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Using the VehicleInventory trait, create a class namedVehicleInventorySystem that implements all the CRUD methods of the base VehicleInventory trait. Sum for elements in the List = 600, Problem 3:Create a Vector with the following numeric items: 0, 10, 20, 47, -2, 99, -98. }. 3 chocolate biscuits at $3.99 each Click me to see the sample solution, 4. combines functional programming and object-oriented programming. Output: Cars sorted by lowest stock: The output should be as follows: In the previous code we have created an application by using the main(), we have initialized SparkSession. You can configure the IDE to automatically add import statements if there are no options to choose from. The methodshould have no return type, but will output the following details regarding the item parameter. a bike whose make is: fire storm bike Found a valid item = Ice Cream, Problem 5:Write a Scala program and define the following Partial Functions. It will define a checkStock() methodwith an input parameter of the same type as the class's type parameter. { 301||303||305||307||309||311||313||315||317||319||321||323||325||327||329||331||333||335||337||339. Similar to SQL GROUP BY clause, Spark groupBy() function is used to collect the identical data into groups on DataFrame/Dataset and perform aggregate functions on the grouped data. Write a Scala program to check whether a given positive number is a multiple of 3 or a multiple of 7. Problem 3:Write a Scala program that defines a method with an integer input parameter. a car whose make is: vw golf as you see in External Libraries, the Scala test library has been added to the library. fire storm bike. How to count the number of characters in a string in Scala? - a vw golf priced at 12,000 Problem 2:Write a Scala program and use a case class to define a shopping cart item. The output below is obviously the result of creating an object, or instance, of the ShoppingCart class and calling the addCartItem() multiple times with values of VanillaDonut, GlazedDonut, Lollipop, and a String. Favorite Movie: The Matrix, Problem 8:Create a Scala program to parse the corresponding values from the given String"Vanilla Donut 10 2.25", where the literalVanilla Donutis a particular donut, the10literal is the quantity purchased, and2.25is the unit price of each Vanilla Donut. bmw 3 series - a bmw 5 series with price of 50,000 and stock of 75 Use an appropriate data structure from Scala's collection types to storethe above car sample. , Problem12:Assume the following lexical coupon codes: "A", "BB", "CCC", "DDDD", "EEEEE". C++ STL - James who is a secondary student and is 13 years old. Output: vehicleA = honda bike firestorm You should then define a create the following car stock items, and use an appropriatedata structure from Scala's Collection types. C SQL That is, the value function should of course output false for all other numeric values. Using this value function, and starting from the left hand side to the right hand side, remove all elements from the abovementioned data structure that are factors of two. You will write abasic Scala program to represent a car inventory. Problem 24: This Scala exercise is yet another example of Scala's built-in . Write a Scala program to remove the character in a given position of a given string. Sort out the corresponding child to age in reverse alphabet order. Total cost of 10 Glazed Donuts = $25.00. with examinations and outputs. In other words, unlike upper type bounds, the lower type bounds may be too unrestrictive, such as in the example below, where we are able to pass-through a String value to the addCartItem() method. The output for yourScala program should be as follows: Create vehicle = Car(bmw 3 series) Making vehicle = bmw bike r 2000, Problem 21:Write a Scala program that will model a basic Vehicle class system, or type hierarchy,as per the previous Scala exercise. Note that this is different from the default cache level of RDD.cache() which is MEMORY_ONLY. Hi everyone, today I am going to introduce the basis of Spark and Scala from a perspective of a python programmer. "quantity_purchased":"10", 25 "Vest", "Small", 5.99 And, don't forget to get involved, and share any Scala exercises that you think would help the wider Scala community! Next, create a ShoppingCart class that has an addCartItem() method with a parameter named item thatis represented as a lower type bound with respect to the earlier VanillaDonut type. GlazedDonut Its create(), read(), update(), and delete() methods should merely wire in the corresponding methods of the VehicleDatabaseService, such as, addOrUpdate(), get(), and remove(). Scala is a programming language developed by Martin Odersky. Output: You should omit the last numeric item of 150, and each numeric item should have a 10 numeric interval. A sample solution is provided for each exercise. In addition, this particularmakeSimilarCars() method, as its name implies, should only accept objects that are of the sametypes - for instance, you could pass-through two BmwCar objects, and not a BmwCar along witha HondaBike. Output: These methods will, however, not provide any implementation details. 