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A trust is a legal relationship in which the holder of a right gives it to another person or entity who must keep and use it solely for another's benefit. the advancement of health or the saving of lives, the advancement of citizenship or community development, the advancement of the arts, culture, heritage or science, the advancement of human rights, conflict resolution or reconciliation or the promotion of religious or racial harmony or equality and diversity, the advancement of environmental protection or improvement, the relief of those in need by reason of youth, age, ill-health, disability, financial hardship or other disadvantages. The time has come for you to seek new levels of reality. Klebold parkte sein Auto vor der Schulcafeteria, Harris parkte knapp 100 Meter entfernt in der Nhe des Schlereingangs. Bernall wurde daraufhin zur Vorzeigechristin der Evangelikalen Bewegung und ihre Mutter verfasste ein Buch ber den angeblichen Mrtyrertod ihrer Tochter, das zum Bestseller wurde. 2) It is a decisive blow against the Russians (a potential source of revenue and blackmail) and the Germans (the temptation to leave the anti-Russian camp in the winter). Friedrich Nietzsche, first influenced by Schopenhauer, developed afterward quite another attitude, arguing that the suffering of life is productive, exalting the will to power, despising weak compassion or pity, and recommending us to embrace willfully the 'eternal return' of the greatest sufferings. The extent of a beneficiary's interest depends on the wording of the trust document. [27] The evolutionary role of physical and mental suffering, through natural selection, is primordial: it warns of threats, motivates coping (fight or flight, escapism), and reinforces negatively certain behaviors (see punishment, aversives). Common practice in Europe is to place bones in an ossuary after the proscribed burial period is over.[53]. Einige von ihnen berichteten spter, dass die Tter durch die Trfenster Blickkontakt mit ihnen aufgenommen, aber keine Anstalten gemacht htten, die Klassenzimmer zu betreten. Charities: In some common law jurisdictions all charities must take the form of trusts. Traditionally a single payment is made at the time of burial, but the cemetery authority incurs expenses in cemetery maintenance over many decades. April 1999 drei Tage vor dem Amoklauf ging Klebold mit mehreren Freunden zur Prom, wo sie ihn gutgelaunt erlebten und er darauf bestand, nach dem Schulabschluss in Kontakt zu bleiben. Die Kosten ihrer medizinischen Versorgung und Rehabilitation beliefen sich im Einzelfall auf bis zu siebenstellige Summen. [166] Kurz vor dem 20. A trust pays CGT at the rate of 20% (individuals pay 10%). Assets can be transferred into the living trust by selling it to the trust (through a loan granted to the trust) or donating cash to it (any natural person can donate R100 000 per year without attracting donations tax; 20% donations tax applies to further donations within the same tax year). For example, it retains the requirement that there be a beneficiary. [200] US-Schler, die nach dem 20. [87] Dafr sprchen unter anderem seine seltsame Schreibweise, sein Gefhl der Selbstentfremdung, sein von anderen als eigentmlich bezeichnetes ueres Erscheinungsbild sowie seine teils paranoiden und wahnhnlichen Gedanken. Therefore, many cemeteries now provide walls (typically of brick or rendered brick construction) with a rectangular array of niches, with each niche being big enough to accommodate a person's cremated remains. (In another jurisdiction this might be thought of as one type of, Revocable trust: A trust of this kind may be amended, altered or revoked by its settlor at any time, provided the settlor is not mentally incapacitated. Married couples may, however, effectively double the estate tax exemption amount by setting up the trust with a formula clause. [108] Am 16. [48] These levels include:[28], Ego death appears in the fourth perinatal matrix. Interactions between the emotional and executive brain systems, congenital insensitivity to pain with anhidrosis, congenital insensitivity to pain with partial anhidrosis, https://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=Suffering&oldid=1119011609, Short description is different from Wikidata, Articles with unsourced statements from June 2014, Articles containing Japanese-language text, Articles containing Portuguese-language text, Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License 