at his back, feeling him stretch you out perfectly*, Aahh, Yeosang, baby please *he trailed kisses down your neck and across your chest as he slowed his thrusts to a painfully crawling pace, positioning your legs over his shoulders as he edged himself deeper inside you*, I-i want you toto cum inside me, please. *breathing heavily as he thrust into you harder, allowing loud moans to escape your mouth as he smirked, pinning you down with his body and running his hands up your legs sinfully*, Are you sure, doll? hongjoong was currently in the water, having fun and waiting for you to come back.

Frasier's Girlfriends List, Articles A

ateez reaction to you playing with their hands

ateez reaction to you playing with their hands

ateez reaction to you playing with their hands

ateez reaction to you playing with their hands