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WebMerovech (French: Mrove, Merowig; Latin: Meroveus; c. 411 458) was the King of the Salian Franks, which later became the dominant Frankish tribe, and the founder of the Merovingian dynasty. search for your ancestors and publish your family tree, Fox and Anderson and Taylor families in USA, Duke Marcomir Cologne East Franks (370-404),, A genealogical internet service provided by, Faramund Faramond Pharamond Salian Franks Salian Deutschland Cologne. In The Netherlands , there was from Monday, August 22, 1994 to Monday, August 3, 1998 the cabinet a href="" class="extern">Kok I, with W. Kok (PvdA) as prime minister. ". [5] Diese Genealogie, die mehr als 330 Jahre nach Marcomer niedergeschrieben wurde, wird seit dem Ende des 19. Nach dem Exzerpt Gregors, der sich nach eigener Aussage auf das 3. Gregor schildert weiter, sich auf das 4. Marcomir passed away in 404, at age 57 in Duitsland.. This information is part of Fox and Anderson and Taylor families in USA by Tommy Fox on Genealogy Online. Major children and living persons must directly contact the, Relationship with Alessio Alain Hribert Debras (Foullon-Debras) Foullon Debras (Sosa/Ahnentafel #1), Relationship with Hatilde of the FRANKS, Des Francs de Toxandrie (spouse), Relationship with Hildegonde ou Aldegonde de LOMBARDIE , Des Francs (spouse), Browse using this individual as Sosa/Ahnentafel #1, List of all individuals in the family tree, Clodgar de Cologne des FRANCS, roi de Cologne , Des Francs de Cologne, Hatilde of the FRANKS, Des Francs de Toxandrie, Himbald of Ripuarians FRANKS , Des Francs de Toxandrie, Pharamond (Faramond) (King) of WESTPHALIA , De Cologne, Hildegonde ou Aldegonde de LOMBARDIE , Des Francs, Richimir ou Richomer ou Ricmer de Throuanne, chef Franc , de Toxandrie ,Consul, Des Francs, Thorismond ou Pharamond de FRANCIE ,Roi des FRANCS Des Francs, Agrippin de NARBONNE ,Gouverneur de la Narbonnaise en Gaule , De Narbonne, Erliva la Gauloise de TONGRES, Des Francs, Thodemir Ier d'OSTROGOTHIE , Des Ostrogoths, Amalafriede ou Almafrida DES OSTROGOTHS, Des Ostrogoths, Cariatic des Morins de REIMS ,roi des Morins, roi de Tongres, De Reims, Clotonde de MORINIE ou Clodode des Morins ,DES FRANCS, Des Morins, Guerric (Chararic) de RIPUARIE en Champagne ,(de Reims) ,Comte de Metz, De Metz, Chlodio ou Chlodion le chevelu ,Roi des Francs Saliens, Des Francs, Medelphus de Thuringe, roi des Francs Ripuaires ,ou Chlodwig de COLOGNE, Roi de Cologne , Des Francs, Basine de Cologne, ou Basena, reine de Thuringe des Francs Ripuaires, des FRANCS RHNANS, Des Francs, Amalberge (Princesse) DES FRANCS, Des Francs, Mrovig ou Mrove II de FRANCIE, Roi des Francs Saliens, Des Francs, Childric Ier de FRANCIE, Roi des Francs , Des Francs, Chlodebaud de COLOGNE, Roi de Cologne ou Roi des Francs Rhnans, Des Francs, Sigebert le Boiteux, Roi de Cologne, roi des Francs Ripuaires, De Cologne, Albric de COLOGNE, ou Albric (Adalbert) De Moselgau ,Duc de Moselle, De Cologne, Evochilde des Francs Rhnans ou Evochilde de Cologne, Princesse franque rhnane, Des Francs, Landbert de THROUANNE, Roi de Throuanne , Des Francs, Theudia ou Theudria des Ruthnes , De Boulogne, Lambert II (Chlodgar) d'AUVERGNE, Comte d'Auvergne, D'Auvergne, Clodgar II de BOULOGNE ,Roi de boulogne, De Boulogne, Chlodomir Ier de WORMS,Roi des Worms, Des Francs, Clodric de Worms des FRANCS, roi de Worms, De Worms des Francs, Richariane d' ARTOIS, d' ARRAS, Comtesse d'Artois & de Ponthieu, Des Francs, Berimund (noble) D'OSTROGOTHIE, Des Ostrogoths, Wideric (Prince) D'OSTROGOTHIE, Des Ostrogoths, Ragnhard Ier ou Ragnacaire de CAMBRAI, ou Ragnomer (King) of the FRANKS (de Cambrai et d'Arras) Des Francs, Ragnacaire II ou Ragnhard De CAMBRAI, (Ragnhard II de HAINAUT) ,Dynastie