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[109][110] Chinese hackers posing as The New York Times, Amnesty International and other organization's reporters targeted the private office of the Dalai Lama, Tibetan Parliament members, and Tibetan nongovernmental organizations, among others, in 2019.[111]. Recension par Fabrizio Frigerio, in: Revue de Thologie et de Philosophie, Lausanne, 2005, vol. [citation needed], In 1987, Rinpoche was invited to become spiritual director of the centre in County Cork in the west of Ireland which was to become Dzogchen Beara, Rigpa's first long-term retreat facility. [50] Ma Bufang, together with Kumbum Monastery, then refused to allow him to depart unless he was declared to be the Dalai Lama, but withdrew this demand in return for 100,000 Chinese dollars ransom in silver to be shared amongst them, to let them go to Lhasa. Subsequent to the Annexation of Tibet by the People's Republic of China, during the 1959 Tibetan uprising, the Dalai Lama escaped to India, where he currently lives in exile while remaining the most important spiritual leader of Tibet. The Qing emperor's representatives then insisted a golden urn be used to confirm the incarnation, delaying the enthronement for a year. The word consists of rin (value), po (nominalizing suffix) and chen (big). [308] The Dalai Lama has been successful in gaining Western support for himself and the cause of greater Tibetan autonomy, including vocal support from numerous Hollywood celebrities, most notably the actors Richard Gere and Steven Seagal, as well as lawmakers from several major countries. ;The Trials of Telo Rinpoche. 'My final interview with this remarkable man was toward the end of my visit to China. [14] The Tibetan government administered the historic Tibetan regions of -Tsang, Kham and Amdo.[19]. He also conveyed his own "willingness to consider the possibility that some of the teachings may be specific to a particular cultural and historic context". [322], In 2006, he became one of only six people ever to be granted Honorary Citizenship of Canada. [150], As examples of other teachings, in London in 1984 he was invited to give teachings on the Twelve Links of Dependent Arising, and on Dzogchen, which he gave at Camden Town Hall; in 1988 he was in London once more to give a series of lectures on Tibetan Buddhism in general, called 'A Survey of the Paths of Tibetan Buddhism'. If it is decided that the reincarnation of the Dalai Lama should continue and there is a need for the Fifteenth Dalai Lama to be recognized, responsibility for doing so will primarily rest on the concerned officers of the Dalai Lama's Gaden Phodrang Trust. Buddhist psychology is embedded within the greater Buddhist ethical and philosophical system, and its psychological terminology is colored by ethical overtones. ", https://treasuryoflives.org/biographies/view/Tenth-Dalai-Lama-Tsultrim-Gyatso/4314, Basic points unifying Theravda and Mahyna, https://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=10th_Dalai_Lama&oldid=1102827330, Short description is different from Wikidata, Articles containing Chinese-language text, Articles using infobox templates with no data rows, Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License 3.0, This page was last edited on 7 August 2022, at 03:19. [22] In August 2008 he joined Robert Thurman at the Aspen Institute in Aspen, Colorado, to speak about "Tibets Unique Buddhist Heritage" as part of a symposium called "His Holiness the Dalai Lama at Aspen: A Celebration of Tibetan Culture", organized jointly with the Conservancy for Tibetan Art and Culture. [56], Released from Kumbum, on 21 July 1939 the party travelled across Tibet on a journey to Lhasa in the large Muslim caravan with Lhamo Dhondup, now 4 years old, riding with his brother Lobsang in a special palanquin carried by two mules, two years after being discovered. Time magazine named the Dalai Lama one of the "Children of Mahatma Gandhi" and Gandhi's spiritual heir to nonviolence. Il est considr comme un tertn, dcouvreur d'enseignements[4]. [65] At the age of 11 he met the Austrian mountaineer Heinrich Harrer, who became his videographer and tutor about the world outside Lhasa. [citation needed], On 11 August 2017, following allegations of physical, emotional and sexual abuse from current and ex-members of Rigpa, Sogyal Rinpoche "decided, with immediate effect, to retire as spiritual director from all the organizations that bear the name of Rigpa in different countries around the world". [246][247], The Dalai Lama is outspoken in his concerns about environmental problems, frequently giving public talks on themes related to the environment. [90] In 2019, after the United States passed a law requiring the US to deny visas to Chinese officials in charge of implementing policies that restrict foreign access to Tibet, the US Ambassador to China "encouraged the Chinese government to engage in substantive dialogue with the Dalai Lama or his representatives, without preconditions, to seek a settlement that resolves differences".