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For previous versions, please use the following method to define the icon. values: If it will take a long time to complete an operation, you can use Progress to show the current progress and status.. Use notification.useNotification to get contextHolder with context accessible issue. antd will dynamic create React instance by ReactDOM.render when call notification methods. WebProperty Description Type Default Version; defaultPickerValue: To set default picker date: moment-defaultValue: To set default date, if start time or end time is null or undefined, the date range will be an open interval A message is displayed at top and center and will be dismissed automatically, as a non-interrupting light-weighted prompt. DatePicker[picker=week] Props: The above example will display a new message when the old message is about to close. This is the content of the notification. Including data collection, verification, and styles. : Text input, Text input with border, Text input Ghost (no background), Text input With form-control and labels, Text input Primary color, Text input Secondary color, Text input Accent color, Text input Info color, Text input Success color, Text input Warning color, Text input Error color, Text input Sizes, Text input Disabled: Textarea, Textarea with border, Textarea Ghost (no background), Textarea With form control and labels, Textarea Primary color, Textarea Secondary color, Textarea Accent color, Textarea Info color, Textarea Success color, Textarea Warning color, Textarea Error color, Textarea Disabled: Textarea Textarea example, Textarea WYSIWYG Editor, Textarea Comment box, Textarea Chatroom input: Checkout #Split with Summary, Order Items, Brand and Form: Product #Split with Featured Image, Image Grid and Content with Form, Product #Split with Featured Image, Image Grid, Content and Form: Login/Register Form #Split with Graphic, Login/Register Form #Split with Content: Radio Group #Simple Stacked, Radio Group #Grid with Stacked Content, Radio Group #Variants: Input Basic usage, Input Example, Input Placeholder, Input Sizes, Input Shape, Input Pilled input, Input Readonly, Input Disabled, Input Label, Input Hidden label, Input Helper text, Input Inline helper text, Input Corner hint, Input Validation states: Checkbox Basic usage, Checkbox Default, Checkbox Disabled, Checkbox Checkbox group, Checkbox List with description, Checkbox Checkbox within form input, Checkbox On right, Checkbox With list group, Checkbox With horizontal list group: Radio Basic usage, Radio Default, Radio Disabled, Radio Inline radio group, Radio Vertical radio group, Radio List with description, Radio Radio within form input, Radio On right, Radio With list group, Radio With horizontal list group: Forms Inline Form, Forms Underline Form, Forms Form Grid: Login And Register Form With Error Message: Free Tailwind CSS Toggle Checkbox Radio Component: Textarea Live Letters Counter with AlpineJS: Register form with password validator - Tailwind CSS & Alpine JS: Form - Input Text Input Type, Form - Input Text Border Type, Form - Input Text Color Type: Argon Regular Input with icon, Argon Regular input with icon - Alternative, Argon Error Input - Alternative, Argon Success Input - Alternative, Argon Error Input, Argon Success Input, Argon Input (alternative), Argon Regular input, Biings input field: Required, Biings input field: Error: Biings Input Field, Biings Input with 1 icon, Biings Input with 2 icons, Biings succes input, Biings error input, Biings default & loading input, Biings default input: Lexicon Two Column Form, Lexicon Single Column Form: form layout simple form, form layout simple form: input group input with label, input group input with label: toggle checkbox radio radio small, toggle checkbox radio radio small: Inputs Basic, Inputs With help, Inputs Optional, Inputs Validation errors, Inputs Checkbox group, Inputs Radio group: Checkbox Basic example, Checkbox