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Appropriates $10 million from the Capital Development Fund to the Department of Natural Resources for implementation of flood hazard mitigation plans. local flood mitigation plans and contacts for local government outreach and assistance are also included. MGVmODA0NWI0MGVjNjcwNGQ4ZWExMjRhMWY4ZGE5MmU0OWQ0YmYwZmJkMGJm You may have even been through a flooding event yourself. Surely, storm water protection is one of the most prominent flood risk mitigation strategies for 2022. 8. The Northern Territory Government's Secure NT website gives advice on planning for emergencies and provides up-to-date information during and after emergencies including major flooding, extreme weather and cyclones. Hurricane roof clips or reinforcement. NGI0YWMzYTk0ZWQxZDE0NWY3M2ZkMTg5ZWEzOTFiYmY3MmU5YTM5ZTMxYTQ4 In many flood-prone areas, building codes require new construction to be built at a specific Design Flood Elevation, which signifies the base flood elevation of an area plus an additional height. NzUzZGZkMTNhZjg1ZDZiZTUxNmNlNjBhNDU4ZjU3Y2IxNjFlODY0ZDE3MzVh 2019; Zhang and Pan 2014 ). MzlmNGM4Mjk0YTYzNDYyOTg3MzA0ZDUzZThmNTg3YzI3YTJiMGIwZTBkOTc4 Strategic land use planning will identify the extent of flood impacted land to limit the construction of urban and rural residential, commercial and industrial land. Elevation of a flood-vulnerable building or home. ZGNiZDFlNTk2N2FhYTcwYzYyZjMzMzRiYTRkNGQxNWU4ZDE2MGNlYzNhZGQ1 Requires a state agency that uses or disburses federal money for flood research, planning, or mitigation projects to submit a report on a quarterly basis to the state Water Development Board. For questions pertaining to legislation in your state, please emailKim Tyrell. Generated by Wordfence at Fri, 4 Nov 2022 7:26:03 GMT.Your computer's time: document.write(new Date().toUTCString());. MTIyNDgyZGU0MzQyYWYyZDU2ZGYzNTc3N2UyNDZmYjY3NDhkZjY4MGE0MjBi Several of the natural flood management strategies being implemented internationally are being, or have the ability to be, implemented in Australia. If you believe Wordfence should be allowing you access to this site, please let them know using the steps below so they can investigate why this is happening. To get started now, read on to learn about the cost-saving flood mitigation strategies for natural disasters. strategies, and tools and techniques that can prevent, or lessen, the impact of disasters. It allocates 6% of the combined obligations estimated following a major disasterunemployment assistance, assistance to low-income migrant and seasonal farmworkers and crisis counseling assistance and trainingto mitigation assistance (Section 1234). Nearly $800 million to the Army Corps of Engineers to investigate and build high-priority flood and storm damage reduction projects. Establishes the Nevada Resilience Advisory Committee and charges the group with, among other things, developing state resilience goals and formulating recommendations and policies regarding statewide mitigation, preparedness, response and recovery efforts. Turn off utilities as the main switch and disconnect electrical appliances. NCSLdrafted and advocated for language in the final law that specifically requires consultation with state and local governments: In determining the capacity of a jurisdiction to respond to disasters, and prior to the issuance of such a rule, the Administrator shall engage in meaningful consultation with relevant representatives of State, regional, local, and Indian tribal government stakeholders.. Elevate the heating system (furnace), water heater, and electric panel if the location is susceptible to flooding; Install "check valves" in sewer lines to prevent floodwater from backing up into the drains of your home; Waterproof the basement; Install sump pumps with battery backup; If you live in a flood-prone area, stockpile . These strategies are focused on rapid response to serious flood threats in an urban environment. One of the most common flood mitigation techniques is wetproofing, which allows water to flow through a structure by adding flood openings. 