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You suck in a breath before actually telling hongjoong. SHARKS DONT HAVE LEGS! San yells as you try not to laugh at him. You hang up on him, turning off your phone as you enter your apartment. Him playing games as usual. the state of being happy. They have wings and all You reply. A/N - Hi Anon I hope you like this! When the two got to interact, they instantly clicked, being that the two are literal suns. He groaned as he heard the sound of him failing the game. You rest your eyes and listened to his heartbeat as you both fall asleep. He knows you love his voice. Wooyoung heard the whole thing from behind you and speaks upYah, you know Y/N is only kidding right? He whispers to it. You were still a bit in a daze so he offered you coffee. Theres absolutely no way there are cows on the moon Hongjoong exclaims, his eyes still fixed on his computer as he works. Hes another one thats fast af and have you seen his fucking flying 360 neck breaker spin kick? Resting your head on his shoulder as he embraces you, you close your eyes and take in the sweet scent of your lover. You finally sit down in your car, drenched in rain. Now it was your seventh month and your stomach was bigger than ever. He said. did. Im telling you, they do! He doesnt care where you both were, if he wants to talk to the baby he will talk. You didnt tell me you were related to the Kim Taehyung He groaned. - hickeys are a must, very harsh ones at that, - doesn't let you make a sound, even though he's a moaner himself, - dirty talking and sensual touches before pounding into you, hard, - "was that a whimper? 6) Ateez as Wooyoung gifs. . To be sure he asked you. Jongho comes third because hed remain sensible throughout, although hed be scared, he knows its important to stay in the right frame of mind to make good decisions. No. Having a sibling as annoying as jimin is worse. Well, Im always here with open arms. You were on the small couch that the staff brought in earlier. Part of him wanted for you to have a guaranteed career, but another part of him wanted you to go for your dreams. You were on the verge of giving up. Walking into your shared apartment, you meet the soft, brown eyes of your boyfriend, Wooyoung. 1 : 36 a.m to be exact. San picked you up, he could see the tears in your eyes after the encounter. Includes: The knot in your abdomen becomes tighter with every thrust before finally coming undone, you grab one of Sans forearms, your other hand pressing against the window next to your face as you try to steady yourself through your orgasm. You need him, he is the only one that can save you now. His brain would hint him a few ways of comforting you. He didnt care if you were there, he cant handle the fact that the people he considered family cant accept his partner. He fully opened his arms, drowning you in love and affection. His fun and bubbly personality goes well with air. Idiot. Woo says, dumbfounded. Today, the two of you were doing your things. Although it wasnt the best, you still didnt take it off but instead awarded him with kisses. #seonghwa WELCOME BACK TO OUR CHANNEL WHERE THE REACTIONS ARE AUTHENTIC! Its just,,, my cheeks are chubby. If we do end up breaking up, I dont want it to be because of you guys. Wooyoung smiles softly as he sits on the floor next to you, reaching an arm behind your head to massage your nape and shoulders. Your hands grip his broad shoulders as you grind your soaked core against his solid length, moaning desperately at the friction. And you werent there so he thought itd be the perfect opportunity to bring it up. He will draw shit on your face with a sharpie and post about a dozen pictures of his pranks, This kid ALWAYS has a fucking Smirnoff Ice in his hand, You can catch him leaning against a wall or a counter as he brags to the ladies about how he can break apples in half with his bare hands, Puts his fist through a watermelon and acts like its no biggie to impress the females and scare off the dudes, Everyone screams the lyrics but this kid belts the words with perfect tone lmfao, Laughs when the ambulance arrives because he knows its for one of his members, Sets his lock screen to the photo Wooyoung took of Mingi mid-flight before his little accident, Jongho would be a little clueless in the beginning I think, but as time goes by, he would become a lot more educated, He would ask you about your symptoms and what works for you personally, in order to feel better and relieve some pain, He wouldnt want you to move around too much but I can see him encouraging you to do some light workouts with him in the living room or going for walks together because he read on google that it helps relieve cramps, Babe look, it says here that light exercise increases blood flow and helps ease cramps! Cuddling. With a harsh tug he turns you over and pins your hands over your head on the cushion. Jongho. Something was definitely wrong, you didnt greet him like to usually do, you didnt even look at him. Supporting you with his full heart, hed risk going to one of your fanmeets even. #yunho. He set you on his chest like a dog on his owner. All the clicking that could be heard made you wake up. Tch, how stupid. You two would make funny face to stop each other from crying. Those alone prove that hes an earth bender. I KNEW YOU WERE LYING!. And you did just so. 9) Untitled (Part 2 of Kinktober Day 25) - S, F, 2) Baking Antics - C (Collaboration with @kpopjust4u), -Behind closed doors (Wooyoung) SOL, SU, A, S, F, - The Roommate Agreement (Yeosang) SOL, A, F, SU, S. You tried to convince him anyways. just a bunch of ateez reactions. he was sitting on the couch, scrolling through his phone. He coos. Please send him lots of love at this difficult time! You look up at him. Im kidding, Mingi You say and honestly, he looks disappointed. when you came home crying, hed be at loss. He smiles ear to ear. You first woke up when you heard the front door open but didnt bother opening your shut eyes. Scenario Requested: Reacting to their s/o being cute, excitable, and giggly when they're around them but quiet around others. He takes a deep breath and puts his phone back. You hum in approval. - hickeys are a must, very harsh ones at that. . You had to run out to get coffee for your boss in ten minutes. He asked. A tired looking hongjoong stood infront of you. He pets your head. Hed smile and give you a peck before you help him before he starts a tantrum. If this what happens if he accidentally hurts you, you decide to go with the flow instead and get showered with love. Another Wooyoung fic oops. Kang Yeosang He spooned you as he massages your belly with one hand. Even if it had been days since he found out you were both related, he still couldnt believe it. You didnt think too much of it since you were used to everyones initial shock. R - Reaction Not in a creepy way of course. You were too into your thoughts to see that the light changed to red. He only grew angrier at the looks the members sent you. Before you could continue, jongho stopped your hand from flipping to the next page. You had your bed and sleep with you. You pout before rolling back to your side of the bed and sleeping again with your cuddle bug. You chatting with your friend to kill time. He crouched down and sat on the floor. You heard him chuckle, then feeling your hair getting played with. Warnings - Bad language, dirty talk, nipple play, blowjob, praise, teeny bit of hair pulling, deepthroating, strength kink, Dom!San, slight spanking moment, pet names, teasing, drooling, degradation, unprotected sex (wrap your shit), pull out method (let me know if theres anything I missed). Rankings (7.20.2021) Requests are now officially open so be sure to check out the link in my master list for the guidelines before requesting anything. beg until i think you've earned it. You didnt know but tears were already forming. - doesn't let you make a sound, even though he's a moaner himself. Youre right! He yells, clutching a stegosaurus nugget to his chest. He was a bit awkward at first but grew to enjoy your siblings company. #mingi at first, he didnt even notice. Upon meeting your brother, yeosang looked calm and relaxed. You take in the aroma as your hands played with the water. yunho is a teddy bear. N-no jongho its not that its just tha- Before hongjoong can continue, jongho fixes his gaze on him. You know Ill always be there for you right? 2, them when you accidentally send a hot pic of yourself, them when you're having a mental break down, them getting teased in front of the members, them getting ask about you in a talk show, them when you fall asleep in a video call, them when you wear a lingerie around the house. Not a smile, but a smirk. Shes just like taehyung-oppa! Appearing everywhere, every second. When youre stressed just come to me. 1, members they're most and least jealous of pt. #reactions In an instant, you rush in his embrace, making him step back a bit. If you dont succeed then what? San has a lot of experience with gaming so I feel like hed have some kind of idea on what to do in this situation however, I feel like hed also prefer to just hide away from a long time and only think of collecting supplies when hes already running critically low and is forced to face the zombies. He didnt know itd go to this point. The members didnt mind at all but actually found it adorable. You sniffle and say Im sorry yunho . San paused the tv and stood up to greet you. It was one of those usual nights, you slept earlier than him, seeing that you get exhausted quickly. You paused what you were doing and immediately help the poor boy. REQUESTS ARE OPEN!! You ask while patting his back. Its okay, love. You should sleep now woo You lean back to kiss his cheek. He didnt expect you to enter the car with the prettiest dress in the world but with a face mask. You giggle a bit when he called you the nickname he used. you were cooking dinner for the two of you. He said, reaching out to remove your mask. He was still half asleep so the only thing he did was pull you closer and hug you even more. You two spend a solid amount of time whipping up some pancakes. When he heard you having your guts spilled out, any sleepiness still in him coursed out, and he rushed to the bathroom. ", members they're most and least jealous of pt. He scoffs, catching their attention. Youd both end up entangled in each others embrace by the end of the day. Were both very excited and looking forward to having our own little family! He said. a / n : I FINALLY FINISHED THIS I can finally sleep now since its like two already and Im on the verge of passing out, alexa play . sweet night by kim taehyung. Hell attend every single thing he can when he has the time. Seonghwa finally finished cleaning everything. You begin to sob at his words, glad youve got someone like him to take away the bad things