Indeterminate, Checkbox Disabled, Checkbox Inline, Checkbox Without labels: File input Basic example, File input Multiple files input, File input Disabled file input, File input Small file input, File input Large file input: Inputs Basic example, Inputs Sizing, Inputs Disabled, Inputs Readonly, Inputs Text, Inputs Email, Inputs Password, Inputs Number, Inputs Phone number, Inputs URL, Inputs Textarea, Inputs Helper text, Inputs Floating label: Radio Basic example, Radio Disabled, Radio Inline, Radio Without labels: Tailwind CSS Live Chat Box and Chat Bubble with Contact Form: Working Contact Form (send email without Backend server): Sign in and Regisration Sign In Card, Sign in and Regisration Sign In Card with Social Media Links, Sign in and Regisration Sign In Card With Side Image, Sign in and Regisration Sign Up Page with Avatar, Sign in and Regisration Sign In Page, Sign in and Regisration Sign In Page with Select User, Sign in and Regisration Sign In Page with Socail Media Links, Sign in and Regisration Sign In Page With Image, Sign in and Regisration Sign Up Page with Side Image, Sign in and Regisration Sign up for our newsletter: Login form with hide/show password using AlpineJS: Tailwind Css RTL register and login Page 2 design: Login form by tailwindcss - Tailwind Components: Form Login with Icon in Right and Left Input: Login form Basic example, Login form v.2, Login form v.3: responsive login, register, sign up form with image: Search Basic example, Search with icon, Search without additional elements, Search with label: Tailwind CSS Drag & Drop, Sortable, Dropzone File Upload: Drag&Drop, Sortable, Dropzone File Upload: Responsive Multi File Upload with drop-on and preview: Footer #Large with Newsletter Form, Footer #Simple Stacked, Footer #Simple Row, Footer #Split with Company Info, Links and Image, Footer #Simple with Service Status, Footer #Centered with Social Links as Priority, Footer #Newsletter Form as Priority, Footer #Centered with Branding, Footer #Slim with Branding and Link Top, Footer #Company Info and Links, Footer #Inline with Logo and Copyright, Footer #Company Info, Links and Email Signup: Footer, Footer with a logo section, Footer with a form, Footer with logo and social icons, Footer with copyright text, Footer with copyright text and social icons, Footer with links and social icons, Footer with 2 rows, Footer Centered footer with logo and social icons, Footer Centered footer with social icons, Footer Two footer: Footer Default footer, Footer Footer with logo, Footer Social media icons, Footer Resources, Footer Follow us, Footer Legal, Footer Sitemap links, Footer Company, Footer Help center, Footer Legal, Footer Download, Footer Sticky footer: Footers Simple, Footers CTA, Footers Details, Footers Links, Footers Subscribe Form, Footers Sign up for our newsletter: Footer - Simple, Footer - With socials, Footer - With socials and credits, Footer - full, Footer - Multiple, Footer - With socials, Footer - With socials and credits, Footer - Publicity, Footer - Multiple full, Footer - Light: Footer Basic example, Footer Advanced example, Footer Copyrights, Footer Links, Footer Text, Footer Images, Footer Icons, Footer Buttons dark theme, Footer Form: Hero Centered hero, Hero with figure, Hero with figure but reverse order, Hero with overlay image: Heros E-commerce, Heros Center Content, Heros Center Content With Trusted By, Heros Coming Soon, Heros Image With Newsletter, Heros Slide, Heros Image, Heros Side Image, Heros Background Image, Heros Pattern: Button with loading spinner, Button with loading spinner and text: Spinner Default spinner, Spinner Colors, Spinner Sizes, Spinner Alignment, Spinner Accessibillity: Spinners Basic usage, Spinners Example, Spinners Color variants, Spinners Sizes, Spinners Customized description: Spinners Basic example, Spinners Colors, Spinners Growing spinner, Spinners Colors of growing spinner, Spinners Margin, Spinners Flex, Spinners Floats, Spinners Text, Spinners Size