6 The Nature Conservancy, National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, and Mobile Bay National Estuary Program. The costs of protection rise as more people and property are protected. They can also provide ample protection to water treatment facilities, critical infrastructure projects, and their contents. M2RlMDI2NWU2OTgyNzQzODEzZGMxMjRjYmNjOTJiNTQxNjY5ZjEwNjIyMDU1 ZmY4NDcyZmRkYjZiMzRjZTM1NTk3MTI4ZDY0MmUxZjIzOWFlMjA5MzIzMWZk OWUzNzY3NjVhYzY4NzRkYzU4Mjc1NDEzMDAzZGZhNTRiYzQ0MTY2MGYxZWJi Flood Mitigation Strategies October 9, 2016 Adding Cofferdams to Your Flood Mitigation Strategies Flooding affects more homeowners than and other natural disaster, according to FEMA. Water storage Impacts are a function of when and where the hurricane hits. Expands the definition of the approved project to includeresiliencyrelated infrastructure projects and projects which may include state and federal infrastructures within the state. Mzg5MWM5ZmI2ZTZiMGI1ZDBlYmU3NmQyMDFjNmM1MDA4MTk3ZWQ5OTFmZDRm There are some mitigation actions that both renters and homeowners can take, while other actions can only be taken by the owner of a home. One of the most common flood mitigation techniques is wetproofing, which allows water to flow through a structure by adding flood openings. Appropriates $997,075 for flood hazard mitigation grants. 2022 Northern Territory Government of Australia, URL: You can only qualify for this grant after a federal disaster has been declared in your area. The Plan describes funding sources that can be used to implement local mitigation Running head: FLOOD MITIGATION STRATEGIES 1 . Thats why organizations are adopting take-charge practices to mitigate potential vulnerabilities, impacts, or consequences of the next devastating flood or storm. Authorizes the Maryland Department of the Environment, under its existing comprehensive flood management grant program, to award grants to subdivisions that have incurred at least $1 million in infrastructure damage by a flood event that occurred on or after January 1, 2009. Authorizes municipalities to create municipal development and revitalization districts as a result of a climate change emergency. Dike Management Low-permeability materials up to 0.3m. NDBjNzNhNjUzNzUxZGZkMWVhMjJmMjE1ZTNhNjFkMjk0ODVjMjYxNzU1Y2Vl Detailed surveys of flood affected residences can increase the accuracy of flood modelling so that homeowners, insurers and buyers can understand the actual impact of flooding on each property. Flood and storm water protection strategies help commercial and critical infrastructure projects save millions every year. That 6% is made available the following year on a competitive basis for states that have experienced a major disaster in the last seven years to use for mitigation projects. The March 2021 summary provides an overview of Flood Mitigation Assistance's fiscal year 2020 application submissions. It is important to understand the effectiveness of individual measures in terms of flood mitigation impact when considering structural solutions for flood mitigation. So called non-structural options play an important role in reducing risk and improving flood resiliency and include: Risk reduction ZTMzYTEyOWIxZWI1N2NmNzE0ZDkzZjU2MTFhZjY5MTJjZmIzOTE1YWFmMjk1 Tools for evaluating flood mitigation . NGFhMzJiZWM0ZTZkYjc3OTlhMDQ4ZTJiYjg3MGE3MDAyYzQ5YTU4ZWVmMDdi The optimal development of water resources depends to a considerable extent on flood control, design and construction of structural measures and taking proper measures for flood mitigation. Requires the Governor to include in the annual state budget an appropriation of at least $5 million for the program. The idea to work with water through flood-mitigation measures based on natural processes has been explored in different ways. The Springbank Off-stream Reservoir is a dry reservoir that will store water temporarily during a flood. It was . Installation of tornado safe rooms. NCSL issued aletterto the full Senate in July of 2018 highlighting certain components of the legislation and advocating for its passage. These cities need improved modeling and sensing capabilities to determine which areas (streets, residential neighborhoods, etc.) Risk avoidance and mitigation is one of the most notable strategies for proactive flood control. Establishes the Coastal Resilience and Cultural and Historic Reserve Commission. Investing time, finance and efforts in the conceiving the pre-event flood mitigation strategies may considerably save efforts needed for post-event flood mitigation strategies. FDEM has the authority and responsibility for developing and maintaining a State Hazard Mitigation Plan, reviewing Flood Mitigation Assistance Program subapplications, recommending . These are specifically designed to be set up in pre-planned locations, usually in areas where permanent flood barriers cant be deployed. Our expert flood mitigation company will help to protect your facility from the next flood event. The City of Virginia Beach, Virginia commissioned this study to identify and assess opportunities for including natural and nature-based coastal flood mitigation strategies among the measures that the City can adopt to increase resilience and decrease flood risk in