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Alongside Juan Pablo, he controls and leads operations in the Port of Guaymas. El regreso del fundador del extinto crtel de Guadalajara y la disputa por el territorio con Ismael El Mayo Zambada y Los Chapitos, hijos de Joaqun Guzmn Loera, marc un antes y un despus en la violencia en ese municipio, que en un slo ao pas de 32 a 127 homicidios dolosos y actualmente se encuentra en color rojo en el . Miami authorities reportung Surfside condo collapse death toll is at 22. Erika Altamirano fue levantada, ejecutada y calcinada en Caborca, Sonora I dont give two shits about him. Lmao what does Speedy mares have to do with Caborca and Sonora in general. Their local boss is Felipe de Jess Sosa Canizales, alias El Gigio. El 50 es el dueo de los demonios y el verdadero patrn del convoy de los demonios corrido de los pennys. They primarily operate in the southern regions of Sonora state such as Cajeme, Vacuum and Navojoa. Residentes del municipio externaron como sufrieron las horas de zozobra a travs de videos. He may do his own deals here and there and he may use his name on the deals he does but I guarantee you it's most likely Flaauitos doing and it's smart. CABORCA.- Un enfrentamiento armado que habra dejado como saldo ocho personas muertas, de ellas siete civiles y un militar, fue reportado en Caborca el domingo por la noche. Only Mexicans in America cheerlead like girls. (, PROFILE: Head of sicarios in northern and western Ciudad Obregon. Los Paleteros were led by Felix Adolfo Jauregui Meza, alias "El Paletero," who was killed in 2013. Or all 3. Padres y esposas claman para que les regresen a sus seres queridos que fueron privados de la libertad durante ms de seis horas de guerra entre grupos criminales, en Caborca, Sonora. (. (, ) Similar to El Castros alleged background, some social media users claim that El Monkey was a Secretara de Marina (SEMAR) soldier prior to becoming a hitman in service of La Plaza. Robert Patterson, the acting administrator of the DEA, has said Caro Quintero returned to leading a drug trafficking empire, saying Hes not just an old man trying to live out his final days. For years he fought for control of area against his nephew Luis Luisillo Fernando Sanchez Paez , alias L7 or Luisillo. He began his criminal career as a gunman in the company of his brothers "Pancho Antena", "El Mankio" and "El Indio", who were all dedicated to assassinating people for hire in Obregon City. Extraditan a EU a fundador del Crtel de Caborca, sobrino de Rafael "Of what value is such a juvenile post? It is worth noting that La Barredora is more of a general term for when a cartel/group is doing a cleanup (, Jesus Dario Murrieta Navarro, alias "El Cara de Cochi", is boss of sicarios for La Barredora 24/7. Fue perpetrado por un grupo asociado al Crtel de Caborca, que opera bajo el mando de Rafael Caro Quintero, Fuentes de la Secretara de Marina (SEMAR) . Lmao come on bro you fucking wish. El funcionario llam a la poblacin a cerrar todos los negocios locales a las 22:00 horasy decret la suspensin de cualquier evento deportivo. The canvases were hung during the early hours of Saturday 3 on the elevated bridge on Quiroz and Mora Street. Speedy people are heavy here in Phoenix. (, PROFILE: He is the cousin of Juan Pablo Navidad and Rafael Caro Quintero. Caborca, Sonora: AMLO Tour Received With Narco Messages Caborca, Sonora.-. Unknown October 15, 2020 at 7:58 AM. En los ltimos meses se han registrado varios eventos violentos relacionados con el crimen organizado , incluyendo el asesinato de 12 civiles en la regin de Caborca el pasado 20 de junio. NARCOS: Los Salazar y el Crtel de Caborca - La Verdad Noticias (, ) He has been accused of being involved in the September 2019 arson that killed two children in Empalme, along with El Picipi. Y'all have you're own problems, pinche estado cagado hechado a perder. He operates primarily in the Las Golondrinas neighborhood. A un da que @lopezobrador_ estuvo en SONORA y cobr las cuotas al cartel @MxLibreAntiPG @HijosDeMx #NarcoEstado, Tido esta requetebin. En la actualidad el grupo tiene una sangrienta disputa con la clula delictiva . The individuals responsible for all of this are Felipe de Jesus Sosa Canisales aka El Gigio or El Yiyo, Leonardo Lopez aka El 20, Ramon Quintero Pez aka El Tiko, Jose Gil Caro Quintero, and Rodrigo Pez Quintero. Socios de Expedia pueden ahorrar hasta el 30% al agregar un hotel a su vuelo. Salazar alias el Alfredillo y Ovidio Guzmn Lpez alias el Ratn o Nuevo Ratn, eso