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the 1964 Act does not extend to Scotland." "Breach of the peace and obstruction of police constables in the execution of their duty (contrary to Section 41 of the Police (Scotland) Act 1967) are the offences most likely to be of use in dealing with mass picketing." The new Conservative government began their privatisation programme by selling off the governments 51% stake in British Petroleum (BP). 1983 Thatcher appoints Ian MacGregor, previous head of the British Steel Corporation, as head of the National Coal Board. At the start of the miners' strike in 1984, Bruce Wilson was 29 years old, married with a mortgage and two young kids. Click 'Accept all cookies' to agree to all cookies that collect anonymous data. He had worked underground as a miner at Silverwood Colliery, Rotherham . Locals also played host to miners who came to Lancaster to picket the neighbouring . Many of these mines were in poor economic areas and the miners would find it almost impossible to gain employment elsewhere. Protestors have been out of work for six months and the lack of income is starting to take its toll. Dec. 20 -- Nottinghamshire miners vote to defy union rules. Hampstead Theatre, "..I suggest that we should go ahead now with setting up a Ministerial Group [the Cabinet Ministerial Group on Coal ("CMGC") in the MISC series to consider all aspects of the situation which may be of concern to Ministers: industrial relations, law and order, power station endurance, the effect on the economy, the scope for mitigating action by the Government, and the handling of the media. Tony Mulhearn, Liverpool 47 councillor 1983-87. The Miners Strike 1984. 8 coaches were stopped at Stepps en route to Hunterston. Your cookie preferences have been saved. May 1 -- Rival groups of miners throw stones and hurl bricks at each other when 5,000 working miners stage a right-to-work march. The deployment of police officers is an operational matter for the discretion of the Chief Constable[37]. Chancellor Denis Healey needed a loan to prop up the failing pound. Margaret Thatcher made a speech where she referred to union leaders as the enemy within. 1984: Miners strike over threatened pit closures. July 18 -- Third round of peace talks collapse. In March 1984 more than 187,000 miners came out on strike when the National Coal Board . It could be argued that this burden would be eased if management in the industries affected by unlawful picketing had recourse to the civil law. Find Miners Strike 1984 stock photos and editorial news pictures from Getty Images. 18. "The miners in south Wales are saying we are not accepting the dereliction of our mining valleys, we are not allowing . 6 March 1984 National Coal Board announces plans to close 20 coal mines, with a loss of 20,000 jobs. He succeeded with a majority of just 3 seats in the House of Commons. Nevertheless, Robert Maxwell owner of the Daily Mirror paid for striking miners and their families to take a trip to the seaside. More Information and Timeline for the Sino-British Joint Declaration. The effective cross-border arrangements which can be made are for the exchange of information about the prospective or actual movements of pickets between England and Scotland. Jan. 21 -- Secret meeting between union and Coal Board to effort settlement. They were buried when wet soil slid down the embankment. The Women Against Pit Closures group held a rally in Barnsley. May 25 -- Mass picketing of Orgreave coking plant. 5 March A year after the strike was called, miners return to work. "Besides a vigorous policy of bringing prosecutions whenever possible, the police would welcome maximum publicity for acts of violence by pickets and others: public opinion would be outraged by these acts" Home Secretary at Cabinet[27], "the concern felt by chief constables about the BBC 9 o'clock news on Thursday 17 May, which carried an interview with the Home Secretary about intimidation in coal mining areas. Harold Wilson resigned as Prime Minister because he was aware that his mental capacity was failing. The 1984 miners' strike was the most bitter industrial dispute in British history. The boys had dug into an exposed seam of coal in a railway embankment at Goldthorpe, Yorkshire. June 21 -- Coal Board chief Ian McGregor warns the strike 'could go on until December or even longer.'. The rise in cheaper oil from the Middle East led to a decline in demand for coal. Feb. 25 -- A record 3,807 miners back in one day. My name is Robert Gildea and I'm Professor Emeritus of Modern History at the University of Oxford and I'm a Fellow of the British Academy. October 8, 2015. Demanding a government apology for Thatcher's ruthless attack on the miners sounds hollow coming from Labour MPs. Some 136,000 of Britain's 175,000 miners now on strike. A national ballot of NUM members saw strike action rejected. 