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A white New Jersey woman broke down in tears, wailed like a toddler, and pretended to pass out as she was being recorded by another woman who claimed the "Karen" tried to hit her at a. How much do you think she might get? As Elphick continues crying, Ukenta, holding a coupon up to the camera, says, I just tried to came to get my free panties. Elphick then cries out, Why arent you guys defending me? Frankly, our favorite part of this Razzies-worthy performance is when Elphick gently lays her pocketbook on the ground to serve as a pillow before faux-fainting in front of the register. Doesn't Recall Speaking With Mayor. Young Indian Cop Collapses, Dies Suddenly While Exercising at Gym; Heart Attack Caused by Covid-19 Vaccine? They said they believe the officers acted in accordance with their training, and are waiting on surveillance video from the store. GoFundMe For Black Woman, Ijeoma Ukenta, Assaulted By 'Victoria's Secret Karen' Has Raised Over $78,000. Regardless of Elphick's mental state, anyone who has the wherewithal to get to a mall and use a cell phone to call police, can and should be held accountable for their actions. Once the law gets here, who are they going to believe? She says she is worried the police would believe Elphick over Ukenta because Elphick is white and Ukenta is Black. A white woman has been captured on viral video attacking a black woman at a Victoria's Secret outlet in Short Hills Mall, NJ only for her to turn around and blame the victim upon . Karen thinks that Victoria's Secret is tracking people through their bra. Ijeoma Ukenta, a Nigerian-American Muslim, was shopping at the Short Hill Mall in New Jersey when she encountered Abigail Elphick, a high school teaching aide who has now been dubbed "The Victoria's Secret Karen" by many circles of the internet. Video of an incident involving her at the Short Hills Mall has gone viral. "Karen" is caught on camera attempting to attack the woman filming her. Ukenta says in a video update, So, I see everyone asking me for an update. This is real. Nobody asked me was I alright, did I need medical attention. According to, she can sue for emotional distress through a negligent act., The site states, Victims can successfully sue police officers for emotional distress when an officer has caused emotional distress through a negligent act, or intentionally acted in a way that directly caused the emotional injury. The 25-year-old woman was seen on video charging at a Black woman, Ijeoma Ukenta, and then claiming to be the victim. Make sure you Comment, Like, Share, Subscribe & Hit the Bell to be Notified when. 3 min read Ijeoma Ukenta captured the bizarre incident in which. So, I see everyone asking me for an update. She kept expressing her concern about her job and apartment. I love walking outside, shopping, going out to eat at restaurants! 2 All Ukenta wanted, she said in the video, was to indulge in a free pair of panties from a deal run by the lingerie chain but, instead, she had to deal with the revenge of a Karen. Now if they give us problems getting the video, then well talk about that. Abigail Elphick is the New Jersey woman dubbed the "Victoria's Secret Karen" after an incident caught on now-viral video at the Short Hills Mall. Thanks for contacting us. Watch on. Top editors give you the stories you want delivered right to your inbox each weekday. Now if they give us problems getting the video, then well talk about that. Just as the video starts, Karen is lunging toward Ukenta. In quotes shared by All HipHop, Ukenta said she intends to file a complaint against the officers because she didnt feel protected. She also noted that she will file a complaint against mall security but didnt hold the incident against Victorias Secret staff. All that said, the most disgusting . Everyone of their employees need some urgent training on how to deal with abusive customers (call police/security), and they, definitely, need training on how to de-escalate a situation to protect other customers. They are calling her the "Get Her Away From Me" Karen and "Victorias Secret" Karen, but her real name is Abigail Elphick. The Victoria's Secret Karen was dragged by the internet for her actions, with commenters under Ukenta's videos finding the situation absurdly comical or blatantly offensive. The Verona-Cedar Grove Times mentioned Elphick in a 2013 feature story about her developmentally disabled brother and indicated that he had a colostomy. These dupes are the price of the iconic sweater, but still as sleek as a slicked-back bun and hoops. One woman encourages Ukenta to leave the store, while another tries to shame her into turning off her camera. Online, the woman's actions have morphed into a viral meme, and she has been given the nickname "Victoria's Secret Karen.". It's far from funny. . To view the purposes they believe they have legitimate interest for, or to object to this data processing use the vendor list link below. Abigail Elphick, 25, is. Please help me!. the woman calls the police on Ukenta. Shes trying to say I started videotaping her causing her to have a panic attack, at which time she followed me to try to get me to stop recording.. Police arrive and here . I hope that clears up any confusion! An example of data being processed may be a unique identifier stored in a