[91]. His 2010 remarks at the International Buddhist Conference in Gujarat saying that he was "Tibetan in appearance, but an Indian in spirituality" and referral to himself as a "son of India" in particular led the People's Daily to opine, "Since the Dalai Lama deems himself an Indian rather than Chinese, then why is he entitled to represent the voice of the Tibetan people? After the demise of the 13th Dalai Lama, in 1935, the Ordinance of Lama Temple Management (Chinese: )[38][39] was published by the Central Government. [] I think now he's vegetarian most of the time. [48] Before going to Taktser, Kewtsang had gone to Ma Bufang to pay his respects. Un article de Wikipdia, l'encyclopdie libre. Kyabje Zong Rinpoche is Heruka Buddha and I met Heruka." He has pointed out that many rivers in Asia originate in Tibet, and that the melting of Himalayan glaciers could affect the countries in which the rivers flow. [172] As the institute's Cofounder and the Honorary chairman he has personally presided over and participated in all its dialogues, which continue to expand worldwide.[187]. In 2019, Emory University's Center for Contemplative Sciences and Compassion-Based Ethics, in partnership with The Dalai Lama Trust and the Vana Foundation of India, launched an international SEE Learning (Social, Emotional and Ethical Learning) program in New Delhi, India, a school curriculum for all classes from kindergarten to Std XII that builds on psychologist Daniel Goleman's work on emotional intelligence in the early 1990s. In 2004, he served as a keynote speaker at the Parliament of the World's Religions, where over 8,000 religious leaders and lay people gathered in Barcelona in Spain to discuss the issues of religious violence, access to safe water, the fate of refugees worldwide, and the elimination of developing countries' debts. Getting China's political support is Pakistan's compulsion. [131] His public talks and teachings are usually webcast live in multiple languages, via an inviting organisation's website, or on the Dalai Lama's own website. Pour les articles homonymes, voir Gyatso. "[80], The nineteen year old Dalai Lama toured China for almost a year from 1954 to 1955, meeting many of the revolutionary leaders and the top echelon of the Chinese communist leadership who created modern China. The CIA's Secret War in Tibet, Kenneth Conboy, James Morrison, The University Press of Kansas, 2002. Buddhism includes an analysis of human psychology, emotion, cognition, behavior and motivation along with therapeutic practices. But it also reminds us that a compassionate or constructive act whether working in hospitals or just observing social distancing has the potential to help many. Il a tudi les traditions de Surmang sous la tutelle de Kenla, un moine avanc et g, et a reu son ducation monastique primaire au shedra au monastre de Palpung[26]. This led to uncovering GhostNet, a large-scale cyber spying operation which infiltrated at least 1,295 computers in 103 countries, including embassies, foreign ministries, other government offices, and organizations affiliated with the Dalai Lama in India, Brussels, London and New York, and believed to be focusing on the governments of South and Southeast Asia. The ninth Dalai Lama Lungtok Gyatso had died in 1815, and five years would pass before his incarnation was found. Thus they say for example that the Digha reciters did regard 15 as canonical but counted it as part of 10 instead of a separate book. The Khuddaka Nikya (lit. Entitled "High-end dialogue: ancient Buddhism and modern science" it addressed the same considerations that interest the Dalai Lama, described as 'discussing about the similarities between Buddhism and modern science'. Treading a middle path in between these two lies the policy and means to achieve a genuine autonomy for all Tibetans living in the three traditional provinces of Tibet within the framework of the People's Republic of China. The three poisons (Sanskrit: trivia; Tibetan: dug gsum) or the three unwholesome roots (Sanskrit: akuala-mla; Pli: akusala-mla), in Buddhism, refer to the three