social media an introductionpros and cons topics for elementary students

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Should adults have the right to carry dangerous firearms? Tying shoe laces. Was George Washington or Abraham Lincoln the better President? 5. Here's an example of advantage and disadvantage topics related to historical & political aspects of our life. These costs can be direct, like computers, school books and educational trips and excursions. It is difficult and time-consuming to truly get to know the standards for all of the curriculum (possible understatement of the year! improves social interaction between police officers, students, and schools. The great divide is now more significant. Should your parents pay you for getting good grades? "Pros and Cons of Allowing Digital Devices in Classrooms." 2013. The key to remember is that this is a job. Can we receive fulfillment and happiness from religious belief? Required fields are marked *. For elementary Ed, you will take a lot more children's psychology classes and a lot more classes on classroom management/teaching strategies in every subject to become proficient in them all. In the U.S., that is dead wrong. Should the voting age be changed to 16 years? Making an impact on all these lives keeps me humble and appreciate my job even more. If a magic genie granted you three wishes, what would you wish? The writers of PenMyPaper establish the importance of reflective writing by explaining its pros and cons precisely to the readers. This list includes not only 21 pros and cons topics but also a few pros and cons for each topic to get you started. Never miss a post. They help us make split-second decisions, process information more quickly, and multitask effectively. Is the medias coverage leading to increased violent crime across the country? It allows everyone to get to know each other better, and parents can see where their children are struggling. It however is not good for most Intermediate to Advanced training on its own. Unfortunately, COVID arrived with some negative repercussions, too. A high school English teacher can get away with not being able to master long division. Easier Relatability 6. Below I will go over the pros and cons of teaching in an elementary school setting in the hopes of giving you more insight for what to expect. CON: In a self-contained classroom, the teacher is responsible for teaching all of the subject areas. Firstly eLearning for Introductory subjects is great and frees teachers up for more important training. Do things that make YOU happy and recharge. Is year-round school better for students? Teachers And Students Working Together. program have more positive attitudes toward the police following graduation. [] Schools have reported D.A.R.E. Pros: Casinos contribute financially to communities, including through donations to roads, fire departments, and schools. The pros and cons of homework. Resolving classroom conflicts. Should all kids be required to participate in physical education (gym)? SEARCH. Because of this, teachers have a greater ability to differentiate their instruction to meet the needs of all learners. As a generalist you can weave together a lesson that incorporates reading, writing and math. As long as you meet the weekly deadlines, you can complete your assignments in the morning, at night, or any time between. Some students may have a hard time grasping a certain math concept or whine when not being able to do something. Since they have a higher level of flexibility regarding their schedule, kids also have a higher level of flexibility to develop new things. Kids in this age group just enjoy school more. Whats your favorite season: summer, fall, winter, or spring? All of my grading can be done during recess or during a block/specials time I have free to prep. Convenience: This convenience is in relation to study location, time, course duration, etc. They either dont think theyre capable, or just want someone else to do it for them. List of Cons of Censorship in Schools. Are single-sex schools better for students? It wouldnt be elementary if you didnt have crying going on somewhere in the school. Con #1: You Teach Every Subject. 31. It encourages the discipline of practice. It also helps the classroom atmosphere feel positive. Teachers in our society dont teach just academics, but also life skills. 5. Choose the right one, and youre on your way to an awesome paper. Here's an excerpt: Concrete rewards can motivate students to attend class, to behave well, or to produce better work. Cons For Children. Its a career where I get to have fun with kids and I get to be a part of my students future success. You can fall down a deep pit. 9. Cons: If you make a mistake and tattoo your now ex-boyfriends or ex-girlfriends name on your arm, you might regret it (and the difficult, painful, and expensive removal process). Pro: You will learn from your students. It also provides students with an opportunity to be challenged academically by different teachers in different classroom environments. Middle school and high school teachers can also have multiple sections of the same class, so they can use the same lesson plans for multiple classes. Pop Its or Jiggly Pets: which is the best toy? Convenience. Teachers benefit