cookie. So , I dont really have any issues with them not as of yet. IJOEMA Ukenta is the alleged victim attacked by Abigail Elphick - the woman branded "Victoria's Secret Karen" on social media. That realization seemingly plays out over the womans face, beginning with shock and gradually working its way into concern, panic, and then sudden tears. She can be seen on tape yelling at Ukenta, complaining about being recorded and chasing her around the store in an apparent attempt to force her to stop filming. On Tuesday (July 13), the company said it has launched a full investigation into the incident. The Daily Dot has reached out to Ukenta and Millburn police. The altercation was captured on video and allegedly showed Elphick, a white woman, lunging at Ukenta before the "Karen" appears to suffer a breakdown inside the lingerie store. Victoria's Secret 'Karen' Claims 'Mental Breakdown' After Harassing Black Woman by Kristina Johnson July 13, 2021 MAMA AFRICA MUSLIMAH/Youtube A woman appeared to fake a mental breakdown after being caught on camera attacking a Black shopper, and it's a miracle no one drowned in all those fake white lady tears The video shows Elphick screaming and running toward Ukenta, who was recording the scene. Thatll be another story. Florida Teacher Suspended After He Made White Students Act as Servants For Black Students, Who Was Abby Choi? Im traumatized after thisI didnt really realize the severity of what happened until I watched the videos, Ukenta expressed in a subsequent video, noting that the adrenaline of the interaction caused her to suppress her emotional response. Now that her videos have gone viral, Ijeoma is speaking out and criticizing the police and security guards for their handling of the. #TotalFAIL #VictoriaSecret #ShortHillsMall #Millburn #NewJersey, Copyright 2023 LLC 2023-Infinity, Click to share on Twitter (Opens in new window), Click to share on WhatsApp (Opens in new window), Click to share on Telegram (Opens in new window), Click to share on Facebook (Opens in new window), Click to share on Reddit (Opens in new window), Click to share on Pinterest (Opens in new window), Click to share on LinkedIn (Opens in new window), Click to share on Tumblr (Opens in new window), Click to share on Pocket (Opens in new window), Click to share on Skype (Opens in new window). She might be able to achieve this through this one caveat: Negligence inflicted emotional distress. Of course, after attempting to swat Ukentas phone away, Elphick played the victim, acting aghast at a nonexistent assault while crouching and screeching and begging not to be recorded (as if she couldnt just leave the store herself). The videos have since gone viral, hitting a nerve with many who say the incident is a typical example of double-standards applied because of race. In what Ukenta says is the police report, the woman said that what she did was "wrong" and that she experienced a panic attack after realizing Ukenta was recording her. Im looking to hire me an excellent attorney who can help me bring light to this wrong. This #Karen managed to unlock a new level of drama. Ford, who we see in the video was not at all trying to help Ukenta. Victoria's Secret Karen had the caucasity to scream and wail. White privilege in full display. There's a reason no charges were pressed against her. | Double Toasted - Today at Double Toasted we discuss what we call THE BEST KAREN. Ukenta attempts to resume her shopping, discussing her reason for being at the store with an employee and moving away from the lounging woman. I dont give a f*** about her being sick. I have been wronged Abigail Elphick (Karen in my videos,) Short Hills Mall security, Millburn Police Department, and most of all humanity. Stay up to date with what you want to know. The woman is the latest to succumb to Karen-ness in recent history. Miss Elphick seemed to acknowledge that she was wrong, saying she was concerned about losing her job and apartment if the video posted online. Get her phone away! We've received your submission. I never felt like a nigga until todayand I dont mean n-i-g-g-a, Ukenta said in a final video. Police refused to escort a white woman out of a New Jersey mall after she took a swing at a Black customer and chased her around a Victorias Secret. She screamed hysterically, chased her and disrupted your store. Grab this woman? Shes the millennial white woman who savagely attacked a Muslim Nigerian woman while she was shopping in Victorias Secret at the Short Hills Mall in South Jersey for a pair of free panties., They really let that Karen act an ass in Victoria secret and then asked the black woman to leave the mallNothing about this country surprises me anymore She's the white woman who attacked a Muslim Nigerian woman while shopping in Victoria's Secret at the Short Hills Mall in South Jersey. At this time, Ms. Elphick left the mall voluntarily with mall security.. Online records show she has ties to Cedar Grove and Newark, New Jersey. This story has been shared 139,488 times. The manager even sent somebody to walk down to get security because they were taking too long. Im worried about me. Please do not call the police on BPOC for false allegations. In videos widely shared online, the wh Ukenta set up a GoFundMe page that had raised more than $38,000 as of July 13, 2021, a day after it was created. Why was