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Before he could leave, Castle was suddenly shot by Russo who wanted Castle killed. He firmly believes that the wicked deserve to be punished and stopped permanently and that their deaths - no matter how brutal and even illegal are needed as they better the world. Frank Castle's First Appearance - Daredevil Season 2 Hospital Scene ""Then what? Settling in, Castle formally introduced himself as Pete, while the girl told him her name was Rachel. ""Blacksmith already tried to get me once, I really don't want to give him a second chance. ""Not sure what difference that makes, Madani. ""You knew he was alive, all this time. Knowing that he was serious, Barrett explained that Konchevsky worked from Kazan's Gym, noting they were not good people, but the Gym would be a good target. Castle then called Bendix to warn her. You want it, I'll give it to you. Stay back. When Jon Bernthal joined season 2 ofDaredevil as The Punisher, fans immediately began speculating that a solo series was on the way. Initially, Castle declined Fisk's offer for him to kill fellow prisoner and ruler of Ryker's, Dutton, in exchange for forming a beneficial partnership between them to survive in prison. Some non-canon comic books, movies, and even the Netflix series show Frank Castle killing a person that does not deserve it. He is brutal, cold, and efficient. Checking the mirrors around the Carousel, the Punisher managed to find where Russo was hiding as the two began exchanging gunfire, using the horses as cover before the Punisher made a tactical retreat, forcing Russo to hunt him down. While Madani had questioned if he believed that Russo would target Walsh again, with Castle making it clear that he was unsure, but thought Russo could be angry enough to do it. I got a family of my own. Upon arriving, Punisher kept himself hidden in the shadows until he witnessed the Carousel being activated, giving Punisher flashbacks of his family. Page told Castle that she had learned from Samantha Reyes that the Blacksmith was still moving large amounts of heroin across the country and they discussed where he could be. When his wife, son, and daughter were murdered, a devastated Castle turned into a violent almost sociopathic individual, determined to kill every single criminal who had a hand in his family's death. We stick to the plan. As promised, Castle took Beth and Rex to Donatello's for pancakes, where Castle had asked Beth about how often she worked at Lola's Roadhouse, as she explained that she did the weekends, and during the rest of the week she taught piano and guitar, while Castle listened with interest. Several high-profile people are killed and the Punisher is framed, while Karen Page continues her investigation. [2], I need an NYPD mobile communications rig. Hoyle complained to Castle that he wanted to live his own life, which did not include having to carry a gun in his apartment, which Castle understood. ""Ready for bear. Castle was soon arrested and, despite the efforts of Nelson and Murdock, was sentenced to life in prison. Having achieved his long-awaited closure, Frank burned down his family home and strode away into the darkness, determined to spend his life punishing criminals. Castle had then managed to break inside Barrett's car and then waited for him to lock up his Shop, as Barrett stepped inside of his car and noticed Castle there, much to Barrett's frustrations. However, Russo managed to retreat onto the Carousel itself, giving the Punisher time to bandage up his leg before returning to the fight. He was called by Sarah, her insurance company needed a signed statement about the accident so they can move forward with the claim. [32], All of them, they all think that you're a monster, but I know that you're not, you're not! Having agreed to work with Dinah Madani, Castle was then taken to the Homeland Security Headquarters, where he then agreed to do an interview directly on the camera, exposing everything that he had uncovered, regarding the Rawlins Conspiracy. Castle had learned from Hoyle that Billy Russo had been hanging with a group of veterans and that he was now in control of them, so people could potentially die because of him. Hardin agrees with Ogden and orders him to contact the state police. Quinn had noted that she believed Castle, claiming that she did not usually make a habit of bringing men home, with Castle saying that did not either, as they laughed together. Later, Castle was resting when a police officer named O'Rourke walked in. The girl refused to answer, but Castle nevertheless offered to escort her out of the roadhouse. Nelson did know and finally told them that Russo and his crew were planning a bank robbery. Having failed to see what was about to happen in time, Castle was forced to look on helpless, in utter horror as his own wife, son and daughter were all gunned down during the crossfire. Thoughts on Thomas Jane's Punisher (2004)? - reddit.com Goddamn cowards. She then told him to talk with her outside. However, Martin said that if he came up, she was dead. ""My buddy, Curtis. Long as he's on our side.Dobbs and Bruce Ogden. Once Blake Tower had finished his questioning of the witness, Murdock stepped up asking him about his own career and how he had handled the case involving Castle. The Punisher. ""You out of your mind? Bendix questioned what to do now and how they