from a time management standpointthey dont feel stretched so thin trying to fit all subjects into every day evenly. Students of all ages and grade levels can benefit from participating in classroom debates. The United States currently houses about $1.75 trillion worth of federal and private student loan debt. Would you prefer having a dunk tank or a bouncy castle at your next birthday party? When it comes to abortion, there are essentially no real pros and cons; the debate mainly centers on whether or not abortion should be legal or not. Some kids have a hard time resetting quickly. "The NCLB lawwhich grew out of concern that the American education system was no longer internationally competitivesignificantly increased the federal role in holding schools responsible for the academic progress of all students. Check out my post about managing challenging student behavior if youre interested on how to address this. Raising the federal minimum wage. With those students, you have them the entire year. Your students will be okay if you dont create that fun lesson that took you 5 hours to make. Pros: A higher minimum wage can help eliminate the wage gap and bring people out of poverty. Elementary has far less grading, and some districts have adopted proficiency-based grading which has you assessing how well students perform on a standard rather than letter grades for assignments. I use the book. Extended brain 5. What do you think is the best movie of all time? Cons of ability grouping. Hello Login . Is social media, like Facebook and Twitter, destroying our country? Join the WeAreTeachers Influencer Network. Do you agree with the following statement? Educational business ecosystems Cons/Disadvantages of learning online 1. So - not. Pros of Private Tutors. Yet the AP Exam is a standardized test. Pros: Fracking can bring benefits to an economy and increase job opportunities. document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); When educators work with their students, they move through five parts of the debate process. Secondly, private tutors can be scheduled based on when you want them . You are important and for those contract hours you have, put in everything you can. Departmentalization breaks the monotony for students. Should abortion be legal? Do you feel that one of the biggest challenges today is determining how to educate first-world engineers to resolve third-world problems? When your hours are done, thats it. Similar Posts: 25+ Pros And Cons Of Being A Teacher; 30+ Pros And Cons Of School Uniforms; 23 Main Pros and Cons of Private Tuition; Being a Fitness Instructor: 21+ Pros . Choose the wrong one, and youre headed for disaster. Being a teacher means there is always something I can be doing to improve my lessons, classroom, student growth, CFAs, etc. 16. Can diminish the overall value of in-person education. There are nuances that can be overlooked. Distraction. Online dating can also be dangerous as you dont really know who youre talking to online. If you are not confident of proofreading essays or English is not your first language, use essay editing UK services. A pro-con essay is decidedly less flashy than a comic book superhero. Grading homework, tests and assignments. Pros: Looking for a date or a mate online means you can meet lots of people that you wouldnt otherwise meet and even select specific criteria (like a love of comic books) that youre looking for in your date. I was rather naive when I wanted to become a teacher. Topics are funny creatures. Impact in Health. . There will always be exceptions, but not having to deal with attitudes as much leaves time to have fun with your class. Cons: Increasing minimum wage might hurt small businesses as they cannot afford the higher costs, may cut employee hours, or could hire fewer employees. Departmentalizing does not necessarily solve time management issues for teacherssometimes it makes them worse! In addition to a BA in English Education, an MA in Composition, and an MS in Education, Susan has 20 years of experience teaching courses on composition, writing in the professions, literature, and more. List of the Pros of Banning Homework. Can I determine the strengths and weaknesses of this topic. ), Funny Salad Puns That Will Brighten Your Day. Standardized testing is racist and should be abolished. Should every student play a musical instrument? The reputation of the book may be negative and differ teachers from using it in their classroom. Should students be held legally responsible for bullying? Concordia University. Pros: The most obvious pro of antidepressants is that they can be life-saving and help treat depression. Now that you've evaluated the Montessori elementary education pros and cons, you have to find an accredited school near you! It can be a big transition and will take time for students to get used to it. Homework Allows For More Learning Time. Should you be allowed to play electronic games every day? Its also a quick and efficient way to distribute information. Having to teach English, math, social studies, science, and more in an elementary school can be stressful. 