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Product managers sometimes are very forward looking. View 34 Open Positions. So, its kind of interesting. The TPM product role is more of a TPM in product facing projects or consumer facing areas. Could you give our listeners a quick introduction of what youve done, where youve been and your journey so far? The team has about 25 members, and it's 1-2 representatives per discipline and we are the resident "experts" in our field. Providence Health & Services, Go to company page Free interview details posted anonymously by Meta interview candidates. Are they defined with a product manager, or would they be defined with TPM in this case? It was ads. So, Ive also seen where companies may not necessarily distinguish between a product manager and a product manager technical role, but they just look for that particular skill, If they are hiding for a product manager in a particular technical [18:10inaudible]. 573 interview questions asked at Meta.All interview questions are submitted by recent . Mario Gerard: Yeah. And then well probably go to the skillset for a TPM, right. So, the PMTs similar to like your product manager role, right? I think let we talk a little bit about the TPM product role first, and then well also jump into PMT because this is something we talked about a little bit earlier, right? And easier, easier and enjoy. Addition to that, what do you think are the skill sets, the PMs possess? Akamai Technologies, Hello, going to kick off TPM interview loop with Meta soon (IC5/IC6 level depending on how well I interview). Like gimme a small example if you could. And so, its kind of important to understand that you might not find so many product manager technical roles or so many TPM product roles. Yeah. So, say for example, performance. So, its great for like aspiring TPMs. And of course, you know, the [36:52inaudible]TPM organization within Facebook had existed for a much longer time. Mario Gerard: Thats so interesting that you see that within a team, which is kind of working together, you have both product managers and product manager technical folks. | Privacy Policy | Terms | Contact | TPM Interview Questions | FAQs, Facebook, Your Guide to Technical Program Manager Resume (2022 Checklist). Company. What does a product manager do and what is, his or her role? They need to be influenced; they need to be persuasive. Now you have, you know, you dont have kind of like single screen things or website its now, you know, like I can talk about autonomous [04:15inaudible]all day long in terms of complexity, right? Theyre driving product vision, strategies, roadmaps in the context of like the broader organizational strategy and goal. Priyanka Shinde: Add one thing. And so, we talked about like, you know, what are the difference between those two roles and so while PMTs work in more, they need a more of a technical sense. Priyanka Shinde: I think like again, the focus for the product manager technical or technical product manager there is like, these terms [19:43inaudible]is more technical, right? But they can take support of the TPM to kind of, you know, manage all of these different, different stakeholders in order to deliver the product. Besides that, I think TPMS need to have really strong communication, both written and verbal, right? And so, its kind of very important partnership and you have to like, or love your counterpart and they are your counterpart. Mario Gerard: Thats so interesting. And thats why like, telling, talking about the why and explaining it to other people is important. But at the same time, they have to work together and they have to like complement each other. And some of those metrics are very much user facing and some of those can be a little bit more technical, right? Of course, you know, the skillset, the additional skillset that is needed, I would say is that technical depth and expertise. This is completely like influencing without authority. They need to be able to manage risks, mitigate risks, and manage the dependence. Priyanka Shinde: Yeah. #meta #faang #facebook #tpm #interview #programmanager, Go to company page That is what I mean. Sometimes you can have both on the same team. A few days ago we were all ragging on each other for "not being a real science" or "I'm the best science". And so, its been a really journey. Its like a partnership role. So thats how I think they can complement each other. True lol, but the parrot is repeating from what the HM told the parrot ;) . Like you can print out an R and R and you can stick it up on your desk, but the way to work with each other is to talk like, you know, sit down, talk, you know, what are your strengths? Mario Gerard: Yeah. Shes been publishing a lot of great resources for TPMs. And then hes also influencing below to the engineers that, hey, this is something we must do. The Systems Design interview is one of the most complex interviews in Meta for TPMs (and also Software Engineers). The full loop interview will consist of five conversations with our product TPMs and cross-functional team members. Priyanka Shinde: I think there is. And so, they are the TPM product and theyre kind of leaning, They need to have a little bit more of the product sense. Its difficult for PM to be the TPM at the same time. Thank you so much Priyanka for sharing all your thoughts on the product manager, technical and TPM product roles. I did start out as a software engineer and then transitioned to the TPM role because I really enjoyed kind of getting involved from like start to finish as well as just seeing kind of things come to life. Priyanka Shinde: Definitely. Its a natural chemistry with the natural push and pull, which kind of finds its natural balance in an organization. Like Priyanka what do you think the TPM role is like decipher that in your own words, like what the TPM role is and why does the industry need a TPM? And shes also offering like resume workshops and career management sessions. Mario Gerard: So, do you think these, when we talk about these companies, do you think they are hiring both technical product managers and theyre hiring also TPMS product also, right. And so, I feel like, you know, the industry has moved on from like program management or, I mean, we still have program managers, but the TPM role, I feel came more into prominence over the last maybe couple of decades because of the technological advancements that we are seeing in the products, right. Before jumping to the process let me tell you a bit about my background: I am . They will last 45 minutes each and touch upon the role's technical, program