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Black and Brown Pennsylvanians are 25 times more likely to be killed in a gun homicide. New federal report on guns and crime issued by ATF. As of March 23, 2017: Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, Fatal Injury Reports, National, Regional, and State 19812015, WISQARS database, Atlanta, Ga., 2017a. As of June 16, 2022: Chaloupka, Frank J., Lisa M. Powell, and Kenneth E. Warner, The Use of Excise Taxes to Reduce Tobacco, Alcohol, and Sugary Beverage Consumption,, Chaloupka, Frank J., Ayda Yurekli, and Geoffrey T. Fong, Tobacco Taxes as a Tobacco Control Strategy,. Schell, Terry L., Beth Ann Griffin, and Andrew R. Morral. Callaway, Brantly, and Pedro H. C. SantAnna, Difference-in-Differences with Multiple Time Periods,, Cameron, A. Colin, Jonah B. Gelbach, and Douglas L. Miller, Bootstrap-Based Improvements for Inference with Clustered Errors,, Campbell, Jacquelyn C., Nancy Glass, Phyllis W. Sharps, Kathryn Laughon, and Tina Bloom, Intimate Partner Homicide: Review and Implications of Research and Policy,, Campbell, J. C., D. Webster, J. Kozio-McLain, C. Block, D. Campbell, M. A. Curry, F. Gary, N. Glass, J. McFarlane, C. Sachs, P. Sharps, Y. Ulrich, S. A. Wilt, J. Manganello, X. Xu, J. Schollenberger, V. Frye, and K. Laughon, Risk Factors for Femicide in Abusive Relationships: Results from a Multisite Case Control Study,, Campbell, Sean, and Daniel Nass, The CDCs Gun Injury Data Is Becoming Even Less Reliable,, Campbell, Sean, Daniel Nass, and Mai Nguyen, The CDC Is Publishing Unreliable Data on Gun Injuries. Cole, David, Mandatory Firearms Training? Woods, and B. E. Kubu, Gun Violence Prevention Practices Among Local Police in the United States,, Koseff, Alexei, See Where California Is Taking Guns with Restraining Orders,, Kovandzic, Tomislav V., and Thomas B. Marvell, Right-to-Carry Concealed Handguns and Violent Crime: Crime Control Through Gun Control?, Kovandzic, T. V., T. B. Marvell, and L. M. Vieraitis, The Impact of Shall-Issue Concealed Handgun Laws on Violent Crime RatesEvidence from Panel Data for Large Urban Cities,, Kovandzic, Tomislav, Mark E. Schaffer, and Gary Kleck, Estimating the Causal Effect of Gun Prevalence on Homicide Rates: A Local Average Treatment Effect Approach,, Kposowa, A. J., Association of Suicide Rates, Gun Ownership, Conservatism and Individual Suicide Risk,, Kposowa, A., D. Hamilton, and K. Wang, Impact of Firearm Availability and Gun Regulation on State Suicide Rates,, Kremer, Michael, and Jack Willis, Guns, Latrines, and Land Reform: Dynamic Pigouvian Taxation,. Stander, V. A., S. M. Hilton, A. P. Doran, A. D. Werbel, and C. J. Thomsen. Its much more difficult working leads on trafficking cases in states when theres no mandatory requirement.. Seattle police recover gun, stolen car after teen makes threats to kill The Relationship Between Gentrification and Neighborhood Crime Rates in Chicago, 1991 to 2005,, Papachristos, A. V., C. Wildeman, and E. Roberto, Tragic, but Not Random: The Social Contagion of Nonfatal Gunshot Injuries,, Parikh, Kavita, Alyssa Silver, Shilpa J. Patel, Sabah F. Iqbal, and Monika Goyal, Pediatric Firearm-Related Injuries in the United States,, Park, Sung-Yeon, Kyle J. Holody, and Xiaoqun Zhang, Race in Media Coverage of School Shootings: A Parallel Application of Framing Theory and Attribute Agenda Setting,, Parker, George F., Circumstances and Outcomes of a Firearm Seizure Law: Marion County, Indiana, 20062013,. An Update of a Community Gun Buyback Program,, Green, Maggie, Its a Pretty Small Effect: Experts Say Gun Buyback Programs Dont Reduce Violent Crime,, Greenland, Sander, Mohammad Ali Mansournia, and Douglas G. Altman, Sparse Data Bias: A Problem Hiding in Plain Sight,, Grinshteyn, Erin, and David Hemenway, Violent Death Rates: The US Compared with Other High-Income OECD Countries, 2010,, Groff, E. R., J. H. Ratcliffe, C. P. Haberman, E. T. Sorg, N. M. Joyce, and R. B. Taylor, Does What Police Do at Hot Spots Matter? WA State Licensing (DOL) Official Site: Replace a lost, stolen, or damaged driver license or instruction permit Replace a lost license Replace your license or instruction permit Find out what to do if your license or instruction permit is lost or stolen. A., D. M. Hureau, and A. V. Papachristos, Deterring Gang-Involved Gun Violence: Measuring the Impact of Bostons Operation Ceasefire on Street Gang Behavior,, Braga, A. Cantor, D., Substantive Implications of Longitudinal Design Features: The National Crime Survey as a Case Study, in D. Kasprzyk, G. Duncan, G. Kalton, and M. P. Singh, eds., Capellan, Joel Alfredo, and Alexei Anisin, A Distinction Without a Difference? Robbins, Mel, The Real Gun Problem Is Mental Health, Not the NRA, CNN, 2014. Smart, Rosanna, Andrew R. Morral, and Terry L. Schell. As of June 26, 2020: Gun Violence Archive, Mass Shootings, webpage, undated-b. United States Code, Title 26, Section 5801, Imposition of Tax. A., C. G. Roman, L. Bostwick, and J. R. Porter, Cure Violence: A Public Health Model to Reduce Gun Violence,, Cabrera, Joseph F., and Roy Kwon, Income Inequality, Household Income, and Mass Shooting in the United States,, Cai, Weiyi, and Jugal K. Patel, A Half-Century of School Shootings Like Columbine, Sandy Hook and Parkland,, Cagle, M. Christine, and J. Michael Martinez, Have Gun, Will Travel: The Dispute Between the CDC and the NRA on Firearm Violence as a Public Health Problem,, Caldwell, B., Criminalizing Day-to-Day Life: A Socio-Legal Critique of Gang Injunctions,. Mass Shootings, 19822017: Data from, Follman, Mark, Gavin Aronsen, and Deanna Pan, US Mass Shootings, 19822019: Data from, Follman, Mark, Gavin Aronsen, and Deanna Pan, US Mass Shootings, 19822020: Data from Mother Jones Investigation,, Follman, Mark, Gavin Aronsen, and Deanna Pan, US Mass Shootings, 19822022: Data from Mother Jones Investigation,, Fortunato, David, Can Easing Concealed Carry Deter Crime?, Fowler, Katherine A., Linda L. Dahlberg, Tadesse Haileyesus, Carmen Gutierrez, and Sarah Bacon, Childhood Firearm Injuries in the United States,, Fox, A. M., and K. J. Novak, Collaborating to Reduce Violence: The Impact of Focused Deterrence in Kansas City,, Fox, James Alan, Missing Data Problems in the SHR: Imputing Offender and Relationship Characteristics,, Fox, James Alan, and Monica J. DeLateur, Mass Shootings in America: Moving Beyond Newtown,, Fox, James A., and Emma E. Fridel, The Tenuous Connections Involving Mass Shootings, Mental Illness, and Gun Laws,, Fox, James Alan, and Jack Levin, Multiple Homicide: Patterns of Serial and Mass Murder,, Fox, James Alan, and Marc L. Swatt, Multiple Imputation of the Supplementary Homicide Reports, 19762005,, Franklin, Joseph C., Jessica D. Ribeiro, Kathryn R. Fox, Kate H. Bentley, Evan M. Kleiman, Xieyining Huang, Katherine M. Musacchio, Adam C. Jaroszweski, Bernard P. Chang, and Matthew K. Nock, Risk Factors for Suicidal Thoughts and Behaviors: A Meta-Analysis of 50 Years of Research,, Frattaroli, Shannon, Elise Omaki, Amy Molocznik, Adelyn Allchin, Renee Hopkins, Sandra Shanahan, and Anne Levinson, Extreme Risk Protection Orders in King County, Washington: The Epidemiology of Dangerous Behaviors and an Intervention Response,, Frattaroli, Shannon, April M. Zeoli, and Daniel W. Webster, Armed, Prohibited and Violent at Home: Implementation and Enforcement of Restrictions on Gun Possession by Domestic Violence Offenders in Four