root kleshas: Moha (delusion, confusion), Raga (greed, sensual attachment), and Dvesha (aversion, hate). l'ge de 15 ans, il dit avoir vu des films de propagande projets par les soldats chinois dans les monastres. A 2015 Reuters investigation determined "that the religious sect behind the protests has the backing of the Communist Party" and that the "group has emerged as an instrument in Beijing's long campaign to undermine support for the Dalai Lama". His main practice was the Buddha Vajrayogini. And also this is not a political matter", he said in the interview. Both surviving subcommentaries on the passage about reciters explain the apparent difference between the reciters as being, not a substantive disagreement on the contents of the Canon, but merely a nominal one on its classification. '"[88], In 1956, on a trip to India to celebrate the Buddha's Birthday, the Dalai Lama asked the Prime Minister of India, Jawaharlal Nehru, if he would allow him political asylum should he choose to stay. The project is based on the book Common Ground between Islam and Buddhism. These activities have given rise to dozens of DVD sets of the dialogues and books he has authored on them such as Ethics for the New Millennium and The Universe in a Single Atom, as well as scientific papers and university research programmes. In 1936, the Method of Reincarnation of Lamas (Chinese: )[40][41] was published by the Mongolian and Tibetan Affairs Commission of the Central Government. They paid Ma Bufang on behalf of the Tibetan government against promissory notes to be redeemed, with interest, in Lhasa. In 2013 an 'academic dialogue' with a Chinese scientist, a Tibetan 'living Buddha' and a professor of Religion took place in Beijing. Soon after his enthronement in 1822, the Dalai Lama received his pre-novice ordination from the Seventh Panchen Lama Lobzang Palden Tenpai Nyima (paN chen bla ma 04 blo bzang dpal ldan bstan pa'i nyi ma)[1][3] and gave him the name Ngawang Lobzang Jampel Tsultrim Gyatso (ngag dbang blo bzang 'jam dpal tshul khrims rgya mtsho). [6] He was born on 6 July 1935, or in the Tibetan calendar, in the Wood-Pig Year, 5th month, 5th day. After a very few minutes, he left. [242] At that time, he reports, "I was so attracted to Marxism, I even expressed my wish to become a Communist Party member", citing his favorite concepts of self-sufficiency and equal distribution of wealth. D. , Colombo, First Edition 1984, p. 113. Nevertheless, many felt that the apology did nothing to address his repeated similar comments throughout the leader's life, finding them sexist. "[295] In 2019, when he was asked about the comment, he repeated it with a laugh, saying, although real beauty is inner beauty, for human beings, the appearance is also very important. "Sophisticated" hackers were linked to universities in China, Beijing again denied involvement. Diana J. Mukpo (pouse de Chgyam Trungpa), Samuel Bercholz, dans la postface Ma vie avec Chgyam Trungpa: (ce livre) raconte l'histoire de manire inspire mais sans passer sous silence des dtails apparemment gnants, Diana J. Mukpo: Quand je me sentais inconfortable dans ce rle de reine, il m'expliquait () et aprs que nous ayons parl, les choses allaient mieux. [47][48][49], On 20 July 2017, Buddhist publication Lion's Roar published an article with excerpts from a letter written and sent to Sogyal Rinpoche by current and former senior Rigpa students, filled with details of accusations. ], A biographical graphic novel, Man of Peace, also envisaging the Dalai Lama's return to Tibet, was published by Tibet House US. I think I am farther to the left than the Chinese leaders. [75], In October 1950 the army of the People's Republic of China marched to the edge of the Dalai Lama's territory and sent a delegation after defeating a legion of the Tibetan army in warlord-controlled Kham. "[209] The Dalai Lama has also praised U.S. states that have abolished the death penalty. It was the best time of my life. [55], On 22 September 1938, representatives of Tibet Office in Beijing informed Mongolian and Tibetan Affairs Commission that 3 candidates were found and ceremony of Golden Urn would be held in Tibet. and Lim, Benjamin Kang. J'ai ralis qu'il m'tait dsormais impossible de chercher prserver ma vie prive, que je ne dtenais plus aucune identit ni lgitimit particulires. [330] He is the chief Patron of the Maha Bodhi Society of India, conferred upon him at the 2008 Annual General Meeting of the Maha Bodhi Society of India. [276][277], In October 2011, the Dalai Lama repeated his statement in an interview with