small, Spinners Size large: Popup #Floating Split with Image and Content and Close, Popup #Warning with Actions, Popup #Floating with Close: Alert - Modale, Alert - Modale with close btn: Modals Archive, Modals Confirm, Modals Steps, Modals Invite, Modals Multi Invites: Modal using label + hidden checkbox, Modal using anchor link, Modal using with a close button at corner, Modal that closes when clicked outside, Modal with custom width, Modal Responsive: Modal goes bottom on mobile screen and goes middle on desktop: Modal Default modal, Modal Pop-up modal, Modal Form element, Modal Crypto wallet, Modal Sizes, Modal Placement, Modal JavaScript behaviour: Modal Default, Modal With animation, Modal Not closed on Click Outside, Modal Large, Modal Extra Large: Modal Basic usage, Modal Example, Modal Animations, Modal Slide down animation, Modal Slide up animation, Modal Sizes, Modal Static backdrop, Modal Scrolling behavior, Modal Vertically centered, Modal Focus management, Modal Toggle between modals, Modal Fullscreen Modal: Modals Topped Modal, Modals Centered Modal, Modals Centered with form, Modals Large size modal: Pretty modal with custom events and animation (vanilla JS): A minimal simple modal that still looks good: modal left aligned form, modal left aligned form: Modal Simple notification, Modal Static backdrop, Modal Scrolling long content, Modal dialog scrollable, Modal Vertically centered, Modal Sizes, Modal Fullscreen modal: Navs Basic usage, Navs Example, Navs Available styles, Navs Tabs with underline, Navs With icons, Navs Horizontal alignment, Navs Vertical, Navs Segment, Navs Bar with underline, Navs Pills on gray color, Navs Pills with brand color, Navs Fill and justify, Navs Equal-width elements: Bottom navigation Bottom Navigation, Bottom navigation Bottom Navigation with brand colors, Bottom navigation Bottom Navigation with state colors, Bottom navigation With title, Bottom navigation With custom colors, Bottom navigation Sizes: Navbars Simple, Navbars E-Commerce, Navbars Search, Navbars Avatar, Navbars Social Media Links, Navbars Categories: Navigation #Left Aligned, Navigation #Center Aligned, Navigation #Right Aligned, Navigation #With Links and Actions, Navigation #Contained with Links: Header - Light, Header - Light with shadow, Header - Align right, Header - With profile ddm, Header - Publicity, Header - With icon on right, Header - Fat, Header - With center title: Navbar with title only, Navbar with title and icon, Navbar with icon at start and end, Navbar with menu and submenu, Navbar with search input and dropdown, Navbar with icon, indicator and dropdown, Navbar with dropdown, center logo and icon, Navbar responsive (dropdown menu on small screen, center menu on large screen), Navbar with colors: Navbar Default navbar, Navbar Navbar with dropdown, Navbar Multi-level dropdown, Navbar Sticky navbar, Navbar Navbar with submenu, Navbar Navbar with search, Navbar Navbar with CTA button, Navbar Language dropdown, Navbar User menu dropdown, Navbar Mega menu navbar, Navbar Solid background, Navbar JavaScript behaviour: Header #Intro with Actions, Header #Intro with Search and Mini Navigation, Header #Intro with Justified Search and Mini Navigation: Navbar Please note, Navbar Components Props: Navbar Basic usage, Navbar Example, Navbar Responsive behaviors, Navbar With horizontal scroll, Navbar With collapse, Navbar Collapse with animation, Navbar Brand, Navbar SVG, Navbar SVG and text, Navbar Image, Navbar Image and text, Navbar Alignment, Navbar With mega menu, Navbar Color variants: Scrollspy Example in navbar, Scrollspy Example with nested nav, Scrollspy Navbar: Tailwind CSS Sidebar with navbar and breadcrumb: Free Tailwind CSS Vertical Navigation Component: Free Tailwind CSS Horizontal Navigation Component: Clone Header Tailwindcomponents.com Responsive: Responsive Navbar with horizontal scroll bar: Navbar Flexbox Barra de Menu(dropdown) via CSS: Sticky Responsive Navbar With Dropdown and Icon: WebPage Example