2,282 return. . March 16 -- Government dispatches 3,000 extra police to the Midlands. The Thatcher government had prepared against a repeat of the effective 1974 strike by stockpiling coal, converting power station to burn heavy fuel oil and recruiting road hauliers to transport coal. Butlin was speaking in December 1984. Delegates at an NUM conference decide 98 to 91 to end the strike[41]. Mr. Canavan asked the Solicitor-General for Scotland what criteria are used in deciding whether to charge pickets in an industrial dispute; and whether any special instructions or guidelines have been issued by the Crown Office to the police or procurators fiscal. Minutes from Ministerial Group on Coal[32], 18 June The battle of Orgreave, South Yorkshire 5,000 riot police took on 5,000 protestors. September Thousands of miners and police clash at Malty Colliery near Rotherham. The 1984 Miners' Strike was a last attempt by the mining unions to stop mining closures and the loss of jobs. BOX OFFICE: 020 7722 9301, 2022 Hampstead Theatre| Registered Charity no: 218506. For more details of these cookies and how to disable them, Home secretary makes a speech: "The police will be given all the backing they need to deal with these various forms of lawlessness. Coal mines began to be closed. Nov. 19 -- Back to work move accelerates. if(typeof ez_ad_units!='undefined'){ez_ad_units.push([[250,250],'totallytimelines_com-large-mobile-banner-2','ezslot_14',133,'0','0'])};__ez_fad_position('div-gpt-ad-totallytimelines_com-large-mobile-banner-2-0'); Published Jan 16 2021 @ 5:10 pm Updated Sep 17, 2022 @ 4:42 pm, Heather Y Wheeler. See for an example, Guardian, 29 July 1985. UK miners' strike (1984-85) UK miners' strike; UK miners' strike - This move request derives from a malformed one at Talk:UK miners' strike#Requested move 21 March 2017. But ten years earlier the UK's coal industry appeared to be on the way up. Fears over an impending second wave of coronavirus dominates Wednesdays front pages. Sept. 9 -- Secret peace talks collapse again. You can change your cookie settings at any time. By esbonvouloir. No special instructions or guidelines have been issued by the Crown Office to the police or procurators fiscal[18]. Jan. 17 -- 24-hour rail strike in support of miners. The Yorkshire branch of the NUM used the results of a ballot held in 1981 to call Yorkshire miners out on strike. Gentleman takes exception to that. The 1984-85 British Miners' Strike saw the formation of 'Women Against Pit Closures' groups, organising not only strike-oriented activities, support and community needs provision, but who also came to act autonomously as women's groups around gendered interests. He should establish in particular whether Scottish Chief Constables were willing as a matter of policy to take action similar to that in England to prevent pickets from going to the scene of possible disturbances[21]. June 18 - The battle of Orgreave - 5,000 riot police took on 5,000 protestors, who pelted officers with bricks and stones. The strike by the National Union of Mineworkers began on 6th March 1984, in response to pit closures, wage restraints and heavy reductions in government subsidies. Eton Avenue, Swiss Cottage, On 29 March 2014 I was in the audience of this conference. This article is over 13 years, 7 months old. When intimidation began on a substantial scale, the police responded by patrolling the pit villages in order to give protection to those who were threatened, and they made it clear that any report of intimidation would be investigated with vigour. Available: https://www.totallytimelines.com/uk-miners-strike-1984-1985/ Last accessed October 14th, 2022. "The range of criminal offences available to deal with objectionable conduct in the course of industrial picketing is substantial and is considered to be sufficient. Hello. Increasing numbers of miners began to return to work. Timeline of the 198485 miners' strike. June 12 -- Cost of policing is estimated at 65 million pounds. Union moderates call for a strike ballot. Statement by Michael Ancram, Conservative Minister: "The role of the police is to uphold the law and order and secure the rights of those who wish to work. Friend the Member for Midlothian (Mr. Eadie), and the meeting that he had with the hon. Commentary From The Cedar Lounge Revolution. What does lockdown lifting look like across the UK? Not long into the strike the slogan was invented, 'close a pit, kill a community'. There were exceptions, but the generalisation as a whole was, unfortunately, to stand. see our cookie policy. June 15 -- Miner killed by truck at Ferrybridge power station. To only allow the cookies that make the site work, click 'Use essential cookies only.' The Minister of State for the Armed Forces had replied that no such preparations had been made." National Union of Mineworkers (NUM) President Arthur Scargill unites various strikes into nationwide industrial action, without a ballot[13]. Here, historian Dominic Sandbrook revisits the longest and most acrimonious industrial dispute in Britain's modern history: the miners' strike of 1984-85 By Image: Battle of Orgreave, 18 June 1984. 