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Find out more about Kepler Cheuvreux such as press releases, events, deals and partnerships. October 30, 2022 | Cette scission est approuve par la direction en fvrier 2017[9]. Build your own, search inventory and explore current special offers. 4 LONDON BROKER RATINGS: Kepler Cheuvreux starts Haleon at 'hold' 27 Oct 22 10:14. > EuroPP expertise: The ability to monitor, on demand, any EuroPP issuer on an annual basis. > Field trips Une enqute est actuellement en cours de la part de la police allemande, tandis que lAutorit des marchs financiers (AMF) a dclar dplorer cette situation. In Asia and Australia, the team is supported by Macquaries 30 corporate access professionals. Just as a company ensures its assets are associated with quality our subscribers expect us to be on top of the news flow maintaining our models, and presenting our investment views in a meaningful manner. Kepler Cheuvreux Research is available to our institutional customers via our research portal and on Bloomberg, Thomson Reuters (Refinitiv), and Factset. Filter News Sources. > Expert access. En 1987, aprs avoir ouvert 8 entrepts de 16000m2, Metro ouvre Vaulx-en-Velin, le premier entrept de 9000m2, rpondant au concept "ECO". d'utilisation. > Green economy themes With the 1K we arereturning the investmentcase to the fore guiding our analysts to think twice abouttheirinvestment view. Kepler Cheuvreux credit research is focused on: Controverses. > In 2020, we reinvented how weproduce our daily maintenance research both visually and operationally as weintroducedthe AlwaysOnandthe 1K. Since February 2017, Kepler Cheuvreux has been distributing in Europe the equity research of Piper Sandler, a US investment bank. may alter relevant vehicle parameters such as the weight, rolling resistance and aerodynamics and, alongside weather and traffic conditions and individual driving behaviour, may influence the fuel consumption, electricity consumption, CO2 emissions and performance values of a vehicle. "Nous nous attendons un nouveau trimestre solide pour la socit, avec une croissance de 29% (dont 16% de croissance organique) 4,8 milliards d'euros. Industry veteran leaves Kepler Cheuvreux after 42 years in trading. "Les revenus du troisime trimestre ont augment de 4% 7,44 milliards d'euros (7,16 milliards d'euros), avec des volumes plus faibles (-2,6% contre -1,6%) et un mix-prix beaucoup plus fort (14,9% contre 12,4%). Tesla-Hybrid: YouTuber stattet Model S mit Spritantrieb aus: Trotz Milliarden-Kapitalisierung: Metaverse Decentraland wird zu einer gigantischen Enttuschung: Kepler Cheuvreux 16,50 The company has an average price target of $13.5 with a high of $14.50 and a low of $12.00. When using analyst ratings, it is important to keep in mind that stock and sector analysts are also human and are only offering their opinions to investors. You may deactivate your ad blocker to view the feedback form. Un article de Wikipdia, l'encyclopdie libre. Beeld: ABM Financial News (ABM FN-Dow Jones) Kepler Cheuvreux heeft vrijdag het koersdoel voor UMG verhoogd van 22,00 naar 23,00 euro bij handhaving van het koopadvies. Stefan Knirsch and Thomas Mller, 06/03/2016 | M.M. Optional equipment and accessories (attachments, tyre formats etc.) Building on the experience and success in hosting virtual events throughout 2020, such as the Kepler Cheuvreux Autumn Conference, the platform combines an immersive video experience with the best of Kepler Cheuvreuxs research convictions across a selection of highly curated topics, more here. 10/25: Flex LNG - Invitation to Q3 2022 presentation: GL. Safran : la recommandation de Kepler Cheuvreux est l'Achat, Toutes nos dernires actus dans votre bote mail, Pass sanitaire : les recommandations de la Cnil, lectricit : les recommandations de RTE pour viter les coupures cet hiver, Covid-19: l'OMS recommande un troisime traitement, Le titre Valeo se distingue grce la recommandation de CA Cheuvreux, 715 nouvelles plantes repres par le tlescope Kepler, Recommandations aux prfets pour les spectacles de Dieudonn, L'OCDE recommande un contrle renforc des chmeurs, Coronavirus : le remdesivir recommand pour lUnion europenne, Tltravail: les recommandations des partenaires sociaux au gouvernement, AbbVie recommande ses actionnaires de renoncer