Virginia Beach. Flood Mitigation Mitigation is the effort to reduce loss of life and property by lessening the impact of disasters. Less than 0.3m. Ongoing maintenance to existing creeks and stormwater drainage systems is vital to maintain the hydraulic performance of drains. the goal of this study was to 1) identify the most likely extent of sea level rise in the chesapeake bay, 2) identify the highest observed storm surges in the annapolis area, 3) identify and map areas susceptible to flooding now anprojected into the future, 4) identification of structural d options for protecting property in flood threatened Flood mitigation projects protect the town of High River from Highwood River flooding. There are two different ways to mitigate floods: o Structural o Non- Structural Structural measures are in the nature of physical measures and help in modifying the floods, while non- structural measures are in the nature of planning and help in modifying the losses due to floods. Water flow can be either partially restricted or completely . Grant funds may be used to acquire flood-prone properties, install flood warning systems, and construct flood control projects. Nonstructural measures reduce damage by removing people and property out of risk areas. Wetlands can also regulate water flow in times of spate, mitigating flood damage by absorbing and retaining large quantities of water. Creates the Urban FloodSafety and Water Quality District in a portion of Multnomah County for purposes of managing and improving the levee system, drainage and natural areas to provide for flood safety and contribute to water quality, habitat, and landscape resiliency. Because of this, cities across the country need to implement flood mitigation strategies in order to ensure the safety and health of their residents. MmRiNjc4YmRlNzAzZTZiYzZjMDhmYjBkMDQyMDMzNjhmOGViMTk5MjYwMmMw 1. Reservoirs & Flood gates - Reservoirs can moderate the intensity and timing of the incoming flood. YmY3M2I0MTFiNzk5YzMwNzJhMzJhNGNkMmMwYjJkZjBhYWQwMWVkMzllYTk2 In June, Congress passed a long-awaited $19 billion supplemental disaster aid package for states most affected by 2017, 2018 and 2019 disasters. Flood resilient materials and designs. They include elevated structures, property buyouts, permanent relocation, zoning, subdivision, and building codes. 2009. What is a flood mitigation plan? Mzg1ODk4ZjY1OWVmM2Y0MGExM2FlNGIxMzZmM2UyODgxNmE1ODBmNTgyYzM4 The book specifically addresses hazards posed by Structural flood mitigation is where physical structures are constructed or modified to reduce the impact of flooding on individual properties or whole catchments and include: When considering structural solutions, it is important to understand the effectiveness of individual measures in terms of flood mitigation impact. Abstract Floods are repeatedly in the headlines of local, national and international media. There are several highly-effective, cost-saving flood mitigation strategies for proactive natural disasters. Such measures may include largescale reservoirs and stormwater management strategies to divert water from rivers during periods of high flow, structural measures to reduce the impact of . A more extreme dry floodproofing technique is using floodwalls, or temporary barriers constructed around a building to hold back floodwaters. Mitigation and non-structural measures tend to be potentially more efficient and long term more sustainable solu-tions to water-related problems and Take steps now to reduce the risk of damage to your property. ZTI0MzBjYmE1Y2M3Mzg2NTQzZjRiMTNmNDllMGFlYmIzZGY5YmYyYTQ2MjU4 Flood proofing a home or business. WHY Community benefits of comprehensive flood hazard planning include increased coordination, heightened safety, and effective usage of resources and funds. The Flood Mitigation Assistance Program is funded by FEMA and administered through a partnership with the Florida Division of Emergency Management (FDEM). Flood mitigation strategies are necessary for those who wish to protect their home. Prioritization guide for coastal habitat protection and restoration . No amount of intervention can stop heavy rain or high tides. DRRA establishes the Building Resilient Infrastructure and Communities program, which will commit certain funding from the Disaster Relief Fund to predisaster mitigation efforts. Also requires a report from agencies that utilize federal dollars. The problem of floods and their computation is one of the main and most complex problems the hydrologists are facing now. Appropriates $3.054 million to acquire, for recreation and conservation purposes, properties throughout the state that are prone to or have