With Pure Tailwind Responsive Nav: vertical navigation sidebar 2, vertical navigation sidebar 2: Headers Jumbotron, Headers Background image: Navbar Basic, Navbar Brand, Navbar Brand with image, Navbar Nav, Navbar dark: Error Pages #Simple, Error Pages #With Graphic: Page Title Style 1, Page Title Style 2, Page Title Style 3, Page Title Style 4, Page Title Style 5: Level Up Your Designs - Tailwind CSS Landing Page: Free Tailwind CSS Page Headings Component: Free Tailwind CSS Page Heading Component: Email Verification Page with Image Background: Product Detail Page With TailwindCSS 2.0: page heading simple with sub text and border, page heading simple with sub text and border: Pricing Simple, Pricing Checkbox, Pricing Checkbox With Details, Pricing Side By Side, Pricing Centered, Pricing Navigation, Pricing Popular, Pricing Sign up for our newsletter: Pricing - Pricing card 1, Pricing - Pricing card 2, Pricing - Pricing card 3, Pricing - Publicity, Pricing - Pricing card 4, Pricing - Pricing card 5, Pricing - Pricing card 6, Pricing - Pricing card 7, Pricing - Pricing card 8, Pricing - Pricing card 9, Pricing - Publicity: Testimonial #Split with Content and Slider, Testimonial #Stacked with Centered Content and Grid, Testimonial #Content with Slider, Testimonial #Stacked with Navigation and Slider, Testimonial #Card with Author Image, Testimonial #Slider with Pagination, Testimonial #Masonry Grid with Author: Testimonials Single, Testimonials Card, Testimonials Centered, Testimonials Slider, Testimonials Full Page, Testimonials Full Page With Slider, Testimonials Sign up for our newsletter: Testimonial UI with TailwindCSS and AlpineJS: Testimonials - Small, Testimonials - Head, Testimonials - Big, Testimonials - Publicity, Testimonials - Big with image on left, Testimonials - Multiple, Testimonials - Review, Testimonials - Review with rate: Testimonials Basic example, Testimonials with background image, Testimonials Small testimonials carousel, Testimonials with colorful cards, Testimonials Two columns testimonials: Pagination Simple, Pagination Arrows, Pagination Icons, Pagination Table: Pagination Default pagination, Pagination Pagination with icons, Pagination Previous and next, Pagination Previous and next with icons, Pagination Table data pagination, Pagination Table data pagination with icons: Pagination Basic usage, Pagination Example, Pagination Working with icons, Pagination Disabled and active state, Pagination Alignment: Lexicon Pagination bar, Lexicon Simple Pagination, Argon Pagination: pagination pagination 2, pagination pagination 2: Pagination Basic example, Pagination Icons, Pagination Disabled and active states, Pagination Sizing, Pagination Shape: Progress, Progress Primary color, Progress Secondary color, Progress Accent color, Progress Success color, Progress Info color, Progress Warning color, Progress Error color, Progress Indeterminate (without value): Radial progress, Radial progress Different values, Radial progress Custom color, Radial progress With background color and border, Radial progress Custom size and custom thickness: Progress Default progress bar, Progress Sizes, Progress With label inside, Progress With label outside, Progress Colors: Progress Bar With Different Color Variants: Progress Basic usage, Progress Example, Progress Labels, Progress Height, Progress Vertical progress, Progress Multiple bars: Progress Bar Style 1, Progress Bar Style 2, Progress Bar Style 3, Progress Bar Style 4: Free Tailwind CSS Progress Bar Component: Windows 10 - Fluent Design - Progress Bar: Progress bar - Simple progress bar, Progress bar - Fat progress bar, Progress bar - With label, Progress bar - Colored, Progress bar - With badge, Progress bar - Publicity: progress bar thin with steps, progress bar thin with steps: Progress Basic example, Progress Width, Progress Labels, Progress Height, Progress Colors: Skeleton Default skeleton, Skeleton Image placeholder, Skeleton Video placeholder, Skeleton Text