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Why should we save the endangered species? For example, by grazing on seagrass, turtles help keep it short, encouraging it to grow horizontally across the sea floor. according to the IUCN. Chat with professional writers to choose the paper writer that suits you best. In the year 2002, there were less than 570 of them. Some people would use many kind of animals to take their leather and use to it as clothes, bags, and shoes. The conservation and restoration of endangered species helps ensure that humans maintain a healthy environment too. Once gone, they're gone forever, and there's no going back. Then, out of nowhere, you are captured. Endangered species are in serious trouble and it is a major problem all around the world. Endangered Species Animal Welfare Ecology Topics: Original photo: Ivars Utinns is under the Unsplash License. And the consequences can be critical. Their decline can indicate that something is wrong with the region in which they and humans live. Specify your topic, deadline, number of pages and other requirements. Black Rhinos were once found around the majority of Africa. Everything in the nature has a reason to be there. You We use cookies to offer you the best experience. Also, the researchers use detection dogs when finding samples of the genetic material of a specific species in the wild, certain dogs have a great sense of smell and are trained to find the specific wild species. Development for housing industry and agriculture reduces the habitat of native organisms. Endangered species are animals and plants that will be extinct because of human activities such as hunting. This happened because the elk population, which are usually hunted by wolves, were able to graze freely and more heavily on the plants that were also needed by beavers to survive during winter. Ecological Stability. When a species becomes endangered it is a sign that the ecosystem is slowly falling apart. Species being extinct can affect our ecosystem because of the duties each of them may have. Europe in the United Nations recognized that multifariousness is a concern of humankind. Why Should We Protect Endangered Species Essay, Phd Essay On Math, Ubc Essay Tips, Free Paper Download Site, Sample Emergency Room Rn Resume, Sample College Essays About Culture, These software can provide you with all the necessary features: Remember to check to see if your institution has a standing rule against plagiarism. For example, a review study published in 2010 in Nature found a strong link between low bird diversity in the United States and an increased risk of West Nile encephalitis, a mosquito-transmitted virus, in humans. How to Protect Endangered Animals Essay Help! The best volunteer opportunities for high school students are group trips. Retrieved November 4, 2022 , from, Get in touch with our top writers for a non-plagiarized essays written to satisfy your needs. Their monetary valuation of species goes beyond the value of timber, land, or tourism, which are relatively easier to measure. There are several reasons for this including: We have to safeguard these animals because sea turtles play a fundamental role in marine ecosystems. Invasive species also disrupt delicate food chains, and provide extra competition within a habitat, with one species (usually the invasive one) eventually outcompeting the other. Caring For The Environment Protects The Ecosystem And Humanity 5. Asian elephants are listed as endangered by the IUCN. Be careful, this sample is accessible to everyone. The experimental world of Biosphere 2 had miniature versions of a rainforest, an ocean, a mangrove wetland, a savannah grassland, a desert and an agricultural system.. Would you like to have an original essay? For the enjoyment of future generations One of the strongest arguments for saving endangered animals is simply that we want to. Essay Protect Endangered Species - donating = loving. Finally, a simple conclusion to this is that we have to keep continuing searching for new genera for the growth of medicines and food, possibly we could even find new materials that are still unknown, and one day we could even travel far beyond our home to places using our technology to discover living things. . If no stringent actions are taken to save our wildlife the extinction of our animals and habitat will have a fatal impact on the human race as well. are groups of plants and animals that are found in the same area and interact with each other. Endangered species can also be of economic value to local communities that share their homes with animals andplants. Philippine Eagles, Why Save them. . In 2010, Nicholas Calderone of Cornell University found that honeybees and other insects pollinated nearly $30 billion worth of crops in the U.S. like apples, almonds, cherries, oranges, asparagus, broccoli, carrots and onions. You may choose to argue for its reform or revocation, as long as your work is supported by scientific literature and cited as such. For Recreation. Almost a million genera have already been identified. Save Endangered Species Essay. Leaches can drink a lot of toxins from your blood, they help med the skin after plastic surgery or close wounds. Many countries have laws but a lot of them have been broken because they lack enforcement. In 2016, the Chinese government revised and implemented the law. However, the answer to whether protected areas truly reduce poverty in local societies is still murky and complicated, and in need of more rigorous assessment. Join GVIs programs & help protect big cats.Apply. Studying species in the dark requires technology, so they added thermal imaging sensors which can detect the heat energy in animals that are in caves or other dark places. To answer this question, scientists have been trying to find out what nature is worth. Protecting endangered species would help raise environmental awareness to protect and bring order. Trusted by over 1 million students worldwide. Read more We've found 7 essays on Endangered Species Essay examples Essay topics information There should also be exceptions, however, to those laws and should allow restricted hunting or captivity of endangered species for scientific research, conducted with a permit. If the balance tilts disasters follow. Bequest value How to Save Endangered Species References Save these amazing animal species from extinction! One such famous group of medicinally useful trees is the yew tree, which yields an anti-cancer compound called Taxol, routinely used to treat breast and ovarian cancer. If you are such a student, you can use Theyre also building on awareness campaigns that are aimed at getting more people involved in vital conservation work. When a species becomes endangered, its a sign that an ecosystem is out of balance. The black rhino population has experienced