3.0, In arts, literature, or entertainment, people may use suffering for creation, for performance, or for enjoyment. Wander Suero strained his left oblique in a win over the Diamondbacks on Saturday. Auf die Ablehnung soll Harris enttuscht, aber nicht niedergeschlagen reagiert haben. Die Aufnahmen wurden nach der Tat verffentlicht und unter dem Titel Rampart Range bekannt. [190] Zum Beispiel schrieb Marilyn Manson, nachdem Time die Tter im Mai 1999 mit der Schlagzeile The Monsters Next Door (Die Monster von nebenan) auf seine Titelseite gebracht hatte, in einem Op-Ed fr den Rolling Stone: [Es ist eine] traurige Tatsache, dass Amerika Mrder auf das Cover des Time-Magazins bringt und ihnen so viel Bekanntheit wie unseren Lieblingsfilmstars verleiht. [173] Auerhalb der Vereinigten Staaten zhlen unter anderem die Amoklufe von Erfurt (2002), Emsdetten (2006), Jokela (2008), Winnenden (2009), Kertsch (2018) und Suzano (2019) zu den Taten, die von Columbine beeinflusst wurden. Under the Common Reporting Standard decree, a trust would in most cases classify as either a Reporting Financial Institution (FI) or a Passive Non-Financial Entity (Passive NFE). Multiple burials is a consequence of the limited size of the urban cemetery, which cannot easily expand due to adjacent building development. But by the early 1800s, existing churchyards were growing overcrowded and unhealthy, with graves stacked upon each other or emptied and reused for new burials. An owner placing property into trust turns over part of their bundle of rights to the trustee, separating the property's legal ownership and control from its equitable ownership and benefits. Often the entire grave is covered by a slab, commonly concrete, but it can be more expensive materials such as marble or granite, and/or has its boundaries delimited by a fence which may be made of concrete, cast iron or timber. Bhanu bhakta simplified the words and meanings and made literature accessible to everyone, a common Nepali was able to grasp the literary sense in his own language.Today, his books have become so popular that the people in and outside Nepal, especially in rural areas, have made it a friend of happiness, sorrow, inspiration and problem. beliefs regarding non-evident matters), most particularly beliefs that certain things are either good or bad by nature. 'to provide for N's education', where N is a family member) instead of a named beneficiary. [3] It is a recurrent theme in world mythology and is also used as a metaphor in some strands of contemporary western thinking.[6]. The problem of healing and improving the global quality of life seems strongly connected to the unpleasantness of the ego-death experience. Both living trusts and wills can also be used to plan for unforeseen circumstances such as incapacity or disability, by giving discretionary powers to the trustee or executor of the will.[56]. Da die Notrufleitungen permanent besetzt waren, riefen einige Schler, die sich noch in der Schule versteckt hielten, bei den Sendeanstalten an, woraufhin sie live im Fernsehen interviewt wurden. Die Beamten kesselten das Schulgebude ein, beobachteten die Ausgnge, evakuierten diejenigen Schler, die es aus dem Gebude geschafft hatten, und gaben Feuerschutz. It is possible for a single individual to assume the role of more than one of these parties, and for multiple individuals to share a single role. Other remarkable books by him are Badhu Sikshya, Bhakta Mala, Prasnottar Mala Kantipuri Nagari, etc. [145] Laut Manson habe dies dazu gefhrt, dass seine damaligen Plattenverkufe eingebrochen seien und er zahlreiche Morddrohungen erhalten habe. [9] One must accept suffering as a just consequence and as an opportunity for spiritual progress. After listening to the grass-cutter answer Bhanu bhakta felt ashamed of himself. He gets three keys that he uses. Beispielsweise berichteten Mitschler ber mehrere Vorflle, bei denen Harris und Klebold mit Glasflaschen oder Lebensmitteln beworfen oder als Schwuchteln beschimpft worden waren. In most jurisdictions, this requires a contractual trust agreement or deed. Despite this fact, little attention is explicitly given to the problem of suffering in medical education, research or practice." [48] This model is inadequate to describe the experiences which result from the use of psychedelics and the use of "powerful techniques", which activate and mobilize "deep unconscious and superconscious levels of the human psyche". Anschlieend