placeholder, Skeleton Card placeholder, Skeleton Widget placeholder, Skeleton List placeholder, Skeleton Accessibility: Skeleton About, Skeleton When to use:, Skeleton Basic usage, Skeleton Example, Skeleton Complex combination, Skeleton Active animation: Skeletons - Simple, Skeletons - Card skeleton, Skeletons - Horizontal Card skeleton: Sidebar - Light, Sidebar - With icons, Sidebar - Publicity, Sidebar - With border, Sidebar - With Divider, Sidebar - With gradient, Sidebar - Just icon: Sidebar Default sidebar, Sidebar Content separator, Sidebar Logo branding: Drawer Default drawer, Drawer Drawer navigation, Drawer Form elements, Drawer Placement, Drawer Body scrolling, Drawer Backdrop, Drawer Swipeable edge, Drawer JavaScript behaviour: Drawer, Drawer for mobile + fixed sidebar for desktop, Drawer Navbar menu for desktop + sidebar drawer for mobile, Drawer that opens from right side of page: Drawer Left, Drawer Right, Drawer Top, Drawer Bottom, Drawer Simple: Sidenav Left, Sidenav Right, Sidenav Not closed on click outside: Sidebar New Basic usage, Sidebar New Example, Sidebar New Open current submenu only, Sidebar New Inline menu: Free Tailwind CSS Sidebar Layout Component: Admin Dashboard along with dark mode & responsive sidebar: With inline actions and expandable sidebar filters: sidebar layout light with icons at bottom, sidebar layout light with icons at bottom: Sidenav Basic example, Sidenav Example with icons, Sidenav Collapsible items example, Sidenav Advanced example: Step #With Check Icons, Step #Closed on Complete, Step #Group with Chevron, Text and Icon, Step #Timeline: Steps Horizontal, Steps Vertical, Steps responsive (vertical on small screen, horizontal on large screen), Steps With data-content, Steps Custom colors, Steps With scrollable wrapper: Multistep Form with TailwindCSS and AlpineJS: Stepper Basic example, Stepper Vertical stepper: Toggle updated Toggle, Toggle updated Sizes, Toggle updated Disabled, Toggle updated Disabled and checked, Toggle updated Indeterminate: Toggle Toggle example, Toggle Checked state, Toggle Disabled state, Toggle Colors, Toggle Sizes: Toggle Button Style 1, Toggle Button Style 2, Toggle Button Style 3, Toggle Button Style 4, Toggle Button Style 5, Toggle Button Style 6, Toggle Button Style 7, Toggle Button Style 8, Toggle Button Style 9, Toggle Button Style 10, Toggle Button Style 11, Toggle Button Style 12, Toggle Button Style 13: Switch Basic example, Switch Checked, Switch Disabled, Switch Disabled checked, Switch Without labels: Pills Basic example, Pills Fill, Pills Justify, Pills Vertical: Chips Basic example, Chips Sizing, Chips Outline: Tooltip updated Tooltip, Tooltip updated Force open, Tooltip updated Top, Tooltip updated Bottom, Tooltip updated Left, Tooltip updated Right, Tooltip updated Primary color, Tooltip updated Secondary color, Tooltip updated Accent color, Tooltip updated Info color, Tooltip updated Success color, Tooltip updated Warning color, Tooltip updated Error color: Tooltips Default tooltip example, Tooltips Tooltip styles, Tooltips Placement, Tooltips Triggering, Tooltips Animation, Tooltips Disable arrow, Tooltips JavaScript behaviour: Tooltip When to use, Tooltip Purpose of content, Tooltip Interactions, Tooltip Conclusion, Tooltip Basic usage, Tooltip Example: Tooltip Style 1, Tooltip Style 2, Tooltip Style 3: tooltip with steps alternate, tooltip with steps alternate: Tooltip Basic example, Tooltip Four directions, Tooltip With custom HTML, Tooltip Disabled: Tables Default table, Tables Highlight, Tables Table layout, Tables Table styles, Tables Overflow scrolling, Tables Table filter, Tables Table with users, Tables Table with products, Tables Comparison table, Tables Table colors: Tables Basic usage, Tables Example, Tables Accented tables, Tables Striped rows, Tables Hoverable rows, Tables Highlighted tables, Tables Table borders, Tables Bordered tables, Tables Tables without borders, Tables Rounded tables, Tables Table thead horizontally