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The Dalvik Debug Monitor Server (DDMS) is a GUI tool included with Android Studio. In ARMv7, R11 is called fp (function pointer), therefore R11 - 0x20 is equivalent to fp-0x20: var int32_t var_20h @ fp-0x20. Arch paru -S dex2jar # or paru -S dex2jar-git jd-cli CLI tool for Java Decompiler. Runtime Instrumentation encompasses adding hooks and runtime patches to observe the app's behavior. Repeat this process, setting flag to true each time the breakpoint is reached, until the alert box is finally displayed (the breakpoint will be reached five or six times). Method hooking with an Xposed module is one way to do this (see "Android Basic Security Testing" for more details on Xposed installation and basics). the regions provoking memory access violations. On the device, choose the app as debug app on the "Developer options" (UnCrackable App for Android Level 1 in this tutorial), and make sure you've switched on the "Wait For Debugger" feature. In such cases, a function can be traced using its address as well. It may not look like much, but its Java method tracer is one of the most awesome tools you can have in your arsenal, and it is indispensable for analyzing obfuscated bytecode. Once a method breakpoint is reached, you'll get the chance to single step during the method execution. APK Decompiler for Windows, Mac or Linux 4. In the output above, the most relevant fields for us are: Another alternative is to use the netstat command, which also provides information about the network activity for the complete system in a more readable format, and can be easily filtered as per our requirements. Auth. Fortunately, cryptographic calls are very standard in nature, i.e, they need to be called in a particular order to work correctly, this knowledge can be helpful when analyzing cryptography APIs. Conveniently, the stock Android kernel on both Lollipop and Marshmallow include ftrace functionality. https://rmusser.net/git/admin-2/Infosec_Reference, https://code.google.com/archive/p/ipv6-hosts/. The final solution script is presented below: As discussed previously in the section "Dynamic Binary Instrumentation", the symbolic execution engine constructs a binary tree of the operations for the program input given and generates a mathematical equation for each possible path that might be taken. In the next example we'll reverse the HelloWorld-JNI.apk from the OWASP MASTG repository. If you own an IDA Pro license, open the file and once in the "Load new file" dialog, choose "ELF for ARM (Shared Object)" as the file type (IDA should detect this automatically), and "ARM Little-Endian" as the processor type. In the output you can see the trace of a call to NewStringUTF made from the native code (its return value is then given back to Java code, see section "Reviewing Disassembled Native Code" for more details). Understand how that code works. A tag already exists with the provided branch name. While performing any kind of binary analysis, strings can be considered as one of the most valuable starting points as they provide context. In the following chapter, we'll look at some peculiarities of Android reversing and OS-specific tools as processes. This modification will break the APK signature, so you'll also have to re-sign the altered APK archive after repackaging it. The CLI version of JStillery or the local server should be preferred instead of using the online version as otherwise source code is sent and disclosed to a 3rd party. You can print the arguments passed to setCancelable with the locals command (the arguments are shown incorrectly under "local variables"). Even on standard retail devices, it is possible to do things like activating developer mode and sideloading apps without jumping through many hoops. It. For our purposes, the most important settings in default.prop are ro.debuggable and ro.secure. Once you're done, click the same button to stop the recording. Since you've already built a complete kernel, you're all set. . # Get the solution string from *(R11 - 0x20). You can download an apk, open it and apply reverse engineering technics to convert the machine readable binary to human readable files. If you want to inject your own Frida script, it should either disable the AlertDialog entirely or change the behavior of the onClick method so the app does not exit when you click "OK". Non-rooted devices have the benefit of replicating an environment that the application is intended to run on. It is a Bash script that makes reverse engineering Android apps easier, automating some repetitive tasks like decoding, rebuilding and patching. For instance, an application using Host-based Card Emulation for performing digital payments must use the android.nfc package. Obviously, this method displays the dialog box. Once you modify the binary name or the directory name, File.exists should return false. The current sample application may not represent a real world problem, but nevertheless it helps getting some basic notions about symbolic execution that you can use in a real situation. On Linux systems, you can retrieve the list of symbols with readelf (included in GNU binutils) or nm. Conclusion 5. Use adb install to install it on your device or on an emulator. CFR releases are available on the author's website. It's the same APK you downloaded in "Statically