4. For example, when picking middle school debate topics, one wouldnt pick censorship justification or how patriotism affects international relations. Then, move on to your next position. My Shopping cart 0 0.00. As another point. Unions can add unnecessary bureaucracy that makes it more difficult to complete a job. 109. If youre someone that doesnt have patience for crying, consider sticking to the upper grades. This requires a high level of trust. 6. Students of all ages and grade levels can benefit from participating in classroom debates. Are YouTube, Instagram, Facebook, Twitter, and others good sources for news? For instance, some courses in charter schools may encourage children to think out of the box. Do you think that its important to learn math at school? Playing violent video games leads to a lack of empathy and desensitization to violence. Do you think that your parents should let you buy anything you want? Answer (1 of 3): Sadly, physical education is viewed as 'playing games' and is not given the same credibility as core subjects like Mathematics. Topics for High School Students. I feel for my middle and high school English teachers, as Ive seen how much they have to grade and it is hard. Susan M. Inez is a professor of English and writing goddess based out of the Northeast. High schools do it. Pros: Using tablets means that course content can be updated more quickly. 106. Pros: 1. Should all students demonstrate that they have the ability to read, write, and do math to graduate? That way, they create exciting and passionate discussions. For example, students in gifted programs experience self-esteem boosts. I will read the book to my students every time we have a big break from school. If youre assigned chores, should you be rewarded with an allowance? You can express your opinion. This is another reason I advocate that when your contract hours are done, you stop doing any work. I agree that teaching kids make you feel young. When you ask students to learn multiple sets of rules/routines before they are ready, you may be inviting misbehavior. Self-paced learning:In online learning, the student can learn at their own pace, spend more time on challenging subjects, and receive individual teacher attention. This is an accredited Montessori school that works to teach children how to help, care for, and learn from one another. No commuting/traveling time to a campus. Additional Benefits. 26 March 2013. The teacher's primary responsibility is to provide all these things, and to maintain a learning environment where students feel encouraged to express themselves through discussion, creative projects, and choice of study areas. Possible topics for Pros and Cons include: Assisted suicide should be legalised; Junk food should be banned; All schools should be co-ed; Homework should be banned; Song lyrics should be censored Homework in turn can allow for a better, more targeted educational plan for the student. This is a big pro due to making it easier to have them engaged in your lessons. How and why do chameleons change their colors? Teachers have the opportunity to bond with more students, not just their own homeroom. This will enable you to analyze both the positives and negatives while presenting a clear discussion for your readers. 3. Developing a compelling argument involves creating a thesis statement, supporting it with evidence, using reasoning skills, and developing a persuasive voice. Describe the place where you feel the safest. Learning Objectives: - The content consists of Pre, While, and Post activity; - Ss answer the questions, watch the half of the episode. With that in mind, check out these pros and cons topics that will help you write a better essay. They will learn to evaluate and respond to their classmates' opinions. School uniforms were originally created for poor children; however, over time, schools saw uniforms as a way to bring . Pros: Being labeled as gifted means that a child often excels academically, which can lead to scholarships, dual enrollment, or early college opportunities. And if the show was originally on commercial TV, you can save yourself lots of time by skipping every commercial. This type of medication often produces side effects, including sleepiness or increased risk of suicidal thoughts. I teach 1st grade and phonics and reading is the major focus for our grade. Cha-ching! It teaches students to speak in a group. Avoid moving on the next issue before resolving the one that youre currently presenting. This could be a con to some, as it could build stress on how important teaching these grades can be. It simply examines both the pros (positive aspects) and the cons (negative aspects) of an issue. abortion) to relevant ones (i.e. I had a school social worker of mine ask me why I am not taking care of myself by doing a yoga class with them after school. Whoa! (Call her. Is traditional education better than homeschooling? Do you think that kids and their teachers should wear school uniforms? For example, advanced readers might be in one reading group, . 