divided, Tables With shadow, Tables Anatomy, Tables Headless, Tables Table foot, Tables Captions, Tables Responsive tables, Tables Overflow, Tables Table with div: Table - Simple Table, Table - With border, Table - Stylised, Table - With action, Table - Publicity: Table, Table with an active row, Table with a row that highlights on hover, Table Zebra, Table with visual elements, Table Compact table: Tables Bordered Table, Tables Colored Table, Tables Full Table: Free Tailwind CSS Advance Table Component: Simple Table Designs With Color Variations: advance table tasks, advance table tasks: Tables Basic, Tables Striped, Tables With actions: Tables Basic example, Tables Variants, Tables Striped, Tables Hoverable, Tables Bordered, Tables Borderless, Tables Small, Tables Light Head, Tables Dark Head, Tables Always responsive: List Group Basic usage, List Group Example, List Group Icons, List Group Links, List Group Striped, List Group Flush, List Group No gutters, List Group Horizontal: List Group Default list group, List Group List group with links, List Group List group with icons: List - Simple list, List - With action, List - Bloc list, List - With desc, List - With desc and action, List - Publicity, List - With hover effect, List - Todo list, List - Desc bloc list: Lists Unordored list, Lists Password requirements:, Lists Password requirements:, Lists Password requirements:, Lists Ordered list, Lists Top students:, Lists Description list, Lists List with icons, Lists Advanced layout, Lists Horizontal list: List Group Simple List Group, List Group Colored List Group, List Group as Link: Lists Basic usage, Lists Setting the list style type, Lists Separator, Lists Checked style, Lists List checked color variations: Order List Style 1, Order List Style 2, Order List Style 3, Unorder List Style 1, Unorder List Style 2, Unorder List Style 3, Unorder List Style 4, Unorder List Style 5, Unorder List Style 6: List group Basic example, List group Active items, List group Disabled items, List group Links, List group Flush: Tabs About, Tabs Tabs with underline, Tabs Tabs with icons, Tabs Horizontal alignment, Tabs Vertical, Tabs Segment, Tabs Bar with underline, Tabs Fill and justify, Tabs Equal-width elements: Tabs Line, Tabs Line With Icons, Tabs End Closed, Tabs End Closed With Icons: Tabs Default tabs, Tabs Tabs with underline, Tabs Tabs with icons, Tabs Full width tabs, Tabs Interactive tabs, Tabs JavaScript behaviour: Tabs, Tab Bordered, Tab Lifted, Tab Boxed, Tab Sizes: Tab #Underline/Active with Text and Border Color, Tab #Underline with Icon/Active Border Color, Tab #Underline/Active Border, Tab #Underline/Active Border and Inactive Background: Argon Tabs with Icons, Argon Tabs, Biings Boxed Tabs, Biings Tabs Rounded full, Biings Tabs Rounded, Biings Hanging Tabs, Biings Tabs: Tabs Basic example, Tabs Fill, Tabs Justify, Tabs Vertical: Timeline Default timeline, Timeline Vertical timeline, Timeline Activity log, Timeline Grouped timeline: Timeline Basic example, Timeline Horizontal example, Timeline Primary color, Timeline Icons: Vertical Menu #Simple, Vertical Menu #With Icon, Vertical Menu #With Icon and Branded Accent, Vertical Menu #Split with Borders, Vertical Menu #Split with Headings: Indicator in center of an image, Indicator indicator-top (default) indicator-start, Indicator indicator-top (default) indicator-center, Indicator indicator-top (default) indicator-end (default), Indicator indicator-middle indicator-start, Indicator indicator-middle indicator-center, Indicator indicator-middle indicator-end (default), Indicator indicator-bottom indicator-start, Indicator indicator-bottom indicator-center, Indicator indicator-bottom indicator-end (default), Indicator multiple indicators, Indicator Responsive: Blockquote Basic usage, Blockquote Example, Blockquote Sizes, Blockquote Alignment, Blockquote Naming a source, Blockquote Left bordered: Headings Default heading, Headings Second-level heading, Headings Payments tool for