Canadian CTV News. [14] In 1973 he assisted in organizing the Dalai Lama's first visit to the West in Rome, which included an audience with Pope Paul VI. The word khuddaka in the title means small in Pali and Nikya is collection. [161] He has since visited Israel three times, and in 2006 met the Chief Rabbi of Israel. "Evidence to support this linkage has not been found by scholars other than those close to Chinese governmental circles. The Dalai Lama is also currently a member of the Board of World Religious Leaders as part of The Elijah Interfaith Institute[162] and participated in the Third Meeting of the Board of World Religious Leaders in Amritsar, India, on 26 November 2007 to discuss the topic of Love and Forgiveness. The word is used in the context of Tibetan Buddhism as a way of showing respect when addressing those recognized as reincarnated, older, respected, notable, learned and/or an accomplished Lamas or teachers of the Dharma. Until 1912 however, when the 13th Dalai Lama declared the complete independence of Tibet, their rule was generally subject to patronage and protection of firstly Mongol kings (16421720) and then the Manchu-led Qing dynasty (17201912).[67]. Chgyam Trungpa Rinpoch est considr comme l'un des enseignants du bouddhisme tibtain les plus dynamiques du XXesicle[19]. This began with the 5th Dalai Lama's rule in 1642 and lasted until the 1950s (except for 17051750), during which period the Dalai Lamas headed the Tibetan government or Ganden Phodrang. "[264], In 2009, on gender equality and sexism, the Dalai Lama proclaimed at the National Civil Rights Museum in Memphis, Tennessee: "I call myself a feminist. Le livre des morts tibtain: la grande libration par l'audition pendant le bardo, Le site de l'Ecole Occidentale de Mditation, Philosophies.tv Sminaire Mditation et Action: Causeries de Fabrice Midal autour des enseignements de Chogyam Trungpa, A la recherche des besoins perdus: Un regard sur l'enfance et la socit, http://www.buddhistdoor.net/features/the-16th-karmapa-rememberedmdashan-interview-with-ngoumldup-burkhar, Biographies: Venerable Vajracarya Chgyam Mukpo, the XIth Trungpa Rinpoche, La rencontre du bouddhisme et de l'Occident, NEW RELIGIOUS MOVEMENT IN GLOBAL PERSPECTIVE: A STUDY OF RELIGIOUS CHANGE IN THE MODERN WORLD, https://fr.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=Chgyam_Trungpa_Rinpoch&oldid=192108464, Personnalit britannique ne d'un parent tibtain, Personnalit amricaine ne d'un parent tibtain, Article contenant un appel traduction en anglais, Article de Wikipdia avec notice d'autorit, Portail:Religions et croyances/Articles lis, Portail:Rpublique populaire de Chine/Articles lis, Portail:Biographie/Articles lis/Culture et arts, Portail:Biographie/Articles lis/Peinture, Portail:Biographie/Articles lis/Entreprises, licence Creative Commons attribution, partage dans les mmes conditions, comment citer les auteurs et mentionner la licence, Chgyam Trungpa Rinpoch et Fabrice Midal (2004). [251][252] The Dalai Lama supports the anti-whaling position in the whaling controversy, but has criticized the activities of groups such as the Sea Shepherd Conservation Society (which carries out acts of what it calls aggressive nonviolence against property). Conversations with the Dalai Lama, https://www.taoshumi.com/subject/D5/1995/524718.html, "Avalokiteshvara Empowerment - Second Day", "The Golden Urn: Even China Accepts That Only the Dalai Lama Can Legitimise Its Rule in Tibet", "Rinpoche has Departed, A prayer for a Swift Return composed by His Holiness the Dalai Lama", "The Dalai Lama's China Experience and Its Impact", "Official: Dalai Lama's U.S. award not to affect Tibet's stability", 17th National Congress of the Chinese Communist Party, "Dalai Lama Finds China's Threats A Subject for Humor and Anxiety", "Dalai Lama Delays Plan for Formal Talks With China", "U.S. ambassador urges China to talk to the Dalai Lama", "Nobel laureates cancel Cape Town summit after Dalai Lama denied visa", "China says no excuses for foreign officials meeting Dalai Lama", "How David Cameron lost, and then won, China", "Dalai Lama faces cold shoulder as India looks to improve China ties", "Dalai Lama is at the centre of a new great game in Himalayas between India, China & Tibet", "China Cancels Human Rights Talks With Germany", "Obama and Dalai Lama Meet Over China's Objection", "China's ban on displaying Dalai Lama pictures is lifted", "Tibetans Beaten, Detained in Kardze Over Dalai Lama Photos", "Tibetan graduates need to 'expose and criticise Dalai Lama' for Chinese government jobs", "Case Based