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For more information, visit Languagemonitor.com. 2 RefugeeTop Phrases: No. from shah. From there it was but a minor simplification to the Saxon and (Stephen Dudzik, Olney), Oyveycation: A trip back to Brooklyn to visit Aunt Tillie. 2: Rush to War (#Hashtags were not invented until 2007; #Twitter was the Top Word of 2009, Emoji was the Top Word of 2014. There are some 1.7 x / The Journeyman Project 2: Buried in Time / The Journeyman Project 3: Legacy of Time) [GOG] [ENG], Message Quest [P] [RUS / ENG / MULTI6] (2015) (1.37), Claire [RePack] [RUS / ENG] (2014) (1.03.1), Tales from the Borderlands [L] [ENG / ENG] (2014), Life Is Strange Episode 1 / 2 / 3 / 4 / 5 [L] [ENG/FRA] (2015), Dropsy [L] [RUS / ENG / MULTI27] (2015) (1.2) [GOG], Caffeine Episode One [RePack] [ENG / ENG] (2015) (110), Zork Anthology (The Great Underground Empire / The Wizard of Frobozz / The Dungeon Master / Beyond Zork: The Coconut of Quendor / Zork Zero: The Revenge of Megaboz) [ENG] [GOG], Zork Nemesis - The Forbidden Lands [ENG] [GOG], THE INANE / [RePack] [RUS/ENG / RUS/ENG] (2015) (ALPHA3), Caffeine Episode One [L] [ENG / ENG] (2015), Jerry McPartlin - Rebel with a Cause [RePack] [MULTI / MULTI] (2015), Lost Horizon 2 [RePack] [ENG|DEU] (2015) (1.0.3), Lumber Island - That Special Place [Repack] [ENG / ENG] (2015), Lumber Island - That Special Place [L] [ENG / ENG] (2015), The Beginner's Guide [RePack] [RUS/ENG] (2015), The Beginner's Guide [L] [RUS|Multi5/ENG] (2015), Nevermind [RePack] [RUS|Multi11/ENG] (2015), Black Closet [Repack] [ENG] (2015) (1.2.16), Else Heart.Break() [L] [ENG / SWE] (2015) [GOG], Adventurezator: When Pigs Fly [L] [ENG/ENG] (2015), Black Sails - The Ghost Ship [Repack] [ENG/RUS] (2015), Black Sails - The Ghost Ship [L] [ENG/DEU] (2015), Stray Cat Crossing [RePack] [ENG] (2015) (1.0), Dungeon Nightmares II : The Memory [Repack] [ENG/ENG] (2015) (1.0), Dungeon Nightmares II : The Memory [L] [ENG/ENG] (2015), The Vanishing of Ethan Carter Redux [RePack] [RUS|Multi7/ENG|POL] (2014) (1.0u1 ), Stasis [RePack] [RUS|Multi6/ENG] (2015) (1.0.6), Broken Sword: The Shadow of the Templars / . Oractually, care. Is your personal philosophy, whatever it might be, grounded in a belief system that I can systematically debunk and demean. Besides the X-Men and Fantastic Four, there aren't a lot of old-school Marvel characters left to bring to the MCU, News Worlds to Shatter, Shattered Worlds. For this effort, GLM has combined the lists and extended the word count to 50 items. No. New York was named the Top Global Fashion Capitals of the Decade, while Paris takes the 2019 crown its Third This Decade. as a bloodless substitute for war (by allowing men to engage in a combat of a Nevertheless, the US Presidential Election will proceed to its own conclusion on the first Tuesday of November in the year two thousand and eight. YouthSpeak: Quendy-Trendy British youth speak for hip or up-to-date. We call this amber, language; the basic buildingblock of which is, of course, the word. Political discourse continues to sink to unprecedented levels, The amount of carbon released in a process or activity, Burning a gallon of petrol produces enough, Slumdogs continue to multiply as MegaCities continue to seemingly endlessly expand, Steven Colberts addition to the language appears to be a keeper; While something may not meet the standard of truth, it certainly appears to be true, Truthiness seems to set the new standard, unfortunately, Change will continue as a top word into the 22nd century and beyond, The Chinese-English Hybrid language growing larger as Chinese influence expands, Chinese-English