10, Problem 8:Write a Scala program and use a Sequence data structure to store a combination of names to ages as follows: A sample solution is provided for each exercise. Go to the editor You can use the followingshopping cart item as an example: A packet of rice at $10.99 and quantity bought is 5. Go to the editor - a bmw 3 series with price of 20,000 and stock of 200 Go to the editor 10 vanilla ice cream at $2.99 each The given position will be in the range 0string length -1 inclusive. Write a Scala program to create a new string with the last char added at the front and back of a given string of length 1 or more. name = Jack is 15 years old. Problem 1:Create a Scala program that defines a sequence of numbers from 100 to 110. Go to the editor Lets create, The last step of our current project is write, Finally I would like finish to this discussion of scala and sparkk with the example to, We create a single file called Save2.scala, I would like to say that during the developing of our programs, it is recommendable assign the priority to transformations that cost less network cost as, And always try to keep in mind to distribute the computation charge around all possible. - Joe who is 7 years old and whose favorite snack is nothing! Number literals in set one but not in set two = HashSet(5, 10, 1, 3) Using the typesfrom the previous scala exercises - that is, the Donut, VanillaDonut, GlazedDonut, and Pastry classes -try to define a Pastry object that has an upper type bound to the Lollipop type. buying vehicle Bike(honda bike firestorm) You should of course also create a List data structure to store the above-mentioned students. Object- Oriented: Every value in Scala is an object so it is a purely object-oriented programming language. The largest item in the Vector = 99, Problem 4:Let us assume two data structures to represent the following numerals: (1) 1, 3, 5, 10, 20and (2) 20, 17, 18, 99, 0. bmw g 310 r bike When you are pasting blocks of code that contain references to classes or static methods and fields that are not yet imported, the IDE automatically inserts the missing import statements. Python JACK, Problem 7:Write a Scala program and use a case class structure to represent the followingstudents: (1) John who is 7 years old, (2) Jack who is 13 years old, (3) Joe who is15 years old, (4) Jill who is 15 years old, and (5) James who is 11 years old. For instance, define a base abstract class named Student with a name property of type String,and an age property of type Int. Scala programs / examples: This section contains solved Scala programs/examples on the various topics such as basic programs, conditions & control statement-based programs, looping programs, array & string programs, structure programs, function & package-based programs, etc. Create another method similar to the above-mentioned, but this particular method should accept an arbitrary integer input parameters as opposed to just one. 10 vanilla ice cream at $2.99 each Networks To verify your uuid method, you can define thefollowing car sample: Solution: Problem 5:Create a Scala program to calculate the total cost for a customer who is buying 10 Glazeddonuts. C# Java Next, create an instanceof the School class and call its printStudents() method that will output both the primary and secondarystudents. The best way we learn anything is by practice and exercise questions. The SQLImplicits provides some more functionalities like: Convert scala object to dataset. Final Variables, Methods & Classes Programs, Scala program to create the mutable variable, Scala program to create an immutable variable, Scala program to create different types of variables, Scala program to print the value of variables using printf() function, Scala program to create a simple function, Scala program to create a function with arguments, Scala program to return a value from a function using the 'return' statement, Scala program to return a value from the function without using the 'return' statement, Scala program to create a function with default arguments. Click me to see the sample solution, 6. Youcan think of this VehicleServices trait as a layer for encapsulating all the given service layersfor a particular vehicle system. [SecondarySchoolStudent] - name: Jack - age: 15 Output: Output:SESICREXE-ALACS/MOC.ALACSTUOBALLA//:PTTH. name = James, age = 13 * Besides the "BasketValidator" class, you should also define its companion object, along withthe relevant apply() method. Adding or updating vehicle = Car(bmw 3 series) Some times should be hard but we can try. Next, create two case classes, named, Car, and Bike, to model a given Vehicle -using, of course, the Vehicle type. Scala . The final partial functionwill output false for all String inputs. Represent the above items into an appropriate data