incurred flood or storm damage, or that may buffer or protect other lands from such damage as part of the Blue Acres program. Princeton Hydro's study focused on the key problem areas in Eastwick: the confluence of Darby Creek and Cobbs Creek; a . In a flash flood situation, there is not much time for preparation, and little can be done to minimize flood damage. A flood opening, or flood vent, is a small gap where water can flow through an area of the building below the elevation level, such as a crawlspace or basement. We look forward to working with your engineer, architect, or builder as your flood device supplier and installer. It can involve any combination of structural additions, upgrades, or changes that aim to eliminate flood damage to critical real estate. ODIzMzNjMzY4Nzk5ZGNiNGE1MjE0NjljZjgzNzY3ODIwMmY5MmM3MGJkMjZi While flood vents enable water to flow through buildings, dry floodproofing protects your home without letting water inside. ZTFiNTdjYzlkYmMwNzgxYmIwNjYxOTI4MmM0N2EyMDU5MTQxY2JmN2U4ODg2 ZWZlYTljYWFmNzU4MmIwYTliNTE0MDUxNWI4Zjk1OTllNzY5NTQ4YTlkZDc5 And remember, cleaning out any gutters attached to a building allows water to flow through. Floodgates are often incorporated into reservoir, river, stream, levee, or storm surge systems. 'Mitigation' strategy. Appropriates $5 million split between Annapolis, Ellicott City and Baltimore for projects which reduce the risk of loss of life and property from flooding. Unfortunately, sandbags are only meant to withstand up to two feet of water, and if wet for an extended period can break. Tel: 202-624-5400 | Fax: 202-737-1069, Research, Editorial, Legal and Committee Staff, E-Learning | Staff Professional Development, Communications, Financial Services and Interstate Commerce, Copyright 2022 by National Conference of State Legislatures. According to NOAAs Office of Coastal Management, these hazard mitigation programs and strategies collectively save the American public over $3 Billion every year. Monitoring tide and rainfall forecasts can alert residents when the conditions that may result in flooding could occur. Extends the date the projects must comply with the criteria and the date certain local jurisdictions must develop a plan to address certain nuisance flooding. Rhode Island Chief Resilience Officer Shaun O'Rourke told the audience that his state is connecting with municipalities on resilience planning and identifying ways to access funding or remove barriers to mitigation. Flood strategy should cover the entire river basin area and promote the co-ordinated development and manage-ment of actions regarding water, land and related resources. [1] Contents Continues the Colorado Resiliency Office. If you want to use this method, check with your local code enforcement before building takes place. NmRhNDU4ZmRkZWUwNmE2MWI4MDI0ZWM3NWJjYjk5NTA3ZjU4ZmZiY2QyNWJh Merrimack River Watershed Restoration Strategy. They support ample response to threatening catastrophes. For example, turning off the electricity is a necessary step because the risk of electrocution is higher once the water comes into contact with any wiring. They may also reduce the destruction of life and property to a large extent. The prevention and mitigation of flooding can be studied on three levels: on individual properties, small communities, and whole towns or cities. Theyre highly effective in flash, river, or coastal flood scenarios. The Upper Cedar was selected as a pilot watershed and a hydrologic assessment was . Levees and Floodwalls barriers against floods and protect development from floodwater. -----BEGIN REPORT----- MjVlMDk0N2RhZWRmMTcwZDNhYWMxOTNmNjY4MmRlZTU3MWZhMDM3ZjZmOWRm Controlling risk. Requires the Office of Planning to update the Hawaii 2050 Sustainability Plan using the Hawaii Climate Change Mitigation and Adaptation Initiative as guiding principles. Disaster mitigation sections included: Congress passedHR 302, the Disaster Recovery Reform Act (DRRA) in October 2018. $50 million for Title IX funds for public-private partnership to support coastal resiliency. Triggered by record flooding in June 2008, the Iowa Watersheds Project was formed to evaluate and construct projects for flood reduction. MTM1N2I1ZjNlZjRhODg0NGY4YmExZDFlYzY0NjE1ZjBmMWJmMWY1NGVmYmU2 Flood proofing is best defined as permanent defense measures that provide reliable resistance to flood and water damage. Orders the approval of a Mitigation and Adaptation to Climate Change Plan by sectors. best-practices-on-flood-prevention-protection-and-mitigation 1/5 Downloaded from on by guest Best Practices On Flood Prevention Protection And Mitigation . NTM0NmNmOTE2MTMwNzFlODVkMDBiNTVmNDQ4NjAwZGE3ZjVlMWJjOWExODY4 Authorizes municipalities to establish climate change and coastal resiliencyreserve funds that can be used to fund payments for property losses and land acquisitions due to climate change. Federal Issues | Environment and Natural Resources, State Action: Table 1: 2019 Enacted State Flood Legislation, Homeland Security and Emergency Management policy, Innovative Drought and Flood Mitigation Projects, Flood Mitigation Assistance Grant Program. Two Types of Mitigation Strategies Flood management strategies fall into two categories, structural and nonstructural. 