ttete Harris die 16-jhrige Kelly Fleming. Zahlreiche Schulen etablierten zudem Verhaltensregeln fr den Fall eines Amoklaufs sowie regelmige Amokalarmbungen. [35], Ab dem 15. Harris Vater, der den Anruf entgegengenommen hatte, hielt die Bestellung fr einen Irrtum und stellte keine weiteren Fragen. And because of his noble work Bhanu bhakta and Nepali language became synonym in Nepali literature.Poet Bhanu bhakta was not only a romantic but a satiric poet too. The concept is also used in contemporary New Age spirituality and in the modern understanding of Eastern religions to describe a permanent loss of "attachment to a separate sense of self"[web 1] and self-centeredness. Klebold ttete den neben Shoels befindlichen 16-jhrigen Matthew Kechter. [11], In Islam, the faithful must endure suffering with hope and faith, not resist or ask why, accept it as Allah's will and submit to it as a test of faith. [137], Trotz Protests aus der Bevlkerung fand am 1. Die Explosion dieser Bombe sollte die Polizei zunchst vom eigentlichen Tatort ablenken, verursachte aber nur ein von den Einsatzkrften nicht weiter beachtetes Grasfeuer. Intention. [12], Also in 1964 Randolf Alnaes published "Therapeutic applications of the change in consciousness produced by psycholytica (LSD, Psilocybin, etc.). [106], Fr die verbleibende Zeit des Schuljahres wurden die Schler der Columbine High School in der nahegelegenen Chatfield High School unterrichtet. The legend of zombies, as romanticized by Wade Davis in The Serpent and the Rainbow, is not exceptional among cemetery myths, as cemeteries are believed to be places where witches and sorcerers get skulls and bones needed for their sinister rituals. [113] Einige berlebende und Hinterbliebene verarbeiteten das Erlebte, indem sie Memoiren schrieben oder zu Aktivisten wurden. [79] Panic attacks were occasionally also labeled as "ego death". Spter fanden die Ermittler auch Hinweise, dass die Tter daran gearbeitet hatten, Napalm herzustellen, das sie am Tattag aber nicht einsetzten. This process is known as khashf. Langman meint, dass Klebold durch sein psychopathisches Verhalten seine Unsicherheit kompensiert habe: Der schchterne Junge, der nicht den Mut hatte, ein Mdchen nach einem Date zu fragen, wurde zu einem einschchternden Massenmrder.[89], Aufgrund der erstellten Profile wird Harris oft als der Drahtzieher und die treibende Kraft hinter dem Amoklauf angesehen, whrend Klebold als Mitlufer eingestuft wird. [175] Allein zum 7. In the United States, state regulations have made it increasingly difficult, if not impossible, to start private cemeteries; many require a plan to care for the site in perpetuity. Cemeteries usually dispose of these flowers after a few weeks in order to keep the space maintained. [193] Das Verbrechen erschtterte die amerikanische Gesellschaft in ihrem normativen Fundament und fhrte zu einer Periode sozialmoralischer Instabilitt sowie Verunsicherung und ngsten in der Bevlkerung. While uncommon today, family (or private) cemeteries were a matter of practicality during the settlement of America. [22] When Aldous Huxley helped popularize the use of psychedelics, starting with The Doors of Perception, published in 1954, [34] Huxley also promoted a set of analogies with eastern religions, as described in The Perennial Philosophy. If the beneficiaries are not Cyprus residents then any income and profit derived from Cypriot sources will be subject to tax. Original: [Eric] went to school to kill people and didnt care if he died, while Dylan wanted to die and didnt care if others died as well. Zitiert nach Daniel Wenger: Original: Eric Harris was not destined to kill. Also, as maintenance of the headstones is the responsibility of family members (in the absence of a proscribed Perpetual Care and Maintenance Fund), over time many headstones are forgotten about and decay and become damaged. It is also a strength that patients are unselected (ie, this is the real world). The nongovernmental research organization Center on Long-Term Risk, formerly known as the Foundational Research Institute, focuses on reducing risks of astronomical suffering (s-risks) from emerging technologies. There are strong restrictions regarding a trustee with a conflict of interest. The word pain usually refers to physical pain, but it is also a common synonym of suffering. There are also stand-alone online "cemeteries" such as Find a Grave, Canadian Headstones, Interment.net, and the World Wide Cemetery.