U.S. Localities,, Freed, L. H., D. W. Webster, J. J. Longwell, J. Carrese, and M. H. Wilson, Factors Preventing Gun Acquisition and Carrying Among Incarcerated Adolescent Males,, Freedman, David A., On the So-Called Huber Sandwich Estimator and Robust Standard Errors,, French, B., and P. J. Heagerty, Analysis of Longitudinal Data to Evaluate a Policy Change,, Fridel, Emma E., A Multivariate Comparison of Family, Felony, and Public Mass Murders in the United States,, Fridel, Emma E., Comparing the Impact of Household Gun Ownership and Concealed Carry Legislation on the Frequency of Mass Shootings and Firearms Homicide,, Fridel, Emma E., and James Alan Fox, Gender Differences in Patterns and Trends in U.S. As of June 16, 2022: Federal Bureau of Investigation, Federal Denials: Reasons Why the NICS Section Denies, webpage, August 31, 2022c. Puzzanchera, C., G. Chamberlin, and W. Kang, Easy Access to the FBIs Supplementary Homicide Reports: 19802016, Office of Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention, 2018. Queen, R. Lowry, E. O. Olsen, D. Chyen, L. Whittle, J. Thornton, C. Lim, Y. Yamakawa, N. Brener, and S. Zaza, Youth Risk Behavior SurveillanceUnited States, 2015,, Kann, Laura, Tim McManus, William A. Harris, Shari L. Shanklin, Katherine H. Flint, Barbara Queen, Richard Lowry, David Chyen, Lisa Whittle, Jemekia Thornton, Connie Lim, Denise Bradford, Yoshimi Yamakawa, Michelle Leon, Nancy Brener, and Kathleen A. Ethier, Youth Risk Behavior SurveillanceUnited States, 2017,, Kaplan, M. S., N. Huguet, B. H. McFarland, and J. Cohen, Amy P., Deborah Azrael, and Matthew Miller, Rate of Mass Shootings Has Tripled Since 2011, Harvard Research Shows,. Over the past weekend, Kelso police took a report of someone breaking into a motor. Swanson, J. W., A. G. Robertson, L. K. Frisman, M. A. Norko, H. Lin, M. S. Swartz, and P. J. Cook, Preventing Gun Violence Involving People with Serious Mental Illness, in D. W. Webster and J. S. Vernick, eds., Swedler, D. I., M. M. Simmons, F. Dominici, and D. Hemenway, Firearm Prevalence and Homicides of Law Enforcement Officers in the United States,, Tark, Jongyeon, and Gary Kleck, Resisting Crime: The Effects of Victim Action on the Outcomes of Crimes,, Tate, Julie, Jennifer Jenkins, and Steven Rich, Fatal Force,, Taylor, Melanie A., A Comprehensive Study of Mass Murder Precipitants and Motivations of Offenders,, Teisl, M. F., K. J. Boyle, and R. E. Record, Jr., License-Sales Revenues: Understanding Angler and Hunter Reaction to Changes in License Prices,, Teplin, L. A., G. M. McClelland, K. M. Abram, and D. A. Weiner, Crime Victimization in Adults with Severe Mental Illness: Comparison with the National Crime Victimization Survey,, Thompson, R., V. Kane, J. M. Cook, R. Greenstein, P. Walker, and G. Woody, Suicidal Ideation in Veterans Receiving Treatment for Opiate Dependence,, Tillyer, M. S., R. S. Engel, and B. Lovins, Beyond Boston: Applying Theory to Understand and Address Sustainability Issues in Focused Deterrence Initiatives for Violence Reduction,, Tillyer, M. S., and D. M. Kennedy, Locating Focused Deterrence Approaches Within a Situational Crime Prevention Framework,, Tita, G. E., A. Jones, Edward D., III, The District of Columbias Firearms Control Regulations Act of 1975: The Toughest Handgun Control Law in the United Statesor Is It?, Jonson, Cheryl Lero, Alexander L. Burton, Francis T. Cullen, Justin T. Pickett, and Velmer S. Burton, Jr., An Apple in One Hand, a Gun in the Other: Public Support for Arming Our Nations Schools,, Joossens, Luk, and Martin Raw, From Cigarette Smuggling to Illicit Tobacco Trade,, Joshi, M., and S. B. Sorenson, Intimate Partner Violence at the Scene: Incident Characteristics and Implications for Public