in life and pull you onto dry land when the waves get rough. You plop yourself in between his arms. He said slightly blushing. You quickly said goodbye to your friend and hung up. lets sob over fluffy Mingi together :3, Tag List - @simphwa @multidreams-and-desires @jonghoisbabie @ateezinmymind @yunhospuppy @224-12 @woowommy, A/N - Hello everyone! Yah, when are you coming out? Hes quite strong and super agile, hes also good at making smart decisions when the time is right. You groan as you felt it kick. shopping was always an activity you both loved to do together. A smirk forms on your lips as you admire yourself in the mirror, knowing exactly what kind of effect your new swimsuit would have on him. When he saw you curled in a ball on the bed with puffy eyes and a runny nose, he climbed on the bed. Jongho is so hard to convince but you finally got him when you told him ostriches could fly. No, I have my psychology exam in an hour and I still cant memorise the difference between conformity and obedience You answer with a groan. You nod happily at his statement before pulling him in, allowing you to peck his plump lips. I firmly believe the key to surviving an apocalypse is based on intelligence and tactics instead of strength, that is why HJ and YH are at the top. Seonghwa is scared, tell him its a dream and he can go home because he really doesnt know how much longer he can put up with this. lets go for a walk along the river, itll be nice, Hed walk with his hand on your lower back, rubbing it every now and then if you start to feel achey, This baby would be so soft and gentle with you, He would watch movies on the couch with you and massage your feet, Hes not a huge fan of physical affection but hed give you lots of kisses on the top of your head and caress you when you need it, He would give you lots of hugs and back rubs, Hed totally give you a back hug and rub your tummy as he asks if youre feeling okay, Always checking up on you even if hes not around, texting you asking if you need him to bring you anything, He would bring you flowers all the time to see you smile, Youd ask him to sing you to sleep and hed pull you into his chest as he sings to you, Jongho would let you wear his clothes because you look adorable, If youre feeling down hed do his best to make you laugh, Either breaking apples and various fruits, Or playing games with you on the computer, letting you win occasionally to make you feel better, He 100% would bring you breakfast in bed on your bad days, helping you out of bed and turning the shower on for you, I dont see him being an amazing cook but hed cook you some of his favourite ramen and itd taste great (just because he made it hehe), Hed stop by a cafe on his way home from practice and buy you a bunch of different sweet treats and desserts, He sees you as the sweetest human ever so he cant help but think of you when passing by, Cheesecake, cupcakes, donuts, muffins, cookies - you name it, hes gonna get it, Hed pick up some iced coffee for you both, Tea or a smoothie if you dont like coffee, He would really try his best to look after you and hes the absolute sweetest little cherub uwu. Jongho paused for a moment. I know youre having a hard time. Talk to me. When they deny it, his head shoots up and a quite furious look appears on his face. 36) When they find out your a vocalist for a metal band. Nowhere to go, just lost. And when popularity came to your path, he would be so proud! You couldnt refuse a strawberry despite your mood. Your Turn On: When he whispers naughty things into your ear, You'd think your boyfriend is pretty vanilla Then he goes and says something dirty in your ear You get flustered and want him to tell you more Not to mention, he gets you all hot and bothered He's very good at being dirty, which makes it even hotter when he tells you things "Bub, I know you love telling me what you'd do to me but how about you show me instead? ATEEZ Reactions. He undresses himself. he notices the drop in the atmosphere when you enter the room. Or is someone the matter? How everyones faces shifted. Fine Im only saying yes since I love you. Arent you an actual softie Mr. Tough guy? In today's video Ed and I react to kpop idol group Ateez and their new comeback "Ans. He said. The love of his life? More reactions on Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/demlevantsreactOur reaction to Ateez once said..PURCHASE DEM LEVANTS MERCH:http://bit.ly/DemLevantsMerch. Bro its just a prank, dont look so scared. He places his hand on your swollen belly like usual. Why not? He was slightly confused but immediately released you when he saw you struggling. You'd laugh at the stories he'd tell about the members. Its nothing.. You look out the window. Sorry little bean, I had to go to work, but Im here now He smiles as he traces circles on your stomach. Whats jungkook to you? You tried freeing yourself from his grasp but it only tightens even more. Wait really? He asks with an intrigued expression. Originally posted by port-of-ateez. Yunho would be the most likely to survive purely based on his gaming experience, fast reflexes and decision making skills. One night they asked why you weren't hanging out with them anymore. You catch him biting his lip slightly as you continue to trace your fingers all the way from his neck, down to his v-line. " SHHH IM LISTENING TO JIMIN HYUNG He exclaims. But seeing as how hes the mother figure of ateez and