se termin y ahora el Narco de Narcos . Rafael Caro Quintero (La Noria, Badiraguato, Sinaloa; 24 de octubre de 1952) es un narcotraficante mexicano, fundador del crtel de Guadalajara junto con Miguel ngel Flix Gallardo y Ernesto Fonseca Carrillo.Es considerado uno de los narcotraficantes ms famosos de Mxico, motivo por el que fue apodado como El Narco de Narcos durante la dcada de 1980. Man fuck these cartels and you cartel fan girls : r/NarcoFootage . RCQ and his guys are known for kidnapping underage girls for sex parties and then dissolving them in acid after they have served their purpose. El J3 y el chango y los que salen en esta historia son puros pendejos que ponen para que den la cara. Hes an individual who continues to run a criminal organization. The FBIs acting deputy director said they believe Caro Quintero still resides in Mexico. (, ) He was named as a Caborca Cartel leader in the 2021 narcomanta addressed to AMLO. I look forward to your future works. Some social media users have also accused him of extortion operations in these areas, in addition to being in charge of the regional drug sales. Blog del Narco Mxico (@blogdelnarcomex) March 1, 2023. He's El Flaquitos secretary bro that's it. You need to put a stop to this already. (, PROFILE: El Monkey allegedly directly reports to El Castro and serves as the execution arm on Castros behalf. Rafael Caro Quintero. I realize this is an open forum and everyone is entitled to express there opinion but some of these posts seem to be written by 25yo weirdos living in their mothers basement IMO of course. (, He is a head of sicarios for La Plaza. Un narcotraficante grab el momento exacto de un enfrentamiento en el municipio de Altar en el estado de Sonora . (videos) Difunden grabacin de elemento de GN inhalando aparentemente DESCRIPTION: The state of Sonora is a strategic location for drug trafficking given its proximity to the US state of Arizona. (Source) He was released in 2016. Prez Flores asserted that part of El 70s execution operation involved an immolation burial site in Ortiz, Sonora. Tambin asegur que las 11 patrullas estaban en acciones de vigilancia y alrededor de 40 agentes se encontraban atentos de los 104 que se desempean en funciones de seguridad y se distribuyen en diversos turnos. Bunch of lame pochos drinking too many bud lights thinking they need to cheerlead murderers who ordinary Mexicans despise. Authorities say that Caro Quintero has taken advantage of the internal disputes in the Sinaloa Cartel to establish a foothold in Caborca, a Sonoran municipality that borders Pima County, Arizona, United States. Hoteles cerca de Plaza Comercial Omega en Caborca, Sonora | Expedia La "narco-guerra" que actualmente se desarrolla en el norte de Sonora entre los grupos del crimen organizado conocidos como Los Salazar, aliado del Crtel de Sinaloa y el grupo de Caborca que dirige Rodrigo Omar Paz Quintero, de 44 aos de edad, sobrino de Rafael Caro Quintero, tiene como epicentro un territorio donde se asienta una gran veta de oro. Mexican cartels (also known in Mexico as: la Mafia (the mafia or the mob), La Maa (the skill / the bad manners), narcotraficantes (narco-traffickers), or simply as narcos usually refers to several, rival, criminal organizations that are combated by the Mexican government in the Mexican War on Drugs (List sorted by branches and heritage):. (Source), POSITION: Chief of Sicarios for Los Gigios (Source), PROFILE: He was named as a Sonora cartel leader in the 2021 narcomanta addressed to AMLO. El Blog del Narco. La Barredora 24/7 is often referred to as an armed wing or faction of the Caborca Cartel. Sonora . Son of Emilio Quintero Payan, brother of Emilio Sajid Quintero, alias El Cadete, and the cousin of Rafael Caro Quintero. source? Really has me laughing still. Video: Elementos de La Guardia Nacional son captados echndose un "Perico" en horas de trabajo. Cuz yo smelly boy ? NarcoNoticias 2022-11-23T15:48:35+00:00. Robert Patterson, the acting administrator of the DEA, has said Caro Quintero returned to leading a drug trafficking empire, saying Hes not just an old man trying to live out his final days. 6 enero 2023 2 Comentarios. Other known associates of El 20 include "El Coyotito and "El 6-3", who leads the region surrounding Hermosillo with El Negro previously reporting to him. Esto est pasando en Sonora. La . Tras la detencin de uno de los narcotraficantes mexicanos ms buscados por EE.UU, una de las agrupaciones criminales ms recientes buscarn su hegemonia en los municipios de