12 March 2014 at 1:57am Timeline of the 1984-85 miners' strike March 12 1984 - National Union of Mineworkers (NUM) chief Arthur Scargill unites various strikes into nationwide industrial. Photo: John Sturrock/reportdigital.co.uk, Beth Steel, in a commanding Main Stage debut, illuminates corners of a story you think you know but you dont. David Hare, writer of The Judas Kiss, Skylight and Pravda, Brush up on your history and find out more about the 1984/5 Miners Strike which inspired Wonderland with our brief timeline. High Court orders miners leaders to stop backing roving pickets. The strike was marked by mass picketing, which aroused strong emotions. It was built as a pit village. The Solicitor-General for Scotland replied, the criteria to be applied in deciding whether to proceed against pickets on criminal charges are the same as those applied in any case where there is an allegation of criminal conduct. Mar 6, 1984. He was acquitted. Margaret Thatcher had gained significant popularity following British victory in the Falklands War. Transcript. Labour's leader then, Neil (now Lord) Kinnock, did absolutely nothing to assist the miners in their titanic 1984/85 struggle to defend their jobs and communities. Please do not provide any personal information, All content is available under the Open Government Licence v3.0, except for graphic assets and where otherwise stated, Cabinet Secretary for Justice and Veterans, Independent Review Impact On Communities Of The Policing Of The Miners' Strike 1984-85 - Final Report, 2. The ballot was never held. Tebbit: Miners' strike 'a terrible sore' on politics, 30 years on, Joe Biden vows to fight racial inequality with economic agenda, Trump reverts to promoting unproven drug as coronavirus treatment, Big Boss is watching you workers fear increased monitoring by employers, Devon bus drivers will decide whether to strike over pay, Durham County Council respond to teaching assistants' strike action, UK's top civil servant Sir Mark Sedwill to stand down, Controversial appointment of Brexit aide as National Security Adviser, Scotland records no new virus deaths for third day running, 'UK on a knife edge ahead of further lockdown easing'. Sun, 29/04/1984 - 22:00. [39], The Solicitor-General for Scotland I recall that meeting, at which I gave the hon. LOOKING BACK ON MINERS' LOST YEAR This article critically reassesses the predominant argument that the 1984-5 miners' strike was inevitably doomed, and examines the potential for alternative courses of action and a different outcome. On the other hand, it was not certain that recourse to the civil law would in practice have this effect. When will there be some change in the situation? The Chairman of the NCB states that miners convicted of violent offences will not be reinstated[35]. July 4 -- British Broadcasting Corporation reports 3,900 arrests, two dead, 640 injured in strike so far. More than 23,000 women marched through the streets. Dec. 2 -- Special union conference votes to fight on. 1 March National Coal Board (NCB) announces closure of Cortonwood pit in Yorkshire - miners at the pit walk out; 6 March Scottish and Yorkshire areas of the NUM make strike official The sudden resignation of Wilson led to a fall in the value of the stock market and the value of the pound. The defeat saw a major reduction political power of the NUM and trade unions in general in the UK. November A growing number of miners decide to return to work as Christmas looms. The lessons of the miners' strike - and its defeat - are of great significance to the future of the workers' movement, and deserve thorough study. As predicted by economists, this led to deflation and rising unemployment. In September the high court rules that the NUM breaches its own constitution and is fined 200,000, which it refuses to pay. The strike was a last, desperate attempt to thwart Thatcher's pit closure programme. It was possible also that Scottish Chief Constables might feel an undue reluctance to call for the help of forces South of the border through mutual aid arrangements.". Major Events of the 1984 UK Miners' Strike. This confrontation between striking miners and police, dubbed by some as the Battle of Orgreave, was the subject of a TV re-enactmentin 2001, conceived and organized by artist Jeremy Dellerand recorded by Mike Figgisfor the TV Channel 4. The former chair of British Steel, noted for his ruthless closures and redundancies in pursuit of profit, was committed to seeing the Coal Industry turn a profit by whatever means necessary. In Billy Elliot the Musical Live, young Billy Elliot starts studying ballet during the infamous coal miners' strike of 1984-1985, a real event in Great Britain's history . 