personality of course, water wins for me. 5) Ateez coffee shop orders. Jongho pulls out his phone to try and find some pictures of flying ostrichesYah, theres no pictures? He says in confusion. He snapped out of his thoughts and looked at you with a surprised expression. You climb onto the bed and begin crawling towards him, being sure to sway your butt slightly. See- bleeeh! You apologize. . You pushed the excess hair away from his features. Adrenaline kicked in and he escalated to jumping on the bed in excitement. You lazily stood up from your bed, seeing that hongjoong wasnt gonna come home soon. Dosent matter. And that was hard to choose from. Im sorry I was too shy love He said kissing your forehead before spooning you and the baby. Everythings wrong. He stops playing and pauses the game. And he can probably lighting bend . Was all you said. "SHHH I'M LISTENING TO JIMIN HYUNG" He exclaims. Something about you smirking just makes his pants uncomfortably tight. When you arranged a date wherein you could introduce your lover with your sibling. After your ranting, he comforts you with hugs and kisses. With such a sweet tone. He said before closing his eyes once more. Thats not really help- you know what? wooyoung found the idea of talking to the baby cute and adorable. Once you reach your boyfriend, you hover over his lips, encouraging him to lean forward anticipating a kiss. #kangyeosang He was skeptical if his eyes were broken or not. . Which was a mess that even pissed you more but all the kisses he gave made up for it. Strawberries are the solution to anything. A/N - Currently sobbing my dick off over Mingi because hes so precious I just wanna bubble wrap that dude. You laugh at his antics. He rushes over to your visibly exhausted figure as you run your fingers through your hair and tug harshly at the roots. alexa play Maze in the Mirror by TXT. He's really turned on just by your touch. You tussle and turn, the sheets shifting. Nose and cheeks slightly red at the temperature and the lack of clothing he had. How was work today? He asks softly, all you can do is groan in response as he raises a hand to stroke your hair. What the- , Youre beautiful in every single way possible and if you dont agree Ill shove another chicken down your throat . or just dirty talk, - "bad sluts don't get rewarded, now do they? It was a habit at this point to talk to your unborn child. But you wanted to try it nonetheless. situation you and the boys were watching a movie in the dorm. Yeosang sat on the bed with a coffee in hand and a book with the other. You could only sheepishly smile and scoot closer to him. Show me what you'd love to do to me. He rubbed your back, and keeping your . He wrapped his arms around you while tangling his legs with yours. He plops himself down on the floor before gently pushing your hand away so he could place his. Hell do whatever it takes for you not to be sad. He comforts you in the sweetest way possible. To you flashing them . Merch? Before you could take a step, a pair of arms already caught your figure. I see him as a laid back guy so I don't think that he would make you quit as long as you don't cough your lungs out or show other symptoms that it might be bad for you. One night, they were all having dinner. Wooyoung always takes such good care of you, times like this make you realise just how much he means to you. Quietly, you pop open the carton of chocolate milk and down half of its contents, shoving a couple of the crackers into your mouth soon after. You know thats actually seagull meat, dont you? You ask him with a blank expression. He lifted your shirt up and caressed your belly. Jongho had nothing to do so he wanted to accompany you. Hongjoong: He'd be so grateful, not only for the cookies, but for you in general, all his stress and fatigue just melts away when you're around, he'd have been more than happy to just cuddle up to you until he fell asleep but this was better.. Seonghwa: He's so taken aback by this gesture, he'd think it was so thoughtful and he'd thank you over and over giving you sweet kisses in . The moment you accidentally spilled the sauce you worked so hard on spilled onto your top, you gave up. What you didnt know, was that he would speak to your bump whenever you slept. Babe its two p.m. . , Tag list - @simphwa @multidreams-and-desires @yunhoiseyecandy. Either way, he stops mid-steo when he sees your reaction, his face turning calm once again and he gulps, asking you gently if you're okay. Hongjoong: It wasn't that he didn't like that you were getting close to other members, he loved that you were making friends within the group. On my way back, I picked up a few books I think youd like. he would be taken back at first. . San pulls your head up and away from his member, admiring how the strings of saliva connect from your glistening lips to the tip of his cock. Although inside his brain he was losing his shit. You think shes not the right girl? Wooyoung let me sleep please You groan out. You lay comfortably, falling asleep when you waited for san to finish showering. You took the chance and jumped on him. Look I get that you dont like him/her, but dont disrespect him/her. He quietly listened to the babys heartbeat. He gathers your hair into a ponytail to get a better view of you as you desperately try to fit all of him in your mouth. He sets his bag down and sees your untidy way of taking your shoes off. this bub also helped me