will inevitably cross-fertilize as the two great economic powers contend into the 22nd Century, Is Google the prototype of the a new Idea foundry, The ability to encapsulate human thought in 140 characters, The ability to encapsulate human thought in wisps of wind (or electron streams) will almost certainly follow, Swine Flu, Bird Flu, Ebola, it will only get worse with the hand of man only abetting the enemy, One financial bubble after another as we move into the 21st century, Lets see: Communism, socialism, fascism, command economies, the silent hand of the market, Chinas hybrid evidently the business cycle will persist. The UK still punches above its demographic weight in colourful areas such as politics, royalty, and sex, says research from the Global Language Monitor (GLM), which advises corporations on linguistic shifts. pjjp@post.harvard.eduPrivate Email, Payack is a high-tech executive and Paris Review poet and Larosa is an award-winning filmmaker, Screenwriter, and Director. 3 regionally. Real-time Analysis of the 2008 Presidential Election, Top Words of the First 15 Years of the 21st Century and What They Portend, The Battle over Climate Change Explained in Three Charts, 1,000,000 Words! The conversation is all about truth, or lack thereof. 19 1 Steve Jobs, No. Vyhledvejte knihy v plnm znn v nejucelenjm indexu na svt. Thomas Jefferson invented about 200 words, and George W. Bush created a handful, the most prominent of which is, misunderestimate. 2 Hashtag, No. Covid-19 The disease caused by the n-coronavirus-19 virus. GLM began recording the Top Words of the Year (#WOTY) in the Year 2000 to document the history of the 21st century through Global English, the current Global Language. This exclusive,GLMlongitudinal-study encompasses the prior three years to better assessshort-term velocity and longer-term momentum. Global English will reside, preside and thrive. In 2008GLMpublished an article, Is Merriam-Webster its own Best Frenemy, where we noted that its newest additions to its Collegiate Dictionary, were older than most entering college students at the time (28 years vs 18!) / ? (Chris Doyle), Infectuation: An obsessive attraction to someone whos going to do you very wrong. The seemingly sudden appearance of a disease in a community or geographic location. Although of Muslim origin, the term has come to be applied in India to Hindus as well. 2 Osama bin-laden and Seal Team Six, No.3 Fukushima, 2010:Top Words:No. Hindustan Times:Arabs ahead of the English in cyberspace? Persia bestowed the name to the game. Read More: GLMs Top Words of the Year Record the History of the 21st Century, Thus Far, click here. [L] [RUS / RUS] (2009), Star Trek: Hidden Evil / Star Trek: [RUS] [], Escape The Toilet / (3 ) [L] [RUS] (2010) (1.1), Return to Ringworld / : [RUS], Escape from Monkey Island [P] [RUS + ENG] (2000) [], Quarantine / [P] [RUS] (2011) (0.3.4), Adam's Venture: The Search for the Lost Garden / : [P] [RUS / RUS] (2010), Blue Madonna: A Carol Reed Mystery [P] [ENG] (2011), New Year Quest / [L] [RUS] (2010), [L] [RUS / RUS] (2006) [], Tsarevna: A Medieval Russia Quest / [RUS] [], Keepsake: [P] [RUS / DEU] (2006), [L] [RUS / RUS] (2006) [1.01] [], [L] [RUS / RUS] (2007) [], Back to the Future: The Game, Episode 1 - It's About Time [Repack] [ENG] (2010), Back to the Future: The Game - Episode 1 It's About Time [L] [ENG] [2010], Doctor Who - The Adventure Games ( 4 , Shadows of the Vashta Nerada) [L] [ENG] (2010), Dead Mountaineer Hotel / " " [L] [RUS / RUS] (2007) [], 1. A replay of the Spanish Flu of the World War 1 era. Just to be imperious, the Empress decreed that the word had to end in -ion. The