des Mrovingiens, Roi des Cambraisiens, Des Francs, Richard Ier d'ARRAS, ou Richer d'Artois, Roi d'Arras, Des Francs, Waltheri de VASCONIE, Roi des Gascons et Roi d'Aquitaine , De Vascovie, Camallon de VASCONIE ,Roi de Vascovie De Vascovie, Auriol Manse (Vicomte) of the BARTHE, D'Aquitaine, Sevenus Ier (Duc) d'AQUITAINE D'Aquitaine, Chlodoweg ou Clovis de COLOGNE , De Cologne, Diocles de COLOGNE ,Roi des Francs ripuaires du Nord , De Cologne, Thodmir ou Theudemer de Throuanne, roi de Throuanne ,Roi des Francs, Des Francs, Blsinde, (la jeune), Princesse de Cologne, De Cologne, Vinitharius Conqueror of the Venedi-Slavs, roi des Ostrogoths, Des Ostrogoths, Genebald de Cologne, roi des Francs de Cologne , Des Francs de Cologne, Aios de Lombardie, prince Lombard , De Lombardie, Gundomar des ALAMANS, chef des Suves, Des Alamans, Ysabeau de Toxandrie des FRANCS , Des Francs de Toxandrie, Dagobert II de Cologne ou Dagobert de France,Duc des FRANCS SALIQUE, roi des Francs de Cologne , Des Francs de Cologne, Chlodomer d'Almanie, roi des Alamans,Roi des Suves , Des Alamans, {{ 'gw_downgraded_access_back_to_max'|translate }}. Geni requires JavaScript! He was married to Aldegonde Lombardy, they gave birth to 1 child. Daraufhin habe Sunno Marcomer rchen wollen, sei aber von seinen eigenen Leuten ermordet worden. Post quem Clodius filius ejus regnans Francis a Thoringia advectis Gallias invasit, et capta urbe Tornaco Cameracum usque progressus multos Romanorum in Galliis peremit. ; On this Wikipedia the language links are at the top of the page across from the article title. In later legend he was the son of Chlodio IV, from the kings of Troy. En 388, il change des otages en gage de paix avec le gnral romain Arbogast. WebMarcomir I (Merovech I) , of the Eastern Franks was born April 347 in Cologne, North Rhine, Nordrhein-Westfalen, Germany, son of Clodius King of the East Franks and Frotmund Desposyni de Frimutel. search for your ancestors and publish your family tree, Marcomir "Marcomer" des Francs I ( 347- 479),, A genealogical internet service provided by,,,,,,,, Learn how and when to remove this template message,, Short description is different from Wikidata, Articles lacking in-text citations from August 2017, Articles with unsourced statements from May 2021, Wikipedia articles needing clarification from April 2021, Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License 3.0, This page was last edited on 21 January 2023, at 12:42. WebMarcomir I (Merovech I) , of the Eastern Franks was born April 347 in Cologne, North Rhine, Nordrhein-Westfalen, Germany, son of Clodius King of the East Franks and Frotmund Desposyni de Frimutel. Marcomer was seen as leader with Chatti and Ampsivarii but the two did not engage. History and Memory in the Carolingian World. This source does not relate whether Marcomer succeeded, but from other later sources that recall the account of Liber Historiae Francorum, the impression may be gained that Pharamond was regarded as the first king of the Franks. Several legends and myths surround his person. A genealogical internet service provided by Coret Genealogy. Brother of Albofledis . It is not possible to enter charachters outside the standard alphabet (so no diacritic characters like and ). He had at least 1 son with Asinia Juliana Nicomacha de Rome. WebRichemer Marcomir I de Toxandrie King of the Sicanbrian Franks found in 146 trees View all Richemer Marcomir I de Toxandrie King of the Sicanbrian Franks from tree Dubois Family Tree No publicly available LifeStory events Enter your e-mail address and you will receive the monthly, free Genealogy Online newsletter (in English) with new pedigrees and news and tips on the largest genealogy website in the Netherlands and Belgium. He died in 0281, in his