12 March Miners National Union of Mineworkers ( NUM) President Arthur Scargill unites various strikes into nationwide industrial action, without a ballot [13]. The UK miners' strike of 1984-5 was a defining moment in the history of the United Kingdom, one that not only illuminates the country's near-history, but functions as a prism through which to. June 21 -- Coal Board chief Ian McGregor warns the strike 'could go on until December or even longer.' June 18 -- Scargill knocked. Scargill leads 7,000 pickets, accuses police of brutality. June 15 -- Miner killed by truck at Ferrybridge power station. Chief Constables are not subject to instructions from Ministers and none have been given to them. August 1989 Numerous pit closures followed, coal mining ended in the Kent coalfield. by aneurin. Selby coalfield was opened providing more jobs in Yorkshire. Opposition to the strike was led by the Conservative government of Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher, who wanted to reduce . The biggest rail strike in 30 years is causing severe disruption to passengers this week, with the walkout of at least 40,000 members of the Rail, Maritime and Transport Workers (RMT) union. The year-long strike involved hardship and violence as pit communities from South Wales to Scotland fought to retain their local collieries - for many the only source of employment. A general election was held and she won the election with an increased majority of 144 seats in the House of Commons. Government affirms it will not interfere in any Coal Board settlement with miners. Scargill hoped to cause a coal shortage which would force the government to give in to their demands. Advertising Disclosure - To help meet costs, we run advertisements across our site, including affiliate links to 3rd party retailers. 1984. The government announced plans to close 23 coal mines across the country. A national ballot of NUM members saw strike action over the closures rejected. ", Cabinet Miners' Dispute. Ian MacGregor was appointed Head of the National Coal Board. Following the ruling that the strike was illegal, a trickle of miners began to return to work. 1947 Coal mining nationalised by Clement Atlees Labour government. What can you expect when pubs, bars and restaurants reopen? Miners from those pits that had not voted to strike now joined the strike action. The loan was granted on condition that the government made cuts to public spending. The occupants failed to comply with police instructions and were arrested and subsequently charged and released[20]. Chief constables are, as you know very sensitive about the impression, which the Opposition are attempting to foster, that they are taking political sides, and are indeed subject to Ministerial direction.". For Bob and 165,000 miners like him, it was a year marked by poverty and hardship - but they were sustained throughout by a tidal . It was a legal requirement for a national ballot to be held prior to strike action and, although many miners supported the strike, there were others who did not. 17. 1888 The National Union of Mineworkers (NUM) is established (and later affiliated with the Labour Party in 1909). If court orders following successful civil action were not complied with, enforcement could be difficult in itself and might actually increase the problems of the police in maintaining public order. [33], Throughout the dispute the Scottish police have maintained their low profile tactics deploying only the minimum number of officers to enable working miners to go to their place of work. Violence on the picket lines becomes more widespread. The LHASC holds the Martin Walker Papers which include press cuttings, supporters bulletins and newspapers charting the progress of the Miners' StrikeThe LHASC also holds the papers of Lesbians and Gays Support the Miners, 1984-1985 and there are also references to the strike in the Michael Foot Papers, the Hilary Wainwright Papers and the Eric Heffer Papers. 1979 Margaret Thatcher becomes Prime Minister. 