structure, and thereafter define and use a value function that will remove all fruit items from the shopping basket. It has been updated for Scala 2.13, and you can buy it on Leanpub. For your Scala program, you can thereafter define the following students, and whileexplicitly defining their types: checking stock for vehicle = Bike(honda bike firestorm) Largest number literal = 100.0. Define a value function that will identify whether a given numeric value is divisible by 2. You should see the following output when you run your Scala application in IntelliJ: Problem 2: Create a Scala program to output the following basic JSON notation. One of the main reasons that Apache Spark is important is that allows developers to run multiple tasks in parallel across hundreds of machines in a cluster or across multiple cores on a desktop.All thanks to the primary interaction point of apache spark RDD so call Resilient Distributed Datasets (RDD).Under the hood, these RDDs are stored in partitions and operated in parallel. Create vehicle = Vehicle(bmw car 5 series) Click me to see the sample solution. A generic message, such as, "Found another item", will be the output for all other items. - Jack who is a secondary student and is 11 years old. Narrow transformations are the result of map() and filter() functions and these compute data that live on a single partition meaning there will not be any data movement between partitions to execute narrow transformations. Note also that the resulting output should be represented as an XML element format as shown below. checking price for vehicle = Car(mazda 3 series) Combined sequence of names to ages = James,7,Andy,8,Tommy,10,Bob,13,Sam,10 Combined number literals = List(99.5, 100.0, 50.0, 55.0, 70.0, 100.0, -1.0, 10, 20, 30, 40, 50) Use a List data structure from Scala's collection type to store the above students. Read vehicle = Bike(honda bike firestorm) https://www.includehelp.com some rights reserved. : This book is on our 2020 roadmap in collaboration with a leading data scientist. You should usea case class to model a Car object with a name property of type String, and a priceproperty of type Double. Click me to see the sample solution, 12. Subclasses of scala.App may not work correctly. Next, you should extend - so to speak - the Car typeby having a uuid method, but without modifying the source code of the Car class. with examinations and outputs. Output: Output: We create a file called Transformation1.scala. Write a Scala program to check whether one of the given temperatures is less than 0 and the other is greater than 100. [An editor is available at the bottom of the page to write and execute the scripts. Go to the editor "Polo-Shirt", "Large", 4.99 car uuid = vw passat - 44703299 car uuid = mazda 3 - 846423990, Problem 13:Write a Scala program that will model a very basic student to school abstract data type. Feedback and finally, we will also see how to do group and aggregate on multiple columns. Next, you should use an implicit function thatdefines a uuid method for each Car object, but without manually modifying the aboveCar type and definition. Use an appropriate data structure from Scala's collection types to storethe above car sample. Lollipop Click me to see the sample solution, 13. - John who is a primary student and is 8 years old. Getting vehicle = Car(mazda 3 series) Then, create an object, or instance, of the Vehicle type for a"bmw car 5 series", along with an object, or instance, of the VehicleInventorySystem,and pass-through the Vehicle object to the create(), read(), update(), and delete() methodsof the VehicleInventorySystem object. If there is nocouponCode parameter, then the total cost for a given CartItem will be basically the associatedprice of the CartItem multiplied by its quantity. "James", 7, If you do not have Apache Hadoop installed, follow this link to download and install. "Sam", 10 Then, create another trait named VehicleInventory that also has a type parameter constraint to sub-types of the Vehicle type. name = John, age = 8 Scala programs / examples: This section contains solved Scala programs/examples on the various topics such as basic programs, conditions & control statement-based programs, looping programs, array & string programs, structure programs, function & package-based programs, etc. The printVehicles() method will simply iterate through each of the Vehicle typeand output its corresponding make property. Thereafter, call the checkVehicleStock() method for a given Car "mazda 3 series",and a Bike "Honda bike firestorm". Calculating cost for Chocolate, quantity = 10 Output: For large amount of data such in an ETL pipeline called some times Big Data it is recommendable use Scala with Apache Spark. Facebook The actually uuid heuristics can be very basic, such as, an output with thecombined car name and the car name's hashCode. Problem 3: Create a Scala program to prompt customers for their name and age. Click me to see the sample solution, 20. This particular function