Caborca, Guaymas y Magdalena de Kino, en el estado mexicano de Sonora. Hospedaje Hospedaje. Jess Salas Aguayo "El Chuyn" Armed Wing: Los Linces ~~~ Jalisco New Generation Cartel (CJNG) Nemesio Oseguera Cervantes "El . They are competing against rival gang members for control of Magalena de Kino, Santa Ana, Imuris, and Cucurpe. El Picipi, the leader of La Plaza, reports to him and his brother, Juan Pablo. He has been linked to many executions, kidnappings, robberies and extortion operations in and around Caborca municipality. Medios locales reportan al menos 9 personas privadas de la libertad y cuatro asesinadas. Tamaulipas, despus de que casi son linchados por Narco-Familiares de los sicarios detenidos Estaban muy . La propiedad donde estaba este centro de espionaje es propiedad de Martin Quintero Payan, quin segn la DEA es lder de la organizacin criminal El Crtel de . 10:54 right, real Michoacanos and jaliscienses despise CJNG. When Ignacio was arrested in 2013, Los Paez experienced a power vacuum in the region. A cluster of municipalities in central Sonora. @narcoblogger. [7][8], On 15 July 2022, Caro Quintero was captured by Mexican authorities in San Simn, a settlement within the Choix Municipality of Sinaloa. The messages were immediately withdrawn by the municipal police, and in the images shared by the Ariete de Caborca portal, the dominant presence of Rafael Caro Quintero, R1, family and companions is denounced. In May 2013, the United States Department of the Treasury designated El Gigio under the Kingpin Act for alleged organized crime activity. (Source, Source, Source), POSITION: Plaza Boss of the Port of Guaymas, NAME: [First Name Unknown] Quintero Navidad, PROFILE: He is the cousin of Juan Pablo Navidad and Rafael Caro Quintero. (, El Pelo Chino is the son of Eulogia Quintero Payan. Obviously this post was written by a person with an IQ of 12.Hopefully those who moderate these posts will step up and protect the integrity of BB and stop publishing such mindless and pointless posts. He reports to Juan Pablo Quintero Navidad. He is currently believed to be a protected government witness. El Picipi, the leader of La Plaza, reports to him and his brother, Juan Pablo. @3:45 a comment was made when he turned himself in that he had a dispute with Isidro and in hi last interview RCQ said he was making up lies about him to save himself. He's Flaauitos secretary and that's all he is. (Source, Source, Source) His group has an alliance with the Caborca cartel. One of the narco messages hanging in Caborca, Sonora. PROFILE: Rafael Caro Quintero was born on October 3, 1952 in La Noria, Sinaloa. As descubrieron que el 21 de febrero de 2015, cuando llevaba dos aos en fuga, el 'Narco de Narcos' supo a tiempo que un operativo intentara atraparlo. Criminal groups are known to tax mining companies, extort workers, and illegally extract minerals from these lands. Yeah he may move some weight but everything he does is on behalf of Flaquito. Golpe al Crtel de Sinaloa: enfrentamiento entre narcos y fuerzas El Blog del Narco on Twitter: "Supuestos elementos de la @GN_MEXICO Posts pictures with a rifle with no sights, in an apartment rented,with 1 chainworth maybe 20-30k that he always wears, been in the game a couple years at most, no bounty on his head by DEA. (, ) Some social media users have connected El Chapo Peln to the recent June 2021 execution of Jesus Huerta Miranda in Morelos la Cruver and the June 2021 immolation of 3 day laborers Campo Santa Ins. Looks like los beltran have a SNITCH el cadete. ZETA alleges Federal Police detected that he was able to direct an organized crime group from inside prison but they were unable to prove it. (Source) El Pelo China was one of the Caborca leaders named in the 2021 narcomanta addressed to President AMLO. (. PROFILE: He is believed to be a high-ranking cartel member based in Ures, Sonora. The cartel is made up of several members of the Caro Quintero clan. Presuntamente, el comando de 19 camionetas con sicarios que desataron el terror sera un brazo armado del Crtel de Sinaloa, aunque las autoridades no han proporcionado ms detalles. La Plaza has an armed cell known as xS, not to be confused with "Los Xs" the Tamaulipas/Chihuahua organization which is entirely different. (, He is a head of sicarios for La Plaza. Al menos 10 personas resultan heridas tras un enfrentamiento entre la Guardia Nacional y civiles armados en Sonora.