management-related, and behavioral questions. I think they can both to a certain extent, like define the requirements, work in collaboration with other teams, but in smaller teams, like the PM might just do the research or kind of like even to execute a little bit. Yeah. So, you know, sometimes theres so many ways to define what the product manager role. And so, youll see these Cruise Chevy bolts along in San Francisco city if youre ever here. Yeah. It was great chatting with you, and I have to also thank you for kind of spreading the love on the TPM community and doing everything that you do. Showing 1 to 10 of 41 results. So thats kind of a real interesting journey to, you know, maybe decipher one day. And that is where a little bit of that boxing was done. And I think what Priyanka said is so important is that you need to figure out like what your skillset is and what you want to do and what youre good at, right? So, I feel like thats why there is that differentiation in terms of title itself. As were talking about this Priyanka, like how do PMs and TPMS collaborate? 1 round of recruiter interview; 1 round phone interview with HM; 1 round of in-person interview with 4-5 cross-functional partners and other TPMs; finally the recruiter close at the end. See you on the other side. Mario Gerard: Yeah. Not immediately, but from a career perspective, would you think that, you know, we spoke a little bit of the skills, they all seem to a little, have a little overlap. . Mario Gerard: That makes a lot of sense, like the scope of the program and how many people or how many teams it is touching is really important when you kind of design your team with these different types of roles. So, theres a lot youre going see from Priyanka. But can one person do the other things? And its also interesting that you pointed out the distinguishing factors primarily helped during hiring. The PMT needs more technical sense. Project, Go to company page Go to company page Like I was mentioning a little bit of product sense that you need, right? Thats definitely interesting. I mean, Mario has been great, you know, the courses you have and everything. And then we start getting into some of the things which can have overlap with TPM role, but like they also need to have strong communication skills. Absolutely. You never know how it comes around. And so like, if we lean into our strengths, I think the work becomes much more enjoyable. TPMs do not need to write code in their jobs, so there are no coding questions during the TPM interviews. What are the skills do you think TPMs require? Like kind of, thats how I call them. Describe one important past project and both its customer use cases and the technical architecture. We do not discriminate based upon race, religion, color, national origin, sex (including pregnancy, childbirth, reproductive health decisions, or related medical conditions), sexual orientation, gender identity, gender expression, age, status as a protected veteran, status as an individual with a disability . I remember like having, I have this very close product managers who are still friends with, I worked with them like six, seven years ago and we used to have so much conflict, but then every day after that, we used to go for lunch and then beer in the evening. Priyanka Shinde: Sure. Go to company page They are a company that is owned by GM. They might say something. And this is where, you know, that whole statement about leaning more towards vision strategy versus leaning more towards execution delivery came from. Mario Gerard: And you think that theres like an overlap of responsibilities. On smaller teams, like if you have, you know, the small product, maybe 10 people that youre working with, you could potentially do both. And then how do people know that what they will be working on or what is the type of things that they will be doing, right. And I feel very passionate about building this strong TPM community because I truly feel that TPMS when leveraged correctly can make big impact on organizations. This interview aims to evaluate a candidate on the core TPM Axes: . Reddit So definitely encourage more of you to write on LinkedIn or write in other mediums and then definitely encourage the people who are newly coming to write and contribute back to the community. So, yeah, just talk to your PM or TPM counterpart. Podcast: Play in new window | Download | Embed, Subscribe: Google Podcasts | Stitcher | Email | RSS | More. So, for example, at Facebook ads or Instagram, for example, those are things that people use, right. Priyanka Shinde: Yes. So thats kind of why the distinction is made. As I moved from Microsoft to Meta . Priyanka Shinde: Sure. It was kind of, its [36:42inaudible]stages at that time. Most of these teams already had a product manager from the beginning. Definitely, communication is so important. So, they have TPM product, they have PMs and then they have, sometimes they have these kind of underlying technical product manager roles that may or may not be distinguished by titles. You can expect three types questions in your TPM interviews: Technical questions (37% of all questions) test the depth of your technical knowledge. Lets switch gears and move to the product manager role, because were going to be talking a lot about the TPM product and the product manager technical role. Thats the end goal. And this is where we kind of see this overlap in some of the skill sets as well as the responsibilities. But besides the technical skills, you need strong program management skills, right. Meta is proud to be an Equal Employment Opportunity and Affirmative Action employer. But, you know, you can still call it a product manager technical role. We work all the way from our peers, other teams, that partner teams, as well as leadership and executives. Like Mario said, I have over 20 years of experience in the software tech industry across, you know, various type of technologies, AI, machine learning, AP tech, education tech. 1.1.1 Resume screen. So yes, so they do hire both depends on what is the type of product youre building. About me - In last 15 years of professional experience, I spent time across Meta as a Product Technical Program Manager as well as Program Manager at Microsoft. You need more domain specialization. Given how often Meta product interview questions focus on either existing Meta products or how Meta should enter new markets, understanding the C-Suite's long term vision is absolutely critical for getting strong hire ratings. Related: Learn About Being a Project Manager General questions These general questions are