hometown, at the age of 61. Geni requires JavaScript! This functionality is only available in Javascript supporting browsers. Austrasien var ett frankiskt kungarike under merovingerna, frn 500-talet till 700-talet. WebKing Marcomir of the Franks III was born in 0220, in Gaul, Roman Empire. The Netherlands had about 15.3 million citizens. A genealogical internet service provided by Coret Genealogy. Geneanet. Later, after the fall of Magnus Maximus, Marcomer and Sunno held a short meeting about the recent attacks with the Frank Arbogastes, who was a general (magister militum) in the Roman army. Sign In or Create a FREE Account Family Time Line WebMarcomir Cologne East Franks was born between around 347 and around 370 in Cologne, Nordrhein-Westfalen, Germany, son of Clodius East Franks. Wife of Mrove II, King of the Franks and Marcomir I, King of the Franks at Cologne. Many others fled to the Black Sea area and joined the nomadic Cimmerians with whom they had good relations. After this raid the main body of the Franks moved back over the Rhine with their booty. Later sources, such as the universal chronicle of Sigebert of Gembloux, list Pharamond as King of the Franks between Marcomer and Chlodio: They had 2 children: Pharamond Der Merovingen and Hilgonde Hildegonde van keulen. They crossed the Rhine, raided the Roman province of Germania and threatened Cologne, in the latter years of Western Roman Emperor Magnus Maximus (c. 388). He proposed that the Franks should live under one king and proposed his own son Pharamond (whose earliest mention is in this work, and who is considered legendary by scholars) for the kingship. ; Marcomir I, King of the Franks at Cologne - Father of Marcomer Follow Reply Start a New Discussion Started by Gerene Mae Jensen Mason on Friday, December 23, 2016 Showing all 3 posts Gerene Mae Jensen Mason PRO 12/23/2016 at 9:53 AM He died in 272. You type in a few letters (at least 3) and a list of personal names within this publication will immediately appear. A character named Pharamond appears in the Sandman and Lucifer comics series. According to this account Marcomer, Sunno and Genobaud invaded the Roman provinces Germania Inferior and Gallia Belgica in Gaul. This information is part of Stamboom Homs by George Homs on Genealogy Online. WebMarcomer (died after 392), also spelled Marcomeres, Marchomer, Marchomir, was a Frankish leader ( dux) in the late 4th century who invaded the Roman Empire in the year 388, when the usurper and leader of the whole of Roman Gaul, Magnus Maximus was surrounded in Aquileia by Theodosius I . Request permission to copy data or at least inform the author, chances are that the author gives permission, often the contact also leads to more exchange of data. He was married to Aldegonde Lombardy, they gave birth to 1 child. On Geni they are two sperate individuals from two different fathers. Arbogast, pursuing the Frankish petty kings Sunno and Marcomer with a kind of family (gentilis) hatred, came to Cologne in the depths of winter, knowing that all the retreats of Francia could be penetrated and burned now that the leaves had fallen and the bare woods could no longer conceal ambushes. 1) " En ce temps les francs qui avaient pour ducs Gnobaud, Marcomir et Sunnon firent irruption dans la Germanie et lorsqu'ils eurent envahi la frontire, bien des mortels furent massacrs ; ils dvastrent les pays les plus fertiles et jetrent aussi la panique Cologne. Family Tree Pharamond (the Wise) (King of all the Franks) MEROVINGIAN ca 365-427 WithArgotta Franks 438 with. He was born between around 347 and around 370. You can enter text in lowercase or uppercase. Die Rmer wurden von den Offizieren Nanninus und Quintinus kommandiert. One son is recorded: Pharamond, b.370 A.D. Bartherus King of