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This makes Utah the 4th state to have privacy legislation set for enforcement in 2023. This cookie is set by GDPR Cookie Consent plugin. The Utah Consumer Privacy Act is no exception as it applies to anyone collecting the personal data of Utah residents that does business in Utah or that produce a product or service that is targeted to consumers that are located in Utah and that meet one or more of the following criteria: Has annual revenue of $25,000,000 or more; and Latham & Watkins works in cooperation with the Law Firm of Salman M. Al-Sudairi, a limited liability company, in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. "The Utah legislature appears poised to advance a privacy bill that falls short of protecting the privacy rights of its citizens," Consumer Reports Senior Policy Analyst Maureen Mahoney said. Investigation, Enforcement, and Private Actions. Like other data privacy laws, the UCPA explicitly creates additional protections surrounding sensitive data. Under the UCPA, the following are considered sensitive data: (1) personal data that reveals an individuals racial or ethnic origin, religious beliefs, sexual orientation, citizenship or immigration status, or information regarding an individuals medical history, mental or physical health condition, or medical treatment or diagnosis by a health care professional; (2) processing of genetic personal data or biometric data for the purpose of identifying a specific individual; and, While the sensitive data definition is similar to those in the VCDPA and CPA, the UCPA provides a more relaxed consent requirement. Like these other privacy laws, the UCPA provides consumers with broad protection and rights concerning the collection, use, processing, sharing and sale of their . Performance cookies are used to understand and analyze the key performance indexes of the website which helps in delivering a better user experience for the visitors. The new law defines a sale as the exchange of personal data for monetary consideration by a controller to a third party.[9] Like in the VCDPA and CPA, the UCPA language excludes the broader valuable consideration language found in the CCPA. In both the VCDPA and CPA, controllers may not process sensitive personal data unless consumers opt in. Submit a comment about this post to the editor. [11], Like the CPA, the UCPA explicitly provides that controllers and processors are not required to disclose trade secrets in response to a consumer request[12] though notably the Office of the California Attorney General recently recognized that the CCPA does not require this either.[13]. This means that the information commonly collected by business websites such as names, emails, phone numbers, IP addresses or physical addresses would all be considered personal data under this law. Nicole Cloyd practices in the firm's Business Representation & Transactions Group and Intellectual Property Group, where she assists individuals and businesses on a broad range of intellectual property and technology . Spencer Cox, R-Utah, on March 24, 2022. The UCPA then provides the Attorney General with the exclusive authority to enforce the law. AUSTIN, BEIJING, BOSTON, BRUSSELS, CHICAGO, DUBAI, DSSELDORF, FRANKFURT, HAMBURG, HONG KONG, HOUSTON, LONDON, LOS ANGELES, MADRID, MILAN, MUNICH, NEW YORK, ORANGE COUNTY, PARIS, RIYADH*, SAN DIEGO, SAN FRANCISCO, SEOUL, SHANGHAI, SILICON VALLEY, SINGAPORE, TEL AVIV, TOKYO AND WASHINGTON, D.C. * IN COOPERATION WITH THE LAW FIRM OF SALMAN M. AL-SUDAIRI LLC. For example, Iowa is currently moving forward with a similar data privacy bill. On March 24, 2022, the Utah Consumer Privacy Act (UCPA) was signed into law by Governor Spencer Cox, becoming the latest addition to comprehensive state privacy laws in the US. The UCPA then provides the Attorney General with the exclusive authority to enforce the law. Do not include confidential information in comments or other feedback or messages left on the Global Privacy & Security Compliance Law Blog Blog, as these are neither confidential nor secure methods of communicating with attorneys. April 13, 2022. Utah is fourth state in the United States to sign privacy legislation into lawand it grants Utah residents certain rights for personal data. Needless to say, this is not a substitute for legal advice or reading the rules and regulations we have summarized. Utah enacts data privacy legislation in the mold of California, Colorado, and Virginia, but with less onerous requirements for businesses, in what is expected to be a model for more states going forward. In a welcome change for businesses, however, the UCPA is narrower in certain respects as compared to its analogues in California (CCPA/CPRA), Colorado (CPA), and Virginia (VCDPA). [16] But the Division has no enforcement authority. In addition to notice, the UCPA