Health Surveillance,, Juodis, Marcus, Andrew Starzomski, Stephen Porter, and Michael Woodworth, A Comparison of Domestic and Non-Domestic Homicides: Further Evidence for Distinct Dynamics and Heterogeneity of Domestic Homicide Perpetrators,, Kafka, Julie M., Kathryn E. Moracco, Deanna S. Williams, and Claire G. Hoffman, Disarming Abusers: Domestic Violence Protective Order (DVPO) Firearm Restriction Processes and Dispositions,, Kagawa, Rose M. C., Alvaro Castillo-Carniglia, Jon S. Vernick, Daniel Webster, Cassandra Crifasi, Kara E. Rudolph, Magdalena Cerd, Aaron Shev, and Garen J. Wintemute, Repeal of Comprehensive Background Check Policies and Firearm Homicide and Suicide,. Dandekar, Anika, and Tenneth Fairclough II, Voters Want Increased Gun Safety and Community Violence Intervention, blog post, Data for Progress, August 8, 2022. If the individual is being released from a Washington State prison facility then he or she was convicted of a felony. Yes. Koper, C. S., Just Enough Police Presence: Reducing Crime and Disorderly Behavior by Optimizing Patrol Time in Crime Hot Spots,, Koper, Christopher S., Federal Legislation and Gun Markets: How Much Have Recent Reforms of the Federal Firearms Licensing System Reduced Criminal Gun Suppliers?, Koper, Christopher S., Crime Gun Risk Factors: Buyer, Seller, Firearm, and Transaction Characteristics Associated with Gun Trafficking and Criminal Gun Use,, Koper, Christopher S., Assessing the Potential to Reduce Deaths and Injuries from Mass Shootings Through Restrictions on Assault Weapons and Other HighCapacity Semiautomatic Firearms,, Koper, Christopher S., William D. Johnson, Jordan L. Nichols, Ambrozine Ayers, and Natalie Mullins, Criminal Use of Assault Weapons and High-Capacity Semiautomatic Firearms: An Updated Examination of Local and National Sources,, Koper, C. S., and E. Mayo-Wilson, Police Crackdowns on Illegal Gun Carrying: A Systematic Review of Their Impact on Gun Crime,, Koper, C. S., E. Mayo-Wilson, and J. Smith, Police Strategies to Reduce Illegal Possession and Carrying of Firearms: Effects on Gun Crime,, Koper, Christopher S., and Jeffrey A. Roth, The Impact of the 1994 Federal Assault Weapon Ban on Gun Violence Outcomes: An Assessment of Multiple Outcome Measures and Some Lessons for Policy Evaluation,, Koper, Christopher S., and Jeffrey A. Roth, Impact of the 1994 Federal Assault Weapons Ban on Gun Markets: An Assessment of Short-Term Primary and Secondary Market Effects,, Koper, C. S., D. J. Top congressional Democrats Schumer and Jeffries seek on-air Maryland State Police, Wear and Carry Permit Training, webpage, undated. Secure gun storage requirements for all firearms will increase public safety by helping ensure that children and other prohibited persons do not inappropriately gain access to firearms, and notice requirements will make the potential dangers of firearms clear to purchasers. You may be surprised to know that only a fraction of states have mandatory reporting laws. Keep in mind that photos taken with your phone are automatically uploaded to the cloud. Gun thefts occur at staggering rates. Minnesota Department of Public Safety, BCA Releases 2021 Permit to Carry Annual Report, March 1, 2022. Stolen-weapon reports also help prosecutors establish a greater degree of proof that people like Nicholson are culpable for purchasing the weapons. Quantifying the number of firearms lost or stolen from private citizens is more challenging, but based on data from ATF, 173,675 firearms were reported lost or stolen from nonfederal firearms licensee entities and private citizens in 2012 (ATF, 2013). There is no federal law requiring individuals to report lost or stolen firearms. Lost Or Stolen Firearms | Colorado General Assembly As of August 31, 2022: Everytown for Gun Safety Support Fund, Mass Shootings in the United States: 20092020, webpage, June 4, 2021. 