used by the interviewer to discover your personality and interest in the job: Im going to take care of the present and get things done. Still don't know yet, still have a final director level interview to do. You can use this free guide to help tailor your resume to the position you're targeting. And so, this is very, its helpful to have like a PM, product manager technical work alongside a TPM as well. Something you mention earlier, right. These are technical challenges that need to be solved either with the product hat, technically thinking how you solve these problems and with the execution hat, which is more of the TPM side. Like I want to double down on what Priyanka just said, that when you are choosing roles, whether youre an engineer trying to become a TPM or an engineer trying to become a dev manager or a dev manager becoming a TPM, a TPM becoming a dev manager, all of these roles, people move between these roles a lot. And that can be based on whatever background you have, or you can build on it, right. Even though the titles were not distinguished, their focuses were very different. But they also need to be very data driven and analytical. And she has over like 20 years of experience in the tech industry. Search. How do we grow this product? The Systems Design interview is one of the most complex interviews in Meta for TPMs (and also Software Engineers). And theres one focus completely on the back end, because the skills are kind of different. Similar to the PMT role, the product manager technical role, where you might want to hire somebody with a more technical background or expertise. However, some blind folks have messaged me at Meta and said it's a high level E7 role. Lets move on to the next question, like from a skill perspective, tell us what are skillsets a PMT should have. So, the thing is to say is product managers lean towards vision and strategy and TPMs lean more towards execution and delivery. They of course need solid prioritization rationale. Theres so many different teams. So, okay, Lets on our next question. And the key here is leads, which basically means that yes, we do more of that thing, that doesnt necessarily mean we cannot do the other things if needed. Schedule your mock interview with a Meta Technical Program Manager; get real world feedback and honest advice geared towards helping you succeed: https://pre. Amdocs, First - Meta recruiters are there to help you. Something you just said, Mario, who is we have to be able to work with multiple teams. Thank you, Mario. Amazon, Go to company page First, recruiters will look at your resume and assess if your experience matches the open position. So, I think something you just said, right. Honestly, I feel that anyone who tries to claim that interviewing isn't broken simply hasn't tried to interview within the past few years.. It's not about whether whiteboarding should be done or take-home tests should be done or whatnot, it's the sheer damn time investment that each company is demanding from the candidate--on top of the fact that companies now pull multiple bullshit . Shes worked as a TPM, a TPM manager, several organizations like cruise autonomous, Facebook and Meta. If you havent checked out our blog, thats Because if you are doing vision, then maybe you want to go more towards the product manager technical route, where you still have the technical chops, but youre more interested in the vision and talking to the customers and those kind of things. And of course, in all of this, you know, theyre defining requirements, they do this in collaboration, of course, with research, design, engineering TPM. I think that is also something that people do often. So regardless of what my experience was , listen to your recruiter. For on-site, Program sense, technical solution design/TPM technical round, partnerships and behavioral questions will be the focus areas if you're looking for product tpm. I have a TPM interview with Meta and notice 3 Directors on the loop. Priyanka and I are today going to try to discuss the various types of product manager technical and TPM product type of roles. Answer (1 of 8): I have interviewed recently at Amazon for the Sr. TPM role and they flew me to Seattle to talk to the hiring manager and their team. Google, Also feel free to pester recruiter to understand leveling. But many organizations need them because theyre working with highly technically complex products and systems. You know, one of the things that kind of I just remembered is, one of the first companies I worked at, like the product manager role was very external facing. Im seeing more of these in the last few years, as opposed to maybe five years back. Do you enjoy, you know, kind of like creating that vision strategy roadmap, or sometimes you try want just execution and delivery is your thing. Mario Gerard: Thats so well put, and you could probably do an entire podcast with Priyankas journey of becoming a TPM because all of us have different journeys and different paths that we take it to get to where we are. Because you can deal with more people which helps manage these big problems. How would the user react? Priyanka Shinde: Yes and no in some ways. And that person helping you out is a very, very close, collaborative partnership between the TPM and the product manager themselves. Like I was going to say that, you know, its the chemistry of a PM and a TPM. Be the first to find this interview helpful. fishy and signs of ghosting to be followed. Interview Questions. You see have a lot of people on the product side, I think the product people are, you know, theyre so evangelistic about their role. So that is some of the history. Refresh. But you also, you know, of course, you know, there might be incorporating the data, the research, but its maybe in a different form, right. It becomes very clear during hiring that this is the skill it could require. So, one of the things that, you know, we used to stay at Facebook and we were trying, when we were trying to help everyone understand kind of how these roles complement each other and then how has they still different and still need it. Most TPMs naturally possess very good, we just spoke about what the TPMS role was and what the TPM skills are. 0. And I invite more people to come and blog and share the experience on the technical program management domain. And so, then they can both work together and say, yes, this is what the metrics might look like.

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meta tpm interview experience

meta tpm interview experience

meta tpm interview experience

meta tpm interview experience