provides consumers the following rights: Unlike California, Virginia, and Colorado, however, under the UCPA, Utah consumers do not have the right to correct their personal data, nor do they have the right to opt out of the processing of personal data for purposes of profiling in furtherance of decisions that produce legal or similarly significant effects concerning the consumer. .eg-logo-slider-container{background:transparent} .minimal-light .navigationbuttons,.minimal-light .esg-pagination,.minimal-light .esg-filters{text-align:center}.minimal-light .esg-filter-wrapper.dropdownstyle >.esg-selected-filterbutton,.minimal-light input.eg-search-input,.minimal-light .esg-filterbutton,.minimal-light .esg-navigationbutton,.minimal-light .esg-sortbutton,.minimal-light .esg-cartbutton a,.minimal-light .esg-filter-wrapper.eg-search-wrapper .eg-search-clean,.minimal-light .esg-filter-wrapper.eg-search-wrapper .eg-search-submit{color:#999; margin-right:5px; cursor:pointer; padding:0px 16px; border:1px solid #e5e5e5; line-height:38px; border-radius:5px; font-size:12px; font-weight:700; font-family:"Open Sans",sans-serif; display:inline-block; background:#fff; margin-bottom:5px; white-space:nowrap; min-height:38px; vertical-align:middle}.minimal-light input.eg-search-input::placeholder{line-height:38px; vertical-align:middle}.minimal-light .esg-navigationbutton *{color:#999}.minimal-light .esg-navigationbutton{padding:0px 16px}.minimal-light .esg-pagination-button:last-child{margin-right:0}.minimal-light .esg-left,.minimal-light .esg-right{padding:0px 11px}.minimal-light .esg-sortbutton-wrapper,.minimal-light .esg-cartbutton-wrapper{display:inline-block}.minimal-light .esg-sortbutton-order,.minimal-light .esg-cartbutton-order{display:inline-block; vertical-align:top; border:1px solid #e5e5e5; width:40px; line-height:38px; border-radius:0px 5px 5px 0px; font-size:12px; font-weight:700; color:#999; cursor:pointer; background:#fff}.minimal-light .esg-cartbutton{color:#333; cursor:default !important}.minimal-light .esg-cartbutton .esgicon-basket{color:#333; font-size:15px; line-height:15px; margin-right:10px}.minimal-light .esg-cartbutton-wrapper{cursor:default !important}.minimal-light .esg-sortbutton,.minimal-light .esg-cartbutton{display:inline-block; position:relative; cursor:pointer; margin-right:0px; border-right:none; border-radius:5px 0px 0px 5px}.minimal-light input.eg-search-input.hovered,.minimal-light input.eg-search-input:focus,.minimal-light .esg-navigationbutton.hovered,.minimal-light .esg-filterbutton.hovered,.minimal-light .esg-sortbutton.hovered,.minimal-light .esg-sortbutton-order.hovered,.minimal-light .esg-cartbutton.hovered a,.minimal-light .esg-filter-wrapper.dropdownstyle >.esg-selected-filterbutton.hovered,.minimal-light .esg-filterbutton.selected,.minimal-light .esg-filter-wrapper.eg-search-wrapper .eg-search-clean.hovered,.minimal-light .esg-filter-wrapper.eg-search-wrapper .eg-search-submit.hovered{background-color:#fff; border-color:#bbb; color:#333; box-shadow:0px 3px 5px 0px rgba(0,0,0,0.13)}.minimal-light .esg-navigationbutton.hovered *{color:#333}.minimal-light .esg-sortbutton-order.hovered .tp-desc{border-color:#bbb; color:#333; box-shadow:0px -3px 5px 0px rgba(0,0,0,0.13) !important}.minimal-light .esg-filter-checked{color:#cbcbcb; background:#cbcbcb; margin-left:10px; font-size:9px; font-weight:300; line-height:9px; vertical-align:middle}.minimal-light .esg-filter-wrapper.dropdownstyle .esg-filter-checked{margin-left:-22px; margin-right:10px}.minimal-light .esg-filterbutton.selected .esg-filter-checked,.minimal-light .esg-filterbutton.hovered .esg-filter-checked{color:#fff; background:#000}.minimal-light .esg-filter-wrapper.eg-search-wrapper{white-space:nowrap}.minimal-light .esg-filter-wrapper.eg-search-wrapper .eg-search-clean,.minimal-light .esg-filter-wrapper.eg-search-wrapper .eg-search-submit{width:40px; padding:0px; margin-left:5px; margin-right:0px}.minimal-light .esg-filter-wrapper.eg-search-wrapper .eg-search-input{width:auto}.minimal-light .esg-dropdown-wrapper{transform:translateZ(10px) translateX(-50%); left:50%; background:rgba(255,255,255,0.95); border-radius:5px; border:1px solid #e5e5e5}.minimal-light .esg-dropdown-wrapper .esg-filterbutton{position:relative; border:none; box-shadow:none; text-align:left; color:#999; background:transparent; line-height:25px; min-height:25px}.minimal-light .esg-dropdown-wrapper .esg-filterbutton.hovered,.minimal-light .esg-dropdown-wrapper .esg-filterbutton.selected{color:#333}.minimal-light .esg-selected-filterbutton .eg-icon-down-open{margin-right:-10px; font-size:12px}.minimal-light .esg-selected-filterbutton.hovered .eg-icon-down-open{color:#333} These industry groups are working toward a uniform set of privacy laws in the United States, and Utah could set an example for additional states. A new consumer privacy act has been signed into law in Utah and takes effect as 2023 ends, the fourth state bill of this nature to be passed. 