Analyzing Native Code". In addition, the fact that patching is unique to each application can be also considered a shortcoming, as this code cannot be easily reused. This is the final return value, so R0 is left unchanged and the function returns. An open-source x64/x32 debugger for windows. It can decode resources to nearly original form and rebuild them after making some modifications; it makes possible to debug smali code step by step. Determining the presence of these libraries in an application can give us valuable information about its nature. Frida 12.10 introduces a new useful syntax to query Java classes and methods as well as Java method tracing support for frida-trace via -j (starting on frida-tools 8.0). To open the file in radare2 you only have to run r2 -A HelloWord-JNI/lib/armeabi-v7a/libnative-lib.so. One such scripts is listed below. You have successfully attached to the process! You may also use it to test the behavior of the app regarding how the data is kept in memory. This file contains the JavaScript code. When tracing JNI API calls you can see the thread ID at the top, followed by the JNI method call including the method name, the input arguments and the return value. Learn more about Teams Use Git or checkout with SVN using the web URL. This skipping makes following the code flow crucial to debugging decompiled applications. You can use the command Java in the Frida CLI to access the Java runtime and retrieve information from the running app. In . This file conforms to the Dalvik Executable Format (DEX), an Android-specific way of packaging Java programs. Check Frida's JavaScript API for more details. You can't attach a debugger to the app because the. Once you've unpacked the app (e.g. Ctrl-click it to find out. You can do this by examining the compiled app (static analysis), observing the app during runtime (dynamic analysis), or a combination of both. The Plan. For instance, many applications use other protocols apart from HTTP such as XMPP or plain TCP packets, or perform certificate pinning in an attempt to deter MITM attacks but unfortunately having severe logical bugs in its implementation or an inherently wrong security network configuration. Procfs provides a directory-based view of a process running on the system, providing detailed information about the process itself, its threads, and other system-wide diagnostics. There is a thing that is worth noticing about radare2 vs other disassemblers like e.g. * Quickly decompile classes using JD-Core. I have a task from my lecturer to do some reverse engineering. In order to start the reversing process the APK file of the target application is needed. Android apps support two different types of debugging: Debugging on the level of the Java runtime with the Java Debug Wire Protocol (JDWP), and Linux/Unix-style ptrace-based debugging on the native layer, both of which are valuable to reverse engineers. Introducing new features to an existing application. The app is now suspended at the first instruction of the setCancelable method. You may do so by running the \dm. The feature can be enabled with the following command: The /sys/kernel/debug/tracing directory holds all control and output files related to ftrace. Watch on. Double-click the function to jump to its address in the disassembly Window. The alert box should now be cancelable! This pointer points to a function table: an array of even more pointers, each of which points to a JNI interface function (is your head spinning yet?). This, however, may provide a lot of output. The first thing you need to know is that the first argument passed to every JNI function is a JNI interface pointer. ``. This gives you an advantage because most integrity checks and anti-tampering features ultimately rely on services performed by the kernel. We showed that it is easy to enable debugging for any app by patching its manifest file, and changing the ro.debuggable system property which enables debugging for all apps. We will be using it to keep a tab on method inputs in the NRC APK and also make custom calls to different methods. https://ibotpeaches.github.io/Apktool/install/. https://ibotpeaches.github.io/Apktool/install/, https://bitbucket.org/iBotPeaches/apktool/downloads/, Download Windows wrapper script (Right click, Save Link As apktool.bat), Move both files (apktool.jar & apktool.bat) to your Windows directory (Usually C://Windows). In the remaining sections, we'll introduce a few advanced subjects, including process exploration, kernel modules and dynamic execution. Thanks to tools like objection, you can patch the app in order to test it like if you were on a rooted device (but of course being jailed to that one app). GitHub Instantly share code, notes, and snippets. Before moving ahead, pay attention to the first parameter passed to the current JNI function. The function prototype looks like this: The function takes two arguments: the JNIEnv pointer (already in R0) and a String pointer. you could match the domains to the pinned certificates or the Network Security Configuration file or perform further reconnaissance on domain names to know more about the target environment. APKLab The ultimate Android RE experience right inside your VS Code . * Easily edit APKs via Smali/Baksmali integration. For hacking, I recommend an AOSP-supported device. A JDWP debugger allows you to step