would go after Poloznev to get answers. When it came to lunch time, Castle was mocked again by the group of workers, while still furiously smashing at the same piece of wall with the sledgehammer. Though all of Frank Castle's core attributes remained, his prolonged arc onDaredevil offered a deeper look at his motivations and questioned just how much of a hero he really was. And sure enough, that past involves a family a beautiful wife and two innocent young children gunned down when unexpectedly caught in the crossfire of a gang war in Central Park. However, Castle had then promised that he would pay Barrett if he told Konchevsky that he had the photos and the girl, which Barrett agreed to after they negotiated his percentage, with Castle managing to convince Barrett that he had turned to a life of crime, giving a phone number to call him on. I don't give a damn about the past, and you don't owe me anything. Anyway, dealing in this shit is illegal. When Daredevil regained consciousness, Castle informed him that there was only one bullet in the gun and that he was wearing body armor, so the only way to stop him would be to shoot him in the head. [37], An eye for an eye and all that. Castle started to interrogate him until a three-minute countdown starts. Getting his mind back on the mission, Punisher checked through his rifle scope and discovered that Russo had kidnapped Carl and Hayley and tied them to the horses, with wounds that they were bleeding heavily from. [7], Schoonover said get the bullet. Given that the character has already starred in three feature films not to mention 42 years of history on the page of Marvel comics most people tuning into Season 2 of Netflix's Daredevil are likely at least passingly familiar with the origin story of the Punisher. In order to find out what was happening, Castle then called Hoyle who informed him that he had been shot in the shoulder and was bleeding badly. ""You heard what I said.Frank Castle and Wilson Fisk. The next day, Ray Schoonover was bought in to be a new character witness for Castle, describing their time together in the United States Marine Corps and telling the story of how Castle had saved the lives of many soldiers by single-handedly taking on the enemy soldiers when they were trapped behind enemy lines. But see, they came after you. [36], Alright, they call you the Punisher. [26], After Castle's alleged death, a makeshift memorial was created outside police lines at Pier 81. He was taken on a stretcher and moved to an ambulance for treatment for his life-threatening injuries while the city's news reporters gathered around and photographed the now infamous Punisher being arrested by the police. As Rex had suggested that Castle should come to the apartment more often so that he could get the pancakes more often, Castle had expressed his gratitude for the statement. Frank ties a knife to the end of an arrow, and fires it at The Hulk's eye. Once the gunfire had ceased, Castle pulled Page to her feet and together they made their way outside, keeping themselves low to the ground in case any more bullets were fired at them. Zach and Frank throw a football around, and Micro comes by. List of Punisher supporting characters. Oh yeah so many people say that season 2 is the weakest but honestly the scenes between Cox and Bernthal make the season. Just as the court seemed to be on Castle's side, Finn Cooley's son burst out yelling, accusing Castle of murdering his father before being escorted out of the courtroom by all of the nearby guards. ""No, he did not. With Kazan watching in complete and utter horror, the Punisher then proceeded to punch the Russian into the face three more times, destroying his face and killing him, as the Russian's lifeless corpse dropped onto the floor. Three months after Amy Bendix's departure, Castle completely went off the grid, having survived the Snap and breaking off all of his contacts. In one of the "What If" comics, Wolverine gets turned into a vampire, giving him additional powers on top of his already formidable kit. Surrounded by the corpses of all of the Anvil soldiers he had gunned down the Punisher took Jack's phone and used it to call Russo. Season 2 of Daredevil offered a mini origin story for The Punisher, but his solo series finally reveals why Frank Castle's family was killed. The big bad Punisher. With the Punisher now on the Carousel, he was then suddenly hit by multiple flashbacks of his wife and two children playing on that same Carousel on the day that they were all massacred in front of him. Echo; Goosebumps; Hawkeye . Castle grew proud and happy as she did it right. Walking through the Hideout to inspect all of the bodies, the Punisher found a wounded man attempting to crawl away, as the Punisher had removed his helmet and mask to check his identity and, when he had confirmed it was not Russo, proceeded to shoot him in the face. Having cleared out all of the Anvil agents, Castle then gotten back in contact with Dinah Madani, as he requested that she come alone to a secure location. Fortunately, there are some alternative universes where those questions are answered. Like I said, it damned us all.Frank Castle and Dinah Madani. Castle then questioned if he was there to kill Russo for her, although Madani had instead asked for the names of anything that might help her to locate Russo, although Castle noted that this conflict would never