the actual victim treated like a criminal?, Hey @VictoriasSecret this crazy white chick clearly attacked the customer holding the camera. Police officials have not identified the second woman, and USA TODAY is not naming her because she has not been charged with a crime. . "No, I feel in danger. No state professional license comes up for Elphick in the New Jersey state database. An officer can be seen encouraging Ukenta to leave and claiming that he has no legal authority to force the white woman to leave. Adding, "I have been wronged Abigail Elphick (Karen in my videos,) Short Hills Mall security, Millburn Police Department, and most of all humanity." The fundraiser had a goal of $20,000, but . Consequences for these Karen attacks have resulted in people being canceled and even losing their jobs. The distressing recording taken by Ms Ukenta then appears to show Ms Elphick rushing at her, screaming, asking not to be filmed, and chasing Ms Ukenta around the shop. He is often seen on the field before Kansas City Chiefs games and was on the . I advised her that Miss Ukenta has a right to videotape. Ukenta has started a GoFundMe account to raise money for an attorney. 3 min read Ijeoma Ukenta captured the bizarre incident in which. The video taken in our store is unsettling and we have initiated a full investigation. Holy shit. The extent of emotional harm required for a successful lawsuit depends on the jurisdiction, but in negligence, the officer must owe a duty of care to the victim such as a special relationship with the plaintiff that distinguishes it from general police responsibility to the public.. Ijeoma Ukenta, the victim in the video when the incident took place inside of one of their New Jersey locations. We sincerely apologize to Ms. Ukenta for her experience.". Ijeoma Ukenta, the victim in the video when the incident took place inside of one of their New Jersey locations. Want to bookmark your favourite articles and stories to read or reference later? Police refused to escort a white woman out of a New Jersey mall after she took a swing at a Black customer and chased her around a Victoria's Secret. "Karen" is a slang term usually used in reference to a white woman who is said to act out of a sense of inflated self-importance, according to The Guardian. New Jersey was the site of a performance worthy of a gold medal, Emmy . Whats most telling is that no officer asked Ukenta about her own emotional wellbeing following the incident. AI cannot be an excuse: What happens when Metas chatbot brands a college professor a terrorist. The first of a six . The other woman lost her mind over being taped and the fact that there was evidence that she did wrong in the first place. In a now viral video, it shows the white woman, wearing a blue singlet and shorts, squatting on the ground in the lingerie store in the US. A woman, dubbed by the internet as the "Victoria's Secret Karen," broke down in hysterics, crying and pretending to pass out after another woman, Ijeoma Ukenta, accused the " Karen " of. Do you see this? Ukenta and TikTok did not immediately respond to Insider's requests for comment. Ukentas video shows a white woman, later identified as Abigail Elphick, hitting the camera, chasing Ukenta around the store, and crying and screaming about being recorded. The woman seemingly had a breakdown when Ukenta started filming her. In an update, a representative for the Essex County Prosecutors Office told TMZ that it was investigating whether any laws were broken in the exchange. Ukenta said cops were dismissive of the incident and wouldnt remove the woman from the mall. He asks her if "everything is OK.". Michigan Student Killed by 14-Year-Old and 13-Year-Old Boys in Attempted Carjacking After Offering Them Ride to Home. A black woman trying to redeem a coupon for free panties at a Victoria's Secret in New Jersey filmed the moment a 'Karen' allegedly attacked her and had a breakdown, screaming and rolling on the . On Monday, Ukenta released a YouTube video alleging that TikTok unfairly banned her account, @greengardenbunches, for "bullying" after she posted the Victoria's Secret saga. Emotional distress is severe when a reasonable person in the same position as the victim would be unable to manage or tolerate it, and the victims reaction is not unusual for that circumstance. Who is Ethan Hooper? According to TMZ, Ukenta said she continued to film despite the womans advances and alleged threats in order to protect herself until police arrived. This Victoria's Secret Karen showed a commitment to her craft so intense that some are even talking Karen Hall of Fame status. Let me know what you think in the comments below! Continue with Recommended Cookies. Ijeoma Ukenta, a Black. July 14, 2021. The clip shows very quickly that she chooses violence until she sees that her victim was filming her on her cell phone. It also mentioned P.O. Forget the GoFundMe, because they didnt respond to her, she might own her own franchise of Victorias Secret. Victoria's Secret Releases Statement Distancing them From the Karen, the Cops, & the Chaos of the Short Hills Mall Meltdown Victoria's Secret Karen ADMITS She Had Tantrum Because She. All videos and updates on the situation are on my YouTube channel: Mama Africa Muslimah. Victoria's Secret 'Karen' nominated for White Tears of the Year award. A viral video