[43][44]. The sensory barrier and the recollective-biographical barrier. April 1999, einem Dienstag, verlieen die Tter vor Sonnenaufgang (6:15 Uhr) ihre Elternhuser. Laut ersten Befragungsstudien zu dem Phnomen handelt es sich berwiegend um junge Frauen im Teenageralter oder in den Zwanzigern, insgesamt gehen Forscher jedoch von einer heterogenen Gruppe mit einem nicht geringen Mnneranteil aus. Der nach der Tat weltweit zu verzeichnende Anstieg an Schulschieereien wird oft als Columbine-Effekt bezeichnet, weil viele der spteren Amoklufer das Schulmassaker von Littleton als Inspiration fr ihre eigene Tat nannten. Und das sind sie. The words pain and suffering are often used both together in different ways. [64] Jeff Shore further explains that "no self" means "the permanent ceasing, the falling away once and for all, of the entire mechanism of reflective self-consciousness". Im Rahmen der Renovierung, deren Kosten sich auf 1,2 Mio. A mere expression of hope that a trust be created does not constitute the intent to create a trust. Powerhouse An unusually strong hand. According to David Pearces online manifesto "The Hedonistic Imperative,"[30] suffering is the avoidable result of Darwinian evolution. [107] Der Signalton des Feueralarms, der am Tattag stundenlang im Schulgebude zu hren war, wurde ebenfalls gendert, um den Schlern ein fortwhrendes Wiedererleben der Ereignisse zu ersparen. Commercial banks acting as trustees typically charge about 1% of assets under management.[25]. Instead of being empowering and fulfilling, the way Buddhist literature claims it will be, it turns into the opposite. A natural cemetery, eco-cemetery, green cemetery or conservation cemetery, is a new style of cemetery as an area set aside for natural burials (with or without coffins). 2019, S. 146 ff. Generation-skipping trusts can still be used to provide financial benefits to a grantor's children, however, because any income generated by the trust's assets can be made accessible to the grantor's children while still leaving the assets in trust for the grandchildren. . Those who could not pay for a headstone at all usually had some religious symbol made from wood on the place of burial such as a Christian cross; however, this would quickly deteriorate under the rain or snow. We celebrate his anniversary in respect to the foundation of language laid by him. This allows the grantor to avoid the estate taxes that would apply if the assets were transferred to their children first. [56] Existential anxiety arises when one realizes that the feeling of "I" is nothing more than a perception. Its human position; how it takes place Thus, people pay due respect and honor him every year on 13th July as Bhanu Jayanti. [23] Harris schrieb in seinem ab April 1998 gefhrten Tagebuch zunehmend konkret ber ihr Vorhaben, das ursprnglich aus mehreren Akten bestand: Zunchst planten sie, zwei selbst gebaute Propangasbomben mithilfe von Zeitzndern in der Schulcafeteria explodieren zu lassen. Durch Schsse und das Werfen eines Sprengsatzes in Richtung der beiden Propangasbomben versuchten die Tter, diese doch noch zur Explosion zu bringen, verursachten dabei aber lediglich einen Brand. In Europe, this was often accompanied by a depiction of their coat of arms. Nachdem das Gebude gesichert worden war, begannen circa 40 Beamte damit, auf einer Flche von fast 25.000m Spuren zu sichern. [28] The concept quickly spread across Europe.[30]. Peter Singer's writings, especially the book Animal Liberation, represent the leading edge of this kind of utilitarianism for animals as well as for people. Such a shift in personality has been labeled an "ego death" in Buddhism, or a psychic death by Jung. Robyn Anderson und Mark Manes stellten sich am Tag nach dem Amoklauf bzw. Mit der Verbreitung von E-Book-Readern werden E-Books zunehmend in einem Format angeboten, [62] "No ego" comes prior to the unitive state; with the falling away of the unitive state comes "no self". [18], In comparative mythology, ego death is the second phase of Joseph Campbell's description of the Hero's Journey,[4][5][6][3] which includes a phase of separation, transition, and incorporation. [141], In frhen Medienberichten wurde behauptet, dass die Tter Mitglieder der sogenannten Trench Coat Mafia gewesen seien. April 1999 an der Columbine High School in Columbine, einem nahe Littleton gelegenen Vorort von Denver im US-Bundesstaat Colorado. Whrend Klebold zu schchtern war, um Mdchen anzusprechen, wurde Harris hufig abgewiesen. When