companies, Headings Highlighted heading, Headings Heading mark, Headings Heading gradient, Headings Heading underline, Headings Team management, Headings Secondary text, Headings Sizes, Headings Heading 2: Primer Diff Stat, Primer State Labels, Primer Outline Label: Swap text, Swap volume icons, Swap icons with rotate effect, Swap icons with flip effect: Stat, Stat with icons or image, Stat Centered items, Stat Vertical, Stat Responsive (vertical on small screen, horizontal on large screen): Links Default link, Links Paragraph, Links Icon link, Links CTA link, Links Image link: Section #Content with USPs Grid, Section #Split with Content and Link Grid, Section #Split with Content and Image, Section #Content and Split with Image and Content, Section #Split with Image and Content with Overlap Background: Product Collection #Split with Filter and Grid, Product Collection #Grid with Action: Stack 3 divs without stack, Stack 3 divs with stack, Stack stacked images: Images Default image, Images Image caption, Images Rounded corners, Images Image shadow, Images Retina-ready, Images Image effects, Images Alignment, Images Sizes: Blog Single Post, Blog Single Post with Recent, Blog Recent Posts, Blog Centered, Blog Grid: CTA Simple, CTA Centered, CTA Grid, CTA Image: Features Simple, Features Centered, Features Media, Features Trusted By: Portfolio Centered, Portfolio Hover Effect, Portfolio with Filter, Portfolio with Side Links: Teams Simple, Teams Side By Side, Teams Filter, Teams Background: Data display - Publicity, Data display - Publicity, Data display - Publicity, Data display - Publicity, Data display - Covid data: Features - With images, Features - With Desc, Features - With border, Features - Publicity, Features - With 4 images: Blog - With categ, Blog - With author, Blog - Publicity: Range Disabled state, Range Min and max, Range Sizes: Announcement #Simple, Announcement #With Icon, Announcement #With Action, Announcement #Fixed to Bottom, Announcement #Floating Bottom: Mega menu Default mega menu, Mega menu Mega menu with icons, Mega menu Full width with CTA, Mega menu Our brands, Mega menu Full width with image: Paragraphs Default paragraph, Paragraphs Leading paragraph, Paragraphs First letter, Paragraphs Paragraph link, Paragraphs Paragraph bold, Paragraphs Paragraph underline, Paragraphs Paragraph italic, Paragraphs Layout, Paragraphs Text alignment: Typography Getting started, Typography Basic usage, Typography Link colors, Typography Dark mode, Typography Max width, Typography Options: CTA #Content and Image, CTA #Content and Offset Image, CTA #Featured Product, CTA #Content with Image Grid: Blockquote Default blockquote, Blockquote Solid background, Blockquote Blockquote icon, Blockquote Paragraph context, Blockquote User Review, Blockquote Alignment, Blockquote Sizes: Rating Default rating, Rating Rating with text, Rating Rating count, Rating Star sizes, Rating Advanced rating, Rating Score rating, Rating Review content: Range updated Range, Range updated Primary color, Range updated Secondary color, Range updated Accent color, Range updated Success color, Range updated Warning color, Range updated Info color, Range updated Error color, Range updated Sizes: KBD Default KBD, KBD KBD inside text, KBD Arrow keys, KBD Letter keys, KBD Number keys, KBD Function keys: Empty states Basic, Empty states Minimal: Countdown, Countdown Large text, Countdown Clock countdown, Countdown Clock countdown with colons, Countdown Large text with labels, Countdown Large text with labels under, Countdown In boxes: Kbd, Kbd sizes, Kbd In text, Kbd Key combination, Kbd Function Keys, Kbd A full keyboard, Kbd Arrow Keys: Rating, Rating mask-star-2 with warning color, Rating mask-heart with multiple colors, Rating mask-star-2 with green-500 color, Rating Sizes, Rating with.

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antd popover dynamic content

antd popover dynamic content

antd popover dynamic content

antd popover dynamic content