posted by Ijeoma Ukenta, a Black woman, shows . I created this account to address it. In YouTube videos, a woman captured an encounter she had with another woman in Victoria's Secret. Many wonder why Ukenta continued to tape the entirety of the exchange, but those who are melantated know that this was the only way that she would prove her innocence over the blonde damsel in fake distress. The officers explained that they did not have the authority to do that because they had no indication that an arrestable offense or crime had been committed.. Ukenta, who is black, claimed the aggressor was the other woman, whose attitude seemed to instantly change and who started to play the part of the victim once Ukentas camera started rolling. Several videos recorded by Ukenta have since gone viral, identifying this attacker as Abigail Elphick and showcasing an apparent race-based bias from the responding officers from the Short Hills Mall security and Millburn Police Department. Associate and Customer safety is our top priority, and we are committed to creating a safe and welcoming environment for all., Associate and Customer safety is our top priority, and we are committed to creating a safe and welcoming environment for all. She is stopped by the display that Ukenta is partially concealed behind and quickly resumes her panicked phone call with police. Im looking to hire me an excellent attorney who can help me bring light to this wrongI have been wronged [by] Abigail Elphick (Karen in my videos,) Short Hills Mall security, Millburn Police Department, and most of all humanity. Victoria's Secret Karen, A Sad Commentary On Doxxing. The only reason the attack stopped is that she realized she was being recorded. Ukenta kept repeating that she was worried the police would believe Elphick if she claimed Ukenta attacked her, when the video shows Elphick charging at Ukenta, and Ukenta doing nothing but recording the scene. I was assaulted and harassed by a white woman and nothing was done by the security nor the police," Ukenta's GoFundMe description says. I was kicked off a tiktok for posting what happened to me and they let someone else post and get millions and millions of views however they deleted 2 of my accounts. Online, the woman's actions have morphed into a viral meme, and she has been given the nickname "Victoria's Secret Karen." "Karen" is a slang term usually used in reference to a white woman who is . Its the return of the Karens, and this time, in Victorias Secret. Ijeoma Ukenta, a Black woman, said in videos she was accosted by a white woman while trying to redeem a coupon for free panties at a Victorias Secret at the Short Hills Mall. She later voluntarily left the store and was not arrested or charged. And she completely lied. She chased this woman around the store, lied to security, the police and most of all herself and to what this woman did. The police report was not an entirely accurate recording of what occurred, given that Elphick was the one to initially call the police. Then, the woman lies in a fainting position on the store's floor near the cash registers and begins to scream and sob, pleading with Ukenta not to record her "mental breakdown.". Police did not make an arrest. Eventually, both the mall security guards and the police arrive . Trace William Cowen is a writer who also tweets with dramatic irregularity here. I am at the police station. Meanwhile, Ukenta notes that she was only at Victorias Secret to get a free panty. The woman, seemingly enraged by Ukentas note that this how Black people be dying, charges across the store at her yet again. In these videos of Abigail and Iejoma, no one stayed to defend Ijeoma. Perhaps, she didnt want her caucasity to be on full Annie Cooper display and those allow the people that she works at her job, lives near in her neighborhood or her Black friends that she went to school with to know exactly who she is. On YouTube, Ukenta calls herself "Mama Africa Muslimah" and titled her the first clip Karen Goes Crazy Part 1. . The company stated that safety is its top priority and said that the incident will be under full investigation and addressed the issue on their Twitter account. 360p. Heavy has contacted Millburn police to get their response as well as the police reports, and both will be added to this story if they are received. At multiple points throughout the video, other customers bafflingly defend the woman, rather than Ukenta. The eight-video series, which Ukenta has been updating on YouTube since Sunday (July 11), begins with the woman charging at her with her hand open, as if to hit her. Shes trying to attack me, no no no, Ukenta says at one point. The recorder is chased around the Victoria's Secret store. Since the incident, the clip has, in fact, gone viral. Victoria's Secret has responded after a video of a white woman screaming and attacking a Black woman inside a New Jersey store went viral. Ijeoma Ukenta, a Nigerian American woman who was seemingly chased by a white woman in a Victoria's Secret on Saturday, has raised over $85,000 on GoFundMe to hire an attorney to defend herself against the woman. I didnt feel protected. . Hey @VictoriasSecret this crazy white chick clearly attacked the customer holding the camera. What The 'Victoria's Secret Karen' Situation Can Teach Us About The White Bystander. She also called the