1. Sakinofsky, Isaac, Repetition of Suicidal Behavior, in K. Hawton and K. P. van Heeringen, eds., Sale, Elizabeth, Michelle Hendricks, Virginia Weil, Collin Miller, Scott Perkins, and Suzanne McCudden, Counseling on Access to Lethal Means (CALM): An Evaluation of a Suicide Prevention Means Restriction Training Program for Mental Health Providers,, Salhi, Carmel, Deborah Azrael, and Matthew Miller, Patterns of Gun Owner Beliefs About Firearm Risk in Relation to Firearm Storage: A Latent Class Analysis Using the 2019 National Firearms Survey,, Salhi, Carmel, Deborah Azrael, and Matthew Miller, Parent and Adolescent Reports of Adolescent Access to Household Firearms in the United States,, Saltzman, Linda E., and Robin M. Ikeda, Recommended Data Elements for Firearm-Related Injury Surveillance,, Saltzman, Linda E., James A. Mercy, Patrick W. OCarroll, Mark L. Rosenberg, and Philip H. Rhodes, Weapon Involvement and Injury Outcomes in Family and Intimate Assaults,, Sanders, Nathan E., and Victor Lei, The Role of Prior Information in Inference on the Annualized Rates of Mass Shootings in the United States,, Santaella-Tenorio, J., M. Cerd, A. Villaveces, and S. Galea, What Do We Know About the Association Between Firearm Legislation and Firearm-Related Injuries?, Santhanam, Laura, Two-Thirds of Black Americans Dont Trust the Police to Treat Them Equally. You have completed all the conditions of your sentence. Cook, P. J., and H. A. Pollack, Reducing Access to Guns by Violent Offenders, presented at RSF Journal Conference: The Underground Gun Market, April 2016. Everytown for Gun Safety Action Fund, Solutions: Secure Gun Storage, webpage, undated. Only 11 states and Washington, D.C., require gun owners to file a police report if a gun is lost or stolen. Anderson, D. Mark, Joseph J. Sabia, and Erdal Tekin, Andrs, Antonio Rodrguez, and Katherine Hempstead, Gun Control and Suicide: The Impact of State Firearm Regulations in the United States, 19952004,, Aneja, Abhay, John J. Donohue III, and Alexandria Zhang, The Impact of Right-to-Carry Laws and the NRC Report: Lessons for the Empirical Evaluation of Law and Policy,. As of November 18, 2019: Federal Bureau of Investigation, Expanded Homicide Data Table 14: Justifiable Homicide, by Weapon, Law Enforcement, 20142018, webpage, Crime in the United States 2018, 2019b. Donohue, John J., The Impact of Concealed Carry Laws, in Jens Ludwig and Philip J. Cook, eds., Donohue, John J., Guns, Crime, and the Impact of State Right-to-Carry Laws,, Donohue, John J., Laws Facilitating Gun Carrying and Homicide,, Donohue, John J., More Gun Carrying, More Violent Crime,. Merrefield, Clark Gun Buybacks: What the Research Says, blog post, Journalists Resource, last updated October 21, 2022. Azrael, Deborah, and Matthew Miller, Reducing Suicide Without Affecting Underlying Mental Health: Theoretical Underpinnings and a Review of the Evidence Base Lining the Availability of Lethal Means and Suicide, in Rory C. OConnor and Jane Pirkis, eds., Baekgaard, Martin, Julian Christensen, Casper Mondrup Dahlmann, Asbjrn Mathiasen, and Niels Bjrn Grund Petersen, The Role of Evidence in Politics: Motivated Reasoning and Persuasion Among Politicians,, Bailey, J. E., A. L. Kellermann, G. W. Somes, J. G. Banton, F. P. Rivara, and N. P. Rushforth, Risk Factors for Violent Death of Women in the Home,, Baker, Jeanine, and Samara McPhedran, Gun Laws and Sudden Death: Did the Australian Firearms Legislation of 1996 Make a Difference?, Baker, Jeanine, and Samara McPhedran, Australian Firearm Related Deaths: New Findings and Implications for Crime Prevention and Health Policies Following Revisions to Official Death Count Data,, Balakrishna, Meenakshi, and Kenneth C. Wilbur, Do Firearm Markets Comply with Firearm Restrictions? 