will be used to apply thegiven format to the "name" input. Donut Price: $2.25 Scala stands for Scalable language. Read vehicle = Car(mazda car 3 series) Delete vehicle = Vehicle(bmw car 5 series), Problem 19:Write a Scala program and use an abstract class to define a Vehicle type with a nameproperty. Making two CAR vehicles: A tag already exists with the provided branch name. [PrimarySchoolStudent] - name: Joe - age: 7, Problem 14:Write a Scala program that defines a base abstract class to model a Vehicle typethat has a public make property of type String. "donut_name":"Vanilla Donut", Found a valid item = Cupcake Write a Scala program to check whether two given positive integers have the same last digit. Write a Scala program to exchange the first and last characters in a given string and return the new string. Output: Let's see some examples. Articles If the given string length is less than 3, use whatever characters are there. You can choose either Scala or Python depending what type of software should be developed. This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License. Problem 16:Write a Scala program and use a case class to model a Lollipop type with a name propertyof type String. Output: Define another method named"formatNames" which also has an input String called "name". Stay in touch for updates! Thereafter you should define analiased type named CarStock that will in effect, alias, Scala's Tuple2 typeand represent a tuple or pair of Car and Int. The separation of configuration from code is a good practice that makes our system customisable as we can load different configurations according to the environment we are running it in. Write a Scala program to check a given integer and return true if it is within 20 of 100 or 300. Since these shuffles the data, they also called shuffle transformations. SparkSessions object *spark* is default available in spark-shell and it can be created programmatically using SparkSession builder pattern. Using the Vehicle type as the base class, create two case classes, namely, Bike and Car, to model a given bike or car object, respectively. Favorite snack is cupcake, name = Jill is 10 years old. Puzzles Output: Likewise,use this new Car type to create two subsequent classes, namely, a BmwCar, and a MazdaCar class. It came into the market in 2003. C#.Net Scala is a modern multi-paradigm programming language designed to express common programming patterns in a concise, elegant, and type-safe way. Below examples are in no particular sequence and is the first part of our five-part Spark Scala examples post. (By toDS), Convert scala object to dataframe. repartition() Return a dataset with number of partition specified in the argument. Go to the editor The String is of course to illustrate the point that you have to understand the lower type bound constraint, and determine that it is right for your particular use case. Read vehicle = Car(mazda 3 series) - Jill who is a primary student and is 10 years old. vw golf stock = 50 To use the above layers, create a singleton object named VehicleApp that will extendthe VehicleSystem and inject, or mixin, the VehiclesServices trait, for the Vehicle type. math book is required in the classroom. Click me to see the sample solution, 18. a bike whose make is: bmw g 310 r bike Next, writea recursive method that will walk-through your data structure and output true forthe first student that is of 15 years old. Please avoid copyrighted materials. Delete vehicle = Bike(bmw bike r 2000) Donut Purchased: 10, Problem 9: Create a Scala program and use an appropriate data structure to present the following key and value pairs of children and their ages: Bill is 9 years old, Jonny is 8 years old, Tommy is 11 years old, and Cindy is 13 years old. - bmw car 5 series map() transformation is used the apply any complex operations like adding a column, updating a column e.t.c, the output of map transformations would always have the same number of records as input. Write a Scala program to check whether two given integers are in the range 40..50 inclusive, or they are both in the range 50..60 inclusive. The uuid method should have an output with the combined car name and the car name's hashCode. Starting from left to right, removing items that are factors of two, and will Problem 14:Write a Scala program and create two Lists data structures as follows: (1) The first Listwill have items named "pencil", "pen", "sharpener", and (2) The second List will have items name"math book", "french book", "english book". vehicleB = bmw car 5 series - a vw golf priced at 12,000 5 cupcakes at $4.99 each. BB - 2 Output: Making vehicle = mazda car 3 series Scala programs can convert to bytecodes and can run on the JVM (Java Virtual Machine). Write a Scala program to create a new string where 'if' is added to the front of a given string. You should usea case class to model a Car object with a name property of type String, and a priceproperty of type Double. EachStudent type should also have a printName() method with Unit as the return type. polo-shirt is priced at $4.99 for the Large size. 1 Learn Exercises start with the basics and progress with your skill level. - James who is 10 years old and whose favorite snack is chocolate. Click me to see the sample solution, 9. Go to the editor If it appears return a string without 'yt' otherwise return the original string. Click me to see the sample solution, 16. 