a more than 90% decline in their numbers since 1970. are listed as endangered by the IUCN. And, of the 3,000 Asian elephants found in Thailand, almost half of them are kept in captivity. Ecological importance Healthy ecosystems depend on plant and animal species as their foundations. For example, when grey wolves were hunted to near-extinction in the United States Yellowstone National Park, the beaver population also decreased significantly. The expansion of agriculture is one thing that aids in the loss of species and habitats. Just have to change the heading to what was on the article instead of what you thought it should be.. A professional writer will make a clear, mistake-free paper for you! In the 17th century, people were not concerned about the extinction of species, because it didnt affect them directly. The cause of their death was a veterinary drug called diclofenac, an anti-inflammatory drug routinely given to livestock. I will let you continue having other relationships and I will continue believing your lies. China has always supported animal rights, and has passed several laws regarding the protection of animals, yet enforcement has often been too lax to make a difference. Get your custom essay on,, Environmental Science Tigers Endangered Species Project, Endangered Species: Controversial Topic Among Todays Society, Endangered Species Project: the Dusky Gopher Frog, Cloning of an Endangered Species Bos Gaurus: Using Interspecies Nuclear Transfer, Endangered Species are Important to our Planet. Most of the identified kind has been found in the land regions, when Europeans traveled to South America in the early 14s and 15s, there was so much nature across the land with mysterious things. Essay Instructions: Write a paper about the history, present status, and future of the Endangered Species Act. All rights Without strong enforcement, laws become useless. We`ll do boring work for you. Scientists estimate that perhaps only a few hundred pairs remain in the wild. Despite their importance to the ecosystem, black rhinos in South Africa are listed as critically endangered according to the IUCN. We get a lot of pleasure out of seeing and interacting with animals. But little-known species can bear surprising benefits for humans. Forests, fish stocks, biodiversity, hydrological cycles become owned, in effect, by the very interests corporations, landlords, banks whose excessive power is most threatening to them. Disclaimer: The images in this article were taken pre-COVID-19. If you have ever thought about owning something unique, like a lion cub or tiger, maybe you should think about owning a dog instead. The law stated that all illegal breeding, consumption, domestication, killing, etc. Find out more about the best volunteer programs for high schoolers. Because vultures help keep our environment healthy, saving them may seem like the right thing to do. paper. Dispose Of Waste Properly. Humans depend on healthy ecosystems to purify our environment. ). Human activity can also contribute to a loss of habitat. . So why are conservationists rushing to save the last remaining vultures? Stop wasting your time searching for samples! The demise of Gyps vultures and the resulting spread of infectious diseases in India is one such example. Being able to brine environmental awareness, it could help protect the ecosystem and help restore the number of species that have been endangered over time. Species being extinct can affect our ecosystem because of the duties each of them may have. Wildlife is a precious gift from God for this planet. We need to make new technology for researchers so it could be easy to find a new type of species of animals. Researchers say the best way to protect endangered species is for humans to protect the special places where they stay. Wildlife must be able to find water, shelter, and raise their young. Here are 8 reasons why we should stop worrying about protecting endangered species. They are dying quicker than people think and they need help and recognition. So were keeping an eye on as many animal species as possible, and getting involved in their conservation as soon as we can. Even though they are no longer used in the workforce, Asian elephants are seen as tourist attractions. Should Legislative Acts have Strict Punishments for Poaching Endangered Species? Currently, waste management systems are being implemented in efforts to increase the amount of polystyrene recycling and to reduce emission of greenhouse gases such as carbon dioxide in the environment (Gutierrez, 2016). Youll learn more about conservation in a real-life context, and experience the challenges involved in conservation up close. The first group of men and women remained sealed inside Biosphere 2 for two years between 1991 and 1993. The organizations tracked the number of new animal species from the Amazon in 2014 and 2015. As one of the most developed countries in the world, China is becoming more urbanized each day, and deforestation has resulted in thousands of animals becoming extinct or endangered, due to the loss of their habitat. These interactions make up and maintain the environments we know today like rainforests, mountains and savannahs. Retrieved from Ecological value 4. And, of the 3,000 Asian elephants found in Thailand, almost half of them are kept in captivity. People should know that animals and plants are creature that have the right to live in peace. Plants and animals maintain the health of an ecosystem. Don't know where to start? Endangered species are living things which have risks to escape from the world. 1. Even though plants are not the only source of medicine, there are multiple animals that are medically used like a scorpion venom is used by researchers for a brain tumor or a vipers venom to control blood pressure. Choose non-toxic cleaners and lawn care items that won't pollute streams, rivers or oceans. Need a custom essay on the same topic? 1. While species are being extinct, we could be missing out on the significance of medicine and cures that are yet to be discovered. Waste polluting the ocean (turtles are at risk of eating or becoming tangled in litter like plastic bags, COVID-19 masks or plastic beer rings). We have to safeguard these animals because, sea turtles play a fundamental role in marine ecosystems. Go to GVI's community development programs. Now, scientists say that we are in the middle of the sixth mass extinction, drivenby humans. reserved. Another reason we should have safe habitats is because the animals in these safe habitats cannot be hunted and are also safe from predators.

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why should we protect endangered species essay

why should we protect endangered species essay

why should we protect endangered species essay

why should we protect endangered species essay