in China Puts a Face on Persistent Hacking", "Vast Spy System Loots Computers in 103 Countries", "Tracking Cyberspies Through the Web Wilderness", "Cyber-spies based in China target Indian government and Dalai Lama", "Researchers Trace Data Theft to Intruders in China", "China Sharpens Hacking to Hound Its Minorities, Far and Wide", "Dalai Lama opens exhibit of Tibetan art at Ueno", Witness: Reporting on the Dalai Lama's escape to India| Reuters, "Dalai Lama's inner circle listed in Pegasus project data", "Origin of the title of "Dalai Lama" and its related background", "Protesters accuse Dalai Lama of staging 'political show' in Taiwan", "Dalai Lama visits Taiwan typhoon victims", "Dalai Lama visits Taiwan typhoon victims amid Chinese anger", "His Holiness Dalai Lama leading the 33rd Kalachakra World Peace Prayer in Ladakh", "Kalachakra Initiations by His Holiness the Dalai Lama", "Dalai Lama Delivers Kalachakra Buddhist Teaching To Thousands of Devotees", "Dzogchen: The Heart Essence of the Great Perfection", "His Holiness the Dalai Lama in Brisbane", "When Indian Pandit Kamalashila defeated China's Hashang in Tibet", "Dalai Lama teaching Kamalashila text in Australia, 2008", "Compassion in Emptiness: Dalai Lama Teaches Shantideva", "Disciples from over 60 countries attend the Dalai Lama's teachings", "The Seventeen Pandits of Nalanda Monastery", "About the Seventeen Paitas of Nland", "An invocation of the seventeen great sagely adepts of glorious Nalanda", "Tibetan language must to keep Nalanda tradition alive: Dalai Lama", "A Survey of the Paths of Tibetan Buddhism", "His Holiness the Dalai Lama will visit the UK from July 1522 1996", "His Holiness the 14th Dalai Lama to give public talk at Princeton University", "Lehigh University: His Holiness the Dalai Lama", "His Holiness the 14th Dalai Lama visits Macalester, speaks to over 3,500", "The Elijah Interfaith Institute Buddhist Members of the Board of World Religious Leaders", "Third Meeting of the Board of World Religious Leaders", "Dalai Lama inaugurates 6-day world religions meet at Mahua", "Dalai Lama to inaugurate inter-faith conference", "Dalai Lama, Muslim Leaders Seek Peace in Bloomington", "His Holiness the Dalai Lama ushers religious harmony amongst Muslim communities at 'Celebrating Diversity in the Muslim World' Conference", "Carl Sagan and the Dalai Lama found deep connections in 199192 meetings, says Sagan's widow", "Dalai Lama enlightens and enraptures contemplative scientists in Boston", "10 Things You Didn't Know About the Dalai Lama", "The Evolution of the Mind and Life Dialogues", "Gentle Bridges: Conversations with the Dalai Lama on the Sciences of Mind", "The Dalai Lama Centre for Ethics and Transformative Values", "The Science and Clinical Applications of Meditation", "His Holiness the Dalai Lama to Give Special Presentation at Mayo Clinic", "Emory-Tibet Science Initiative receives $1million grant from Dalai Lama Trust", "His Holiness the XIVth Dalai Lama, Tenzin Gyatso Founding Patron, CCARE", "Emory University launches global Social, Emotional and Ethical Learning program", "SEE learning and why we need compassionate classrooms", "Dalai Lama to launch Emory University's SEE Learning program in New Delhi", "High-end dialogue: ancient Buddhism and modern science", "Dalai Lama on Analytic Meditation And How It Helps Cultivate Positivity", "The Dalai Lama Reveals How to Practice Meditation Properly Hack Spirit", "The Dalai Lama and Scientists Unite to Study Meditation", "The Dalai Lama Has Been the Face of Buddhism for 60 Years. In 2011, related allegations were introduced by journalist Mary Finnigan, who was also the main author of the original article in 1995. [170][198], These activities have even had an impact in the Chinese capital. Chung Tai Chan Monastery, Nantou, the tallest Buddhist temple in the world.Height: 136 metres (446 ft) Dharma Drum Mountain, New Taipei City (Fa Gu Shan), international headquarters of Dharma Drum Mountain organization; Fo Guang Shan Monastery, Kaohsiung; Linji Huguo Chan Temple, Zhongshan District, Taipei; Mengjia Longshan Temple, Wanhua District, Taipei [151] Again in London in 1996 he taught the Four Noble Truths, the basis and foundation of Buddhism accepted by all Buddhists, at the combined invitation of 27 different Buddhist organisations of all schools and traditions belonging to the Network of Buddhist Organisations UK. Hirakawa Akira, translated and edited by Paul Groner (1993). Plainclothes police went to hotels and restaurants in Lhasa, the Tibetan capital, on 22 and 23 April and ordered Tibetans to