the Franks was born about 238. . Enter your e-mail address and you will receive the monthly, free Genealogy Online newsletter (in English) with new pedigrees and news and tips on the largest genealogy website in the Netherlands and Belgium. A couple of years later when Arbogastes had seized power and the West Roman army was nearly completely in the hands of Frankish mercenaries, he crossed the Rhine with a Roman army into Germania, because he hated his own kin. Husband of Hatilde de Francie and Hildegonde / Ildegond De Cologne Marcomir (Marchomir) der Oost-Franken, 347 - 404, Marcomir I Clodius der Franken, 347 - 404. Son of Marcomir I, King of the Franks at Cologne and Hatilde de Francie Brother of Albofledis . Il leva donc une arme, traversa le Rhin et dvasta les pays des Bructres qui sont les plus proches de ses rives et aussi celui qu'habitent les Chamaves sans rencontrer personnes, sauf un petit nombre d'Ampsivares et de Chattes qui sons le commandement de Marcomir apparurent sur les sommets loigns des collines. , some Trojans fled to Italy under the Dardanian prince, Aeneas ex Zeus. Aus Sicht der modernen Forschung sind die dort erwhnten Bezeichnungen wie dux, regalis oder rex nicht gleichzusetzen mit den spteren Bedeutungen. Daughter of Himbald, King of the Franks and Hodesh He died in the year 404. Death: 449 (94-103) Westphalia, Germany. Frotmund was born in Old, Sachsen, Germany. However, modern scholars, such as Edward James, do not accept this account in the Liber Historiae Francorum as historical, because Marcomer is called the son of the Trojan king Priam, which is an obvious impossibility. Later we hear from the poet Claudian that Marcomer was arrested by Romans and banned to a villa in Tuscany. Genebald Duke of East Franks was born about 262 in Germany. WebKing Marcomir of the Franks III was born in 0220, in Gaul, Roman Empire. Marcomir I, King of the Franks at Cologne - Father of Marcomer Follow Reply Start a New Discussion Started by Gerene Mae Jensen Mason on Friday, December 23, 2016 Showing all 3 posts Gerene Mae Jensen Mason PRO 12/23/2016 at 9:53 AM Birthplace: France. Marcomer was seen as leader with Chatti and Ampsivarii but the two did not engage. WebMarcomir I (Merovech I) , of the Eastern Franks was born April 347 in Cologne, North Rhine, Nordrhein-Westfalen, Germany, son of Clodius King of the East Franks and Frotmund Desposyni de Frimutel. Wife of Mrove II, King of the Franks and Marcomir I, King of the Franks at Cologne offenbar den Frieden anbot. They were the parents of Clodius Long Hair, King of the Franks. He had at least 1 son with Asinia Juliana Nicomacha de Rome. Copyright protected work may not simply be copied or republished. Although data is often retrieved from public archives, the searching, interpreting, collecting, selecting and sorting of the data results in a unique product. He is proposed to be one of several barbarian warlords and kings that joined forces with the Roman general Nanninus and Quintinus were replaced by Charietto and Syrus, who were again confronted by an attack of unidentified Franks. Clodius was born in 37, in Austrasia, department, region, France. Husband of Winilinda . When Pharamond I, King of Toxandria was born about 0370, in Westphalia, Prussia, Germany, his father, Roi Marcomir V de Koln last King of the Franks, was 25 and his mother, Hildegard de Lombardie de Toxandrie, was -4. WebWhen Marcomir I Knig der Ostfranken was born in April 0347, in Cologne Region, North Rhine-Westphalia, Germany, his father, Clodius IV of the Franks, was 23 and his mother, Blsinde d' Almanie de Cologne, was 19. Geneanet. This information is part of Stamboom Homs by George Homs on Genealogy Online. Walter King of the Franks was born before 289. Example: "*ornelis de b*r" finds