107. Just having a child of your own requires a lot of patience. If a student is having trouble completing their homework assignments, they are able to consult with their teacher about the specific aspects that are . This type of essay requires objectivity and genuine comparison so that the reader gets the right information for both sides to form their own judgment and opinion before coming to your analysis and opinion. Talented & Gifted - All Worksheets and Games in One App. Pros: An obvious pro of skipping an early morning class is that you get to sleep in. If youre a die-hard Superman fan, you can even pay homage to him for a lifetime by tattooing a giant Superman logo on your body (or a Super Susan one if youre so inclined, heh). Your email address will not be published. It is a job where your work feels like it never ends. An intense focus on professional development is a must to truly become expert in your topic. Do I need to mention winter and hot summers? Was Obama's Presidency a Good or Bad Thing for Other Countries? Departmentalizing lends itself to a cooperative teaching approach. Consistent discipline can become an issue when students have a number of different teachers. Encourages the development of new teaching methods. Pros and Cons. Pros: You can meet people and make friends who share your love of comics. Whats the most dangerous animal on Earth? There are several advantages of having a private tutor. Kids have an insight into the world that isn't tainted by disappointment. My superhero powers can only go so far, so now that you have 21 pros and cons topics to help you write a better paper, the rest is up to you. Should cellphones be banned in the classroom? The exam functions as aid for the poor and gives long term benefits. I feel part of my job as a primary teacher is to teach students to be more self-dependent. Fun Persuasive Essay Topics For Elementary Students, Research Paper On Bessie Smith, Essay On Philately . No equal access to technological resources. Asking teachers to drop their traditional roles as generalists and serve instead as experts teaching one or two content areas is part of a growing trend called departmentalizing (or platooning) and some say it can result in many benefits for teachers and kids if its well planned and executed. Is it right for a mother or father to smoke? Its made my job more enjoyable. Do all museums need to have free admission? Why is this topic important to this assignment, my course, and to me? Cons: Others argue that people are forced into prostitution, and thus, it is not a victimless crime. By Tatiana2010gololob. Do we need to ban cell phones in classrooms? It would be nice to make an impact on that many students, I feel I would miss out on the items I mentioned above. to generate 21 pros and cons topics to help you write a better essay. Pros: Tattoos can be thought of as personal expression and are also a very old art form that more and more people now appreciate. I Used to Think My Students Parents Just Didnt Care. Being an elementary teacher means parent conferences and back to school nights are manageable due to your student size. Ive even linked to some sample essays for added inspiration. Homework gives students productive afternoon activities. There is less flexibility in scheduling throughout the day. How could making volunteering a requirement for all students benefit students and communities? When I come home, I have little energy to do anything that requires me to think or actively participate in. Pros: When assessments align well with the goals of interventions both in terms of content and learning model, progress monitoring assessments are a powerful tool to inform daily instruction, planning, and programming. Should community service be a school requirement? Cons: It can be challenging to find a good deal online as shipping costs can suddenly mean that youre paying more for something youd buy in a store. I came to realize that this responsibility gives my job great importance for the future of our society and I turned it to empower me rather than burden me. They reached the conclusion that packed lunches fell far short of federal . In theory, sex education aims at assisting children and youth in developing a positive view of their sexuality and gaining knowledge and skills that can help them to take care of their sexual health (Kirby 53). Either of these can result in a lower grade. A daily debriefing time to touch base is usually recommended. You will possibly have: It can become overwhelming when you add those to the stress of teaching. Countries need to legalize recreational marihuana. Teachers become more effective and the budget isnt impacted. Explain what you think makes school enjoyable. Under some circumstances, students enjoy classroom debates . Student-created prompts teach students self-reliance and help create independent writers. Youre not too thrilled about writing another essay, but when you check your next assignment, it reads: PRO-CON ESSAY. Welcome to ChildFunwhere Play and Learning go Hand in Hand, Home Recommendations 130 Interesting and Thought-Provoking Debate Topics for Kids. Share a favorite joke. These options can save time and money, allowing kids to graduate early and save on tuition costs. Not only do they provide a change from regular classroom activities, but they also allow students to learn and use different skills. Ive given you a few to start with, but youll likely need a few more ideas to fully develop your paper. You might even meet (or at least get to listen to) comic-book writers, such asJason Aaron or Brian Selznick. This, of course, might not outweigh the positive aspects of sleeping in. Your email address will not be published. Uniforms at school also reduce the prevalence of violence, which is a major concern . 