write it too so credits to youu!! He wont admit it but he loved how you looked so vulnerable right now. Holy shit He chuckles, grabbing you a towel and helping you stand straight. You two would make funny face to stop each other from crying. #jongho What do you mean, huh? I love your small and cute body! . After a solid minute, you felt his arms around your waist. Hope you like it guys xx You heard the fridge door open and turn your head. He forgets what he was going to do and paces to the kitchen. He was quite a hungry lad so you had to cook something flavorful for him. Nope haha, got you! You laugh. Includes: Kim Hongjoong Park Seonghwa Song Mingi Choi San Jeong Yunho Kang Yeosang Jung Wooyoung Choi Jongho P - Preference R - Reaction Rankings (7.20.2021) #81 in. His hallucinaitions turn you on, they scare you. He whispered to you Damn what do they feed him? he was playing with his switch. He stood up from the couch and jogged to you. Your body starts to heat up as the nerves really start to get to you when your turn starts to come up. He sits on the edge of the tub by your feet and begins to massage your soles and your toes, knowing your feet would hurt after the long day youve had. this boy is one of the sweetest people to ever exist. His voice like a lullaby to the baby. "Can I come over?" After telling him no repeatedly, not wanting him to see you a crying mess, you hear a knock at the door. And to your luck, traffic seemed to also hate you today. There you stood, in the dressing room with him ( not in that way you little shit- ) Y/n, do you like this dress? Preferences and reactions for the members of my favorite KPOP boy band, ATEEZ!! You fell asleep after watching one of their dance practices. ", Your Turn On: When he hugs you from behind, The first time he hugged you from behind, your heart rate sped up Having his arms around your waist makes you melt Desperately wanting his hands to travel lower than your waist You're left wanting more of Hongjoong when he ends the hug Putting one of his hands on your rapidly beating heart "Love, do you know how much I crave for your touch right now? its a well known fact that mingi likes skinship. You were a bit taken back. The other playing with your hair. Writing this made me remember how much of a wonderful, loving person our Sannie is. He groans in response to it. Hed actually talk it out with the others, telling them why you should be trusted and etc. His eyes were wide as you noticed his sudden action. He talks. You immediately wake up at the feeling of someone touching you. Choi San Youd laugh at the stories hed tell about the members. He stopped chewing his food and stood there, frozen. R - Reaction He quietly caressed your belly through your shirt. He stands in-between your legs, hands draped around your waist as he rubs them gently up and down your sides. You chuckled and hug him even tighter. #songmingi He continued doing it for days. He grins as he walks towards you. You cant hold in your laughter anymore, clutching your stomach as he yells I KNEW IT! You on the other hand, felt the need of being hugged. You chuckle at his question, did he really think youd cheat on him? He didnt believe it for a straight ten minutes. Hed know how to ration properly and what to prioritise as well as how to make weapons from everyday supplies. ateez reaction to you turning them onno credit check homes for rent in tucker, ga. at Edisto Beach. After a minute, he takes you by the hand and walks you to his room. Youre so lucky to have someone like him by your side. For me he actually resembles the avatar. Youll feel better after this, sweetheart. You play with his long strands lightly, rolling his silky locks between your fingers as you wait for the bathtub to fill. During the past week youve been nonstop following all the ulzzangs and models. he was trying to cook you both dinner. He sets up the gaming console and hands you a controller. . Mostly seen breaking apples and fruits together. All his built up stress went away when he came home to see you sleeping with a hand on your belly. You see his cheeks turn red. Oh shit. your alarm loudly went off, filling the once silent room with an alarming noise. two always shared a dream to be an idol since you were children so he wouldnt be surprised when youd say you also wanted to join the industry. He discourages you a bit. It didnt bother you until you hear it becoming louder. He admired every part of you. hed try to prove to his members that you were someone to be trusted and liked. Yunho just finished practicing and headed home. Your use of face masks didnt bother him much. Jongho read what was inscribed Jungkooks 6th birthday! You dont want to be alone for a little while? You tell him the reason your crying and he listens with all ears. But that was until the boys left you alone. Synopsis - After a long day of work, Wooyoung runs you a relaxing bath and keeps you company as you unwind. Pun intended. He support head on. I can clearly see that y/n bothers you. You cannot stop the giggle the escapes while San realizes what you just said to him. Lets go break some apples. . WHERE? And plus itd be cool to see him water bend. He looks at you with a concerned face and said Baby whats wrong?

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ateez reaction to you turning them on

ateez reaction to you turning them on

ateez reaction to you turning them on

ateez reaction to you turning them on