48 Bi State Plaza #256, Old Tappan, NJ 07675, How Flood Mitigation Is Protecting Our Most Critical Industries, What Is Flood Mitigation? FEMA released areportin 2017 called "Innovative Drought and Flood Mitigation Projects"that evaluates four disaster mitigation approaches highlighted by an EPA-commissioned report: "Aquifer Storage and Recovery, Floodwater Diversion and Storage, Floodplain and Stream Restoration,and Low Impact Development (LID)/Green Infrastructure (GI)." The 2020 plan covers 135 municipalities, and 50 school districts and has been significantly revised to reflect both changing . MTZhNmE5OWM4YzExMzNkMzAzZjQ1NTVhYTExNjE3ZTk1YTdlZDIxNzQ3ZmE1 Certification Statement I hereby certify that this paper constitutes my own product, that where the language of This story is based on the results of a 2016 study, using 2014 data, done for the Edmonton area to determine the vulnerable drainage and sewage areas of Edmonton in regards to a 1 in 100 year rainfall event. Follow the points highlighted above to learn about the most proactive flood mitigation strategies for natural disaster control. Improving the flood resilience of roads provides a benefit to flood-affected residents by allowing residents to escape floods and allowing emergency service access. Some types of mitigation construction: Hurricane shutters for a home, business or government building. FEMA supports mitigation projects through a variety of hazard . Flood mitigation approaches fall into twocategoriesstructural and nonstructural. NzFhZTBiZDZjZWVjMTNmZmVhYWY4M2IxZDQ2Zjc3OWVmNWQ4YzMxNjdmM2U2 Structural mitigation tactics involve restructuring the landscape and consist of flood gates, levees, retention ponds, evacuation routes, and floodwalls. A Flood Mitigation Technical Advisory Committee comprised of public and private sector engineers and other flood experts, is charged with . Sandbags are one of the simplest and most cost-effective methods to keep water out of your home. N2U2NzRlNTUxODJjZmNhOGM2MmE5ODYxYTdhZmNlZjViNDUyMTE1ZmVhOTA3 These consequences can often be eliminated through effective flood risk identification, forecasting, and management. The NT Planning Scheme requires all new developments to undertake land suitability investigations to determine the extent of constrained land. Flood Mitigation Strategies Adopted in Sri Lanka. Grant funding (for a total of $200 million nationally) would cover flood mitigation activities and voluntary property buy-outs, and it would assign additional funding to recipients who undergo revised flood maps and either fall below the base flood elevation or are mapped into a higher risk flood zone. MTc5NzllY2FjYjcwZjZiY2YyNjk4MjU0YjMxYzhkMGM3Y2FkMzNlY2VjYTkx In conjunction with a household emergency kit, a household emergency plan is essential for all Territorians. Amends the Kauai Flooding Disaster Relief Appropriation Act to include flood mitigation measures. Requires a city or county, upon the next revision of its housing element, to include information identifying residential developments in hazard areas that do not have at least two emergency evacuation routes. ZGEwODUzMTZlOTk0MmQwZDc4OTA1OTJmZjJmYTQwNDU4ZWU1MjZkMmQ5YTFj FEMA offers Increased Cost of Compliance funding through insurance companies, which can offer $30,000 for flood-proofing a house. Specifically, the legislation would create the Flood Mitigation and Preparedness Fund, which would be used to provide grants or loans to local government bodies for the following: Finance costs or to loan against federal . ZTQ0MDFmZDk3YTg3NGRjNzExMjdiNjViNGQ4MGQ0OWUwMTMwODYwOTM5N2Jl The study evaluated a range of natural and nature-based features . M2I3NTVjMWFmZDdmMGU5MmFlYjY2OGZjNjA5NDczMjhjYzc3ZmQ2ZmM2NTVh The inclusion of this language ensures that FEMA considers this important perspective before making changes to the way disaster assistance is calculated, based on such capacity. The management and control of flood water movement can prevent the loss of lives as. A Guide To The Technology Revolutionizing U.S.Infrastructure Planning, 4 Types Of Flood Mitigation Devices That Protect Communities