7. Technology. When we are talking about eLearning there are a couple of things we need to understand. I no longer decorate outside or inside my house and dont feel that spirit. She misses you.). All rights reserved. Toll Free: +1 (888) 354-4744. The pros and cons of legalizing marijuana, The pros and cons of reducing work week to 35 hours, The pros and cons of spying on friendly nations, The pros and cons of childhood vaccinations, The pros and cons of hunting big game in Africa, The pros and cons of having legal drinking age, The pros and cons of hosting the Olympics, The pros and cons of euthanasia by medical professionals, The pros and cons of sex education in schools. Confusion. Being labeled as a gifted or talented child, How to Write an Essay Introduction in 3 Easy Steps, Anatomy of the Perfect Essay Paragraph Structure. When you do get that rare attitude, its easier to deal with than if you had a whole classroom of them! They need a healthy teacher more than that lesson. This has allowed me to not have to take any grading home and enjoy my time off. Skipping class also means you dont have to face that horrible history prof that you cannot stand listening to. It helps students articulate ideas. If Comic-Con is all things comics and culture, maybe Pro-Con is all things pro, like all things pro football or all things pro basketball.. First of all, you choose a tutor that has the experience, teaching style, and personality that compliments the learning needs of your child. Heres a video I created discussing the pros and cons of teaching in an elementary school. Cons: Fracking has been suspected of creating environmental damage, including groundwater pollution and earthquakes. officers as providing a "sense of safety and calm" in the wake of school shootings . Cons: If you dont live in the area, you might go broke attending. I use the book A Bad Case of Tattle Tongue by Julia Cook. Is being a vegan or vegetarian good or bad for your health? In the same sense, parents can also see where their children are excelling. For secondary, your focus is far more on your subject. These are some things I think of when someone asks me what its like being an elementary teacher. Resources When Sara was in class, Carly didn't even try to answer questions or . Repeating the same problems over and over can be boring and difficult, but it also reinforces the practice of discipline. I am an introvert, so when theres a large team of people, I typically sit and listen. Home-schooling kids also means students can avoid the violence and bullying often associated with schools. 111. It absolutely put pressure on me my first year, as I didnt want to feel like I ruined my students., Your email address will not be published. The amount of attention students require as well as responsibilities we have is mind-boggling. Abortion should be legalized. Some of these benefits relate to the child's mental well-being and sense of self, whereas others relate more to the child's academic and career success. However, many states also have their own minimum wage laws. Similar to athletic team uniforms, proponents argue that dressing cohesively increases pride, unity, and a renewed commitment to the school. Being an elementary teacher has made me get some of that spirit back due to kids loving the holidays. If your partner attempts to divert your attention, then bring the discussion back to the arguments original topic. Too often, children get home from school and switch off their brains by watching cartoons or playing video games. Pro #7: Less Students Than Secondary Education. Children of all different races, cultures, and ethnicities attend modern schools. Elizabeth Mulvahill is a Contributing Editor with WeAreTeachers. Sharing students with other teachers dilutes the feeling of classroom communitytheyre not just your kids anymore. If so, for how long? Pros and Cons Words: 1055 (5 pages) A minimum wage is the lowest hourly wage that employers have to compensate the workers for their service. A pro-con essay isnt all about pro sports, either. Pros: Earning a college degree means you are trained for a specific career and will likely be able to landa higher-paying job. Grade level teachers work together to collaborate and coordinate content, manage communication with parents and students, and orchestrate parent conferences. Being an elementary teacher means many students are young enough to enjoy coming to school. Middle schools do it. Cons: Increasing minimum wage might hurt small businesses as they cannot afford the higher costs, may cut employee hours, or could hire fewer employees. Get inspiration from over 500,000 example essays. What sport would you like to see added or removed from the Olympics? What are the pros and cons of single-gender schools? 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Are removed from traditional classrooms it can become isolated, pros and cons topics for elementary students few friends, dont.

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pros and cons topics for elementary students

pros and cons topics for elementary students

pros and cons topics for elementary students

pros and cons topics for elementary students