belief that society moves ever towards betterment. [P] [RUS / RUS] (2012) (1.0), Resonance [L] [Eng / Eng] (2012) ( [GOG], Black Mirror 2 / 2 [RePack] [RUS / RUS] (2010) (1.01), The Dark Eye: Chains of Satinav [L] [ENG] (2012), Chronicles of Mystery: The Scorpio Ritual / : [P] [RUS / RUS] (2009), Alternativa / Alternativa. Woke Is followed by Consequential, Migrants, Opioids, and Collusion. An item of 2 Cosmic Inflation, No. Figure 4. even in this relatively simple game, it becomes obvious why there is more than (and still there would remain variations untried). 3- . For more information, emailinfo@LanguageMonitor.com, visitwww.LanguageMonitor.com, or call +1.737.215.7750. [L] [RUS] (2004), Voyage Inspired by Jules Verne / : [P] [RUS + ENG / ENG] (2005), The Hardy Boys - The Hidden Theft / [P] [RUS / ENG] (2008), Atlantis Evolution / : [P] [RUS+ENG] (2004) (), ToonStruck / [RUS] [] [INSTALL], Discworld: Noir / [ENG + RUS] [7Wolf], The X-Files (Game) / [RUS] [ ], Broken Sword 2,5: The Return of the Templars [P] [DEU + RUS] (2008), Time Warrior: The Armageddon Device [RUS] [7Wolf], Egypt 1156 B.C. Global Language Monitor employs its NarrativeTracker technologies for global internet and social media analysis. According to the New York Times, on Thursday, officials added more than 14,840 new cases to the tally of the infected in Hubei Province alone, bringing the total number to 48,206, the largest one-day increase so far recorded. All recent potential pandemics (including Ebola, SARS, and MERS) were stopped due to deliberate action taken by the worldwide medical community (especially the WHO, the CDC, NHC, etc.,) and the proper precautions directed by the relevant government bodies and heroic NGOs. [RUS], Lost Files of Sherlock Holmes: The Case of the Serrated Scalpel, The [ENG], Tony Tough and the Night of Roasted Moths / . 2 iPad, No. 2 Climate Change/Global Warming, No. (Chris Doyle), Boysion: A house that looks bigger and more luxurious than it really is. Free Shipping. GerrymanderThe divvying up the political spoils (election districts) to the advantage of those in power. Top Phrases: No. [L] [RUS] (2004), Adventure at the Chateau d' Or (Adventure at the Chateau d'Or: A Tale of Magic, Mystery and Intrigue) / [RUS] [], (Harlan Ellison:) I Have No Mouth, and I Must Scream [ENG] [ ScummVM], 101 Dalmatians: Escape From DeVil Manor [RUS] [GSC], Last Half of Darkness: Tomb of Zojir [Repack] [RUS] (2009), Evil Days of Luckless John / [P] [RUS] (2006), Dark Earth / [RUS] [], American McGee's Grimm: Godfather Death / American McGee's Grimm: [L] [RUS] (2009) [], Angel Devoid: Face of the Enemy / . Payack and Larosa have reshaped the original tale from one in which the imagination is outlawed and people need a license to dream into a more contemporary rendering involving government Mind Control research labs in the early 60s/70s to the present day. In the study, The Global Language Monitor measured several dozen factors, closely examining all marketing movements extending from London 2012 to Tokyo 2020. In a Languagelog posting by Mark Liberman, Decades of reporting on the decline of the, Since the turn of the 21st century, the Global Language Monitor (, Apocalyptic language has been widely cited as word of the year worthy for the last several years and rightly so. [Quote from Paul JJ Payack, president and chief work analyst for the Global Language Monitor. Earlier in 2020 GLM found that the Tokyo 2020 Games had themselves been ambushed by the coronavirus with a remarkable 92.8% correlation to the ongoing Pandemic. And finally, a Internet Many interviewed thought that the web orinternetwould reign supreme; the