#NoticiasMilenio #AzucenaxMilenio #Azucena. (, ) A criminal gang operating in Empalme called "Los del Tinaco allegedly reports to El Oliver. (, ) He was named as part of the cartel leaders operating in Sonora in the 2021 narcomanta addressed to AMLO. The organization is reportedly headed by Juan Pablo and Antonio Tony Quintero Navidad, relatives of Rafael Caro Quintero. Ask the government for help. He reports to Juan Pablo Quintero Navidad. #HijosDeMx no solo fueron balaceras y la impunidad con que los narcos recorrieron Caborca, entraron a los domicilios a saquear sus pertenencias esta no es transformacin, esto es anarqua de un gobierno cmplice que est desbocado sirvindose del pueblo#FelizJueves, Hace una semana mataron al jefe de trnsito y a su esposa en Caborca, Sonora. Feds target assets of cartel's alleged plaza boss in Nogales, Sonora (, ) In March 2021, captured La Plaza operative Jacobo Prez Flores detailed on video that El 70 served as his protection and El 70 was in charge of taking care of cartel members who switched sides. (Photo via Twitter @niporwifi) MEXICO CITY More than a dozen vehicles filled with cartel gunmen . 3:51 do not know what you are talking about. Gonzalo Inzunza Inzunza, alias "El Macho Prieto, is believed to have supervised El Gigio at some point in his career. Caro Quintero is the overall figurehead of the organization, although in reality the Caborca Cartel is not a vertically integrated . As fueron grabados dos guardias nacionales supuestamente consumiendo cocana en #Caborca, #Sonora. Rafael Caro Quintero -- who once ran the Guadalajara Cartel and started the Caborca Cartel -- was recaptured recently after being ordered to complete his sentence for the murder of DEA agent Enrique "Kiki" Camarena. El R is the nephew of both Miguel and Rafael Caro Quintero. Michoachangos always crying about how Sinaloa snitches pero ni quien los pele. Francisco Meraz "El Pancho Antena" was killed by municipal police officers on October 28, 2017 in San Ignacio Rio Muerto when he was fleeing after shooting at a state police patrol car in the Tobarito police station, a town located 15 minutes from Ciudad Obregon. Blog del Narco Mexico - Blog del Narco In addition to being the father of singer Alfredo Olivas, he is a well-known drug trafficker who has been directly linked with Rafael Caro Quintero and his nephew El Pablito. Los Sabori were led by Raul Flavori Cisneros, alias "El Negro", who was arrested in 2011. Rafael Caro Quintero, conocido como El narco de narcos, fue uno de los criminales ms icnicos de los aos 80 y uno de los jefes del crtel de Guadalajara en esa poca junto a Miguel ngel Flix Gallardo y Ernesto Fonseca Carrillo, alias Don Neto. Y'all acting like it was Michoachangos who got snitched on. In Caborca, Sonora, in the dominions of the capo Rafael Caro Quintero, a couple of narco tarps were placed with messages to AMLO, who is on a three-day tour of the entity. He and his brother El Mankio were executed by a lone gunman in Ciudad Obregon, Sonora on January 11, 2020 (. Qu est pasando en Sonora? Es el estado en el que ms - Cuestione (, PROFILE: Milko allegedly reported directly to Caborca Cartel boss Chapo Alfredo. I understand he's your friend but really bro hahahaha. Now him and his patron are suck each other off and shit!! Los Chapitos announce 'cleansing' of municipal and military in Caborca, Sonora. y donde EST el Narco Gobernador @AlfonsoDurazo pues donde ms,cobrando plaza.!! Bloqueada en su totalidad qued la carretera Internacional, al sur de Ciudad Obregn, luego de que Sicarios dispararon contra un triler que termin incendindose a la altura del Aeropuerto Internacional. And even Flaquito isn't as big as Ramon was. Los Paleteros were the strongest group in the region and shared operations with Ignacio. (, ) Alleged known associates of El Chapo Peln include the hitman Luisito Quijano. Ante dicha situacin, el actual alcalde de Caborca dio a conocer que el municipio ser sometido a un toque de queda este mircoles, el cual dar inici a las 22:00 horas y concluir a primeras horas del da siguiente, esto con el fin de garantizar la seguridad de los habitantes. Trinidad Olivas Valenzuela alias Chapo Trini grew to become the BLO plaza boss for Obregn city, in Cajeme municipality, Sonora. All three have since died and their plazas (San Jose Bacum, San Ignacio Rio Muerto) were possibly inherited by El Antena. (Source, Source), POSITION: Leader of Caborca Cartel in Guaymas, Empalme Area (Source), PROFILE: Juan Pablo Navidad is believed to be the leader of the Caborca Cartel operations within the municipalities of Guaymas and Empalme. (, In 2013 when Caro Quintero was released from jail, he