Bhanu bhakta was 22 years, he was influenced by an incident so much that made him to turn out a poet. Trustee: A person (either an individual, a corporation or more than one of either) who administers a trust. In der sozialen Hierarchie der Schule standen sie auf der untersten Stufe, entgegen ursprnglichen Medienberichten waren sie jedoch keine Einzelgnger, sondern hatten einen vergleichsweise groen Freundeskreis, der vor allem aus Nerds und Computerfreaks bestand. [10], Laut mehreren Zeugen wurden beide Tter oft von den sozial erfolgreicheren Schlern sogenannten Jocks gemobbt, wobei sie sowohl verbal als auch physisch attackiert wurden. A second caveat is that the terms physical or mental should not be taken too literally: physical pain or suffering, as a matter of fact, happens through conscious minds and involves emotional aspects, while mental pain or suffering happens through physical brains and, being an emotion, involves important physiological aspects. Den Verantwortlichen der Schule wurde vorgeworfen, Warnsignale bersehen zu haben. Er spielte ebenfalls Fuball und war Pitcher in der Little League. Existential pain an entity, a provocation, or a challenge? [3] It describes a common theme found in many cultures worldwide,[3] and is also described in many contemporary theories on personal transformation. Many urban cemeteries have fallen into disrepair and become overgrown, as they lacked endowments to fund perpetual care. From about the 7th century CE, in Europe a burial was under the control of the Church and could only take place on consecrated church ground. [39], Die Selbstinszenierung der beiden Tter zeigte sich auch anhand ihrer Kleidung: In ihren selbstgedrehten Videos zeigten sie sich hufig mit umgedrehten Baseballcaps, Sonnenbrillen und in langen schwarzen, Trenchcoat-hnlichen Mnteln. Hunter S. Thompson, who tried LSD,[85] saw a self-centered base in Leary's work, noting that Leary placed himself at the centre of his texts, using his persona as "an exemplary ego, not a dissolved one". The settlor must not be a resident of Cyprus for at least 1 year prior to the establishment of the Cyprus International Trust. [37] [11] Im Dezember 1998 drehten Harris und Klebold im Rahmen ihres Videokurses einen fiktionalen Kurzfilm mit dem Titel Hitmen for Hire, in dem sie Auftragskiller spielen, die den Peiniger eines Mobbingopfers erschieen und eine Schule in die Luft sprengen. With notable exceptions, assets held by the trust are not owned by the trustees or the beneficiaries, the creditors of trustees or beneficiaries can have no claim against the trust. Gorkhas celebrate Bhanu jayanti not just for merry making or for entertainment. [158], Ebenfalls bemngelt wird die seit der Tat vielerorts verfolgte Nulltoleranzstrategie bezglich der Bedrohung von Mitschlern oder des Waffenbesitzes auf dem Schulgelnde. David Pearce, for his part, advocates a utilitarianism that aims straightforwardly at the abolition of suffering through the use of biotechnology (see more details below in section Biology, neurology, psychology). [68], Zen Buddhist training does not end with kensh, or insight into one's true nature. This embodied the idea of state- rather than church-controlled burial, a concept that spread through the continent of Europe with the Napoleonic invasions. One of the most significant aspects of trusts is the ability to partition and shield assets from the trustee, multiple beneficiaries, and their respective creditors (particularly the trustee's creditors), making it "bankruptcy remote", and leading to its use in pensions, mutual funds, and asset securitization[11] as well protection of individual spendthrifts through the spendthrift trust. In some ways, the modern English trust is, when compared to other jurisdictions, more conservative in its requirements. Post mortem (Slang) A discussion of a hand, and the nature of the result, after the play has concluded. The beneficiaries must not be residents of Cyprus for at least 1 year prior to the establishment of the Cyprus International Trust. In seiner ueren Erscheinung war er ein stiller und schchterner, aber normaler Teenager mit Zukunftsplnen, der am gesellschaftlichen Leben teilnahm und von vielen seiner Altersgenossen gemocht wurde. Usually there is a legal requirement to maintain records regarding the burials (or interment of ashes) within a cemetery. Thus, Gorkhas of Nagaland celebrate his anniversary with self-volunteerism, as we feel that he owes this respect and