end. Castle returned to his family's home with Ray Schoonover's stolen arsenal of weapons and looked around before sitting in at the kitchen table with a The New York Examiner newspaper featuring an article on his trial, with the x-ray of his skull as the front image. Daredevil then shows up and they fight the mob together and escape the hideout. He didn't run, he didn't hide, he went to settle scores. Castle deactivated the phone, causing Micro to head over to the house. Castle had then noted that he knew Barrett had previously sold guns to the Russians, which Barrett tried to dismiss, although Castle then explained that he needed to meet up with Konchevsky, while Barrett confirmed that he actually knew Konchevsky. As 'Punisher' debuts, Jon Bernthal reveals why veterans relate to his Eventually, Frank learns that the mob shootout was part of a sting operation to draw out a drug lord called the Blacksmith. During his time serving in the military in Iraq, Castle came to become best friends with Billy Russo, a fellow marine from New York City, as the pair saved each other's lives while in Basra. He called the precinct, posing as O'Rourke and asked for the address of David Schultz. He told her to stay there while he went and pursued Pilgrim. The Proud Family (26) The Punisher (48) The Purge (99) The Queen's Gambit (23) The Rain (11) The Ranch (40) The Real O'Neals (179) The Reaper (2) The Recruit (5) The Red Line (28) Yeah. [8], The other night, babysitting that shit-prick, running around with that Grotto, I just, I only hurt people that deserve that, I wanted you to know that. The Punisher picks up right where Daredevil Season 2 left off, trusting fans to be able to remember key plot points about its titular antihero's development. Castle did not listen to Mahoney's orders, using Page as a human shield to get him to an elevator. Barrett immediately insisted to Castle that he did not hurt anyone, promising that he had gone legit, to which Castle had explained that he was there to find a member of the Russian Mafia, and believed that Barrett could help him. The Punisher witnessed Jack helping another mercenary to his feet, as he gunned down the other man, leaving only him and Jack standing. Seeing that the Blacksmith's men had finally pulled up outside the cafe, Castle ordered Page to hide in the kitchen with the waitress. Having made an arrangement with Billy Russo, Castle and Micro had gone to the location and awaited the arrival of the Anvil agents, with Micro noting that they were late, although Castle insisted that they were already there and watching them from afar. However, as they had arranged, the exchange was interrupted by the arrival of Homeland Security, getting led by Dinah Madani. He firmly believes that the truly evil deserve no mercy, and as such he holds no regret in the deaths of any criminal he kills. Micro decided to find Henderson since he could know Agent Orange's name or other useful information. Schultz opened the door, asking what was wrong. Hoyle grabbed Castle and pinned him against the wall. Castle got him up and helped, asking where Bendix was. Schultz said he had no idea what Castle was talking about, but Castle knew he was lying. I'm just not, so whatever happens here, we stick to the plan, okay? After Hoyle told Castle that he still had half of his life to live, he told Hoyle that he was already dead, although Hoyle insisted that he could still live out a full life as Pete Castiglione, being noted that he already punished anyone responsible for the deaths of his wife and children. Mainly because he's not super, nor is he a hero. When Madani then asked Castle for an update about their current situations, as had simply insisted that she would not really want to know that, while Madani then admitted that she had already sabotaged her own career with United States Department of Homeland Security already just by helping him and bringing him and Amy Bendix there. [21], Easy, easy. Not willing to see the innocent animal put in harm's way, Castle finally admitted to where all the money was and Max was taken away to safety. Castle agreed with Hoyle, claiming that he was going to deal with Russo by his methods.[19]. At this time, Micro finished hacking and said Castle to escape. Kingpin informs Frank that Fisk's rival, Dutton, in the prison just so happens to have been involved in the murder of Castle's family. She would be getting into trouble, but be happy. Fisk then ordered all the guards to remove Castle's handcuffs and informed him that he would set him free, when Castle asked why, Fisk explained that he wished the Punisher to massacre all other criminal empires in New York City so that when Fisk got free, he could easily become the new Kingpin of Crime. Once Anderson and Eliza admitted to hiring Pilgrim for the killings, Castle and him agreed to a deal. Castle said that all the sheriff needs to know is that the people paying Marlena Olin are going to want her back and to make all of this disappear. Never cease to amaze, Madani. Frustrated that he was not able to locate and kill Russo, the Punisher then overheard the badly wounded Jack attempting to crawl away to safety. However, Castle knew that his attacker was not a criminal and when he finally got the upper hand and managed to pull out his gun, as Castle shot Daredevil in the helmet. Okay, state massacre, the carousel hit, I hear you were there. When