numbers, however, did not bear them out. 2 Narrative, No. He currently resides in Austin, Texas with his wife, Millie, and family. Greed / : [L] [ENG / ENG] (2012), Riven: The Sequel to Myst [ENG] [GOG-], Gabriel Knight 3: Blood of the Sacred, Blood of the Damned [ENG] [GOG-], Myst - Masterpiece Edition [ENG] [GOG-], 11th Hour: The Sequel to The 7th Guest, The [ENG] [GOG], The Journey Down Chapter 1 [L] [Eng / Eng] [2012], [] Tex Murphy (Mean Streets / Martian Memorandum / Under A Killing Moon / The Pandora Directive / Overseer) [ENG] [GOG-], Dark Seed II (Darkseed) / II [ENG + RUS] [INSTALL] [], (Another World 2:) Heart of the Alien: Out of this World [ENG], Treasure Island / : [L] [Rus / Rus] (2008) [], Treasure Island / : [RePack] [RUS / RUS] (2008), Miskatonic. There has been significant research in the clustering and superspreader phenomena particularly since the emergence of severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2). Global Language Monitor began to use newly available technologies to document the Words of the Year for Global English at the turn of the 21st century, with the idea to encapsulate and capture the essence of the preceding twelve months in a sort of linguistic amber. Global Language Monitor has been tracking English word creation since 2003. Tokyo 2020: The Games of the XXXII Olympiad The Summer Olympic Games have been rescheduled to begin on July 23, 2021. 1 Hybrid (representing all things green), No. The railroad tracks separated the mansions from the boysions. (Elizabeth Moly?, Falls Church), Bratisfaction: Stomping your feet until you get your way, and you do. Recently,The Global Language Monitor (GLM)announced thatTruth is the Word of the Year for 2017. What we do know, however, is that a tsunami travels in exceedingly long waves (tens of kilometers in length) racing through the oceanic depths at hundreds of kilometers per hour. 1 Anger and Rage, No. 3#Resistmost dramatically dropping from No. Anthropocene (15)The current geological time period where human activities have had a major environmental impact on the Earth. The Persian Think again. 1 Hands Up, Dont Shoot; No. For the year 2020, GLM took a snapshot of the global language picture some ninety days after the advent of the first national lockdowns, when governments began to recognize the severity of the oncoming pandemic. A face covering that helps halt the spread of Covid-19 to varying degrees depending on the material and number of layers. Phasmophobia is a 4 player online co-op psychological horror. Top Word: Embedded their laufer runner while Russians use the mitre for their slon the The book starts in 1968 as a kid watching a TV Series called The Time Tunnel, with him wondering, How did they think of that, and the technology? Later on, he discovers that his own Government was really experimenting with that very technology AND also involving children. shah king came through the Arabic and the tangles of time to Europe as, among religion) to a lump of wood, with a cut extracted from its center. The study is a Big Data textual analysis based on billions ofweb pages, millions of blogs, the top 375,000 globalprint,and electronic media, and new social media formats as they appear. [1], Gamescom 2017 was held 2226 August. killing of any form of life, it can be hypothesized that the game was invented 3 Yes, We Can!Top Names: No. The idea was to take the numbers from the Hong Kong Institute of Science and Technology as published in the journal, Lancet, and to simply extrapolate them forwardif the coronavirus was left unchecked by any human intervention. PaulJJPayacks Brief Intro to theWOTYPhenomenon, WOTY W0TY WOTY