131 (6) (a) "Consumer" means an individual who is a resident of the state acting in an 132 individual or household context. Unlike other state privacy legislation, the Utah law doesn't require businesses to conduct data protection assessments for the processing of sensitive information. The Utah The Utah Consumer Privacy Act is a 22-page bill that contains requirements for how businesses must handle personal data and gives Utah citizens some consumer rights. The UCPA was introduced on February 17, 2022, and sped through the state legislature, receiving final passage on March 3, 2022. The UCPA affords consumers four fundamental rights: Access: The right to confirm whether a controller is processing the consumer's personal data and access to such data. Read more about the Utah Consumer Privacy Act with Transcend in this blog post. We also use third-party cookies that help us analyze and understand how you use this website. March 8, 2022 The Utah Consumer Privacy Act ("UCPA" or the "Act") is on its way to the Governor's desk. These industry groups are working toward a uniform set of privacy laws in the United States, and Utah could set an example for additional states. [2] Controllers shall take action on a consumers request within 45 days and inform them of any action taken on the consumers request. Under UCPA, businesses that control or process Utah consumers personal data must uphold new rights afforded to those consumers. "The bill lacks key elements that would make it workable for consumers, like a global opt out, and its provisions likely wouldn't rein in tech giants . Identify data falling under UCPA and other geographically-based regulations to take appropriate compliance measures. Full text of the different versions of the Consumer Privacy Act of the United States in the form of a website so everyone can access it quickly. The UCPA does not impose any new privacy obligations on businesses that are not already required in California, and businesses will be familiar with the UCPAs requirements all of which have appeared in existing and forthcoming state data privacy laws. If the personal data are processed by a person licensed to provide health care under Utah Code, Title 26, Chapter 21, Health Care Facility Licensing and Inspection Act, or Utah Code, Title 58, Occupations and Professions, information regarding an individual's medical history, mental or physical health condition, or medical treatment or . CCPA Will Now Fully Regulate Personnel and B2B Information, California Attorney Generals Office Announces First Public CCPA Enforcement Action. It has broad exemptions for entities regulated under certain federal laws (with language that is seemingly broader than the exemptions in place in California), is only enforceable by the Utah AG (and includes a 30-day cure period), does not provide the Utah AG with any rulemaking authority, and does not provide consumers with the ability to opt . Utah Passes Comprehensive Consumer Privacy Legislation On March 24, 2022, Utah became the fourth U.S. state to adopt consumer data privacy legislation after Utah Gov. The Act cleared the State Senate on February 25 and was unanimously approved by the House of Representatives on March 2. This law goes into effect on December 31, 2023 and businesses that need to comply with this law should start preparations now to ensure that they are ready before the effective date. This law applies to controllers and processors operating or targeting residents of Utah, with an annual revenue of $25,000,000 or more, and either: Webinar 11/3 at 12pm EDT: Scale & Secure Data with Effective Governance. Below is a summary of the UCPA. 10, 2022), available at https://oag.ca.gov/system/files/opinions/pdfs/20-303.pdf. The categories of personal data that you process; The purposes for which you process that personal data; How consumers can exercise their privacy rights; The categories of personal data that you share with third parties, if any; The categories of third parties, if any, with whom you share personal data; If you sell personal data or engage in targeted advertising, the manner in which consumers may opt out of such use or sales. [16] But the Attorney Generals ability to bring an enforcement action appears to be conditioned on a referral from the Division: Upon referral from the division, the attorney general may initiate an enforcement action against a controller or processor for a violation of this chapter.