Pilgrim arrived, he held Bendix on her knees. However, before Castle could continue to berate Bendix, he noticed that she had ordered pizza and became distracted, while Bendix had questioned what things had gone at Kazan's Gym. ""And then what, Red? I give you my word.Punisher and Billy Russo. I think about all that shit you went through, I was one of these kids, I never stopped to think about how lucky I was, you know. ""Fair enough.Punisher and Jack. ""You sure about that? Foggy Nelson then made his own statement where he noted that Castle was a soldier who had been betrayed by the system after his own wife and children were murdered, accusing Reyes of using Castle as a pawn for a coverup. [2], Look around, Red. Castle had questioned if Hoyle really believed that Russo had lost his memories, with Hoyle noting that Castle had cracked his skull during their showdown, so it was hardly surprising. When the Russian threw the bench at him, Punisher managed to dodge out of the way before picking up a kettlebell and throwing it directly at that man's head. My parents were basically senior citizens. Yeah?""Yeah. Bendix said she was with a friend, so Castle asked if she really trusted that friend. Castle remained in the same spot until the lights were turned off, however, he discovered that he was not alone as members of the Kitchen Irish began to surround him. Later in the shootout, Castle would see Olin attempting to use a gun on her. Castle immediately barged in and punched Schultz square in the face before closing the door. Quinn then commented that she did not feel lonely while she stayed around Castle, as he noted that he felt the same way with her. The two fight, which prompts Punisher to start firing. Castle had still continued to ignore Bendix as she had commented on Madani's apartment, before she had questioned why Castle had access to the Homeland Security Helicopter that could fly them out of Ohio, before she then made it clear that she knew his actual name was Frank. Once he learned that they had robbed an underground card game run by the Gnucci Crime Family at Linello's and were killing Chavez for accidentally revealing his identity during the heist, Castle bludgeoned his hammer down to Lance's head and threw his corpse into the mixer. Castle pretended to be beaten to breaking point and promised to reveal where the money was, but when Cooley got to close, he simply headbutted him and laughed at his pain. Jon Bernthal's debut as the violent vigilante was undoubtedly the best of the many plot threads in Daredevil's second go-round, so it was pretty much a given that the character would eventually get his own spinoff. Castle then made it inside Valhalla and went through the tunnel. They couldn't control me. ""I'm just an asshole who couldn't stay out of trouble, that's all.Amy Bendix and Frank Castle. Did Frank's family even die the way he thinks they did? He then got serious, telling her that the next step was to pull the trigger. As the cars were about to collide, Madani's car was hit by Micro in the van. ""I infiltrate here. She then asked if he ever taught Lisa that stuff. ""You want me, come get me. By rejecting non-essential cookies, Reddit may still use certain cookies to ensure the proper functionality of our platform. Curiosity satisfied.Frank Castle and Amy Bendix, I'm offering you something no one else could. Since Bendix continued looking at him, Castle glanced over to her again, as she again questioned what he wanted, to which Castle had just claimed that Bendix was the one who had actually been looking at him, before he questioned if Bendix was doing okay, only for her to just pay Quinn for the drink and then walk away from the bar. Castle told Page what he remembered about that day, reliving the horror and regret of failing his family. When Bendix noted that Madani had issues, Castle had simply commented that Bendix also had a big mouth on her. En route to the elevator, Castle was confronted by Brett Mahoney and the Emergency Service Unit who ordered Castle to surrender. The man pleaded for his life and then half-heartedly admitted to being the Blacksmith and begged for death as Castle pressed his gun into the man's face. Frank? In the Punisher Kills the Marvel Universe, Matt Murdock is close with Frank . Castle and Beth Quinn had then left Lola's Roadhouse together, as Quinn walked them up to her car, before asking Castle to promise her that he would not be an asshole, to which Castle had then jokingly commented that this would be the sort of promise that any asshole would lie about. Castle graciously thanked him before Dinah Madani came in, pardoning Castle. [9] Using his criminal persona "Blacksmith," Schoonover then arranged a deal between Mexican Cartel, Dogs of Hell, and Kitchen Irish and they started a firefight. 