both "cornelis de boer" and "kornelis de buur". on. Marcomir des Francs was born about 347 in Germany, son of Chlodio des Francs and N.N. and Basine de Sajonia. Marcomir, roi des Francs: Birthdate: estimated between 355 and 411 : Death: 423 Immediate Family: Son of Marcomir I, King of the Franks at Cologne and Hatilde de Francie Husband of Argotta de France Brother of Pharamond, king of the Franks (Fictitious) Half brother of Chlodowig I, King of the Franks at Cologne; Albofledis . Geneanet. Connect to the World Family Tree to find out, Cologne, Koln, Nordrhein-Westfalen, Germany, Marcomir I, King of the Franks at Cologne, Pharamond, king of the Franks (Fictitious), Birth of Chlodowig I, King of the Franks at Cologne. Blsinde, (la jeune), Princesse de Cologne, De Cologne Married to Vinitharius Conqueror of the Venedi-Slavs, roi In The Netherlands , there was from Tuesday, November 7, 1989 to Monday, August 22, 1994 the cabinet. Some of the Franks remained in the Belgian woods. WebMarcomir Cologne East Franks was born between around 347 and around 370 in Cologne, Nordrhein-Westfalen, Germany, son of Clodius East Franks. With Quick Search you can search by name, first name followed by a last name. You can enter text in lowercase or uppercase. . If you are not sure about the first name or exact spelling, you can use an asterisk (*). Photos and Memories (1) Do you know Marcomir? 424 HM George I's 37-Great Uncle. He gathered his forces and crossed the Rhine, plundering the country of the Bructeri, which was next to the river, and the region inhabited by the Chamavi. Marcomir married Erotmund der Oost-Franken (born bint Boaz ha Judah). Pharamond, also spelled Faramund, is a legendary early king of the Franks, first referred to in the anonymous 8th-century Liber Historiae Francorum, which depicts him as the first king of the Franks. Blesinda was born circa 330, in HRE Ferdinand I's 33-Great Uncle. When Pharamond I, King of Toxandria was born about 0370, in Westphalia, Prussia, Germany, his father, Roi Marcomir V de Koln last King of the Franks, was 25 and his mother, Hildegard de Lombardie de Toxandrie, was -4. He is the son of the former deceased faction leader Marcomer. Creators on Geni, has anyone done the research to prove that King Priam isn't the father of Marcomer or King Priam son Helenus. Wives/Partners: Hatilde (?) Later, after the 388 fall of Magnus Maximus, Marcomer and Sunno held a short meeting about the recent attacks with the Frank Arbogastes, who was a general (magister militum) in the Roman army. mussten die Franken einen neuen Eid gegenber dem Feldherrn Stilicho leisten, der den abwesenden Kaiser Honorius vertrat. Wives/Partners: Hatilde (?) He died about 404 TO ABT 479 in Nordrhein-Westfalen, Deutschland. of the FRANKS ; Ildegond of the LOMBARDS ; daughter of Frotmund the GRAIL-KING WebDiscover the family tree of Marcomir V MEROVINGIAN (5th Duke of Cologne) for free, and learn about their family history and their ancestry. He died in 298. He died in 0281, in his hometown, at the age of 61. He had at least 1 son with Asinia Juliana Nicomacha de Rome. According to this account Marcomer, Sunno and Genobaud invaded the Roman provinces Germania and Belgia in Gaul. After forcing the frontier, they killed large numbers of people, ravaging the fertile districts in particular, and struck terror even into Cologne. WebMarcomer (died after 392), also spelled Marcomeres, Marchomer, Marchomir, was a Frankish leader ( dux) in the late 4th century who invaded the Roman Empire in the year 388, when the usurper and leader of the whole of Roman Gaul, Magnus Maximus was surrounded in Aquileia by Theodosius I . Tip: herlaad deze pagina voor een nieuwe selectie van gebeurtenissen vanuit Wikipedia. Wife of Chlodio IV., they gave