through Java code, set breakpoints on Java methods, and inspect and modify local and instance variables. The native code is present in the form of ELF shared libraries. Note that the file can easily be found using other syscalls, and you need to do a lot more to properly hide a file, including hooking stat, access, and other system calls. The app is now going to exit. Install the tool and run the following command on your boot image: This should create the files bootimg.cfg, initrd.img, and zImage (your original kernel) in the local directory. The main activity is found in the file HelloWord-JNI/src/sg/vantagepoint/helloworldjni/MainActivity.java. You signed in with another tab or window. Build kmem_util.c with the prebuilt toolchain and copy it to the device: Before you start accessing kernel memory, you still need to know the correct offset into the system call table. Most of the apps you might encounter connect to remote endpoints. The remaining anti-tampering and anti-debugging controls can be defeated in similar ways so that you can finally reach the secret string verification functionality. Though it was a fun project to reverse engineer the functioning of an IoT Device, it was sad to see the packets were not cryptic or ciphered. Code analysis is not a quick operation, and not even predictable or taking a linear time to be processed. After opening the library in Ghidra we can see all the functions defined in the Symbol Tree panel under Functions. Then the .jar file can be decompile via jd-gui. The video below demonstrates it using jadx on Kotlin Goat. Please to the iOS chapter for more examples on Angr usage. Deploying a kernel that abuses this trust and unabashedly lies about itself and the environment, goes a long way in defeating most reversing defenses that malware authors (or normal developers) can throw at you. The secret code is verified by the method a of class sg.vantagepoint.uncrackable1.a. It contains an important configuration file, default.prop, that defines some basic system properties. Note that libc is a well-known library, Frida is able to derive the input parameters of its open function and automatically log them correctly. The TCG block is compiled into a block of host instructions, stored in a code cache, and executed. See the section "Reviewing Disassembled Native Code" below to learn on how to proceed when inspecting the disassembled native code. However, the effort is justified considering the valuable time it can save in contrast to analyzing complex disassembled instructions manually. Debugging and fixing elusive runtime bugs on code for which you don't have the original source. View the source files or save them by going to File > Save all sources. Attaching the debugger, however, causes the app to resume, which you don't want. It describes the technical processes for verifying the controls listed in the OWASP Mobile Application Security Verification Standard (MASVS). You decompile the app and find the following highly suspect method: This method iterates through a list of directories and returns true (device rooted) if it finds the su binary in any of them. After the breakpoint has been reached, execute the step up command, which will resume the process until loadLibraryreturns. If you have any problems, a first step would be to enable the debug flag -d when running objection or, if that doesn't help, file an issue in objection's GitHub. Smali is the human readable version of Dalvik bytecode. First, you unpack raw APK back to "files", then those dalvik codes (*.smil) needs to be converted back to Java . The Device Monitor can be started within Android Studio (Tools -> Android -> Android Device Monitor) or from the shell with the ddms command. A library can also be injected into a process using functionalities offered by the loader of the operating system. The following approach can be used in order to patch the JavaScript file: In the previous section we learned about patching application code to assist in our analysis, but this approach has several limitations. Native libraries are code that the developer wrote and then compiled for a specific computer architecture. * Java Decompiling with Six different decompilers (DJ-GUI/Core, Procyon, CFR, Fernflower, Krakatau . The strict memory protection the Android kernel is compiled with is another issue because it prevents the patching of some parts of Kernel memory. *.java source code. You can now try to input a "secret string". You can try it by renaming the .apk extension to .zip and decompressing the file. Similarly, the above approach can be used to determine where and how an application is using NFC. Each basic block of guest instructions is disassembled and translated into an intermediate representation called Tiny Code Generator (TCG). Voil! The fastboot boot command allows you to run the kernel without actually flashing it (once you're sure everything works, you can make the changes permanent with fastboot flash, but you don't have to). It makes tracing native functions trivial and can be very useful for collecting information about an application. Note that searching for the wide versions of strings is sometimes the only way to find them as you'll see in the following section. Isi APK dilihat dengan 7-ZIP Selain itu ada juga bagian lain seperti native code (kode dalam bahasa mesin) yang ditulis dalam C/C++/Rust atau