10 Most Powerful Characters Punisher Killed In Comics, Ranked - ScreenRant Castle and his children then went back to the Castle Residence where he was also reunited with Maria Castle and they spent the day together, but Castle soon realized how weary he had become from all of his time being far away from his own beloved family. Madani claimed that they were no different from Russo and William Rawlins. The unconscious Castle was taken to the mob's hideout where once he awoke, Finn Cooley explained that not only had Castle gunned down Nesbitt, the leader of the Kitchen Irish, but he had also killed his oldest son during a shooting. Having completed his last mission, Castle had then returned to Dinah Madani's Apartment, where he was greeted by Amy Bendix, who had been shocked to see him covered in blood. Castle proceeded to punch the agent repeatedly, ending his life by pushing his thumbs into his eyes. ""Something like that.Frank Castle and Wilson Fisk. But before he could finish his explanation, the apartment was swarmed with a flurry of gunfire from across the street. Now that The Punisher has finally arrived on Netflix, the full extent of Frank Castle's origin has finally been told. What you're doing for my family, I'm not gonna forget that.Frank Castle and Micro. Phenomenal dialogue. Thanks for the sandwich. Castle proceeded to take a knife and ram it through Nelson's hand, saying he now had a permanent reminder of the Punisher. [40], These guys just want to be a part of something, and Billy's giving that to 'em. [41], You know something, David? With Castle still remaining strong throughout all of the brutal torture, Cooley was forced to rethink his plan as he threatened to unleash the same torture methods onto Castle's adopted dog, Max. Honest. The series is executive produced by showrunner Steve Lightfoot (Hannibal), Jim Chory (Marvel's Daredevil, Marvel's Jessica Jones, Marvel's Luke Cage) and Jeph Loeb (Marvel's Daredevil, Marvel's . Daredevil andThe Punisher don't undo any of this, but they add a wrinkle that creates a lot more complex journey for Castle. When Castle simply thanked him for the coffee and prepared leave the Church, he then turned back to Hoyle as he questioned how often he thought about their time in the United States Marine Corps together. Assisted by Micro who spotted targets with a drone, Castle and Henderson took out the tactical team. Quinn was shot in the shoulder, but Castle grabbed her shotgun and finished off the final two attackers. [16], I don't get to see him the way I want to, Rex. [39], Hey, Turk, there's money in it for ya. Daredevil (2003) - IMDb Beth explained that the job at the bar was what kept all the lights on at their home and kept Rex dressed, before they noticed Rex was pouring excessive amounts of syrup on his pancakes, which they shared a laugh about. Following Schoonover's orders, however, Castle then removed the bullet from Zubair's skull, without questioning what Schoonover and Orange's true motivations with Operation Cerberus could be. You hear Uncle Billy? Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts. New York doesn't forget. You're gonna learn about loss. Before she left, Beth had noted that Shooter Jennings would perform at their bar again that night, suggesting that Castle could still return, before they drove away. [25], What is our situation? ""Did it make you feel better? Three months later, Maria informed Castle that she had fallen pregnant with his first child, with Maria offering Castle the chance to walk away as she was willing to raise the child alone, only for Castle to instead propose to her, resulting in them getting married. All they want is dumb forced jokes every second. That following morning, Castle awoke early and got himself dressed, without waking Beth Quinn. When Pilgrim went into the elevator, Castle tried to get in the next one. [39], Someone who's chasing the girl, photographs. Way too much drama, way too much bullshit dressed as 'character development'. Now thatThe Punisher has finally arrived on Netflix, the full extent of Frank Castle's origin has finally been told. Russo then attempted to apologise for everything that he had done, only for the Punisher to shoot him twice in the chest, killing Russo once and for all. As Castle questioned if she mentioned his survival, Page denied it, saying that she would never compromise him. It's about time I had a fair fight.Frank Castle and Billy Russo. She recognized Castle and asked if he killed Carson Wolf. He showed up one last time to help Daredevil mop up the Hand ninjas and their evil leader, Nobu Yoshioka. In response, Frank, himself a former decorated Marine, committed himself to a one-man war against all crime in New York City but in particular, the three gangs involved in that fateful shootout: the Irish, the bikers, and the cartel. After an extensive, prolonged gunfight, Russo's failure to kill Castle prompted him to escape with the rest of his crew, as he was not willing to be arrested. ""Sometimes kid, you gotta fight. Having seen this, Castle knew that he was being hunted by the Irish and knew that sooner or later, they would undoubtedly find him and kill him, or much worse. The two of them got home once Bendix calmed down. Not only is he a "regular", albeit damaged, guy in a world of super-powered folks, but . Thing went on to join forces with the Hulk, but escaped the battle that cost Captain America his life. Castle managed to tackle Page to the ground and shielded her from the unknown attacker. [34], You make any noise, anything at all, I'm gonna open you up like a bag, I'll watch you bleed out all over the floor. In the end, all that's left is a skeleton. The borders of this universe allow Wolverine to be killed in this manner, and Frank moves on to his last targets.

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punisher family death scene daredevil

punisher family death scene daredevil

punisher family death scene daredevil

punisher family death scene daredevil