birth to 1 child., they gave birth to 1 child. Pharamond was King of Westphalia, and is considered the first king of the Salian Franks after the departure of the Romans from Gaul. WebWhen Marcomir I Knig der Ostfranken was born in April 0347, in Cologne Region, North Rhine-Westphalia, Germany, his father, Clodius IV of the Franks, was 23 and his mother, Blsinde d' Almanie de Cologne, was 19. Pharamond was King of Westphalia, and is considered the first king of the Salian Franks after the departure of the Romans from Gaul. Wife of Chlodio IV., they gave birth to 1 child., they gave birth to 1 child. To get the best possible experience using our website we recommend that you upgrade to a newer version or install another browser Essex, England: Longman Group Limited, 1994. p.37,, Short description is different from Wikidata, Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License 3.0. Geni requires JavaScript! You type in a few letters (at least 3) and a list of personal names within this publication will immediately appear. Marcomir married Frotmund Frimutel der Franken (born DeBriton). Marcomir IV der Franken was born in October 347, in Sachsen (Duitsland), to Chlodio IV Koning der Franken der Franken and Blesinde der Franken (born van Suevi (van Alemani)). 1181 BC, 1149 BC, or ??} 370 Died: abt. [citation needed]. Victor Hugo's novel The Hunchback of Notre-Dame mentions Pharamond after Jehan Frollo's arrow pierces the left arm of Quasimodo the hunchback: "This no more disturbed Quasimodo than a scratch would have bothered King Pharamond." The Liber also relates that Marcomer tried to unite the Franks after the death of Sunno. . Example: "*ornelis de b*r" finds both "cornelis de boer" and "kornelis de buur". Do not use this data until you have checked it, preferably at the source (the archives). January 3 Baikal Airlines Flight 130 crashes near Irkutsk, Russia, resulting in 125 deaths. WebMarcomir I Duke of East Franks was born circa 370, at birth place, to Clodius I of Franks and Blesinda Deallemania Princess Franks (born The Suevi). Copyright protected work may not simply be copied or republished. Agnes Harris's 41-Great Uncle. Do you have supplementary information, corrections or questions with regards to Marcomir I (Merovech I) , of the Eastern Franks 5th Duke Von Cologne?The author of this publication would love to hear from you! Der Dichter Claudian berichtet von der Internierung des von den Rmern gefangenen (oder von den Franken exilierten) Marcomer in Etrurien. Der Usurpator Eugenius erneuerte schlielich die Vertrge mit den Franken und Alamannen. HRE Ferdinand I's 33-Great Uncle. Die Darstellung des Sulpicius ist uns jedoch nur in Form eines lngeren Exzerpts im Geschichtswerk des Gregor von Tours erhalten, welches aber wertvolle Informationen enthlt.[2]. Genealogical publications are copyright protected. WebMarcomir III King of The Sicambrian Franks was born on date, at birth place, to Clodius II the Franks and Frotmund Desposynl Franks (born DeFrimutel). Death of Chlodowig I, King of the Franks at Cologne "Chlodwig", "Chlodowig", "Clodowig", "Clodwig", "Clovis". You type in a few letters (at least 3) and a list of personal names within this publication will immediately appear. 3) " La mme anne Arbogast poursuivant de sa haine barbare Sunnon et Marcomir, les roitelets des Francs, gagne Cologne en plein hiver, car il savait parfaitement que toutes les retraites des Francs taient accessibles et pouvaient tre incendies et rendus arides ne pouvaient pas cacher ceux qui s'embusquaient.

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marcomir i, king of the franks at cologne

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marcomir i, king of the franks at cologne

marcomir i, king of the franks at cologne