police. She is crazy. Abigail Elphick goes full 'Karen' and plays the victim after attacking Black customer. I asked her several times if she was alright and if she needed an ambulance. Elphick, a white woman, allegedly lunged at a black woman and was caught on camera having . The last part of the video shows her requesting to file a complaint against the responding police and saw another police officer give her the run-around. As the public already saw the tape, a tape the officer did not see recording, his statement differs from what actually happened. . NOW WATCH: VIDEO: Controversial influencer Lovely Peaches tells police she threatened to kill her dog for followers, Screenshot/YouTube - "MAMA AFRICAH MUSLIMAH", To read more stories like this, check out Insider's digital-culture coverage here. #SHORTHILLSMALL #VICTORIASECRET, Karen Goes Crazy Part 3 (Security acts oblivious), Police acted like she was the victim #KAREN, I WAS KICKED OFF TIK TOK HOWEVER THEY SOMEONE ELSE POST MY VIDEOS , Murder Suspect Forced Woman to Drive 2,000 Miles, Cops Say. The police report was not an entirely accurate recording of what occurred, given that Elphick was the one to initially call the police. Do you think her videos prove this? I didnt feel protected. Black Musicians Are Not A Monolith: An Interview with Bartees Strange. A black woman was harassed, followed, and attacked, while shopping at #VictoriaSecret. Headless Body of Missing Model Found in Refrigerator of Hong Kong Slaughter House as Police Arrest Ex-Husband and Father-In-Law, Who Was Jack Snyder? A woman who appeared ready to lash out at another shopper before starting to scream when she realised she was being filmed in a "panic attack" has been dubbed a 'Victoria's Secret Karen . Pending further review, the Millburn Police Department believes our officers acted professionally and capably in defusing the situation and restoring calm and order, the police statement to says. Elphick posted a short biography on a site matching people who have a colostomy. The encounter, which Ukenta captured in a now viral six-part YouTube series, occurred at The Mall in Short Hills in Millburn, New Jersey. She claims that Ukenta was threatening her and demands to know why passersbys arent defending her. Thatll be another story.. Has a mental breakdown after she realizes shes being recorded. Abigail played the ' Karen ' card according to all the rules made by the White women of Karenland. In later videos and in what Ukenta says is the police report, Ukenta says that everything began when she was scanning the store's offering of underwear and the woman started browsing items uncomfortably close to her. Copyright 2023 LLC 2023-Infinity, Click to share on Twitter (Opens in new window), Click to share on WhatsApp (Opens in new window), Click to share on Telegram (Opens in new window), Click to share on Facebook (Opens in new window), Click to share on Reddit (Opens in new window), Click to share on Pinterest (Opens in new window), Click to share on LinkedIn (Opens in new window), Click to share on Tumblr (Opens in new window), Click to share on Pocket (Opens in new window), Click to share on Skype (Opens in new window). You keep lying saying Im threatening you so Im recording to protect myself, Ukenta responds. "I'm looking to hire me an excellent attorney who can help me bring light to this wrong.". Access your favorite topics in a personalized feed while you're on the go. Jul 13, 2021. Victoria's Secret Karen Abigail Elphick Update! "You keep lying, saying I'm threatening you, so I'm recording to protect myself," replied the other woman, to which the woman on the floor responded by screaming, "No! Im happy I did record because even the officers stated that I only showed him the video of her laying on the floor when I showed him. She also said she has an "anxiety disorder" and was anxious about Ukenta recording her because she was afraid of "losing her job and apartment. Meanwhile, she says in the video, the platform allowed the user @IamLoveKills' reposts of her videos to stay on the platform and garner millions of views. Hers was through a GoFundMe campaign that a) detailed the ordeal, b) mentions how she was treated by law enforcement and c) her plans to take action against the obvious discrimination she experienced from those who were supposed to protect her. The cop, identified as Vishal, was seen coughing second before collapsing Hooper was a language teacher at Howard Middle School in Orlando. Parts 3 and 4 coming soon. Coincidentally just have the same name., She concluded, I got personal messages about what was being posted. Several viewers mocked her fainting, with one calling it the FAKEST faint I have seen in my life. Others compared the faint to Kindergarten school plays or a drunk slomo fake faint.. The Cedar Grove School District has denied she is an employee there, writing in a note on the top of its home page, The individual involved at the Mall at Short Hills that took place on July 11, 2021 is not and has never been employed by the Cedar Grove Board of Education., Elphick wrote on a profile, I am 24 going to school to become a Child Development Associate teaching preschool aged students.

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victoria secret karen police

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victoria secret karen police