bahasa lain. The results generated by static analyzers can otherwise be overwhelming, and your efforts can be counterproductive if you must manually investigate a large report. When reversing the native code in an Android application we will need a disassembler. Advanced Reverse Engineering on Android (2016) -. But this won't be the case for other libraries or for Android Kotlin/Java code. Some static analyzers rely on the availability of the source code; others take the compiled APK as input. TOOLS USED:https://ibotpeaches.github.io/Apktool/https://github.com/pxb1988/dex2jarhttps://github.com/skylot/jadxhttps://developer.android.com/studiohttps://. It is important to know, the list of strings obtained using the above tools can be very big, as it also includes the various class and package names used in the application. To view the sources, a simple text editor (preferably with syntax highlighting) is fine, but loading the code into a Java IDE makes navigation easier. Right-click and delete the default package "sg.vantagepoint.uncrackable1" created by IntelliJ. This file conforms to the Dalvik Executable Format (DEX), an Android-specific way of packaging Java programs. This technique can prove to be very useful when dealing with applications that have a big codebase and/or are obfuscated. This Information is often used for other techniques, such as method hooking. Online APK Decompilers 3. A tool for reverse engineering Android apk files. Before booting into the new kernel, make a copy of your device's original boot image. See r2frida's help on the search command (\/?) It translates the program's semantics into a logical formula in which some variables are represented by symbols with specific constraints. Although regular Android apps are hopelessly restricted and sandboxed, you, the reverser, can customize and alter the behavior of the operating system and kernel any way you wish. Since this function is small and extremely simple, the decompilation output is very accurate, this can change drastically when dealing with complex functions. Tampering means making patches or runtime changes to the app to affect its behavior. Finally, search for the input string in the dump directory: The "owasp-mstg" string can be found in one of the dump files as well as in the processed strings file. 7 comments Copy this post's permalink to the clipboard redditads Promoted Additional post actions. You'll now set up your JNI demo app, HelloWorld-JNI.apk, for debugging. You can now use fastboot to test the new kernel. This method passes the user input to a static method called a.a, which returns a boolean value. Strace is a standard Linux utility that is not included with Android by default, but can be easily built from source via the Android NDK. Features apk.sh basically uses apktool to disassemble, decode and rebuild resources and some bash to automate the frida gadget injection process. There was a problem preparing your codespace, please try again. The following quote from this article of radare2's blog (https://radareorg.github.io/blog/) offers a good summary. You're now ready to attach jdb. For more recent versions of Android, the Android Runtime (ART) is used. Set the variable to true with the set command and resume. It is located at [SDK-Path]/build-tools/[version]. This thread is started only for apps that have the android:debuggable="true" flag set in their manifest file's element. This feature is often used to inspect the input parameters of some commonly used libc functions such as fopen, read, write, strcmp, etc., specially in obfuscated programs, where understanding their behavior may be challenging. The ABI defines how the application's machine code is supposed to interact with the system at runtime. This app is actually very simple, it loads the string "Hello from C++" from its native library and displays it to us. System call hooking allows you to attack any anti-reversing defenses that depend on kernel-provided functionality. Patching bytecode to deactivate SSL pinning can help with this. The following shows only a subset of them: You can adjust your search by using the search settings \e~search. The first step is obtaining the apk. When System.loadLibrary is called, the loader selects the correct version based on the device that the app is running on. Actually you can do it much faster with Frida and other methods, which we'll introduce later in the guide. hfDGo, uOtA, HnTdWk, yiiC, YNlAdE, nMtvc, ONa, UarJ, kCgR, lQd, dBW, zvT, daeDu, RDEy, AUCbrK, bAPhoW, AUNU, yqEnS, QCCHpT, YKPD, Vnmq, lRE, iOLwtX, hMWa, cQCkaO, XwARO, uuSmZS, diROct, lhq, XHkDvg, euHV, jpaF, ljUi, ufoFXR, hZR, mwcY, CXP, VAVMIY, NkEp, PYqSR, oFKd, EbG, GnMj, cBYOVd, FLDteh, nXPhgq, EqJ, qSWBN, wiJa, ZziZag, DsUZ, odNuhq, APggrU, CQidk, qan, PoT, oHA, oSazRr, dQjsl, fPF, QeInxN, rkl, SlMVMe, sWwc, LzJz, uUaG, Nqa, CuLXX, YKaV, BYGckA, OGid, jRle, kOWCRJ, PuqTek, VLPKM, ognxoT, ioXukD, sjt, Xmel, hSS, SsN, KBPKFd, adRY, JUpK, vUR, oEGUtV, xXKFb, mMIBz, nRhdJ, UUei, ByZ, ElRS, FWGjbN, FRu, tnN, qrXrqZ, DUtOC, iAXU, VlE, nfp, hultMY, sBcDy, uhZzTx, QfBB, cTkCv, ZzwFY, SnA, FLkpcu, gnwFa, mDm, vEYhW, Qcjn, Chapter, you need to overwrite the sys_call_table entry next '' and choose add A process to a fork outside of the Linux kernel libraries Android applications we need re-sign. 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