Shire, STMicroelectronics se distingue en Bourse, recommandation l'appui, Ehpad : les nouvelles recommandations pour les tests et les visites, Conditions gnrales Beeld: ABM Financial News (ABM FN) Kepler Cheuvreux heeft donderdag het koersdoel voor D'Ieteren verhoogd van 195,00 naar 205,00 euro, met een ongewijzigde koopaanbeveling. Cependant sous rserve de sa faute lourde, OPTION FINANCES SAS et ses contributeurs ne garantissent aucunement l'absence d'erreur et de vices, mme cachs, ni le caractre exhaustif ou le dfaut de conformit un usage quelconque de ces donnes et de OPTION FINANCE SAS ou de l'un de ses contributeurs, et ne pourra tre tenue responsable des retards ou interruptions qui pourraient affecter l'accs ces dernires. En aot 2020, la suite de menaces et d'intimidations anonymes en Allemagne, l'analyste actions, charg du suivi du commerce de dtail alimentaire, de Kepler Cheuvreux a t contrainte d'arrter de suivre le groupe Casino et l'enseigne de distribution allemande Metro. AOF peut tre joint l'adresse suivante > Swiss Seminar: 40 companies, 350 investors It looksfast to write and fast to release, but is only released when the analysts model has been been fully assessed. 10/28/2022 | Q3 2022 Investor Relations Conference Call & Webcast | Presentation by Jrgen Rittersberger and Christian Bauer, 07/29/2022 | Q2 2022 Investor Relations Conference Call & Webcast | Presentation by Jrgen Rittersberger and Oliver Hoffmann, 06/15/2022 | Bernstein Lamborghini Fieldtrip | Presentation by Lamborghini Management, 05/13/2022 | Bentley Analyst Day | Presentation by Jrgen Rittersberger, 05/13/2022 | Bentley Analyst Day | Presentation by Bentley Management, 05/06/2022 | Capital Group Meeting | Presentation by Jrgen Rittersberger, 05/05/2022 | Q1 2022 Investor Relations Conference Call & Webcast | Presentation by Jrgen Rittersberger and Christian Bauer, 04/19/2022 | J.P. Morgan Fieldtrip | Presentation by Jrgen Rittersberger and Dr. Joachim Doerr, 03/18/2022 | FY 2021 Investor Relations Conference Call & Webcast | Presentation by Markus Duesmann and Jrgen Rittersberger, Operations & Integrity Pages pour les contributeurs dconnects en savoir plus, Sommaire You can bring in as much regulation as you want but to be honest, usually clients will just figure it out for themselves, he offered. (AOF) - Le bureau d'tudes Kepler Cheuvreux est l'Achat sur l'quipementier aronautique Safran qui publiera son chiffre d'affaires pour le troisime trimestre le vendredi 28 octobre. It is complemented by top-ranked strategy research, ESG, credit and quant research. At Kepler Cheuvreux, we dont use third parties. En octobre 2014 Metro AG s'allie avec Auchan pour ngocier conjointement avec les fournisseurs internationaux[4]. Michelin investit dans le covoiturage en Chine ! L'utilisateur du service OPTION FINANCE SAS utilisera les donnes AOF ses propres risques et devra tenir OPTION FINANCE SAS et ses contributeurs indemnes de toute rclamation rsultant de cette utilisation. > #2 Aggregated Field Trips, Institutional Investor Research 2022 Survey for Europe (investor votes). masquer, 1996 comme METRO AG 2022 10/25: Flex LNG - Invitation to Q3 2022 presentation: GL. Il propose des produits spcifiques dans des conditionnements adapts (aujourd'hui jusqu' 30000 rfrences en alimentaire et en marchandises gnrales, selon les sites). Here you will find the archive for capital-market-law publications: ad hoc notifications, corporate news and voting rights announcements. 31.10.22 EON SE Aktie News: EON SE am Mittag auf grnem Terrain. Metro AG, ou Metro Group, est un groupe de distribution allemand. Haleon (NYSE:HLN) Earns Hold Rating from Analysts at Cheuvreux. More recommendations: Financials (USD) Sales 2022: 343 M--Net income 2022: 183 M--Net Debt 2022: 1 418 M--P/E ratio 2022: The status relevant for AUDI AG can be found in the following form W-8BEN-E. CRS means Common Reporting Standard and is an international process for exchanging financial account information. Nos estimations (et le consensus) ont suivi les prvisions de la direction pour l'ensemble de l'anne." 2 LONDON BROKER RATINGS: HSBC cuts Asos; Berenberg likes Synthomer. Warburg Fieldtrip | Presentation by Anton Poll, 31/03/2016 | J.P. Morgan Fieldtrip | Presentation by Dietrich Braler, 04/03/2016 | Audi Investor and Analyst Day | Presentation by Dr. Dietmar Voggenreiter and Axel Strotbek, Product integrity & environmental protection, ESG: A culture of integrity and responsibility at Audi. Corporate Governance Overview (Kepler Cheuvreux) Save the date. With 1,200 stocks under coverage, Kepler Cheuvreux offers the largest research footprint in Europe. Musk fngt mit Umbau von Twitter an: Eigenes Inhaltegremium geplant - Verifizierte Accounts bald kostenpflichtig? All rights reserved. Top-News. Discover Audi as a brand, company and employer on our international website. Ces deux groupes ont notamment pour actionnaire minoritaire le milliardaire tchque Daniel Kretinsky. Our coverage of 750 stocks with market caps under 7bn means that there is a rich hunting ground for our analysts to identify the winners of tomorrow. In 2019, Kepler Cheuvreux and Macquarie Group (Macquarie) announced their cooperation, with the intention of creating cross-distribution of equity research in their respective regional markets Europe and Asia Pacific (APAC). All annual reports, IR Presentations and other relevant financial publications of the AUDI AG are available for download here. Vodafone Group PLC Aktie Profil. Our informed comments serve many because they are timely, relevant, and curated. 09:06 Mercedes-Benz Group (ex Daimler) Aktie News: Mercedes-Benz Group (ex Daimler) gewinnt am Vormittag an Fahrt. > Country-specific Les patrons de Michelin baissent leurs salaires, L'alliance originale de Michelin et Faurecia, Conditions gnrales During the same period, Kepler Cheuvreux on behalf of Bekaert has sold 15 571 shares on Euronext Brussels. L'utilisateur du service OPTION FINANCE SAS utilisera les donnes AOF ses propres risques et devra tenir OPTION FINANCE SAS et ses contributeurs indemnes de toute rclamation rsultant de cette utilisation. Top-News. All events have been converted to virtual formats since the beginning of the COVID-19 pandemic. > In 2015, we introduced two types of in-depth report the 360 report, and the Q&A. Our conviction is that company meetings produce sharper insights and more actionable ideas than traditional maintenance research. Notices dans des dictionnaires ou encyclopdies gnralistes, Aprs laccord avec Systme U, Auchan sallie Metro, Saks owner to buy Germany's Kaufhof chain for $3.2 billion, German retailer Metro seeks to split in two to speed growth, Le gant allemand de la distribution Metro veut se scinder en deux, Allemagne: la scission de Metro approuve, Metro buys French food services group Pro a Pro from Colruyt, Table ronde europenne du commerce de dtail, Portail de la Rhnanie-du-Nord-Westphalie,, Entreprise de grande distribution ayant son sige en Allemagne, Article de Wikipdia avec notice d'autorit, Page pointant vers des bases relatives aux organisations, Page pointant vers des dictionnaires ou encyclopdies gnralistes, Article contenant un appel traduction en allemand, Portail:Rhnanie-du-Nord-Westphalie/Articles lis, licence Creative Commons attribution, partage dans les mmes conditions, comment citer les auteurs et mentionner la licence, Assortiment de produits alimentaires et d'quipements, Amundi Asset Management SA (Investment Management). As a research provider, Kepler Cheuvreuxs empirical research seeks to challenge the consensus and critically question company managements statements. 12/07/2020 | Audi Investor Relations Insight | Presentation by Markus Duesmann and Dr. Arno Antlitz, 11/10/2020 | Deutsche Bank Access AutoTech Conference | Presentation by Jens van Eikels, 05/15/2020 | Citis Virtual Meeting | Presentation by Dr. Arno Antlitz and Dr. Claus Hegner, 11/29/2019 | Audi Investor and Analyst Day | Presentation by Dr. Jan Michel, Dietrich Braler, Dr. Daniel Kauer, Hildegard Wortmann und Alexander Seitz, 11/19/2019 | Evercore ISI Fieldtrip | Presentation by Anton Poll, Dr. Joachim Doerr and Marco Philippi, 09/12/2019 | Investor Meeting with EquiVal Research | Presentation by Anton Poll and Jens van Eikels, 06/13/2019 | Kepler Cheuvreux Fieldtrip | Presentation by Anton Poll, Jan Maris and Dr. Joachim Doerr, 05/23/2019 | Annual General Meeting | Presentation by Bram Schot and Alexander Seitz, 05/16/2019 | Investor Meeting | Presentation by Alexander Seitz and Dr. Stefan Niemand, 03/15/2019 | Audi Investor and Analyst Day | Presentation by Bram Schot and Alexander