[17], Prior to bringing an enforcement action, the Attorney General must notify the controller or processor of the potential violation. [21] However, the Attorney General may bring an enforcement action against businesses that fail to cure a violation or continue to violate the law after providing a written statement. If written into law, Utah will be the fourth state to pass comprehensive consumer data privacy legislation. Controls or processes the personal data of 100,000 consumers or more during a calendar year or The CDMHub ensures only data stewards with appropriate security permissions have access to data for review purposes. This cookie is set by GDPR Cookie Consent plugin. The law goes into effect Dec. 31, 2023. These cookies will be stored in your browser only with your consent. 1. Spencer Cox, R-Utah, signed the Utah Consumer Privacy Act into law, making Utah the fourth state to enact comprehensive consumer privacy legislation. It also applies if you produce or deliver commercial products or services targeted to Utah residents with annual revenue of at least $25 million, plus one of the following two items. Utah Consumer Privacy Act signed Published by Cory Underwood on March 24, 2022 Utah several weeks ago passed through both chambers Senate Bill 227, the Utah Consumer Privacy Act, which was signed today, March 24th, into law by Governor Spencer J Cox. To embed, copy and paste the code into your website or blog: Your first step to building a free, personalized, morning email brief covering pertinent authors and topics on JD Supra: [HOT] Read Latest COVID-19 Guidance, All Aspects [SCHEDULE] Upcoming COVID-19 Webinars & Online Programs, [GUIDANCE] COVID-19 and Force Majeure Considerations, [GUIDANCE] COVID-19 and Employer Liability Issues. With the recent signing of the Utah Consumer Privacy Act ( UCPA) by Gov. The UCPA does not impose any new privacy obligations on businesses that are not already required in California, and businesses will be familiar with the UCPAs requirements all of which have appeared in existing and forthcoming state data privacy laws. Furthermore, the UCPA provides additional clarity over the scope of a Utah consumers right to opt out of processing for purposes of targeted advertising. In the United States, privacy impact assessments are quickly becoming one of the trending requirements of new legislation and proposed bills. The privacy rights provided by this new law, Privacy Policy requirements of the Utah Consumer Privacy Act, Why accessibility is important when it comes to cookie consent. In Utah, however, controllers may process sensitive data as long as they provide consumers with clear notice and an opportunity to opt out. Under the UCPA, the Division has the authority to investigate consumer complaints to determine whether a violation has occurred. Under the Utah Consumer Privacy Act, consumers within the state are entitled to the following data protection and personal privacy rights: The right to be informed of the collection and processing of their personal data. Utah's Consumer Privacy Bill commencement date The Bill still has several hurdles to jump through before becoming law. It is the fourth state to pass privacy legislation following California, Virginia, and Colorado. This cookie is set by GDPR Cookie Consent plugin. Notably, all of the consumer rights guaranteed by the UCPA already exist in other state data privacy laws. Proposals in Florida, Indiana, and Wisconsin that passed one chamber this year each failed after time ran out in those states legislative sessions. The UCPA was. Utah Consumer Privacy Act In March 2022, Utah's Consumer Privacy Bill passed the State House. Legislative Research and General Counsel / Enrolling. [19] The Attorney General may not initiate an action if the controller or processor cures the violation and provides an express written statement that the violation has been cured and no further violation will occur. Labor law, Lawyer, Attorney at law. [15] But the Division has no enforcement authority. 20-303 (Mar. Is your Wordpress Privacy Policy compliant? The UCPA excludes the following exchanges of personal data from the definition of a sale: (1) disclosure of personal data to a processor that processes personal data on behalf of the controller; (2) disclosure of personal data to an affiliate of the controller; (3) considering the context in which the consumer provided the personal data to the controller, disclosure of personal data to a third party if the purpose is consistent with a consumers reasonable expectations; (4) disclosure of personal data when a consumer (a) directs the controller to disclose the data (b) or interacts with one or more third parties; (5) disclosure of information that the consumer intentionally made available to the general public via a channel of mass media and does not restrict to a specific audience; or, (6) disclosure or transfer to a third party of personal data as an asset that is part of a proposed or actual merger, acquisition, bankruptcy, or other transaction in which the third party assumes control of all or part of the controllers assets.