19 It further defines the following methods: create(), read(), update(), delete(), and each of the methods have a Vehicle type as input parameter, and with no return type. Go to the editor Instructions for sharing are on thescala-exercisessection. The student Joe now wants to add his favorite snack and it is a cupcake. Our code will read and write data from/to HDFS. If the string already begins with 'if', return the string unchanged. The second example foreach(f: (T) Unit): Where unit Iterates all elements in the dataset by applying function f to all elements. It will define a checkPrice() method with an input parameter of the same type as the class'stype parameter. O.S. Name Bob is valid = false, Problem6:Write a Scala program which defines a method named "toUpper" and it acceptsa String as input parameter that is then formatted to upper case as output. name = John is 11 years old. and then you get you first run Hello world. The "validate" method should identify items of type String, Double and Int. [SecondarySchoolStudent] - name: John - age: 11 - a bmw 5 series priced at 50,000 ], Scala Programming Basic [ 26 Exercises with Solution ], Scala Programming String [ 46 Exercises with Solution ], Scala Programming Array [ 40 Exercises with Solution ], Scala Programming List [ 24 Exercises with Solution ], CoffeeScript Exercises, Practice, Solution, Twitter Bootstrap Exercises, Practice, Solution, C Programming Exercises, Practice, Solution, C# Sharp Programming Exercises, Practice, Solution, R Programming Exercises, Practice, Solution, SQL Exercises, Practice, Solution - JOINS, SQL Exercises, Practice, Solution - SUBQUERIES, JavaScript basic - Exercises, Practice, Solution, Java Array: Exercises, Practice, Solution, C Programming Exercises, Practice, Solution : Conditional Statement, HR Database - SORT FILTER: Exercises, Practice, Solution, C Programming Exercises, Practice, Solution : String, Python Data Types: Dictionary - Exercises, Practice, Solution, Python Programming Puzzles - Exercises, Practice, Solution, JavaScript conditional statements and loops - Exercises, Practice, Solution, C# Sharp Basic Algorithm: Exercises, Practice, Solution, Python Lambda - Exercises, Practice, Solution, Python Pandas DataFrame: Exercises, Practice, Solution. Thereaftercreate two sub classes of the Student class, namely, a PrimaryStudent, and a SecondaryStudent. More Scala Final Variables, Methods & Classes Programs Scala program to demonstrate the abstract class, Scala program to create an abstract class with data members, Scala program to create an abstract class with the constructor, Scala program to create an abstract class with the non-abstract method, Scala program to create an abstract class with the final method, Scala program to demonstrate the List collection, Scala program to access items of List collection using the index, Scala program to remove duplicates from list. Top Interview Coding Problems/Challenges! DS Go to the editor - a vw passat priced at 10,000 Finally, output all itemswith the literal " is required in the classroom.". Student(James,11) Write a Scala program to print "Hello, world" and version of the Scala language. Making vehicle = bmw car 5 series Now that we have learn some of the essential things of the IntelliJ IDEA let us start to work with datasets. Use Scala's case class construct to define two sub-classes of the abstract Donut class to define two additional types, namely, a VanillaDonut, and a GlazedDonut. Checking vehicle stock for vehicle = Bike(honda bike firestorm) Therefore, keep in mind the previous classes and traits from the earlier section - that is,abstract class Vehicle, case class Car, case class Bike, trait VehicleDatabaseService,trait VehicleInventory, and class VehicleInventorySystem. Spark persist() method is used to store the DataFrame or Dataset to one of the storage levels MEMORY_ONLY,MEMORY_AND_DISK, MEMORY_ONLY_SER, MEMORY_AND_DISK_SER, DISK_ONLY, MEMORY_ONLY_2,MEMORY_AND_DISK_2` and more. Go to the editor For String types,it will output "Found a valid item = [the item]". This particular base class should also define the methodsignature for a method named studentId() that will have no return type, and no implementation,as the actual implementation details will be left to the subsequent sub-classes. You should then calculate the sum of all the numeric items in the List. 10, 11, 12 as String literals = 10 :: 11 :: 12, Problem4:Write a Scala program and create a class that will be called BasketValidator. This particular Pastry class will further have a name() method that basically calls a given