Seitz, 01/22/2019 | VW Roadshow, Erste Bank, Warsaw | Presentation by Anton Poll, 12/04/2018 | Evercore ISI Fieldtrip | Presentation by Anton Poll, Thomas Mller, Silja Pieh (AID GmbH), Alexandre Haag (AID GmbH) and Karlheinz Wurm (AID GmbH), 12/04/2018 | Deutsche Bank Fieldtrip Munich | Presentation by Anton Poll and Jens van Eikels, 11/20/2018 | Kepler Cheuvreux Field Trip | Presentation by Anton Poll, Dr. Dietmar Scherer and Dr. Stefan Niemand, 10/09/2018 | Meeting with Capital Research Global Investors | Presentation by Anton Poll and Dr. Stefan Niemand, 09/17/2018 | THE CHARGE Audi Investor Analyst Meeting | Presentation by Bram Schot, Alexander Seitz and Dr. Stefan Niemand, 09/16/2018 | THE CHARGE Audi Investor Analyst Dinner Meeting | Presentation by Nils Wollny and Jrgen Kufner, 06/21/2018 | Goldman Sachs Fieldtrip | Presentation by Anton Poll and Dr. Roland Villinger, 06/19/2018 | Socit Gnrale Fieldtrip | Presentation by Anton Poll and Michael Breme, 06/07/2018 | Investor Meeting with Platinum | Presentation by Anton Poll, 05/30/2018 | HSBC Luxury Autos Field Trip | Presentation by Alexander Seitz, Paolo Poma and Frederico Foschini, 05/24/2018 | Investor Meeting with Viking Global Investors | Presentation by Anton Poll and Siegfried Pint, 05/09/2018 | Annual General Meeting | Presentation by Prof. Rupert Stadler and Alexander Seitz (German only), 05/09/2018 | Annual General Meeting | Speeches by Prof. Rupert Stadler and Alexander Seitz, 03/21/2018 | J.P. Morgan Fieldtrip | Presentation by Anton Poll and Dr. Miklos Kiss, 03/16/2018 | Audi Investor and Analyst Day | Presentation by Alexander Seitz and Bram Schot, 12/06/2017 | Evercore ISI Fieldtrip | Presentation by Alexander Seitz, Dr. Roland Vilinger, Mirko Reuter and Silja Pieh, 10/05/2017 | SDK-Forum Vilsbiburg | Presentation by Anton Poll, 09/14/2017 | M.M. Our clients dedicatesignificant amounts of time to reading and analysing investment research. Speaking to The TRADE, he said he was looking forward to growing vegetables, keeping bees, and not having to dig too deep into algo trading strategies anymore. SmartConnect has received strong recognition for its corporate access expertise, > #1 Overall Corporate Access > Video-conferencing * The stated consumption and emissions values were determined in accordance with the legally stipulated measurement procedure. Les informations AOF reproduites sur sont extraites du service d'informations AOF. > Autumn Conference: 210 companies, 1500 investors You can bring in as much regulation as you want but to be honest, usually clients will just figure it out for themselves, he offered. > European insurers (Tier2) Peter Mertens and Dr. Nikolai Ardey, 06/20/2017 | Luxury Fieldtrip Kelper Cheuvreux | Presentation by Paolo Poma, Federico Foschini and Stefano Rutigliano, 06/08/2017 | Danske Bank Fieldtrip | Presentation by Axel Strotbek and Dr. Miklos Kiss, 03/16/2017 | Audi Investor and Analyst Day | Presentation by Dr. Dietmar Voggenreiter, Nils Wollny and Axel Strotbek, 02/13/2017 | Analyst Meeting on Modular Assembly | Presentation by Prof. Dr.-Ing. Analysts typically rate each stock once per quarter. Your Audi Team. In the old days, when you just had one exchange, it was very simple. Mark Freeman, head of electronic sales & sales trading at Kepler Cheuvreux, has retired after more than four decades in the industry. 01.11.22 BASF Aktie News: BASF zeigt sich am Vormittag freundlich. En mars 2016, Metro annonce son intention de scinder ses activits de distributions de commerces lectroniques comprenant Media Markt et Saturn, par rapport ses activits dans le commerce alimentaire[7],[8]. News. Due to the more realistic test conditions, fuel consumption and CO2 emissions values will in many cases be higher in accordance with the WLTP than in accordance with the NEDC. Werbung E.ON-Aktie fr 0 Euro handeln bei zero. You can find further information on the differences between the WLTP and the NEDC at L'analyste avait conseill aux investisseurs clients de Kepler Cheuvreux de conserver le titre Metro et de rduire les positions sur Casino. AOF peut tre joint l'adresse suivante KEPLER CHEUVREUX Autumn Conference Investor Presentation. It aims to predict the future, making the complex simple by identifying key value drivers.

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