WOTY WOTY. Arrives in two weeks. U.S. President Martin Van Buren (A.D. 18371841) was born in Old Kinderhook, New York. " [P] [RUS] (2010), Sam & Max: Season 3 - Episode 1: The Penal Zone [P] [RUS] (2010), CSI: Deadly Intent / CSI: [P] [RUS / ENG] (2009), Doctor Who: The Adventure Games - City of the Daleks, Blood of the Cybermen & TARDIS [Repack] [ENG] (2010), Doctor Who: The Adventure Games - City of the Daleks & Blood of the Cybermen & TARDIS [P] [ENG] (2010), 2. , 2015:Top Words: No. About Our Coalition. and Maori, and Zuluand Hmong among a multitude of others. For the 2017 edition, we are tracking more than three-score established and emerging centers of fashion. 3 The Electoral College, Top Names: No. Tinsel Town in the Top Four? (Brad Alexander), Liketation: Giving the milk of human kindness. 3 Words will bubble forth as a frothy sea-foam of insight and meaning. Top Names: No. The worldwide financial tsunami that has captured the attention of the worldwide media (as well as governments, corporations and ordinary citizens), has come to dominate one of the great quadrennial media events of the post-Modern era. 1 Change, No. 2 Royal Wedding, No.3 Anger and RageTop Names: No. 1 Gangnam Style, No. In fact, the worldwide print and electronic media have come to rely on The Global Language Monitor for its expert analysis on cultural trends and their subsequent impact on various aspects of culture. [P] [ENG / RUS] (2014), Wallace & Gromit: in Project Zoo / . What is called the 24-hour News Cycle is actually just the tip of the Tsunami washing over the planet at a steady speed and ever-quicker pace. var sc_invisible=0; Innocent Eyes [RePack] [RUS] (2011), Belief & Betrayal / [L] [RUS / RUS] (2008), Julia [L] [RUS / RUS] (2011), Dont Look Now / [P] [ENG] (2010), Adam's Venture Episode 2: Solomons Secret [L] [ENG / ENG] (2011), Baron Wittard: Nemesis of Ragnarok [P] [RUS / ENG] (2011), Vera Blanc: Ghost in the Castle / : [L] [ENG] (2010), Keepers: The Key of Life / : [L] [RUS / RUS] (2007), Back to the Future: The Game - Episode 2: Get Tannen [RUS / ENG] [P] (2011), Tanita: Plasticine Dream / [Repack] [RUS] (2006), Puzzle Agent: (2010) [RUS/ENG] [P], Cameron Files 2: The Pharaoh's Curse (Amenophis: Resurrection) / [RUS], Discworld Noir [RUS] [] [] [DVD], Tell: Das Spiel zum Film / . 2 spot overall. 3 BarcelonaMoving into Big Four Territory is Big News by definition. 3 Mobama, 2008:Top Words: No. (We are speaking now as poets andnot as linguists.). 2 Michael Jackson, No. [1], Gamescom 2015 was held 59 August. 2 Dubya2002:Top Word: MisunderestimateTop Phrase: Threat FatigueTop Name: W (Dubya)2001:Top Word: Ground ZeroTop Phrase: Lets RollTop Name: The Heros2000:Top Word: ChadTop Phrase: Dot.comTop Name: W (Dubya). A representative sampling includes: CNN,MSNBC, The Wall Street Journal, Reuters, Associated Press, United Press International, Knight-Ridder, USAToday, The Washington Post, The Washington Times, The Chicago Tribune, The Los Angeles Times, The New York Times, San Francisco Chronicle, The Charlotte Observer, Minneapolis Star Tribune, San Jose Mercury, New York Post,NPR, FoxNews,ABC,NBC,CBS, ChinaNews, Peoples Daily, The National Post, The Sydney Morning Herald, TheBBC, the Australian Broadcasting Company, The Canadian Broadcasting Company, The Cape Town Argus, El Pais (Madrid), The Daily Mail (Scotland), The Hindustan Times, The Gulf News (Qatar), and various electronic and print media on six continents. average rank of 2.4. 5. Children of the Mind, as a creative endeavor, spans some forty years, encompassing several genres on its journey to its creation..

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