remove pictures of the Dalai Lama"[310] The ban continues in many locations throughout Tibet today. Story of humanity's decline from a golden age in the past, with a prophecy of its eventual return. [60] It was premiered at the International Buddhist Film Festival in London in 2008[61] and shown in other film festivals around the world. ;A Stranger in My Native Land", Basic points unifying Theravda and Mahyna, https://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=Rinpoche&oldid=1113273743, Short description is different from Wikidata, Articles containing Standard Tibetan-language text, Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License 3.0, This page was last edited on 30 September 2022, at 17:29. Plus question pour moi de me cacher derrire une robe de moine, crant de la sorte une espce d'aura insondable, qui s'avrait n'tre pour moi qu'un obstacle. In 2006, he met Pope Benedict XVI privately. [164][165], In 2010, the Dalai Lama, joined by a panel of scholars, launched the Common Ground Project,[166] in Bloomington, Indiana (USA),[167] which was planned by himself and Prince Ghazi bin Muhammad of Jordan during several years of personal conversations. Buddhism in the pre-Thai kingdoms. En 1958, il reoit les titres de kyorpn (docteur en thologie) de khenpo (matre des tudes). [59] The family of the 14th Dalai Lama was elevated to the highest stratum of the Tibetan aristocracy and acquired land and serf holdings, as with the families of previous Dalai Lamas. [189] On the Western side, university and research programmes initiated by these dialogues and funded with millions of dollars in grants from the Dalai Lama Trust include the Emory-Tibet Partnership,[190] Stanford School of Medicine's Centre for Compassion and Altruism Research and Education (CCARES)[191] and the Centre for Investigating Healthy Minds,[192] amongst others. [citation needed] The Dalai Lama has indicated that he wishes to return to Tibet only if the People's Republic of China agrees not to make any precondition for his return. Ma Bufang attacked the Tibetan Buddhist Tsang monastery in 1941. [317][318][319] For a more complete list see Awards and honors presented to the 14th Dalai Lama. It was the best time of my life. It is also concerned with the fate of the working classesthat is, the majorityas well as with the fate of those who are underprivileged and in need, and Marxism cares about the victims of minority-imposed exploitation. He reports hearing of communism when he was very young, but only in the context of the destruction of the Mongolian People's Republic. [193][194][195][196], In particular, the Mind and Life Education Humanities & Social Sciences initiatives have been instrumental in developing the emerging field of Contemplative Science, by researching, for example, the effects of contemplative practice on the human brain, behaviour and biology. The first known film about the life of Buddha was Buddhadev (English title: Lord Buddha) which was produced by the well-known Indian filmmaker Dadasaheb Phalke (18701944) in 1923.. Two years later, another important Buddha film was released, The Light of Asia (Hindi title: Prem Sanyas).This movie was made by the German filmmaker Franz Osten (18751956). I was at a meeting of the Standing Committee of the National Assembly when I received a message asking me to go to see him at this house. Rinpoche, also spelled Rimboche and Rinboku (Tibetan: .mw-parser-output .uchen{font-family:"Jomolhari","Uchen","Noto Serif Tibetan Medium","Noto Serif Tibetan","BabelStone Tibetan Slim","Yagpo Tibetan Uni","Noto Sans Tibetan","Microsoft Himalaya","Kailash","DDC Uchen","TCRC Youtso Unicode","Tibetan Machine Uni","Qomolangma-Uchen Sarchen","Qomolangma-Uchen Sarchung","Qomolangma-Uchen Suring","Qomolangma-Uchen Sutung","Qomolangma-Title","Qomolangma-Subtitle","DDC Rinzin","Qomolangma-Woodblock","Qomolangma-Dunhuang"}.mw-parser-output .ume{font-family:"Qomolangma-Betsu","Qomolangma-Chuyig","Qomolangma-Drutsa","Qomolangma-Edict","Qomolangma-Tsumachu","Qomolangma-Tsuring","Qomolangma-Tsutong","TibetanSambhotaYigchung","TibetanTsugRing","TibetanYigchung"}, Wylie: rin po che, THL: Rinpoch, ZYPY: Rinboq), is an honorific term used in the Tibetan language. He has met the Archbishop of Canterbury, Dr. Robert Runcie, and other leaders of the Anglican Church in London, Gordon B. Hinckley, who at the time was the president of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, as well as senior Eastern Orthodox Church, Muslim, Hindu, Jewish, and Sikh officials.

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