[10]. The Utah Consumer Privacy Act (UCPA) was signed into law by Governor Spencer Cox on March 24th, 2022, joining a growing list of U.S. states with comprehensive . [14] Instead, the UCPA vests enforcement powers in Utahs Division of Consumer Protection (the Division) and Attorney General through a unique two-tier enforcement structure that divides investigatory and enforcement power between the Division and the Attorney General. Spencer J. Cox on March 24, 2022, Utah has become the fourth state to enact a comprehensive law addressing consumer. [13] Opinion of Office of the Attorney General, State of California, No. Unlike the CCPA, the CPA, or the VCDPA, the UCPA does not require data protection assessments for certain data processing activities. If the Governor signs the bill into law, Utah will become the fourth state to pass consumer privacy legislation. Utah has become the fourth U.S. state to enact comprehensive consumer privacy legislation after Gov. She serves as the Vice-Chair of the American Bar Association's ePrivacy Committee and the Chair of the Chicago Chapter of the International Association of Privacy Professionals. Like other privacy laws, this law imposes heavy penalties for non-compliance, up to $7,500 per violation. (See, e.g., Virginia Consumer Data Protection Act: Second US State Passes Comprehensive Data Privacy Legislation.). Barring a veto from Utah Governor Spencer J. Cox, who, as of March 15, 2022, officially has the bill on his desk for action, Utah will become the fourth state to pass a comprehensive privacy bill, following the likes of California, Virginia, and Colorado. 10, 2022), available at https://oag.ca.gov/system/files/opinions/pdfs/20-303.pdf. This law provides new consumer privacy rights to residents of Utah and imposes various privacy obligations upon certain businesses, such as the requirement to have a comprehensive Privacy Policy. But opting out of some of these cookies may have an effect on your browsing experience. Log in to access all of your BLAW products, Photographer: George Frey/AFP via Getty Images, 2022 Bloomberg Industry Group, Inc. All Rights Reserved, Utah Privacy Bill Lacking Right to Sue May Pave GOP States Way, Utah Likely to Be Fourth U.S. State With Consumer Privacy Law, Utah Senate Passes Privacy Bill But Passage in House Uncertain, 2022 Privacy Legislation Success Viable as Three States Lead Way, Lacks private right of action, enforceable by attorney general, California, Virginia, Colorado only other states with such law. [15] Instead, the UCPA vests enforcement powers in Utahs Division of Consumer Protection (the Division) and Attorney General through a unique two-tier enforcement structure that divides investigatory and enforcement power between the Division and the Attorney General. This field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged. Utah's new law applies to any company conducting business or targeting consumers in Utah, so long as the following conditions are met: The company's total annual revenue is at least $25,000,000; and. Investigation, Enforcement, and Private Actions. Home > Privacy > Utah Consumer Privacy Act: Fourth US State Enacts Comprehensive Data Privacy Legislation. The law also wont apply to protected health data under HIPAA and data collected, processed, sold, or disclosed in accordance with the GLBA. Utah Consumer Privacy Act: Fourth US State Enacts Comprehensive Data Privacy Legislation, Virginia Consumer Data Protection Act: Second US State Passes Comprehensive Data Privacy Legislation, https://oag.ca.gov/system/files/opinions/pdfs/20-303.pdf, Advocate General: No Compensation for Mere Upset Caused by GDPR Infringement, Hong Kong Issues Guidance on Recommended Data Security Measures. Privacy Enhancing Technologies A Panacea for Data Protection Compliance? For example, Iowa is currently moving forward with a similar data privacy bill. educating consumers and businesses about the statutes regulated by the division, and licensing or registering regulated entities. On March 24, Gov. Utah is the first state in 2022 to have passed such legislation. READ MORE Utah privacy bill places tighter controls on consumer data. The cookie is set by the GDPR Cookie Consent plugin and is used to store whether or not user has consented to the use of cookies. In Utah, however, controllers may process sensitive data as long as they provide consumers with clear notice and an opportunity to opt out. However you may visit Cookie Settings to provide a controlled consent. As quickly as your organization produces data, Classify360 can classify and take action on it to ensure you are never outside the parameters of UCPA compliance. Utah appears poised to be the next state with a comprehensive privacy law on its books, following California, Virginia, and Colorado.On March 2nd, the Utah House of Representatives voted unanimously to approve an amended version of the legislative proposal, and the Senate concurred with the House amendment on the following day. Governor