6 takeaways from the ATF's report U.S. gun crime - WOUB Public Law 116-94, Further Consolidated Appropriations Act, 2020, December 23, 2019. None of those states have reporting-requirement laws. HB 1824 penalizes failure to report a civil infraction with a $100 fine for the first offense, $1,000 for a second, and a third offense would be a misdemeanor with a $1,000 fine and up to six months in jail. Crafton, R. Eliot, Jane G. Gravelle, and William J. Krouse, Cramer, Clayton E., Why the FBIs Justifiable Homicide Statistics Are a Misleading Measure of Defensive Gun Use,, Cramer, Clayton E., and David B. Kopel, Shall Issue: The New Wave of Concealed Handgun Permit Laws,, Crifasi, Cassandra K., Shani A. L. Buggs, Seema Choksy, and Daniel W. Webster, The Initial Impact of Marylands Firearm Safety Act of 2013 on the Supply of Crime Handguns in Baltimore,, Crifasi, Cassandra K., Mitchell L. Doucette, Emma E. McGinty, Daniel W. Webster, and Colleen L. Barry, Storage Practices of US Gun Owners in 2016,, Crifasi, Cassandra K., Alexander D. McCourt, Marisa D. Booty, and Daniel W. Webster, Policies to Prevent Illegal Acquisition of Firearms: Impacts on Diversions of Guns for Criminal Use, Violence, and Suicide,, Crifasi, Cassandra K., Molly Merrill-Francis, Alex McCourt, Jon S. Vernick, Garen J. Wintemute, and Daniel W. Webster, Association Between Firearm Laws and Homicide in Urban Counties,, Crifasi, C. K., J. S. Meyers, J. S. Vernick, and D. W. Webster, Effects of Changes in Permit-to-Purchase Handgun Laws in Connecticut and Missouri on Suicide Rates,, Crifasi, Cassandra K., Keshia M. Pollack, and Daniel W. Webster, Effects of State-Level Policy Changes on Homicide and Nonfatal Shootings of Law Enforcement Officers,, Crifasi, Cassandra K., Elizabeth M. Stone, Beth McGinty, Jon S. Vernick, Colleen L. Barry, and Daniel W. Webster, Differences in Public Support for Handgun Purchaser Licensing,, Crifasi, Cassandra K., Julie A. A. Braga, Gun Shows and Gun Violence: Fatally Flawed Study Yields Misleading Results,, Wintemute, G. J., C. A. Parham, J. J. Beaumont, M. Wright, and C. Drake, Mortality Among Recent Purchasers of Handguns,, Wintemute, Garen J., Carrie A. Parham, Mona A. Wright, James J. Beaumont, and Christiana M. Drake, Weapons of Choice: Previous Criminal History, Later Criminal Activity, and Firearm Preference Among Legally Authorized Young Adult Purchasers of Handguns,, Wintemute, Garen J., Veronica A. Pear, Julia P. Schleimer, Rocco Pallin, Sydney Sohl, Nicole Kravitz-Wirtz, and Elizabeth A. Tomsich, Extreme Risk Protection Orders Intended to Prevent Mass Shootings: A Case Series,. Well never stop fighting for a safe, gun violence-free Pennsylvania. Reports of stolen firearms to law enforcement agencies (2018) - King County Home Public Health Seattle & King County Violence and injury prevention Violence prevention Gun violence Lock It Up Reports of stolen firearms Reports of stolen firearms to law enforcement agencies Link/share this page at The faster you report it, the faster it can be found. Frequently Asked Questions - WSP These do not necessarily have to be the most recent three years. Lott, John R., Jr., and John E. Whitley, Safe-Storage Gun Laws: Accidental Deaths, Suicides, and Crime,, Lott, John R., Jr., and John E. Whitley, Measurement Error in County-Level UCR Data,, Lott, John R., Jr., and John E. Whitley, Abortion and Crime: Unwanted Children and Out-of-Wedlock Births,. Published: Feb. 28, 2023 at 5:36 PM PST.

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