and Chapn are believed to have reconnected. Chapo Alfredo also has strong Beltrn Leyva (BLO) associations, as his brother Trinidad Olivas Valenzuela alias Chapo Trini was allegedly a BLO plaza boss. Speedy is no where near what Ramon was that one deserves an emoji. He was detained in the company of two of his bodyguards. Mexicos Attorney General Jesus Murillo Karam said in a statement that he was worried about the courts decision. Captura de cuatro delincuentes, entre ellos un lder criminal, provoc enfrentamientos con el Ejrcito y bloqueos en Altar, Sonora; un militar muri.S parte. (Source,Source) He is believed to have sicario bosses El Soldado and El Cirilo reporting directly to him. In addition, my wife's hometown is the one on the border of Baja California and Sonora where that crazy shootout happened with the Chapiza dudes, which ruined our plans to visit for Christmas--her aunt's house was hit with bullets and none of these benevolent narcos offered to pay for the repairs--they just made a fucking mess, put everyone on . El alcalde reconoci que la polica fue superada e incapaces de responder oportunamente. Los hechos supuestamente ocurrieron en Caborca, Sonora, segn el reporte ciudadano que divulg el portal El Observador, aunque un usuario refut y dijo que se trataba de un video viejo, cuya escena sucedi en Michoacn. La guerra entre narcos por apoderarse de territorios en Mxico no para. In 2013, after Caro Quintero had served 28 years of his 40 year sentence, a Jalisco State court ruled Caro Quintero should be released on the basis that he had been improperly tried in a federal court for a crime that should have been treated as a state offense. @3:06 the irony is you're the only one who's used those words. I couldnt believe what I was reading. Corridos such asEl Party del Chapo Trini report that the family has roots in Badiraguato, Sinaloa where many other Sinaloa Cartel kingpins originate. (, PROFILE: One of the Meraz Brothers He was the Plaza Boss of San Jose Bacum. (, ) Known associates of El Pablito include Chapo Alfredo, from Los Olivas. One person was killed and two more were kidnapped. Lmao best joke I've heard all week, In your bajafelix page on Reddit speedy is holding a rifle with NO sights lmao, you expect anyone to Speedy is a bigger drug capo than Ramon Arellano Felix? The authorities know this very well and act like they cant see whats happening. Video oficial de Noticias Telemundo. Mxico: Sonora, batallas del narco en la frontera con EEUU - Telemundo (Source), PROFILE: He is a close associate of Chapo Alfredo and considered to be his right hand man. Reports say that El Gigio and El 20 have several drug plantations in the area. (. Maybe Tijuana some day? (Source, Source). ", He was arrested in the Contreras neighborhood of Caborca city. In July 2020, a four-day shootout broke out in Ures near El Negros home. OTHER NAMES: Los Siete Demonios Chapo Trini and the Los Olivas group is believed to be behind the execution of Tomas Tovar Rascon, Tito Torbellino, in May 2014. [9][10][11], Last edited on 28 November 2022, at 14:11, "El resurgimiento de Caro Quintero, el "Narco de Narcos": Crtel de Caborca disputa Sonora a los "Chapitos", "El Crtel de Jurez y de Caborca: la violenta alianza que se estara dando en el hampa de Mxico", "Caro Quintero: un imperio criminal, la condena de 28 aos y su inesperado regreso con el Crtel de Caborca", "Se disputan Caborca 4 grupos criminales; son escisiones del Crtel del Pacfico", "Hijos del "Chapo" y Crtel de Caro Quintero desatan guerra en desierto de Sonora", "Crtel de Caborca, el regreso de Rafael Caro Quintera", "Dirige Caro Quintero el crtel de Caborca", "Capturan al capo de la droga Rafael Caro Quintero, el hombre ms buscado por la DEA", "Choix, Sinaloa, el sitio donde la Marina detuvo a Caro Quintero",, This page was last edited on 28 November 2022, at 14:11. I will definitely do Tijuana someday and see if anyone else is willing to tackle writing it with me. Gonzalo Inzunza Inzunza, alias "El Macho Prieto, is believed to have supervised El Gigio at some point in his career. He was one of the three co-founders of one of Mexicos most powerful cartels of the late 1970s and 1980s, the Guadalajara Cartel along with Miguel Angel Felix Gallardo and Ernesto Fonseca Carrillo, alias Don Neto. (Source), He as been tied to Sonora Sinaloa Cartel figures such as El Jabal and El Negro Sabori.

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caborca sonora narcos

caborca sonora narcos

caborca sonora narcos

caborca sonora narcos