12 March Arthur Scargill, president of NUM, unites various strikes into nationwide industrial action, without a ballot. But the point seems to be that chief officers in Scotland are not in a position to seek mutual aid from their counterparts in England or Wales (or vice versa). A coal strike in 1974 had brought down Ted Heath's Conservative government. Feb. 20 -- Miners reject peace plan by trades unionleaders and government. UK Miners Strike 1984 1985. Chancellor Winston Churchill presented his first Budget. Copyright 2022 United Press International, Inc. All Rights Reserved. They were dug out but Paul and Darren Holmes and Paul Womersley died before they reached hospital. The winter had been particularly harsh that year and most families were unable to afford heating as the NUM's funds had been seized by the government in October of '84 and miners were unable to claim state benefits because . July 31 -- South Wales miners assets seized and fined $55,000 for contempt of court over picketing. May 23 - First talks break down. 1974 A strike plays a major role in bringing down Edward Heaths government . 1985 scan made in 2018. Maltby Picket Violence Sep 26, 1984 . This was particularly felt in the coal industry where the higher rate of the pound increased the price of coal and led to a marked decline in exports. But the kindling for the strike was laid long before the National Coal Board and the National Union of Mineworkers (NUM) jointly lit the match that spring. 1992 Further closures were announced by John Major. Scargill Declares National Strike Jun 18, 1984. 1984 1 March National Coal Board (NCB) announces closure of Cortonwood pit in Yorkshire - miners at the pit walk out6 March In East Lothian many communities were affected. A general election was held. 1 March National Coal Board (NCB) announces closure of Cortonwood pit in Yorkshire - miners at the pit walk out; 6 March Scottish and Yorkshire areas of the NUM make strike official 1984 (6th March) Ian MacGregor announced that around 20 unprofitable coal mines would be closed over the coming year. Oct. 10 -- Union fined $200,000 for contempt of court. Please refer there for the rationale. The 1984 Summer Olympics, also known as the Games of the XXIII Olympiad, held in Los Angeles . Union leader Arthur Scargill walks out when officialsr refuse to discuss closure plans. A public opinion poll showed that while people were sympathetic to the miners plight, most did not support strike action. Although practice varies in light of particular circumstances, the police normally seek to allow a limited number of pickets up to the pit entrance to enable them to communicate with working miners. And, just so you know, wenevershare your email with anyone. We use cookies (sadly inedible) to improve how our site works. 132 pits shut. Thatcher was soon dubbed the Iron Lady due to her rigid stance against the unions and strikers. A widely reported clash during the Miners' Strike took place at Orgreavenear Rotherhamon June 181984. US President retweets video containing 'white power' chant, Leicester could see local lockdown following rise in coronavirus cases, Biden slams Trump over report Russia paid militants for attacks. Comment. Nothing I've read yet convinces me this is a good idea. Pit Closures Announced Mar 12, 1984. There was already a picket at Ravenscraig and the police stopped the bus and instructed the occupants not to proceed on the grounds that their presence at the steel works would be liable to cause a breach of the peace. Women Against Pit Closures held a protest march in London. July 2 -- Steel union leaders reject call for steel strike as 'completely unacceptable.'. July 9 -- National dock strike over movement of coal. June 18 -- Scargill knocked unconscious in Orgreave violence. - Ian McGregor referred to pickets as 'bully boys of arthurs army' - police lines augmented by soldiers, taunting strikers and waving wads of banknotes at pickets June 1984 - battle of Orgreave Nov 30 1084 - David Wilkie was driving a miner to work and had a 46lb concrete block dropped on his taxi killing him instantly July 5 -- Union, Coal Board officials meet for peace talks. Women involved attest to the transformative role of the organisation and . The free marketeers pointed to the 1970s as a decade of strikes and discontent, the 3 day week, a car . The police were brought in to allow workers through resulting in often violent confrontations between pickets and police. experience. Subscribe to our emails to be the first to hear about new shows and casting announcements. In the north, only 35% of 1,000 men employed went on strike [2]. Visit 'Set cookie preferences' to control specific cookies. Strikes began and NUM President, Arthur Scargill used flying pickets (miners from other areas to increase numbers on picket lines) to stop those who wanted to work (strike breakers or Scabs) from entering the pits. Police arrest 110. There were just 15 coal mines remaining. 19. Note by the Scottish Home and Health Department and the Crown Office."

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miners' strike 1984 timeline

miners' strike 1984 timeline

miners' strike 1984 timeline

miners' strike 1984 timeline