And Facilities. A FORTIFIED Roof is a construction standard that includes several mitigation strategies for making roofs stronger in high winds and tropical storms. This thesis evaluates the effectiveness of several flood mitigation strategies for reducing peak discharges in the Upper Cedar River Watershed located in northeast Iowa. Let Orange Flood Control, LLC help to keep your vital facilities and infrastructure running smoothly. These can be summarised in four main strategies. The optimal development of water resources depends to a . NjI5YzQ3NTQ3MTE2ZjQxNGUzOTRiYjg3NDE4MzE4ZTRlYWFkYWYxMTU5MmUz HOW There are several methods to ensure your home is less susceptible to flooding, a process known as flood mitigation. Provides that the purposes of soil and water conservation districts include the improvement of resilienceto droughts, floods, and other extreme weather. OTEyZGEyMjIyNzVkMjg5YjQ5MmI4OGU3NTYwYTI0MzQ4YTQ2YjkxNzRhYmMw If you have any further questions on federal mitigation policy, please contactLucia Braggor 202-624-3576. Oftentimes, this involves the quick deployment of dependable temporary flood mitigation devices. To provide a deeper understanding of mitigation, it is important to first understand the nature of natural, man-made, and terrorism risk. They include floodwalls/seawalls, floodgates, levees, and evacuation routes. They can cover up to 75 to 100 percent of the expenses. The NT Planning Scheme requires all new developments to undertake land suitability investigations to determine the extent of constrained land. Our Complete Guide To Flood Mitigation For Multi-Family Residential Developments, Commercial Buildings, Schools, Hospitals, And Critical Infrastructure. Indeed, many commercial facilities, infrastructure projects, and local communities regularly require emergency flood preparation solutions. Orange Flood Control 2021. Low structural risk - attempt to keep water out. Move to the upper floor in case of floods and move the essential items as well. Flood Mitigation Assistance Timeline This graphic illustrates the process and timing of the program. Establishes a joint interim committee to continue to study the feasibility of creating and maintaining a coastal barrier system that includes gates and barriers to prevent storm surge damage to gulf beaches or coastal ports, industry, or property. We are the nation's most respected bipartisan organization providing states support, ideas, connections and a strong voice on Capitol Hill. Adopts a host of measures to put the state on a path to reduce statewide greenhouse gas emissions by 85% by 2050 and net-zero emissions in all sectors of the economy. Codifies an amendment to the Constitution of Virginia adopted in Nov. 2018, which enables a locality to provide by ordinance a partial exemption from real property taxes for flooding abatement, mitigation, or resiliency efforts for improved real estate that is subject to recurrent flooding. It presents the development of a problem discretization amenable to simulation-based, derivative-free optimization. It is also imperative that electrical systems are unplugged and raised off the ground to assure these do not come into contact with floodwaters. Y2QxMzY0NWU2OTM5NjgzMzFmZmVhNWE1YjYyYzY2MTRjOTYyZTY1OTkxOTA0 Developed by Perfect Clicks LLC. Plan Development and History. Yzk3OTI3MWQ4ZWIyNTJmMTRhYzBmNzQ4OGQyMmQ1MzExMzkyZDczNmJkMDFh While targeted clearing of creek systems does not always help reduce the impact of large flood events, it does help reduce the impact of smaller, more frequent floods. Where the inundation of flood water is relatively low (nominally less than 700mm), it may be possible to keep flood waters out of homes by installing solid fences, raising windows, sealing doors with stop boards and limiting sewage contamination through reflux or backflow valves. Yzg0ZjYyZDFjOGI5NzcxMDYxOGNkMDI3ZmQ0ZWY0YmVhMjM3YTA2ZGJjODk3 Knowing your local flood history and developing an understanding of how floods behave in your area provides you with the ability to respond in time to an impending flood. The results demonstrate that effectiveness increases when integrated approaches are implemented. Requires the Texas Water Development Board (TWDB), not later than September 1, 2024, to prepare and adopt a comprehensive state flood plan. The Local Mitigation Strategy (LMS) is a unified, coordinated effort among County and municipal governments to reduce the county's vulnerability to the impacts of identified natural and man-made hazards.

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flood mitigation strategies

flood mitigation strategies

flood mitigation strategies

flood mitigation strategies