honor. September 2001 handelte es sich um den Massenmord mit den meisten Todesopfern auf US-Territorium. [94], ber die Beweggrnde der Tter wurde intensiv spekuliert, sie konnten jedoch nicht mit Gewissheit geklrt werden. Die Trauer- und Traumabewltigung wurde durch aufdringliche Sensationsjournalisten, Katastrophentouristen und Drohungen von Trittbrettfahrern erschwert. Whrend Harris weiter um sich schoss, ging Klebold die Treppe hinunter zum Seiteneingang der Cafeteria, um wie die Ermittler spter vermuteten nachzusehen, warum die Bomben nicht explodiert waren. This again has a bad effect on themselves, tending to make them sour and gloomy. I si a patria do homi sua lengua, cumu ida Albert Camus, o que est claru que a lengua est mui por encima de fronteiras, serras, rius i maris, de situacis pulticas i sociu-econmicas, de lazus religiosus e inclusu familiaris. [186], Trotz der vielfach geuerten Befrchtung, dass ihre Verffentlichung die berlebenden retraumatisieren knnte, strahlte CBS News im Oktober 1999 die Schwarz-Wei-Aufnahmen der Videoberwachungsanlage aus, die am Tattag in der Schulcafeteria entstanden waren und die Flucht der Schler sowie die bewaffneten Tter whrend des Amoklaufs zeigen. Suffering is the basic element that makes up the negative valence of affective phenomena.The opposite of suffering is pleasure or happiness.. Unlike trusts, wills must be signed by two to three witnesses, the number depending on the law of the jurisdiction in which the will is executed. In the US, a 'protective trust' is a type of trust that was devised for use in estate planning. Mrz 1998 zur Teilnahme an einem zwlfmonatigen Programm fr jugendliche Ersttter (Diversion Program) verpflichtet, whrend dessen sie gemeinntzige Arbeit leisten, an Beratungssitzungen teilnehmen und ein Anti-Aggressivitts-Training durchlaufen mussten. Richard Ryder came to the same conclusion in his concepts of 'speciesism' and 'painism'. 1,5 Mio. [32] Following the establishment of Mount Auburn, dozens of other "rural" cemeteries were established in the United States perhaps in part because of Supreme Court Justice Joseph Story's dedication address and there were dozens of dedication addresses,[33] including the famous Gettysburg Address of President Abraham Lincoln. [note 9] In response to The Psychedelic Experience he wrote: While I was at Starwood, I was getting mightily annoyed by all the people out there who were deluding themselves and others into believing that a cheap dose of acid, 'shrooms, peyote, "molly" or whatever was going to get them to a higher spiritual plane [] While I was at that campsite I sat and read most of the book The Psychedelic Experience by Timothy Leary and Richard Alpert (aka Baba Ram Dass, later of Be Here Now fame). Um 16:00 Uhr gab der Sheriff gegenber den Medien den Tod der Tter bekannt und schtzte die Anzahl der Todesopfer irrtmlich auf etwa 25. Even under common law systems, the basic notion of a trust has been implemented in strikingly different ways. [25] It typically includes a phase of separation, transition, and incorporation. Another issue relates to limited amount of land. Es war nicht der erste Amoklauf an einer Schule in den Vereinigten Staaten, aufgrund der enormen Medienberichterstattung erregte der Fall jedoch erstmals weltweites Aufsehen. Get Lip Lift Surgery From Dr.Anmol Chugh in Gurgaon, Delhi NCR.Dr.Anmol Chugh is a specialist in Lip Lift Surgery and has 15 + experience Book online now +91-9588754188 [email protected] Lip Lift . [68] Zu Beginn des Ermittlungsverfahrens glaubten die Beamten aufgrund des Ausmaes der Tat, dass es weitere Tatbeteiligte geben msse, und so gerieten auch einige Schulfreunde von Harris und Klebold unter Tatverdacht. George Harrison and Paul McCartney also concluded that LSD use didn't result in any worthwhile changes. [69] Insgesamt dauerte das Ermittlungsverfahren, an dem rund 100 Beamte von 20 verschiedenen Behrden beteiligt waren, sechs Monate. [76] According to Yamada Koun, "if you cannot weep with a person who is crying, there is no kensho". The property subject to the trust must be clearly identified (. [155] Aufgrund ihres historischen Werts werden sie im Nationalarchiv der USA aufbewahrt. Journalism in the.. We review the trial court s decision about whether to order a mental health examination or to order an evidentiary hearing before a The re-use of graves already used for burial can cause considerable upset to family members.

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