Cox has 20 days to sign the bill or take no action (after which it will become law), or veto the bill. .eg-logo-slider-content{background:#ffffff; padding:0px 0px 0px 0px; border-width:0px 0px 0px 0px; border-radius:0px 0px 0px 0px; border-color:transparent; border-style:none; text-align:left} The UCPA passed the Utah legislature on March 3, 2022. Bill Received from Senate for Enrolling. If enacted, the Privacy Act will primarily be enforced by the Utah attorney general who, in order to bring an enforcement action, will be required to first provide the allegedly noncompliant business with (1) written notice (30 days before initiating enforcement action) and (2) an opportunity to cure (30 days from receipt of the written notice). The UCPA applies to controllers and processors that conduct business in the state of Utah or produce a product or service that is targeted to Utah residents, have annual revenue amounts of $25,000,000 or more, and: The UCPA, which is set to take effect on December 31, 2023, builds off existing and forthcoming privacy legislation in California, Colorado, and Virginia, but lightens some of the compliance burdens on businesses. Legislative Research and General Counsel / Enrolling. Law Firms: Be Strategic In Your COVID-19 Guidance [GUIDANCE] On COVID-19 and Business Continuity Plans. Authorized data stewards take informed action within Classify360s CDMHub to migrate, archive, preserve, or delete data per UCPA standards. Draft of Enrolled Bill Prepared. 20-303 (Mar. UCPA is a comprehensive privacy bill that shares similarities to the California Consumer Privacy Act (CCPA). Donata is the Co-founder and President of Termageddon, an auto-updating generator of website and application policies. The Utah Consumer Privacy Act applies if you conduct business in Utah. 128 (5) "Consent" means an affirmative act by a consumer that unambiguously indicates 129 the consumer's voluntary and informed agreement to allow a person to process personal data 130 related to the consumer. Utah Consumer Privacy Act: At a glance. 3/8/2022. A controller may extend the 45-day period by another 45 days if reasonably necessary.[3]. Analytical cookies are used to understand how visitors interact with the website. These cookies ensure basic functionalities and security features of the website, anonymously. Spencer Cox signed the Utah Consumer Privacy Act (" UCPA "). Chain of custody is automatically documented and maintained, clearly demonstrating files were not opened or altered by the Classify360 platform. Rick Buck Chief Privacy Officer The Utah Consumer Privacy Act is the 4th U.S. comprehensive state privacy law. Build a Morning News Brief: Easy, No Clutter, Free! The Utah Consumer Privacy Act (UCPA) will take effect in under two years' time, on December 31 2023. On March 24, 2022, Utah Governor Spencer Cox signed the Utah Consumer Privacy Act (UCPA), making Utah the fourth US state to enact comprehensive data privacy legislation. Last July, the final text of the Uniform Personal Data Protection Act (UPDPA) was approved. Utah Consumer Privacy Act (UCPA) is comprehensive privacy legislation enacted by the State of Utah in the United States of America. .esg-grid .mainul li.eg-logo-slider-wrapper .esg-media-poster{background-size:contain; background-position:center center; background-repeat:no-repeat}. Under UCPA, businesses that control or process Utah consumers' personal data must uphold new rights afforded to those consumers. The law will take effect December 31, 2023, and make Utah the fourth state with a comprehensive consumer privacy law, following on the heels of California, Colorado and Virginia. Your use of this blog site alone creates no attorney client relationship between you and Latham & Watkins LLP. Latham & Watkins operates in South Korea as a Foreign Legal Consultant Office. Why is it important to use an EU-based cookie consent solution? On Friday, February 25, 2022, the Utah Senate unanimously passed SB 227, or the Utah Consumer Privacy Act. The Utah Consumer Privacy Act (UCPA) was signed into law in 2022 and takes effect on December 31, 2023. Protected information under the UCPA includes information that is linked or reasonably linkable to an identified or identifiable individual. How does the Utah Consumer Privacy Act define personal data? The cookie is used to store the user consent for the cookies in the category "Other. The cookie is used to store the user consent for the cookies in the category "Performance". [12], Like the CPA, the UCPA explicitly provides that controllers and processors are not required to disclose trade secrets in response to a consumer request[13] though notably the Office of the California Attorney General recently recognized that the CCPA does not require this either.[14].

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utah consumer privacy act

utah consumer privacy act