pastry's printName() method - that is of course derived from the upper type bound constraint that is applied to the Pastry's constructor argument. A - 1 Number literals in set two but not in set one = HashSet(0, 17, 18, 99), Problem 5: Write a Scala program and use an appropriate data structure to represent the following number literal: 99.5, 100.0, 50.0, 55.0, 70.0, 100.0, -1.0. Wider transformations are the result of groupByKey() functions and these compute data that live on many partitions meaning there will be data movements between partitions to execute wider transformations. Actions are RDDs operation, that value returns back to the spar driver programs, which kick off a job to execute on a cluster. Next, create objects, or instances, for the following cars, and bikes: Item 2.99 of type Double is not valid. Use the List data structure from Scala's collection type and store the above-mentionedvehicles. Output: 10 useful Scala solved programs Note: When compared to Narrow transformations, wider transformations are expensive operations due to shuffling. Scala Exercises is an open source project for learning various Scala tools and technologies. The output will be partitioned by either numPartitions or the default parallelism level. Web Technologies: Return 0 if the two numbers are equal. The sequence should include the 100 starting number literal, and ends with the 110 number literal. Shopping Basket One = Cake - Milk - Cheese - Toilet Paper Go to the editor Modify the VehicleMaker class from the previous Scala exercise, and make its constructorargument optional, and do remember that the VehicleMaker had a type parameter with aconstraint to the Vehicle type. Kotlin You can use whichever data structure that you feel isappropriate for this particular problem. [SecondarySchoolStudent] - name: James - age: 10 Certificates Is there a student who is 15 years old = true, Problem 8:Write a Scala program and use an abstract class to define a student thatis required to have a name of type String, and an age of type Int. Problem 1:Write a Scala program and use the Tuple type to represent a shopping cart itemwith the following properties: a name, a price, and a quantity bought. The first thing that we are going to do is do the My first Hello World in Scala with Spark. The first thing that we have to do is add the library in build.sbt, And the location of the property file is /src/main/resources/application.conf, and then we create a file called Configuration1.scala, A simple script that will try to load configurations in the following order: 1) From properly named environment variables 2) From command line paramenters 3) From the configuration file, Congratulation we have practiced Scala and Apache Spark with IntelliJ, You can download the project here :https://github.com/ruslanmv/Scala-and-Spark-in-Practice-, References: The example codes of this blog are taken from Udemy and SparkByExamples.com, Spam Detection by using Natural Language Processing NLP, Text to video messages from YouTube by using Tex2Lip, Prediction the Natural Gas Price using Time Series with Long short-term memory (LSTM) Neural Network, How to predict Twitter Sentiment Analysis, 2022 Ruslan Magana Vsevolodovna. bmw 3 series stock = 200, Problem11:Write a Scala program to represent a basic car inventory. spark-shell create RDD You can use the following vehicle samples to modelyour data points: So is treated as future replacement of Java in enterprise software development. Since RDDs are immutable, any transformations on it result in a new RDD leaving the current one unchanged. It is a pure object-oriented programming language which also provides support to the functional programming approach. Read vehicle = Car(mazda 3 series) Student(Jill,15) In addition, create a new type named Bike with a name property of type String that is a sub-class of the Vehicle trait. DBMS Subscribe through email. As asecond tip, experiment with the handy collection functions in Scala thatcan help you avoid boiler-plate code to solve this particular problem. french book is required in the classroom. a car whose make is: bmw 3 series Item 100 should be removed from the basket. Student(Jack,13) It runs on JVM (Java Virtual Machine) and interoperates with existing Java code and libraries. Use the above case class and create the following student objects: Technology and Finance Consultant with over 14 years of hands-on experience building large scale systems in the Financial (Electronic Trading Platforms), Risk, Insurance and Life Science sectors. Write a Scala program to check two given integers, and return true if one of them is 30 or if their sum is 30. This particular trait will act as the underlying feature to interact with some underlying storage layer and, as such, it will have the following methods: addOrUpdate(), get(), and remove().

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scala examples for practice

scala examples for practice

scala examples for practice

scala examples for practice